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Philippe Allifor C.




5th Regional Health Research Conference

On November 17, 2022, Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology

hosted the 5th Regional Health Research Conference. This research conference was a one-day

event and held at MSU-IIT PRISM lecture hall. I, together with my blockmates, witnessed the

five researchers who presented their 3-minute pitch in the afternoon. Three of the researchers

were from Bukidnon State University and two of them were from our very own university.

The first research presented was entitled, “Aaptamine From the Philippine Sponge

Stylissa sp. Shows Therapeutic Potential for Noncommunicable Disease” by Ma’am Harmie L.

Basalo (MSU-IIT). The second research was “COVID-19 Pandemic: Centrality & Modularity” by

Ma’am Brenda G. Caballero (BSU). The third research presentation was “Ti02-pillared

magadiite and its arsenic adsorption capacity” by Ma’am Sarah Louise S. Atulba (BSU). The

fourth research was about “Quantifying Aboveground and Belowground Carbon in the Naturally

Grown and Reforested Mangrove Forests in Panguil Bay, Mindanao, Philippines: a Basis for

Climate Change Action” by Ma’am Psyche Karren Ann O. Jondonero (BSU). And last pitch was
“S2YMPRE: Strengthening & Sustaining Young M’ranaos Peace-building Resiliency Efforts” by

our very own from the College of Nursing, Dr. Neil M. Martin. Among all the researches, the

research of Dr. Neil Martin caught my attention because of its uniqueness. This research was

about the life and struggles of our Muslim brothers and sisters from the siege way back 2017 to

COVID-19 Pandemic. Also, in this study we can learn the interventions on how we can help in a

small way our Muslim brothers and sisters to improve their lives.

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