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Social Case Work is a method employed by a social worker to help individual, find asolution of their problem of social adjustment which they are unable to handle in a satisfactory way by their own effort. Objectives of Social Case Work
To make good rapport with the common people To find-out, understand & solve the internal problems of an individual To strengthen ones ego power To prevent problem To develop internal resources

Nature & Characteristics of Case Work

Relationship arise out of shared & emotionally charged situation Relationship contains elements of acceptance, expectation, support & stimulation Client & case worker are interdependent Case work relationship may have several therapeutic values Improvement of condition More adjustment within the society Development of personality Capacity building Relationship needs outside help Case worker too has relationship reactions and part of and part of ones professional skillsin their management

Components/elements of case work: Purpose & concern for the client system
A purpose to find-out internal problems & try to solve it and a concern to make goodrapport, feel ones feelings and aims at individualized service

Expectation at three level

-Expectation of the case worker from the client, how the case worker feels about theclients ability & what extend client support anybody-Expectation of the client from the Case worker-Positive result in the period of interaction

Accuracy of Empathy and clear communication

- Think positively in others point of view- What extent you are sympatheticAbility to perceive & communicate accurately & feel- Case worker should be sensitive to express feelings towards client by voice, posture andgood communication

Non Possessive warmth

Give respect, acceptance,liking, caring and concernfor the client in a nondominating way.

Genuineness andacceptanAce
Case worker mist bepractical in nature. He must

S.Rengasamy. Social Case Work 11

Solving problems byDrawing inner strength

Case Work Principles and Techniques of Casework
The foundation of the practice of casework is a conceptualframework consisting of certain values or philosophicalassumptions. The most basic value is that of the worth anddignity of every human being. The next is thecommitment to the goal of human betterment, in terms of both material and emotional wellbeing. Then, there is thevalue related to the development of human potential to thehighest level possible. Since each individual is consideredto be important, there is the corollary of the need for everyperson to participate fully in the direction of his own life.These value orientations are the result of philosophicthought over years of human existence and are to bedifferentiated from scientific theories which can be tested andproved. Nevertheless, belief in these values is a necessarypre-requisite in order that casework may be effective. There is another set of commitmentsemerging from these philosophical assumptions and the idea of individualised help. Theyare concepts of acceptance, non-condemning attitudes, confidentiality and controlledemotional involvement. Though these concepts originally developed from the valuesmentioned earlier, they were reinforced later by the experience of social workers with theresult that they subsequently became casework principles or rules of action. Closely linkedwith these values and principles is the postulate that human behaviour can change. Humanhistory indicates that sages, philosophers, priests and teachers, since times immemorial,had tried to explain human behaviour and to change it. They were only partiallysuccessful. It will be presumptuous to think that by application of behavioural sciencesone can change human behaviour easily. One has to be rather modest as regards one's expectations be a person of genuineness being real, honest in their approach and never go beyondher/his limit.

Case worker must have a capacity to handle any situation, being resourceful and helpfulHaving knowledge, attitude, experience and a position to identify and solve internalproblem of client

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