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Topic 1: Technical Drawing 2nd ESO B

Theory (5 Points, each question is worth 0.5):

1-Why is technical drawing important?

2-What is the size of a standard half sheet (14.8 cm X 21.0 cm)?

3-What is the name of the following tool?

4-Describe how you would make parallel lines

5-Cite at least two drawing tools.

6-Define Plan and Sketch.

7- What is standardization? Do you know any agency?

8- When designing a product, what happened do you consider most important, explain why?

9- Explain what you know from the cavalier perspective.

10- What does it mean to delimit a figure.

Problems (5 Points)

Scales: (1 Point)

The tower of Hercules in A Coruña, has a total height of 55 meters. If we want

to make a model of it at a scale of 1:110, how tall will the model be?

To what scale is this model built if the real train is 40 meters and the
model is 67 centimeters?

Order the following scales from highest to lowest. Which scales are
enlargement and which are reduction?

1:45 1:20 1:65 3:1 1:30 1:1 1:18 5:1

Pieces: Draw the piece (elevation, plan and profile) (2 Points)

DIMENSIONING: Dimension the next piece. ( 2 points)

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