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Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding practice

Licensing and publishing content created digitally

Please answer Yes or No for each of the scenarios:

Scenario 1
I have found an image on the internet and there is no reference to who owns it. Can I use it?
 Yes
 No
Go to feedback for Scenario 1

Scenario 2
I want to use an image in a promotional leaflet for special offers at the restaurant I work in. Its CC licence is
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0). Can I use it in this leaflet?

 Yes
 No
Go to feedback for scenario 2

Scenario 3
I am developing a presentation using a short clip of a video from YouTube. I want to adapt the video by adding
text to it and use it in my presentation. Can I do this for any video?
 Yes
 No
Go to feedback for scenario 3

Activity created for Blended Learning Essentials, funded by Ufi Charitable Trust. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License .
Feedback for scenario 1
Just because it doesn’t say who owns it does not mean it is free to use. The safest option is to go to an image
sharing website such as Flickr or Vimeo which will provide you with images that can be used in different
contexts. Alternatively, you can go to the Creative Commons website which has links to many websites with
usable images and the appropriate CC licence. You can also search on Google using the Advanced search
facility to filter by your intended usage.
Go to scenario 2

Feedback for scenario 2

Unfortunately you would not be able to use this image as the licence attached to it specifically states that it
cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Go to scenario 3

Feedback for scenario 3

You can search on YouTube by Creative Commons to find content you are able to use. You do this by putting
in your search terms and once you have your results, click on Filter on the right, and filter by Creative
Commons. It will return results for all types of Creative Commons licensed videos, so choose one that has the
appropriate licence for your intended usage, ie one that allows you to adapt the work. You may need to
relicense it if it has Share Alike terms.

Activity created for Blended Learning Essentials, funded by Ufi Charitable Trust. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License .

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