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Which is the most important celebration

in the Orthodox Church?

Easter is the most important religious holiday in the Christian

liturgical year. Christians believe that Jesus was resurrected three days
after his crucifixion. Many Christian denominations celebrate his
resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday (also called Resurrection
Day or Resurrection Sunday), two days after Good Friday. Any other
religious holiday in the Orthodox calendar, including Christmas, is less
important than the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. This
is reflected in rich Easter customs in countries with an Orthodox
Christian majority.
The Resurrection of the Lord, also called the feast of Easter, that is,
the day when evil and cunning will be put aside, putting on the garment
of truth and joy, is the oldest celebration of Christianity. It is the
celebration that brought humanity the hope of salvation and eternal life,
through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of the Lord is
celebrated on Sunday by both Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants, the
last time they celebrated the Resurrection together on April.

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