AI 22 Final Scripts

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22 19 Jun 22

Aryabhata Entrance to NKN.
(a) HOF ECE. Good Moming Sir, as you are aware this is Aryabhatta Block
which houses the ECE and BSH
Faculty along with training areas of
a total of 19
classrooms, 23 Faculty Labs and 6 Simulators along withSTT. We have
adopteda holistic Hybrid Model for impartingtraining
facilities here. The Faculty has Dec 22
training which comprises of both online and offline content. NKN Studio quality
the online efforts with visits and supports
facilities like Kannur KSEB subworkshops while
the onsite visits in ude nearby
Station etc. The NKN studio has also been
upgraded recently with high end data wall and better acoustics which would be
demonstrated to you. The case was initiated
during your time as Commandant. Dec 22

2. NKN ppts

(a) LtCdr Siranjeevi mctor


NKN Studio aap ke neerekshan ke liye taiyaar hai

Shrimaan. Dec 22

Good Morining Sir, I am Lt Cdr Siranjeevi, Oi/C NKN Studio. I have undertaken
MTech in Computer Science
from NIT Jaipur
NKN Studio a
facility developed and ixams

upgraded with state of art infrastructuremaintained

by Faculty of ECE has been
well as improved acoustics Digital Video Wall" as
and VC facilities. Now we will show a
demo Dec 2


(b) HoF ECE. The video can be fed with 04 different sources onto
as required by user. Additionally, the split screens
controller etc. has been upgraded existing infrastructure like AV mixer, Camera
and integrated with the new
processor and distributor along with Audio processor. The Video wall
rearranged and integrated with centralised control. A 5.1 cameras have also been
system has also been installed and integrated into the Sony surround sound
the acoustics. setup to further enhance

3. Mariners Bay.
(a) LtCdr Ajay Kumar Gupta.
Mariners Bay aap ke neerekshan ke liye taiyaar hai Shrimaan.
Good Morining Sir, I am Lt Cdr Ajay
MTech in Computer Science and Artiticial OvC Mariners Bay. I have undertaken
Intelligence from IIT Kharagpur

Deep learning being the future of many Al/ ML based solutions, the cadets are
encouraged to undertake projects based on same to get a hands on experience of
the technology. At present, cadets use Mariners Bay for A/ ML and robotics based
project work. The facility has been augmented with Al servers, 06 workstations
with advanced Al software programming stack. We are further enhancing the
hardware and software based on the interest generated to undertake more
computationally intensive projects by the Cadets. Procurement of four Artificial
Intelligence Simulators having advanced computational power and Workstations
for Deep Learning at Mariners Bay is in progress.

Some of the latest projects will now be demonstrated by the trainees.


Situational Awareness Monitoringand Analysis of Naval Ports t ased on

Deep Learning
Good Morning Sir,

am We are Major Project Syndicate of. INAC L. Our

Project is Situational Awareness Monitoring and Analysis of Naval Ports
based on Deep Learning. This is an automated system where periodic monitoring
of any Naval Defence port can be done with the help of satellite images. We can
seethat based on today morning images of Karachi Harbour the analysis has
been made as shown.
The system is capable of detecting mutiple warships from the single satellite ec

image as shown on the screen such as warships, aircraft carriers and submarines.
We can select any port and system automatically fetches the satellite image
stream from Google Earth server and does analysis as shown on the screen.
Further, the system is able to recognise the most common route for a specific ship
as well which is based on Regression Analysis.

Automatic Ship Classificationand Obiect Detection onboard Ships ec

using Machine Learmning

Good Morning Sir,

am We are Mini Project Syndicate ofINAC X1. Our Project

is Automatic Ship Classification and Object Detection onboard Ships using
Machine Learning. his projed is a followon project which was initiated when you
were Commandant Sir. The still images based project has been enhanced further
towork on live video stream. We have trained the system for identifying ships,
radars, guns, aircrafts, superstructure etc using Deep Learning. The accuracy of
the model is found to be 8270 approximately. Now we are going to give a demo sir.

ral Bowd 31 erm. Tm N9S G


Facial ldentity and Emotion Recognition (FlER) using Artificial Intelligence

is Facial
We are Major Project Syndicate of 103 INACL. Our Project
and Emotion
Recognition using Artificial Intelligence.
project is aimed to recognise the identity and psychological conditions of The
individuals under various states such as Happy, Fearful, Sad, Surprise, Disgust,
Anger, Neutral etc. The project is based on cutting edge technologies such as
Computer Vision, Supervised Machine Learning and Intelligent Agents. Now we
are going to
give a demo sir.
Mariners Bay to Telecommunication Lab.
(e HOF ECE. Sir, we have done many upgradations for our Trainees in the
Laos tor improving the hands on skill and practical appreciation of basic concepts
in Labs such as Power Systems Lab and certain additions are in pipe line for
Machines Lab also. At the same time an audit was conducted to analyse certain
already existing trainers which were being used extensively and where scope
eXISted for improving the trainee to trainer ratio. This Trainer equipment are also
Deing augmented. Additionally, advanced kits National Instruments make Data
ACquisition Systems have also been procured along with LABVIEW software to
enable real time data capture and signal processing. Practical's for these kits have
already been incorporated in the curriculum and trainees have started utilizing
them in their projects also, as would be demonstrated to you. We are also
emphasizing on naval application and accordingly the Rubrics for Assignments
have been modified for
having a larger application based component. Even the
projects as you would see are primarily focused on Naval Applications.
We will now be moving towards Telecommunication Lab.
5. Telecommunication Lab

(a) Lt Cdr Kulbir Kaur.

Telecommunication lab aap ke neerekshan ke live taiyaar hai Shrimaan.
Good Morning Sir, I am Lt Cdr Kulbir Kaur, Oi/C
undertaken MTech in Communication Systems from IT Chennai. Telecommunication Lab. I have

The telecommunication lab is used for performing practical for

communication like analogue and digital communication, subjects related to
Fibre optic
Communication and signal processing. The lab has state of the art trainer kits such
as Software defined radio, satellite communication
kit, optical time domain
reflectometer kit, antenna trainer. This lab Is used by cadets of term IV, V and VIl
as well for projects by VIl and
Vill termers. The trainees using the practical
exoosure gained at the Lab have been successfully able to develop
projects on SDR. They have also Deen able to operational
fabricate complex antennas

NOC (Exty Out going routuney


PCB Lab and develop

prototype like micro strip antennas in house in our own

working communication system projects.

Sir, for demonstration we have:-

SDR based ADS-B

Good morning sir I am The project made by our syndicate as

of With the practical

part of Minor project under the guidance our syndicate has
Knowledge that we have gained during our practical classes, It is a low cost
developed a SDR based ADS-B as part of our major project.
for ADS B signals
portable Surveillance system. Here, we are particularly looking information to
which are of 1090Mhz which aircraft's use to communicate position
Here can see the demo of our project
the ground as well as between aircrafts. you
the received information
The project is completely developed in house, and
time maps to the user. This has
can directly be plotted onto google maps for real touch screen panel. We have
Deen made completely portable by using
compatible aircrafts recorded
undertaken surveillance of commercial
correlated the
data for last week as show (on Laptop) and have also
Tne Tight
details from open source.

Micro Strip Patch Antennabased Hi-Speed Video Transmission

Good Morning Sir, l am This is the project made by
Course under my guidance. In this project the syndicate has designed various
antennas using HFSS software and fabricated the antennas in-house. This is the
sending station which consists of a camera and transmitting antenna which will
transmit the video to the receiving station. As u may see sir these are various
antennas designed by the syndicate which have replaced the existing antenna
used for FPV. The advantage ofthe newly designed antenna is rangeand size.

Autonomous Unmanned Vessel for Shorepatrolling and Realtime Threat

Detection based on Artificial Intelligence'

Good morning sir l am The project made by our syndicate as

the guidance of
part of Minor project under The vessel being
developed as a Minor Project presentily will be able to operate under two modes
manual and autonomous. Manual mode will be controlled by ground station
operator and autonomous mode will be operated by Artificial Intelligence based
decision making platform using Lidar, Terrain Mapping, GPS feed, image
processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Agents.
The boat prototype has undergone successful trials in Kawayi Backwater as can
be seen in the video.PLAY VIDEO ON LAPTOP. The future scope next term
as a Major project is implementation oT Artificial Intelligence based decision making
and threat detection.

INAC. Noc (Reg), Term VA U


We would also like to indicate that the Microstrip Antenna based communication
system demonstrated to you earlier would be integrated to this project for data

5. Telecommunication Lab Hard Patch. Demo of projects:

Surveillance Drone Swarm

Good morning sir I am The project made by our syndicate as part of
Minor project under the guidance of Asst. Prof Dhanya R. Our project is a surveillance
drone swarm. In this project, we have developed a master drone for surveillance,which is
capable of transmitting GPS location to ground station and slave drones which fly to that
location via telemetry communication. The heart of the project is Pixhawk Flight Controller
Board, which is configured by using Mission planner software. Before starting we have
configured and calibrated all the sensors like gyro, accelerometer and barometer. Ihe
flight controller communicates with the operator via telemetry. The ground station unit is
used by the operator to communicate with the master drone and to receive and send
information to slave drones. First step has been completed by making the master drone
and remaining part will be executed in the next term as part of major project. NowI Will
give you a demo sir.

Good morning sir I am The project made by our syndicate as part of
Minor project under the guidance of, This is the project made by 101 INAC L
course under my guidance. In our Project is Patrol Reconnaissance and Humanitarian
Assistance Robotic Interface (PRAHARI). This is an autonomous robot mounted with a
camera. This can construct or updates a map of an unknown environment by keeping track
of its own location. The heart of the project is NVIDIA Jetson Nano. This processor is
loaded with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Algorithm (SLAM) and Collision
Avoidance Algorithm for mapping the area and avoiding obstacles. Now I will give u a
Demo sir.

Land Terreain Rocker EBogie Robot (Willbe removed iftime exceeds

Good morning sir I am The project made by our
syndicate as part of
Major project under the guidance This project aims to design and
implement a land terrain robot which work in both indoor and outdoor environments. It
would be able to move efortlessly in indoor areas with smooth surfaces like tiled
pavements and also in outdoor areas on roads and dry ground. This robot shall be able
to overcome obstacles like small rocks, brickKs and stair like structures. The project can
be upgraded with autonomous navigation capability. You can see the demo sir.

Fool INAC, NOC (Reg), Term INA

Volleyball (05/06) S loreign cadets commences

Sports Activities Out Bound Activities Examinations SmallAr ms Firing

We would also like to indicate that the
Microstrip Antenna based
system demonstrated to you earlier would be integrated to this communication
transfer. project for data

6 Telecommunication Lab Hard Patch. Demo of projects:-

Surveillance Drone Swarm'
Good morning sir I am
Minor project
under the guidance of Asst.The project made by our syndicate as part of
Prof Dhanya R. Our project is a surveillance
drone swarm. In this project, we have developed a master drone for surveillance, which is
capable of transmitting GPS location to ground station and slave drones which fly to that
location via telemetry communication.
The heart of the project is Pixhawk Flight Controller
Board, which is configured by usingMission planner software. Before starting we have
contigured and calibrated all the sensors like gyro, accelerometer and barometer. Ihe
flight controller communicates with the operator via telemetry. The ground station unit is
used by the operator to communicate with the master drone and to receive and send
information to slave drones. First
step has been completed
by making the master drone
and remaining part will be executed in the next term as part of major project. NoW I Iill
give you a demo si.

Good morning sir I am The project made by our syndicate as part of
Minor project under the guidance of This is the project made by 101 INAC L
course under my guidance. In our Project is Patrol Reconnaissance and Humanitarian
Assistance Robotic Interface (PRAHARI). This is an autonomous robot mounted with a
camera. This can construct or updates a map of an unknown environment by keeping track
of its own location. The heart of the project is NVIDIA Jetson Nano. This processor is
loaded with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Algorithm (SLAM) and Collision
Avoidance Algorithm for mapping the area and avoiding obstacles. Now I will give u a
Demo sir.

Land Terrein RockerBogie Robotfwill be removediftime exceeds)

Good morning sir I am The project made by our syndicate as part of

Majorproject under the guidance of This project aims to design and

implement aland terrain robot which work in both indoor and outdoor environments. It
would be able to move effortlessly in indoor areas with smooth surfaces like tiled
pavements and also in outdoor areas on roads and dry ground. This robot shall be able
to overcome obstacles like small rocks., bricks and stair like structures. The project can
be upgraded with autonomous navigation capability. You can see the demo si

INAC. NOC (Reg), II Term INA Ba

O u t gging routine

HoF(ECE) Sir, you can also see a project on 'Solar Panel Powered Weather Monitoring
System' down below (on the lower side of hard patch) and the weather data is updated on
my mobile using loT (HOF shows live data feed on mobile).

Additionally, we also have projects on 'Density based Automated Traffic Signal Control
etc as shown (glance through).
Instrumentation Lab.
(a) Lt Cdr Yogesh Lahane

Instrumentationlab aap ke neerekshan ke liye taiyaar hai Shrimaan.

Good Morning Sir, I am Lt Cdr Yogesh Lahane, O/C Instrumentation Lab. I have
undertaken MTech in Electronics and VLSI from lIT Mumbai.

All lab experiments pertaining to Instrumentation subject, Electronic Design

Workshop and Mini Project for Both Executive and Electrical Branch Trainees are
carried out in this Lab.

In addition to the latest training kits, the lab has also procured the National
instruments MyDAQ (data acquisition card) along with the signal processing
Software LabVIEW. It stands for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering
Workbench and is a graphical processing and programming environment which has
become prevalent throughout research labs, academia and industry. LabVIEW
along with myDAQ allows trainees to measure and analyze real-time signals without
requirement of additional interfacing devices or complex communication protocols.

Acquisition & processing of real time signals, and control of simple machines will
be demonstrated by Mr. Srinivas Rao, Lab demonstrator.

Demo by Lab Staff on Experiment

The lab staff have undertaken in-house development of Analog to Digital and Digital
to Analog trainer kit. Generally, all rainer kits are hardware based and hardened
for a particular experiment. Purpose of the in-house developed kit is to provide
versatile approach to the experiments performed by trainees. The kit was designed
by Ms. Chinchu Grace, Asst. Prof. Ad-hoc) along with the lab staff Chargeman
Asokan Ambali (Lab in-charge) and Ms. Dilsha (Lab Demo). The kit has been
designed from the scrap and idle components from old non-operational projects.

Demo by Lab Staff on Kit

Now we will be demonstrating few projects by trainees.

Robotie Arm ControlDevice'

M a y dIlg P i l H f i ) u-1/LRS
Good Morning Sir, I am
This is the project made by course
under my guidance. In our
a pick and
Project we have developed a robotic arm which controls
place robot which is controlled with the help of hand
see sir gestures. As u may
The heart of the project Arduino which is
accelerometer sensors. integrated with

Laser Based Underwater Communication'

Good Morning Sir, I am_ This is the project made by. cOurse
under my guidance. In this project the syndicate has developed LASER based
underwater communication system. Here, the use of recently acquired NI DAQ and
Labview has been undertaken for processing and decoding the signal at the
receiver end.
Presently, an audio file is being transmitted through water using Laser and the
receiver end NI DAQ is used for
real time signal capture and Labview for efficient
processing. This project will further be extended next term as a mini project for
further extending the data rate enabling transfer of video files.

We also have some Mini

Projects (corridor of Instrumentation Lab) -

Sir, Iwould now take your permission to hand
of STT (at start of Radar Lab over to PD (Training) for rounds


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