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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1

dated 04-08-2008 which is valid up to 30-06-2011.


M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited is an existing plant operating 2 x 100 TPD Sponge Iron plant in Taraimal Village, Ghargoda Tehsil, Raigarh District, Chhattisgarh. The existing plant is having valid Consent to Operate issued by Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board vide order Nos 4496/TS/CECB/2008 & 4498/TS/CECB/2008

Now as a part of proposed expansion it has been proposed to enhance the production of Sponge Iron and also to go forward integration to produce Billets and Structural steels. The existing and proposed production capacities are furnished below
Sr. No Units Existing production capacity (TPA) Proposed production capacity (TPA) Total (TPA)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sponge I ro n Induction Furnace with Concast Rolling Mill Ferro alloys Power Plant WHRB FBC Total

60,000 -----------

1,20,000 1,62,000 1,05,000 25,000 12 36 48

1,80,000 1,62,000 1,05,000 25,000 12 36 48

The proposed expansion will be taken up in the existing plant premises only.


As per the Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi notification, dated 14th September, 2006 Sponge Iron plant of 200 TPD and above capacity is classified under Category A. Hence Form I along with proposed draft TOR for REIA study & Pre PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 1-1 Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1

Feasibility report have been submitted to the Ministry Of Environment & Forests and presentation was made before the Honourable Expert Appraisal Committee of the MoEF on 13th May, 2008 for the approval of TOR for REIA study. This Draft REIA report has been prepared incorporating all TORs issued by the Ministry vide letter No. J11011/313/2008-IA II (I) dated 6th June 2008. This report furnishes the details of location of Site, Description of the project, prevailing baseline status w.r.t Air Environment, Water Environment, Noise Environment; land Environment, Flora & Fauna and Socio-economic environment. This report also helps in identification of environmental impacts and suggesting mitigation measures to be followed during Construction and Operation of the expansion project as a part of Environmental Management Plan. This report also acts as guidance manual for the proponent for following the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and for adopting post project Environmental Monitoring Program as per statutory norms. 1.2 IDENTIFICATION OF PROJECT & PROJECT PROPONENT M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited is a registered company established in the year of 2000 The following are the Board of directors of the company. 1. Shri. Parmanand Agarwal, Managing Director 2. Shri. Ashish Agarwal, Director The turnover of the company is presently Rs. 58.00 Crores approximately. Now it has been proposed to enhance the produc tion capacity of existing Sponge Iron, forward integration i.e. to produce Billets and structural steel, produce Ferro alloys generate 48 MW Electricity using wastes generated from DRI Kiln (WHRB based) & Char/ Dolochar/ Coal (FBC based). Expansion project will be taken up in the existing plant premises only (admeasuring about 90 acres).

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1


The proposed expansion project involves production of Sponge Iron, Billets, Structural steels, Ferro alloys and generation of 48 MW electricity.


M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited has proposed to go for expansion in the existing Plant premises. The existing and proposed expansion details are furnished below
S.No Units Existing production capacity (TPA) Proposed production capacity (TPA) Total (TPA)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Sponge I ro n Induction Furnace with Concast Rolling Mill Ferro alloys Power Plant WHRB FBC Total

60,000 -----------

1,20,000 1,62,000 1,05,000 25,000 12 36 48

1,80,000 1,62,000 1,05,000 25,000 12 36 48

The capital investment of the expansion project is Rs. 329.95 Crores.


M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited is an existing plant operating 2 x 100 TPD Sponge Iron Plant in Taraimal Village, Ghargoda Tehsil, Raigarh District. The following factors have been considered for selection of site for the existing plant. a. Availability of suitable and adequate facilities. b. Availability of water. c. Availability of raw materials. d. Availability of man power. e. Availability of infrastructural facilities f. Suitability of land from geological and topographical aspects. g. The following Environmental aspects

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1

No National Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries, Bird sanctuaries within 10 Km. radius of the plant. (TOR # 1) No Historical places of tourist importance within 10 Km. radius of the site. Based on the above guidelines the existing plant premises have been chosen for proposed expansion. The existing plant is having a valid Consent to operate issued by CECB. The existing plant is in accordance with MOEF norms. The proposed expansion will be taken up in the existing plant premises only. Total land available for existing and expansion project is 90 acres. Hence the area earmarked for expansion will also be in accordance with MOEF norms. The topographical map showing the location of the plant is shown in Fig. 1.1.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1



PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1


Steel Production in India India is one of the few countries where the steel industry is poised for rapid growth. India's share in world production of crude steel increased from 1.5% in 1981 to around 3.5 % in 2004. While plant closures and privatization are rare in India, the private sector is considered to be the engine of growth in the steel industry and technological changes and modernization are taking place in both the public and the private sector integrated steel plants in India. Steel production of India accounted for 14.33 million tons in 199091, which gradually increased to 36.12 million tones in 2003-04, as shown in Table below. The Ind ian steel industry got a giant importance in the recent past when the Tata Steel purchased the Corus steel. Today India plays a significant role in the production of steel in the world. The Indian steel industry is growing at 8.74 % of CAGR. Production of steel in India (In Million Tonnes) Year 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Main Producers 7.96 8.41 8.77 9.57 10.59 10.54 10.44 9.91 9.37 9.7 11.46 14.39 15.12 Secondary Producers 6.37 6.79 6.43 8.25 10.81 12.18 12.93 13.91 16.29 17.26 18.98 19.29 21 Grand Total 14.33 15.2 15.2 17.82 21.4 22.72 23.37 23.82 25.66 26.96 30.44 33.68 36.12

Annual Compound Growth Rate = 8.74%

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 1

In the light of the above scenario, M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited has proposed to enhance the existing production capacity of Sponge, produce Billets, Structural steels, Ferro alloys and to generate Electricity. The proposed expansion will be taken- up in the existing plant premises.


The scope of work includes a detailed characterization of the environment in an area of 10 km. radius of the plant for various environmental parameters like air, water, noise, land, biological and social-economic aspects. This report is prepared in accordance with the TOR issued by the Ministry vide letter No. J-11011/313/2008-IA II (I) dated 6th June 2008.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2



Steel consists mostly iron, with a carbon content between 0.02% and 1.7 or 2.04% by weight (C : 100010, 8.67 Fe), depending on grade. Carbon is the most cost-effective alloying material for iron, but various other alloying elements are used such as manganese and tungsten. Carbon and other elements act as a hardening agent, preventing dislocations in the iron atom crystal lattice from sliding past one another. Varying the amount of alloying elements and form of their presence in the steel (solute elements, precipitated phase) controls qualities such as the hardness, ductility, and tensile strength of the resulting steel. Steel with increased carbon content can be made harder and stronger than iron, but is also more brittle. The maximum solubility of carbon in iron (in austenite region) is 2.14% by weight, occurring at 1149 C; higher concentrations of carbon or lower temperatures will produce cementite. Alloys with higher carbon content than this are known as cast iron because of their lower melting point. Steel is also to be distinguished from wrought iron containing only a very small amount of other elements, but containing 1-3% by weight of slag in the form of particles elongated in one direction, giving the iron a characteristic grain.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2



Driven by buoyant steel- intensive economic activity including construction and infrastructure building in many developing economies, global apparent consumption of steel has increased at an ave rage pace of more than 7 percent per annum since 2002 to reach a record level of 1.113 billion tonnes last year. To meet this rise in demand, steel production growth has accelerated sharply, reaching 1.24 billion tonnes in 2006, up by as much as 393 million tonnes (or 46%) compared to its level of 850 million tonnes in 2001. This growth in demand for steel is creating a favourable situation for many steelmakers. India's rapid economic growth is being built on a frame of steel. Soaring demand by sectors like infrastructure, real estate and automobiles, at home and abroad, has put India's steel industry on the world map. Growth potential: The per capita steel consumption in India is abysmally low at around 30 kgs as compared to 210 kgs of China and over 400 kgs in the developed countries. This wide gap in relative steel consumption indicates that the potential ahead for India to raise its steel consumption is high. Continued demand: Meteoric rise in steel prices since 2003 until early 2005 helped the domestic steel companies immensely as many of them managed to reduce their debt burden considerably, helping them either turn into profits or increase the same significantly. Going forward, the demand for the metal is likely to sustain on the back of continuing demand from the US and other South East Asian nations.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

Domestic help: A robust housing and infrastructure sector, with growth potential in the auto and the consumer durables sectors is likely to be a big positive for the domestic steel sector.


M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited is an existing plant operating 2 x 100 TPD sponge iron plant at Taraimal Village, Gharghoda Tehsil, Raigarh District, Chhattisgarh. The existing plant is having valid Consent For Operation from CECB which is valid up to 30-06-2011. Now as a part of the proposed expansion company has proposed to Enhance the production of Sponge Iron Produce Billets, Structural Steels, Ferro alloys and Generate Electricity of 48 MW in the existing Plant premises.

The site is well in accordance with the guidelines issued by MOEF. The following are the salient features of the site proposed. Nearest habitation is at a distance of about 2.5 Km. The existing land is industrial. There are no National Parks, Wild life Sanctuaries and Bird Sanctuaries within 10 Km radius. (TOR # 1); however the following are the Reserved forests exist in the vicinity:
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. Name of Reserved Forest Taraimal RF Rabo RF Urdana RF Distance from Site 0.6 KM 8.5 KM 5.25 KM Direction N W SW

Topography of the land is more or less flat without many undulations.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 2-3 Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

No clearance of vegetation is required thus there will not be any Soil erosion No habitations with in the site. Hence rehabilitation & resettlement are not involved. No forest land is involved in the existing plant. The following industries are situated with in 25 Km. radius.(TOR # 4)
Sr. No. 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. NAME OF THE INDUSTRY M/s. Nalwa Sponge Iron Ltd M/s. Ind Agro Limited M/s. MSP Steels Pvt. Ltd M/s. Singhal Enterprises pvt. Ltd. M/s. Seleno Steels Ltd. M/s. Ambica Sponge Iron ltd. M/s. Shyam Steel Pvt Ltd. M/s. Anjani Steels (P) Ltd. M/s. Navadurga Fuels(P) Ltd. M/s. Salasar Sponge Iron & Power Ltd. M/s. Raigarh Ispat Ltd. M/s. B.S. Sponge Pvt Ltd. (Applicant) M/s. Raigarh Iron Industries Ltd. M/s. Scania Steel Pvt Ltd. M/s. Jindal Industrial Park. M/s Jindal Steel Plant, Raigarh TYPE Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant Steel Plant

Total land available for existing and expansion is 90 acres. The following is the land use statement LAND USE STATEMENT
Existing Area in acres Expansion Total

Built up area Internal roads Storage yard Greenbelt Open area Total land

1.5 1.0 1.2 10.00 13.7

5.0 3.0 15.0 20.0 33.3 73.3

6.5 4.0 16.2 30.0 33.3 90.00

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant 2.4 SIZE / MAGNITUDE OF OPERATION

Chapter 2

The details of the existing and proposed production capacities are furnished below
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Existing production capacity (TPA)

Proposed production capacity (TPA)

Total (TPA)

Sponge I ro n Induction Furnace with Concast Rolling Mill Ferro alloys Power WHRB Plant FBC Total

60,000 -----------

1,20,000 1,62,000 1,05,000 25,000 12 36 48

1,80,000 1,62,000 1,05,000 25,000 12 36 48

The plant will be operated for a maximum of 300 days in a year. The total capital investment of the proposed expansion project is 329.95 Crores. The proposed expansion project will be implemented in 18 months from the date of issue of Environmental Clearance.

# 5)

The following will be the raw material requirement for existing and proposed expansion project are furnis hed below
NMDC, Chhattisgarh, Barbil, Orissa



Iron Ore


1,92,000 1,56,000 4,800 1,41,750 810 1,67,400 82,500 44,500 13,200 13,200

2,88,000 2,34,000 7,200 1,41,750 810 1,67,400 82,500 44,500 13,200 13,200

--Covered trucks --Covered trucks Covered trucks Covered trucks

2 Coal (DRI) 78,000 3 Dolomite 2,400 4. Scrap --5 Ferro Alloys --6 Coal (Power) --FERRO ALLOYS PLANT 9 Manganese Ore --10 Coke/Coal --11 Dolomite --12 Quartz --PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

SECL Local Local Local SECL Orissa SECL Local Local

Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2



Major raw materials will be stored in covered sheds. SIZES OF SHEDS (Existing) IRON ORE COAL 60M X 20M X 8M 60M X 20M X 8M

SIZES OF SHEDS (Proposed Expansion) IRON ORE COAL (60M X 20M X 8M) x 2 (60M X 20M X 8M) x 2

Transportation of raw materials

All the trucks required for transportation of raw materials will be covered. Pucca road exist up to the site. The existing road is capable of absorbing this additional truck movement. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on air environment due to the

transportation of raw materials. 2.5.4 MATERIAL BALANCE EXISTING PLANT The following is the material balance for the existing plant SPONGE IRON (60,000TPA) INPUTS S. No. Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iron Ore Coal Lime stone Quantity (TPD) 96000 78000 2400 OUTPUTS Item Sponge Iron Char/Dolochar Gases Ash / Dust Wet Scraper sludge Accretion slag Total Gases Electricity (WHRB) Quantity (TPD) 60000 18000 77100 18000 2760 540 1,76,400 77100 2 X 2 = 4 MW

Total Gases *

1,76,400 77100

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

In the proposed expansion these gases w ill be utilized for power generation through WHRB Boiler EXPANSION PROJECT The following is the material balance for the proposed expansion project. SPONGE IRON (1,20,000 TPA) INPUTS S. No. Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iron Ore Coal Lime stone Quantity (TPA) 192000 156000 4800 OUTPUTS Item Sponge Iron Char/Dolochar Gases Ash / Dust Wet Scraper sludge Accretion slag Total Gases Electricity (WHRB) Quantity (TPA) 120000 36000 154200 36000 5520 1080 352800 154200 4 X 2 = 8 MW

Total Gases

352800 154200

SMS (Billets: 1,62,000 TPA) S. No. 1 2 3 INPUTS Item DRI Scrap, Mill end cuttings Ferro Alloys Total ROLLING MILL (1,05,000 TPA) S. No. 1 INPUTS Item Quantity (TPA) Ingots/ Billets 108150 Item TMT Bars Mill scales Gases Total OUTPUTS Quantity (TPA) 105000 2625 525 108150 Quantity (TPA) 141750 44550 810 187110 OUTPUTS Item Quantity (TPA) Billets 162000 Slag 16200 Gases including 8910 dust Total 187110



PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

POWER PLANT (36 MW AFBC Based Power Plant) S. No. 1 2 INPUTS Item Dolochar Coal Total Quantity (TPA) OUTPUTS Item Quantity (TPA) 93960 127440 221400

54000 Ash 167400 Gases 221400 Total

2.5.5 MANUFACTURING PROCESS (TOR # 6) DRI KLIN: Major plant facilities The major plant facilities for the sponge iron plant envisaged are as follows: Day bins Rotary kiln and cooler Off gas system Product processing and product storage. Day bins There shall be a day bin building to cater to raw material requirement of the kiln. The day bin building will comprise of six bins, one for iron ore, two for feed coal, one for limestone/dolomite and two bins for injection coal. These bins will generally have

storage of about one day's requirement of screened iron ore feed (5-20 mm), feed coal (612 mm, 12 25 mm), limestone/dolomite (1-4 mm) and inj ection coal (3-6 mm. 612mm). Weigh feeders will be provided to draw the required quantity of various materials in proportion from the bins and the same will be conveyed to the kiln feed end and discharge end. Rotary kiln and cooler The rotary kiln of 3.0 m dia. and 42 m length will be provided for reduction of iron ore into sponge iron using non-coking coal as reductant. The kiln will be lined with abrasion

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

resistant refractory castables throughout its length with damps at feed end and discharge end. The rotary kiln will be supported on four piers. A slope of about 2.5% shall be maintained. Then main drive of the kiln will be by two DC motors with thyristor control. The speed of the kiln can be varied depending upon the operating conditions. The speed of the kiln will be in the range of 0.25-0.75 rpm. The auxiliary drive of the kiln will be by two AC motors. The other main components of the kiln will be as given below: Feed end and discharge end transition housing of welded steel construction with refractory lining including feed chute. Pneumatic cylinder actuated labyrinth air seal complete with auto lubricating system at feed end and discharge end. On board equipment like fans, manifolds, ports, slip ring, instrumentation etc. Cooling fans at feed end and discharge end. Feed end double pendulum valve & dust valves.

The kiln feed from the charging end will consist of sized iron ore (5-20mm), non-coking coal (6-25 mm) and limestone/dolomite (1-4mm). Air will be supplied to the kiln through shell mounted air fans. A part of the required coal (3-6mm, 6-12mm) shall be thrown from kiln discharge end. The slinger coal will be withdrawn from the respective bins in suitable proportion and pneumatically injected into the kiln. Necessary rotary feeder, compressor, piping and valves will be provided. In the kiln, the iron ore will be dried and heated to the reduction temperature of 1000 1050C. The iron oxide of the ore will be reduced to metallic iron by carbon monoxide

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

generated in the kiln from coal. The heat required for the reduction process will also be supplied by the combustion of coal. Thermocouples will be installed along the length of the kiln shell for measurement of thermal profile of the kiln. The temperature will be controlled by regulating the amount of combustion air admitted into the kiln through no. of ports with the help of fans mounted on the kiln shell and by controlled coal slinging. The DC main drives provided to rotate the kiln will have variable speed. Auxiliary drive is provided for slow rotation. The reduced material from the kiln will be cooled indirectly in a rotary cooler by an external water spray. The kiln will be provided with one rotary cooler. The rotary cooler will be of 2.3 m dia. And 22 m length and will be supported on two piers with a slope of about 2.5 %. The main drive and the auxiliary drive of the cooler will be by one no. separate AC motor. The speed of the drive will be about 1 rpm. The cooler will be provided with one plain riding ring and one thrust riding ring and will be provided with two sets of support rollers at two piers and one set of hydraulic thrust rollers with antifriction bearings. About 1 m end portion of the cooler acts as a screening section, which separates all the accretions larger than 50 mm from the reduced material. These lumps will be discharged separately via Lump gate. discharged on to the conveyor via double pendulum valve. The other main components of the cooler will be the following. Feed end housing (part of reactor to cooler transition) of welded steel construction with refractory lining. Cooler discharge end housing of welded steel construction. Rest of the material will be

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

Pneumatic cylinder acuted labyrinth air seal complete with auto lubricating system at feed end and discharge end.

The cooler will be lined with refractory castable for about 4.0m length from the feed end. Bypass arrangement will be provided at the discharge end of the cooler for emergency discharge of materials. The cooled product will be conveyed to the product processing building by a system of belt conveyors. The cooling water will be collected in the trough below the cooler and sent to the cooling tower for cooling. The cooled water will be re-circulated. Closed circuit cooling system will be followed in the plant. The rotating parts of the kiln and cooler will be sealed suitably against the stationary parts at the connecting points to avoid leakage of dust laden gases. Off gas system The kiln shall have its separate off gas circuit. Hot waste gases leave the rotary kiln at about 950 1000C through kiln feed end housing, dust settling chamber and come to an After Burning Chamber (ABC), where combustibles are burnt completely by supplying excess air. The gases at about 900 950C will then be led to a Waste heat recovery Boiler. After heat recovery the gases will pass through an Electro-static precipitators (ESPs) before letting them out into the atmosphere through ID fan and a combined stack of 60 m height( with twin fuels). Product processing and storage There shall be one product processing unit for handling the cooler discharge. The

product containing sponge iron, char and spent lime, from the cooler discharge end will be discharged to a set of conveyors and sent to the product processing building. The kilncooler system shall have a separate surge bin of approx. 800 Tons. Product from surge

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

bin can be withdrawn through vibrating feeder and fed to the product processing building by conveyor. In the product processing building, the product will first be screened in a double deck screen having 3mm and 20mm screens. +20mm material shall be dumped as rejects. The screened product i.e., +3-20 mm and -3 mm fraction shall separately be sent to the product storage separation. Sponge iron lump (3-20 mm) shall be sent to the product storage building for storing in two no. of bunkers where three days storage has been proposed. The sponge iron fines (-3 mm) will be stored in the fines bunker in the product processing building itself where one day storage capacity will be provided. The sponge iron lump & sponge iron fines will be further conveyed from the respective bunkers by truck. The char/non-magnetic shall be stored in separate bins. Char will be utilized for power generation in the FBC Boiler. STEEL MELTING SHOP Steel Melt Shop (SMS) is crated to melt the Sponge Iron along with melting scrap and fluxes to make pure liquid steel and than to mould it in required size billets. The shop consists of following equipment and subassemblies: Induction Furnaces: Induction Furnace is a device to melt the charge material using electrical power. It consists of Crucible lined with water cooled induction coils, Electrical system to give controlled power to induction coil, Hydraulic tilting system, Heat exchanger to cool the circulating water, water softener for generating soft water, furnace transformer, Power Factor improvement system and surge suppressor. Ladles: Ladles are pots with refractory lining inside to withstand 1600 C temperature. It has side arms so that can be lifted with the help of crane. Ladles are used to stores the

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

liquid steel from Induction Furnace and take it for further processing. Ladles are with bottom nozzle and pneumatically operated gate for discharge of liquid. Ladle Refining Furnace (LRF): Ladle furnace is a mini electric arc furnace. It has three carbon electrodes, roof to cover the ladle, and furnace transformer of suitable capacity. The operation of electrodes, roof etc are controlled by hydraulic system. Ladle furnace is used either to keep the liquid steel for sequence casting or for further refining of the liquid steel to make better quality steel. Cranes: Electric Over-head (EOT) cranes of various capacities are used to carry the ladles/materials at different places. Cranes are used in Melting hall to charge melting scrap, remove the ladles to the LRF, further to place it over the Tundish of the Continuous Caster, to remove billets from the cooling bed and store at designated places, and also for other petty use. Accordingly the sizes, capacity and numbers of cranes are decided. Continuous Casting Machine (CCM): CCM is used to continuously cast the liquid steel in required cross section and in length. It consists of Tundish, Mould, Bow with Withdrawal mechanism, straightening mechanism and cooling bed, hydraulic system for withdrawal mechanism, water umps and cooling towers for water spray on the withdrawn section as well as on the cooling bed. Dummy bar is provided to start the casting. Tundish is a rectangular vessel, lined with refractory and having discharge nozzle with pneumatically operated gate. A stand is erected over it where the ladle is stationed for discharging the liquid in it. Mould is of copper with water cooled jacked. Its crosssection in the bottom is of the size of which billet is to be drawn. Initially the dummy for of the same size is kept inserted. When the liquid steel is poured in the mould the dummy
PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 2-13 Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

bar is drawn slowly, so that the liquid steel in partially frozen state comes out of the mould. Water spray nozzles are installed to spray water over the just drawn billet to cool it further and to harden the skin of the drawn billet. ROLLING MILL: Process description Reheating furnace A pusher type furnace has been envisaged for the heating of billets. The furnace will be end charging and side discharging. It will have single row as well as double row charging facility. The furnace will be heated with FO. The furnace combustion system will comprise of air blowers, FO storage, supply and preheating system and other associated facilities. The product of combustion will leave the furnace at charging end and exhausted through under ground flue tunnel and passed through a metallic tubular recuperator before finally let off to a self supporting steel chimney of sufficient height. A set of instrument will be used for smooth operation of the furnace. Bar and round mill A cross country type mill has been envisaged for the plant. The stands have been

grouped into roughing, intermediate and finishing groups. Roughing group will have 4 (four) stands, intermediate group will have 8 (eight) stands and finishing mill will have 8 (eight) stands. Roughing group of stands will be driven by one motor. 4 nos. of

intermediate stands will be driven by two motors and balance 4 nos. will be driven by a separate motor. Each stand of finishing group will be driven by single motor. Necessary guides and troughs will be provided at entry and exit of mill stands.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

One wire rod out let has been provided in the mill. The wire rod line will have 4 stand block driven by a single motor through gear box. Coil forming and handling of coil is provided. Automated tilting, drop type tilter and feeding arrangement will be provided in roughing group of stands. Repeaters have been provided in roughing / intermediate stands as necessary. Design provision has been made for introduction of slit rolling facility in future to roll 8 mm, 10 mm & 12 mm rebars in two strands. The rebars discharged from the mill will pass through a water cooling system comprising cooling pipes with high pressure water nozzles for rapid water quenching. At the cooling pipes the bar skin temperature will be reduced to about 600oC. The core of the bar still remains hot. This entrapped heat tempers the bar. This thermo- mechanical treatment of the bars increases tensile strength without adversely effecting weldability and elongation properties. eliminates requirement of cold twisting of bars for production of rebars. A dividing shear, to cut the products to cooling bed length, will be located immediately after the water cooling system. This shear will divide all products to cooling bed lengths. Rake type cooling beds have been envisaged to receive the rolled product. Cooling bed will be provided with incoming and out going roller tables. One cold shear has been provided to cut the bars coming out of cooling bed into commercial length of 6 to 12 m. The bar products will be formed into bundles and will be strapped by strapping machine manually. This process

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 2

The finished products will be removed by overhead EOT crane and stored in the storage area or dispatched through road vehicles. One rolling mill of 350 TPD capacity is proposed in the expansion project. FERRO ALLOYS The company is in the process of installation of a Ferro Alloys project with 1 no. of 6 MVA and 9 MVA submerged arc furnaces. The HIGH CARBON SILICO MANGANESE is an alloy of Manganese and Iron with additions of Silicon, Carbon and several other various elements. The silicon manganese can be divided into various grades depending upon the carbon content in the alloy. Manganese ore is the basic material having the major constituents of the alloy viz. iron and manganese. Different types of manganese ores are blended to achieve an appropriate manganese iron ratio used for the furnace charges. Coke is used as reductant and quartz as an addition agent. The raw materials are charged into a furnace where they are smelted by electric power supplied through three carbon electrodes. The alloy and the slag produced in the furnace are tapped at regular intervals. The specifications of silicon manganese produced will conform to Indian standards. ELECTRODE PASTE, CASING, OXYGEN LANCE AND REFRACTORIES : The soderberg electrodes are formed in situ by charging electrode paste of suitable compressive strength, electrical conductivity, porosity and apparent density, into mild steel cylindrical shell provided with inner ribs for reinforcement. There is a continuous consumption of both electrode paste and casing sheets.

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Chapter 2

The other consumables of the process include oxygen lancing pipes and oxygen used for opening the furnace tap- holes, and the refractory for the lining of pans / runners used for alloy collection.

PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Standard Silico Manganese is smelted at about 1700 1800 C. This is achieved by a conventional Submerged Arc Electric Furnace. The three carbon electrodes, partially submerged in the charge, are supported on hydraulic cylinders for upward and downward movements to maintain the desired electrical conditions in the furnace. The body of the furnace is cylindrical in shape, and is lined with firebricks, silicon carbide bricks and carbon tamping paste. Two tap- holes are provided at 120. Apart form draining out both the molten alloy and the slag. During the repair works of one of the tap holes the other will function as standby. The raw materials are thoroughly mixed in the proper proportion before being charged into the furnace. Manual poking rods or stoker car are used for stoking the charge on the furnace top. As the charge enters the smelting zone, the alloy formed by chemical reactions of the oxides and the reductant, being heavy gradually settles at the bottom. The slag produced by the unreduced metal oxides and the flux, being relatively lighter, floats on the alloys surface. At regular intervals the furnace is tapped. The tap hole is opened by Oxygen lancing pipe and after tapping is completed, it is closed by clay plug. The liquid Silico manganese and the slag flow into the C.I. Pan. The slag being lighter overflow from the C.I. Pan and is taken into the sand mould.

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Chapter 2

The alloy cake from C.I. Pan is removed and broken manually with hammer to required lump size. The slag produced in the process, generally free from metal, after cooling is removed by lorry to the slag dump. POWER GENERATION: (TOR # 21) Waste Heat Recovery Boilers will be installed behind the ABC of DRI kiln in bypass configuration. The flue gases after ABC will be taken to unifired furnace chamber and then flow over banks of super heater, convective evaporator and economizer before being discharged to atmosphere through ESP, ID fan and stack. 12 MW electricity will be generated from WHRB. In the Fluidized Bed Combustion boiler envisaged, combustion of fuel particles is achieved in suspension with an inert aggregate i.e. sand. Combustion air will be fed through air nozzles from underneath into the sand fuel bed. Oil burner will be provided for start up and low load flame stabilization. The fuels proposed in FBC Boiler are Char & Coal. The flue gases will pass over various heat transfer surfaces to ESP and then finally discharged through ID fan and stack. 36 MW of Power generation proposed through FBC Boiler. The condensate after condenser of STG will be pumped to a common deaerator by condensate extraction pumps. Feed water from the deaerator will be pumped to the waste heat recovery boiler as well as FBC boiler by boiler feed pumps. The steam generated from both the WHRB and FBC boilers will drive the steam turbine through a common steam header to generate 48 MW of Electricity. The power generated will be used for captive consumption. Process flow diagram is shown as figure 2.1.
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2.6 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION MEASURES 1. (A) AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Sponge Iron plant After Burning Chamber will be provided to control the CO emissions. In the proposed plant the exhaust gases from the rotary kiln will pass through a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) and after heat recovery the gases will pass through a state-of-the-art Electro Static Precipitator to bring down the particulate matter in the exhaust gases to less than 50 mg/Nm3 . Then the treated gases will be let out through a combined stack (with twin flues) of 60 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphe re. Dust extraction system with Bag filters will be provided at material transfer points, crusher area, cooler discharge, product separation area, etc. to control dust emission. All the material handling systems will be connected with de dusting system. All the discharge points and feed points wherever the possibility of dust generation is there a de dusting suction point will be provided to collect the dust. Water sprinklers will be provided for dust suppression during unloading of raw materials. All conve yors will be covered with GI sheets. Major raw materials will be stored in covered sheds. (B) Steel Melting Shop The Fugitive emissions from the Induction furnaces will be sucked through hoods and will pass through a fume extraction system comprising of bagfilters and then let out through a common stack of 30m height. The outlet dust emission will be less than 50 mg/Nm3 . The dust will be pneumatically carried to covered storage bins.

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AFBC Based Power Plant The flue gases from the boiler will be treated in a state-of-the-art Electro Static Precipitator to bring down the particulate emission to less than 50 mg/Nm3 and will be let out through a stack of 72 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere.


Rolling Mill The flue gases from the Rolling Mill will be let out through a stack of 45 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere.


Ferro Alloys The emissions from each of the Submerged Electric Arc Furnaces will be controlled by providing a fume extraction system with bag filters for each unit and then let out into the atmosphere through two nos stacks each of 30 m height. The out let dust emission will be less than 50 mg/Nm3 . Whenever Air pollution control systems fail, production in that unit will be stopped till that air pollution control system is rectified.



Closed circuit cooling system will be provided in the process & cooling of SMS, Rolling mill and Ferro alloys plants. Hence there will not be any waste water generation from process and cooling. Boiler blowdown & DM plant regeneration waste water will be treated in Neutralization tanks and will be mixed with CT blowdown and will be stored in a Central Monitoring Basin (CMB). The treated effluent from CMB will be partly used for dust suppression, partly for ash conditioning and the remaining will be utilized for on land for irrigation. Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by soak pit. 3. NOISE POLLUTION

The turbine will be of internationally reputed make and will be manufactured as per MOEF/OSHA standards on Noise. Acoustic enclosures will be provided to STG. The major noise levels will be confined to the working zones of the plant. Ear plugs will be provided to all employees who will enter into the noise prone areas.

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SOLID WASTE Dolochar generated will be utilized in FBC boiler for Power generation Slag from SMS will be used in road construction. Mill scales from Rolling mill will be used in Induction furnace. Ash & dust from bag filters will be given to cement plants/ brick manufacturers/self brick making. Slag from Ferro alloys unit will be used in road construction.

Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the solid waste generation. 15 M wide greenbelt around the plant will be developed around the plant. All Internal roads will be asphalted to prevent the fugitive dust emission due to vehicular movement. 2.8 ASSESSMENT OF NEW & UNTESTED TECHNOLOGY FOR THE RISK OF TECHNOLOGICAL FAILURE Sponge Iron, Billet & TMT bar & Ferro alloys manufacturing technologies are well proven all over the world. Hence there will not be any risk of technological failure from this plant.

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Chapter 3


This chapter gives an idea and description of environmental status of the study area with reference to the prominent environmental attributes. The general study area covers 10km. radius of the plant. Monitoring was conducted from December, 2007 to February, 2008. The impact identification always commences with the collection of baseline data such as ambient air quality, ground water quality, surface water quality, noise levels, land environment, land use pattern, flora & fauna and socio economic aspects with in the study zone of 10 km. radius. 3.1 AIR ENVIRONMENT (TOR # 3) 3.1.1 Meteorology Meteorology of the study area plays an important role in the air pollution studies. The prevailing micro meteorological conditions at the proposed Project site will regulate the dispersion and dilution of air pollutants in the atmosphere. The predominant wind directions and the wind speed will decide the direction and distance of the most affected zone from the proposed activity. The meteorological data collected during the monitoring period is very useful in interpretation of baseline as input for dispersion models for predicting the Ground Level Concentrations (GLC). Rainfall The average annual rainfall based in 10 years data collected from the nearest meteorological center is found to be 1143 mm.
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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3


Meteorological data recorded at site (Winter season (Dec 07 Feb 08))

The predominant winds from NE direction were observed for 22.5 % of the total time, with wind speeds (with % frequencies) in the range of 1-5 kmph (20.7 %), 6-11 kmph (1.8 %), 12-19 kmph (0 %) and >19 kmph (0 %). The winds from NW direction were observed from 18.9 % of the total time, with wind speeds (with % frequencies) in the range of 1-5 kmph (17.7 %), 6-11 kmph (1.2 %), 12-19 kmph (0 %) and >19 kmph (0 %). The winds from SW direction were observed from 12.3 % of the total time, with wind speeds (with % frequencies) in the range of 1-5 kmph (10.8 %), 6-11 kmph (1.5 %), 12-19 kmph (0 %) and >19 kmph (0 %). Winds from N, NEE, E, SEE, SE, S, SW, SWW, W, NWW and NNW directions were observed for 2.7 %, 1.8 %, 2.1 %, 1.0 %, 8.1 %, 1.5%, 12.3 %, 2.2 %, 1.2 %, 2.1, and 1.5 % of the total time respectively. Calm conditions prevailed for 22.1 % of the total time. A Temporary Weather Monitoring Station was installed at the site and temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed, and rainfall were recorded for one season (winter season). Temperature The mean maximum temperature recorded was 29.9C and the mean minimum temperature was 8.9 C at the Project site. Wind direction and speed are recorded at site every hour. The wind rose diagram of winter season is shown in fig 3.1 The wind rose shows that winds are predominantly blowing from NE and NW direction.

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Chapter 3

3.1.3 Air Quality (TOR # 7) The ambient air quality with respect to the study zone of 10 km. radius around the plant forms the baseline information. The study area represents mostly rural environment. The various sources of air pollution in the regio n are vehicular traffic, dust arising from unpaved village roads & domestic fuel burning. The Prime objective of baseline air quality survey is to assess the Existing air quality of the area. This will also be useful is assessing the conformity to standards of the ambient air quality during the plant operation. Selection of Sampling Stations The base line status of the ambient air quality can be assessed through scientifically designed Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network. The selection of sampling locations in the air quality surveillance programme is based on the following. (a) (b) (c) (d) Representation of Project site. Representation of cross sectional distribution in the down wind direction. Representation of residential areas. Representation of regional background levels.

Eight nos. of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations were established with in the study zone of the plant.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

The sampling locations and their distances are shown in Table 3.1.1 and in fig 3.2. The Max. Min., Avg., and 98th percentile values f r all the sampling locations for RSPM, o SPM, SO2 and NOX are shown in Table 3.1.2 to 3.1.9. Parameters Monitored At each Monitoring Station Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter (RSPM), Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), SO2 and NOX are monitored. SPM was analysed for PAH. The sampling was carried out for 2 days in a week for winter monsoon season (December, 2007 February, 2008) to assess the existing status of air pollution and pollution dispersion pattern over the whole air basin of project site. RSPM, SPM, SO2 and NOX were sampled as per MOEF guidelines. TABLE - 3.1.1


S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. STATION
Existing Plant


DISTANCE (in kms.) --4.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.0

Gerwani Taraimal Punjipathra Ratrot Gaurmuri Ujalpur Jamadbari

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Fig. 3.2:










Monitoring Stations

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant TABLE - 3.1.2

Chapter 3

Sampling Location: Existing plant Unit : g/m3

Minimum 33.2 112.8 8.5 10.6

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Average 39.6 122.2 9.5 11.5 98 th percentile 44.7 135.2 10.2 12.5

Parameter Maximum RSPM 44.9 SPM* 135.6 SO2 10.4 NOx 12.7 * PAH in SPM is BDL

TABLE - 3.1. 3 Sampling Location: Gerwani Unit : g/m3

Minimum 29.0 96.6 8.5 8.9

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Average 33.1 103.4 9.2 10.4 98 th percentile 38.0 123.2 10.8 13.1

Parame ter Maximum RSPM 38.1 SPM* 123.4 SO2 10.9 NOx 13.4 * PAH in RSPM is BDL

TABLE - 3.1.4 Sampling Location: Taraimal Unit : g/m3

Minimum 29.3 98.7 8.7 9.4

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Average 33.4 106.9 9.6 10.7 98 th percentile 39.8 125.0 10.9 13.6

Parameter Maximum RSPM 39.9 SPM* 125.3 SO2 11.1 NOx 13.8 * PAH in SPM is BDL TABLE - 3.1.5

Sampling Location: Punjipathra Unit : g/m3

Minimum 31.3 105.7 8.3 10.3

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Average 36.5 116.7 9.3 11.4 98 th percentile 40.0 131.7 11.9 13.9

Parameter Maximum RSPM 40.2 SPM* 132.1 SO2 12.0 NOx 14.2 * PAH in SPM is BDL

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE - 3.1. 6 Sampling Location: Gaurmuri Unit : g/m3

Maximum 43.7 141.4 9.7 12.9 Minimum 36.1 114.3 7.8 10.2

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Average 39.8 128.6 8.6 11.4 98 th percentile 43.5 141.0 9.6 12.8

Parameter RSPM SPM* SO2 NOx

* PAH in SPM is BDL TABLE - 3.1.7 Sampling Location: Ratrot Unit : g/m3
Maximum 35.8 113.4 10.9 13.4 Minimum 23.7 84.0 7.8 8.9 Average 26.9 89.9 8.7 9.7 98 th percentile 35.5 112.9 10.8 13.1

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Parameter RSPM SPM* SO2 NOx

* PAH in SPM is BDL TABLE - 3.1. 8 Sampling Location: Ujalpur Unit : g/m3
Maximum Parameter RSPM SPM* SO2 NOx 36.1 114.9 11.1 13.9 Minimum 24.4 84.9 7.9 9.1 Average 27.5 90.5 8.6 10.2 98 th percentile 35.9 114.6 11.0 13.8

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

* PAH in SPM is BDL TABLE - 3.1. 9 Sampling Location: Jamadbari Unit : g/m3
Maximum 39.9 125.6 9.1 11.0 Minimum 35.8 103.9 7.6 9.1 Average 37.8 114.8 8.1 10.2 98 th percentile 39.8 125.2 9.0 11.0

Sampling period: December, 2007-February 2008

Parameter RSPM SPM* SO2 NOx

* PAH in SPM is BDL

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Chapter 3

The avg. SPM concentration at the Project site is 122.2 g/m3 . The avg. RPM concentration at the Project site is 39.6 g/m3 . The avg. SO2 & NOX concentrations recorded at the Project site are 9.5 & 11.5 g/m3 respectively. The maximum average RPM concentration was recorded at Gaurmuri with a value of 39.8 g/m3 . The maximum average SPM concentration was recorded at Gaurmuri with a value of 128.6 g/m3 . The maximum average SO2 concentration was recorded at Taraimal with a value of 9.6 g/m3 . The maximum average NOx concentration was recorded at Punjipathra & Gaurmuri with a value of 11.4 g/m3 .


The physical description of sound concerns its loudness as a function of frequency. Noise in general is sound, which is composed of many frequency components of various loudness distributed over the audible frequency range. Various noise scales have been introduced to describe, in a single number, the response of an average human being to a complex sound made up various frequencies at different loudness levels. The most common and heavily favoured of those scales is the A weighted decibel (dBA). This is more suitable for audible range of 20 to 20,000 Hertz. The scale has been designed to weigh various components of noise according to the response of a human ear.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

The impact of noise sources on surrounding community depends on: Characteristics of noise sour ces (instantaneous, intermittent or continuous in nature). It is well known that steady noise not as annoying as one that is continuously varying in loudness. The time at which noise occurs, for example loud noise levels at night in residential areas are not acceptable because of sleep disturbance. The location of the noise source, with respect to noise sensitive area, which determines the loudness and period of noise exposure. The environmental impact of noise can have several effects varying from Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) to annoyance depending on loudness of Noise levels. The environmental impact assessment of noise from the plant can be carried out by taking into consideration of various factors: potential damage to hearing, potential physiological responses, annoyance and general community responses. The main objective of noise level monitoring is to assess the background noise levels in different zones viz., industrial, commercial, residential and silence zones within the study area. The basic studies conducted were a. b. c. Assessment of background noise levels. Identification and monitoring the major noise generating sources in the study area. Impact of noise on general population in the study zone of 10 kms. radius.

3. 2. 1 Reconnaissance Noise leve ls were measured at different locations within 10 Km. radius of the proposed Project such as villages, bus stands etc.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3 Background noise Baseline noise data has been measured at different locations using A-weighted sound pressure level meter. The equivalent day-night noise levels in the study zone are ranging from 44.10 dBA to 51.65 dBA. Sources of noise Typical considerations in environmental noise assessment can be divided into two categories, one is related to noise sources and the other related to potential receiver. Two quantities are needed to describe completely the strength of the source. They are sound Power level and directivity. Sound Power levels measures the total sound Power radiated by the source in all directions where as directivity is a measure of difference in radiation with direction. This concept of sound Power level and directivity index makes it possible to calculate the sound pressure level created by the source. 3.2.2 Community noise The ambient noise level is characterized by significant variations above a base or a residual noise level. The residual noise level is that level below which the ambient noise does not seem to drop during a given time interval and is generally caused by the unidentified distant sources. It differs in rural and urban areas. At night, its level is low due to lesser elements of noise. The annoyance that people experience depends upon the number of noise elements that produce noise concurrently at a given time that occur during a time interval. The noise rating developed by EPA for specification of community noise from all sources is the day night sound level, Ldn. It is similar to a 24 hour equivalent sound level except that during the night period, which extends from 09.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. A 10

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

dBA weighing penalty is added to the account for the fact that noise at night when people are trying to sleep is judged more annoying than the same noise during the day time. The Ldn for a given location in a community is calculated from an hourly equivalent sound level given by the following equation. Ldn =10 log (1/24 [15 (10(Ld/10) + 9 (10(Ln+10)/10 )] ) Where Ld is the equivalent noise level during day time (6A .M. to 9 P.M.) Ln is the equivalent noise level during night time (9 P.M. to 6 A.M.) Occupational exposure To assess the magnitude of impact due to noise sources, it is essential to know the following. a. b. c. d. The duration of sound. Distribution through the working day. Overall noise levels. It's composition including frequency and intensity at various intervals of time.

Other factors regarding receiver include: a. b. c. The age of the individual. The sensitivity of the individual. The efficiency of the protective devices used.

After characterizing the noise sources noise at receiver's location, the impact must be assessed. The environmental impact of noise can lead to the following effects. a. b. c. d. e. Damages the hearing capacity. Interference in communication. Interference with work. Interference with sleep. Causes annoyance.
3-12 Environmental Impact Assessment Report

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Chapter 3

3. 2. 3. Noise level observations in the study area Baseline noise levels have been monitored at different locations within the study zone of the plant 8 no's of stations have been selected for measurement of noise levels and their distance with respect to site are shown in table 3. 2.1 and Fig. 3.3







Fig. 3.3:

Noise Monitoring Stations


Monitoring Stations

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Existing plant

Gerwani Taraimal Punjipathra Ratrot Gaurmuri Ujalpur Jamadbari


--4.5 2.5 2.5 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.0


Existing Plant

Gerwani Taraimal Punjipathra Ratrot Gaurmuri Ujalpur Jamadbari

NOISE LEVELS dBA Day Night Day-Night 52 41 51.65 48 34 46.89 50 36 48.89 46 33 45.10 45 32 44.10 50 37 49.10 46 32 44.89 47 33 45.89


Water required for the proposed expansion will be met from the Chuikansa Nallah / River Kelo which is about 2.5 Km from the plant. Water samples have been collected and analysed for various parameters. The characteristics of water sample are shown in table No. 3.3.1

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Chapter 3

TABLE NO. 3.3.1


S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Station: Chuikansa Nallah (60m upstream) PARAMETER UNIT

SAMPLE ----7.8 5 140 86 67 42 25 44 12 31 5 0.21 22 5 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.22 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4.0 <0.01 65

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU ms/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na COD Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Hexavalent chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Mg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Mineral oil Total coliforms

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Chapter 3


S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Station: Chuikansa Nallah (60m downstream) PARAMETER UNIT SAMPLE

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU ms/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

----7.7 5 141 86 68 43 25 44 13 30 5 0.22 21 5 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.23 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4.0 <0.01 64

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na COD Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Hexavalent chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Mg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Mineral oil Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3


Station: at other surface drains


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na COD Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Chromium as Cr+6 Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Mg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Mineral oil Total coliforms


mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
(MPN/ 100 ml)

----7.6 6 131 78 73 41 32 48 8.1 23.3 3.2 0.03 11.2 5 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.25 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 5.0 <0.01 82

----7.7 8 122 73 68 38 30 43 7.5 22.4 2.9 0.02 10.3 4 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.21 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4.1 <0.01 70

----7.6 7 128 75 70 40 30 45 7.7 22.8 3.0 0.02 10.8 4 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.23 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4.6 <0.01 74

----7.7 6 133 81 74 42 32 49 8.5 23.9 3.4 0.03 11.3 5 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.26 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 5.2 <0.01 84


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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3


Station: at other surface drains


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na COD Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Chromium as Cr+6 Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Mg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Mineral oil Total coliforms


mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
(MPN/ 100 ml)

----7.8 8 131 68 59 41 18 38 8 21 3 0.03 11.2 5 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.20 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4 <0.01 75

----7.4 5 122 63 52 36 16 33 7 19 2 0.02 10.3 4 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.17 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3 <0.01 67

----7.4 5 128 65 52 35 17 33 7 18 2 0.02 10.8 4 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.18 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3 <0.01 65

----7.6 6 129 66 57 39 18 36 7 20 3 0.03 11.3 4 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.19 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3 <0.01 72


PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

Ground Water Quality (TOR # 19) Ground water samples have been collected and analyzed for various parameters like pH, Suspended Solids, Total Dissolved Solids, Temperature, Total Hardness, Calcium Hardness, Magnesium hardness, Alkalinity, Fluoride, Chloride, Sulphates, Nitrates, Phenolic compounds, Heavy metals etc. and is compared with the standards to know the water quality. Selection of sampling locations will be generally done based on the following factors: i) ii) iii) Proximity of the industries to the site. Residential areas. Representation of Project site.

Eight numbers of ground water samples from bore wells were collected from the near by villages to assess ground water quality impacts. The ground water sampling locations and their distances from the proposed Project site are shown in Table 3.3.3. These water samples are analysed for various parameters as per IS: 10500. The ground water characteristics were shown in table Nos. 3.3.4. to 3.3.11. The ground water monitoring stations are shown in Fig. 3.4. There is no organic contamination of the ground water. No heavy metals are present in ground water. The hardness in the water is slightly higher which is due to the geological formation beneath the ground surface but this is less than the maximum acceptable levels.

TABLE 3.3.3:
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

GROUND WATER QUALITY MONITORING STATIONS STATION DIRECTION DISTANCE (in km) Plant ----Gerwani S 4.5 Taraimal SE 2.5 Punjipathra N 2.5 Ratrot NE 5.0 Gaurmuri SW 3.0 Ujalpur SE 5.0 Jamadbari W 3.0
3-19 Environmental Impact Assessment Report

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

Fig. 3.4:

Ground Water Quality Monitoring Stations









Monitoring Stations

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.4
GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. : Plant PARAMETER

Month: December, 2007 UNIT SAMPLE --7.2 1 695 440 234 148 86 201 76 125 2.0 0.51 89 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.023 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l Mg/l Mg/l Mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.5 GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 21. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. : Gerwani PARAMETER

Month: December, 2007 UNIT SAMPLE --7.4 2 675 442 232 167 65 209 60 117 2.7 0.54 88 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.024 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.6
GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. : Taraimal PARAMETER

Month: December, 2007 UNIT SAMPLE --7.2 1 630 399 204 159 45 187 55 105 2.1 0.5 79 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.001 0.018 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3. 3 .7
GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. : Punjipathra PARAMETER

Month: December, 2007 UNIT SAMPLE --7.5 2 755 499 249 162 87 225 74 125 3.1 0.54 98 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.019 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.8
Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS : Ratrot Month: December, 2007 PARAMETER UNIT SAMPLE

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

--7.2 1 745 475 261 172 89 206 74 116 2.0 0.51 95 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.9
Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS : Gaurmuri Month: December, 2007 PARAMETER UNIT SAMPLE

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

--7.4 1 635 406 211 162 49 190 59 110 2.5 0.51 83 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.10
GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. : Ujalpur PARAMETER

Month: December, 2007 UNIT SAMPLE --7.3 1 612 387 201 132 69 181 58 99 2.5 0.53 83 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.019 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 3.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.3.11
GROUND WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS Station S. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. : Jamadbari PARAMETER

Month: December, 2007 UNIT SAMPLE --7.2 1 749 490 291 195 96 238 79 135 2.2 0.50 105 <0.01 <0.01 Absent <0.01 0.022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 4.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 Absent

Colour pH Turbidity Electrical Conductivity Total Dissolved Solids


NTU s/cm mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l (MPN/100 ml)

Total Hardness Calcium Hardness Magnesium Hardness Alkalinity Sulphates Chlorides Nitrates as NO3 Fluoride as F Sodium as Na Residual chlorine Cyanides as CNPhenols as C6 H5 OH Total chromium as Cr Iron as Fe Copper as Cu Arsenic as As Selenium as Se Cadmium as cd Boron as B Mercury as Hg Lead as Pb Silica as SiO 2 Manganese as Mn Mineral oil Anionic detergents as MBAS Total coliforms

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

3.3.1 Water Requirement: Water is generally required for cooling, domestic and is used as CT make-up, Boiler make-up, D.M. Plant regeneration, service water etc., in the power plant. Water required for the plant will be met from the Chhuikansa Nallaha / Kelo river. The water requirement for the expansion project will be 3700 M3 /day and the total water requirement after the expansion will be 3800 cum/day 3.3.2 WATER CLEARANCES Permission from the concerned department will be taken before operation of the expansion project. 3.3.3 WASTE WATER The total wastewater generation after expansion will be 391 cum/day. 3.4 LAND ENVIRONMENT 3.4.1 LAND USE PATTERN (TOR # 1) The following is the land use pattern within 10 Km radius of the plant. Land use pattern Irrigated Area Forest Area Un Irrigated Area Built up Area Open & Waste land : : : : : 19.5 % 20.2 31.8 % 2.2% 26.3 %

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

3.4.2 MINERAL RESERVES There are no mineral reserves in the study area. 3.4.3 SEISMIC EFFECT The project site falls in zone-II of seismic zone classification of India. 3.5.1 BASELINE DATA ON SOIL QUALITY Eight soil samples were collected and for analyzed for various parameters like texture, infiltration rate, bulk density, pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn, Mn etc. The soil sampling locations are shown in Fig 3.5. The soil characteristics are shown in Table No. 3.5.1 to 3.5.8. The topography of the plant is more or less flat without many undulations. TABLE: 3. 5.1 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Station : Plant S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P2 O5 Mn Zn Pb Month : December, 2007 Unit g / cc Cm/hr --mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm Value 1.8 1.7 7.5 Sandy loam 924 58 66 41 25 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

Fig. 3.5:

Soil Sampling Location









Monitoring Stations

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3


Station : Gerwani
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P 2O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007

Unit g / cc cm/hr --mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm Value 1.72 1.91 7.5 Sandy loam 890 68 72 40 26 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001


Station : Taraimal
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P 2O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007

Unit g / cc cm/hr --mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm mg/100 gm Value 1.71 1.96 7.6 Sandy loam 965 67 60 41 24 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3


Station : Punjipathra
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P 2O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007

Unit g / cc cm/hr --Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm TABLE 3.5.5 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS Value 1.9 2.09 7.6 Loamy 968 74 69 45 21 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Station : Ratrot S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P2 O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007 Unit g / cc cm/hr --Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Value 1.8 2.0 7.4 Sandy loam 898 62 65 27 19 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.5. 6


S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P 2O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007

Unit g / cc cm/hr --Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Value 1.8 2.13 7.3 Sandy loam 897 74 69 42 30 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001


S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P 2O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007

Unit g / cc cm/hr --Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Value 1.8 1.9 7.6 Sandy loam 915 61 69 46 28 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 3

TABLE 3.5. 8 SOIL CHARACTERSTICS Station : Jamadbari

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Parameter Bulk Density Infiltration rate pH Soil type Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium P 2O5 Mn Zn Pb

Month : December, 2007

Unit g / cc cm/hr --Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Mg/100 gm Value 1.85 2.02 7.2 Sandy loam 902 70 63 44 30 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

3.6 BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT The Flora and Fauna in the study area is shown in Table 3.6.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Shorea Robusta ( Sal) Anogeissus Latifolia (Dhaura) Terminalia Tomentosa (Soja) Terminalia Arjuna ( (Arjuna) Diospyrose Melanoxylone (Tendu) Madhuka Indica (Mahua) Pterocarpus Marsupium (Bija) Buchanania Lanzan Cliestanthus Collinus Char Harad Bahera Amla Mango Black Berry

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Chapter 3

1. 1. 2. 3. Carnivorous Animals Felis Pardus (Tendva) Hyaena Striata Felis Pardus (Tendva) Hyaena Striata


2. Herbivorous Animals Gavaevs Gaurvs (Bisons) Bubalous Arni (Buffalos) Rusa Unicolor (Sambhars) Boselaphvs Tragocamelvs (Nilgai) Cervus Muntijack (Bherki) Tetracesus Quadricornis (Fourhorned Deer) Axis Axis (Chital) Gavaevs Gaurvs (Bisons) Bubalous Arni (Buffalos) Rusa Unicolor (Sambhars) Boselaphvs Tragocamelvs (Nilgai) Cervus Muntijack (Bherki) Tetracesus Quadricornis (Fourhorned Deer) Axis Axis (Chital) 3. Other Animals Lepus Reficaudatus (Hares) Sciurus indicus (Porcupine) Gazella gazella (Chinkara) Rats Mice Vivericula Indica Vulpes bengelensis

Melursus Ursinus (Slot Bear) Semnopithews entellus (Langurs) Sus Scorpa (Wild Boar) Funambulus Pennanti (Five stripped Squirrel) Banadicoots Felis Chaus Herpestes Edwards 4. Birds Gallvs Ferrugineus Pterocies Excustus Crocopus Chlorogestor Perdicula Sp. Crow Bulbul Ghagar Nilkanth Great Horned OWL
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Gallus Sonneratii Francolinus Pictus Columba Liva House Sparrow Myna Weaver Bird Cuckoo Papeeha Duskey Horned Owl
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Chapter 3

Night Jars Bee Eaters Shrikes Fairy Birds Podicipitidae Accpitridae Haliasur Indus HaliaetusL eucorypus Neophron Percnopterus Anteropoides Virgo 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Snakes Cobras Vipers Kraits Rat Snake Wolf Snakes Checkered Keet Back Buff Strippes keel Back Charvsopelea Ornata. AQ UATIC FA UNA Labeo Rohita Catla Catla Cirrhina mrigala Kalbaus Silondio Silondia Wallago Attu Mystus Seenghala Catfish Murral Tilapia Punti Magur Tangra Sol.

Swifts Swalloes Pegions Wegtails Anatidae Paria Kite Nasiaetus Fasciatus Longbill Vultures Sarus Crane

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Chapter 4


Impact prediction is a very important phenomenon in evaluating the environmentally potential adverse impacts for any proposed industrial project. The impact prediction is always carried out under worst possible conditions so as to mitigate or to eliminate the environmental hazards. These predictions thus calculated are superimposed over the baseline data to calculate the net impact on the environment after the expansion project comes into production.


It is possible that increase in the background concentration of even a minor constituent of the atmosphere may lead to significant changes in the atmospheric properties. So these changes are essential in understanding potential climatic changes due to air pollutants. For example under strongly stable condition, disturbances are highly damped and mixing of pollutants is strongly suppressed. It is under such conditions that the worst air pollution episodes have occurred. Prediction of impacts is the most important component in the environmental impact assessment studies. Several scientific techniques and methodologies are available to predict impacts of developmental activities on physico, ecological and socioeconomic environments. Such predictions are superimposed over the baseline (pre project) status of environmental quality to derive the ultimate (post project) scenario of environmental conditions. The prediction of impacts helps to identify the environmental management plan required to be executed during and after commissioning the proposed expansion project to minimize the adverse impacts on environmental quality. The mathematical models are the best tools to quantitatively describe cause -effect relationships between sources of pollution and different components of environment. In
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Chapter 4

case, mathematical models are not available or it is not possible to identify / validate through models for particular situation, prediction could be arrived at through available scientific knowledge and judgments. The mathematical model used for predictions in the present study include, steady state Gaussian Plume dispersion model designed for multiple point sources for air quality, Wave divergence and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) models for noise levels. In case of water, land, biological and socio-economic environments the prediction have been made based on available scientific knowledge and judgments. 4.1.1 IMPACT ON TOPOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE IMPACT ON TOPOGRAPHY The major envisaged topographical changes would be limited to the immediate vicinity of the plant. The change in topography will be only due to man made structures like Industrial complex and Administrative building. Similarly, it will invite positive benefits in the form of land leveling and green belt development in the plant vicinity. IMPACTS ON CLIMATE As the temperature of the effluent gases will not be high, generally this will not cause any thermal imbalance as extensive greenbelt will be developed within the plant premises. However, there will be natural dispersion of heat due to unstable conditions during day and as such there would be no significant micro / macro climatological changes of any consequence. 4.1.2 PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON AIR ENVIRONMENT (TOR # 11)

It is absolutely essential to study the impacts of air pollution on its environs due to the proposed Plant. These impacts are predicted with the help of Gaussian Mathematical model. These models stimulate the relationship between air pollutant emissions from the stack and the resultant impact on the air quality within the study zone. The pollutants emitted into the atmosphere get diluted immediately and is transported and mixed with the surrounding air. The basic purpose of these mathematical models are to represent these processes mathematically. Computer models are used for predicting the Ground Level Concentrations (GLC) for spatial variations.

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Chapter 4

In the present case, computation of 24 hour average Ground Level Concentrations are carried out using ATDM (All Terrain Dispersion Model). This model is based on the algorithms of two USEPA dispersion models, ISCST2 and COMPLEX 1 and also incorporates the procedure used in POSTIT post processor to calculate the concentrations in intermediate terrain. ATDM is based on Guassian dispersion, which incorporates the Pasquill Gifford dispersion parameters for estimating the horizontal cross wind and vertical dispersion. ALL TERRAIN DISPERSION MODEL The All Terrain Dispersion Model (ATDM) is a Gaussian Dispersion model that calculates the concentration from point, area and volume source emissions in simple, intermediate and complex terrain. v For receptors located in simple terrain (terrain below stack top) ATDM uses the dispersion algorithms from ISCST2 model. v For receptors located in complex terrain (terrain above plume centre line). ATDM uses the dispersion algorithm from the COMPLEX 1 model. v For receptors located in intermediate terrain, ATDM uses both ISCST2 and COMPLEX1 algorithms to estimate the 24 hourly av erage concentration at each receptor location and reports the larger of the two values as the calculated concentration. ATDM calculates the plume rise and plume and plume centre line elevation for a given source to determine whether a receptor is located in a simple terrain, complex terrain or in intermediate terrain w.r.t. source. Depending upon the terrain regime of the receptor, the model then uses on of the three approaches described below to calculate the one-hour average concentration at that receptor resulting from the emissions from the sources. Simple Terrain For receptors located in simple terrain (terrain below stack top), ATDM uses the dispersion algorithms form the ISCST2 model. The ISCST2 model is a Gaussian dispersion model that calculates concentrations using the pasquill Gifford dispersion coefficients (Rural mode) and the Briggs urban dispersion coefficients (Urban mode). As in ISCST2, ATDM accounts for the effects of building down wash.

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Chapter 4

User specified terrain stack base elevations are used in the ISCST2 dispersion calculations according to EPA recommended approach for simple terrain. In this approach, the final plume rise is calculated to determine the plume centerline elevation above the sea level and this elevation is used for all downwind distances from the stack. Therefore, the plume centerline remains parallel to sea level without regard to changes in the underlying terrain. Complex terrain For receptors located in complex terran (above plume centreline), ATDM uses the dispersion algorithm from the COMPLEX1model. This algorithm is similar to that of the ISCST2 model in that it uses the same Gaussian dispersion equation and plume rise equations. Intermediate Terrain A receptor is said to be located in intermediate terrain if its elevation is greater that the stack top elevation but less than that plume centreline elevation. For such receptors, EPA recommends that both the ISCST 2 and COMPLEX dispersion algorithms be used to estimate the 24 hourly average concentration at the receptor location and the larger of the two values be used as the calculated concentration. Multiple sources When modeling multiple sources, ATDM sums the calculated one hour average concentrations from each source to estimate the total concentration at a given receptor location. Model Input Emissions The emission data from the stacks is shown in Table 4.1.3 Receptor Locations The software is capable of generating a polar receptor grid at every 10 radial angles at specified distances (in Kms). Meteorological data For the prediction of rise in Ground Level concentrations of pollutants, the actual meteorological data recorded at the site during the study period (December, 2007 February 2008) is used For each hour the following meteorological information required Wind direction

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Chapter 4

Wind speed Ambient Temperature Stability class Mixing Height

Predictions have been carried out for these emissions considering the following points. - Predictions have been carried out for 100% load where the maximum emissions are emitted and which would be the worst environmental scenario. Predictions have been carried out for SPM, SO 2 and NOx. The emissions from other industries in the area are considered for modeling.

Pasquill Stability Class Through Sigma Theta Method

Hourly meteorological data recorded hourly, at the continuous weather monitoring station on wind speed and direction, has been used for calculating the stability by using Sigma Theta method (Ref: On site meteorological program guidance for regulatory modeling applications, US-EPA). Calculation of standard deviation of wind direction: Hourly wind direction has been recorded. The one hourly wind direction d (standard ata deviation; A) in degrees has been used for determining the hourly stability. Lateral Turbulence (A) and Wind Speed or Sigma Theta Method: The hourly A values calculated by the data logger are used for arriving at the hourly stability's by the following procedure: The following section describes the method of estimating stability categories in terms of standard deviation of the lateral wind direction fluctuations (A) and the scalar mean wind speed (us). The lateral wind direction turbulence criteria for initial estimate of PG stability category are given in Table - 4.1.1. The wind speed adjustments for determining final estimate of PG stability category from A is given in Table - 4.1.2. The criteria laid down in the tables below are for the data collected at 10m and roughness length of 15 cm. Night time is defined as the period from one hour before sunset to one hour after sunrise. The method specifies that the data need to be collected at 10 m height. The relationship employed in the estimation methods assumes conditions are of steady state.

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Chapter 4

TABLE - 4.1.1

Initial estimate of Pasquill Stability Category A B C D E F

Standard deviation of horizontal wind direction fluctuations, A, in degrees 22.5 = A 17.5 = A < 22.5 12.5 = A < 17.5 7.5 = A < 12.5 3.8 = A < 7.5 A < 3.8

TABLE - 4.1.2 WIND SPEED ADJUSTMENTS FOR DETERMINING FINAL ESTIMATE OF PG STABILITY CATEGORY FROM A Initial Estimated Category A 10 m Scalar Wind Speed (US) (m/s) US<3 3<US<4 4<US<6 6<US US<4 4<US<6 6<US US<6 6<US ANY US<2.9 2.9<US<3.6 3.6<US US<2.4 2.4<US<3.0 3.0<US US<2.4 2.4<US ANY US<5.0 5.0<US US<3.0 3.0<US<5.0 5.0<US
4 -6

Day time

C D, E or F A

Night time


Final Estimate of Stability Category A B C D B C D C D D F E D F E D E D D E D F E D

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 4

As site specific mixing heights are not available, the following mixing heights are assumed. (TOR # 11) STABILITY CLASS A B&C D E&F Model Output MIXING HEIGHT (M) 1300 900 750 400

The output is same as that of ISCST2 model. The output contains the first through sixth highest concentration values at each receptor, Maximum concentration tables and daily concentration tables for each averaging period. 4.1.3 STACK HEIGHT CALCULATION Stack Height Calculation For 2 X 100 TPD Kilns (Combined Stack )

STACK HEIGHT BASED ON SO 2 EMISSION Total coal consumption for 2 x 100 TPD kilns Max. Sulphur content in coal SO2 emission (Q) : : : : : : : 200 TPD 0.45% (By mass)
200 x 1000 x (0.45/100) x 2/24

75 kg/hr 14 (Q) 0.3 14 (75)0.3 5.12 m or say 52 m

As 4 x 100 TPD kilns are proposed in the expansion, there will be two nos. of combined Stacks (each with twin flues) of 60 m height will be provided for effective dispersion of sulphur dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. STACK HEIGHT CALCULATION (AFBC BOILER) Consumption of Coal Sulphur content in Coal SO2 emission Stack Height, H : : : : : : 558 TPD 0.5 % (by mass, Max.) 558 X 1000 X 0.5 X 2/24 x 100 232.5 Kg/hr 14(Q)0.3 14 (232.5)0.3 = 71.8 m Say 72 m

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Chapter 4

Hence a stack of 72 m height will be provided to the AFBC boiler stack for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere. STACK HEIGHT CALCULATION (ROLLING MILL) FO Consumption per Rolling mill Sulphur content in FO SO2 emission : : : : Stack Height H, : : 11.9 TPD 4.5 % (by mass, Max.) 11.9 X 1000 X 4.5 X 2/24x100 44.625 Kg/hr 14 (Q) 0.3 14 (44.625)0.3 = 43.75 m or say 45 m

Hence stack of 45 m height will be provided for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere. Sources of Air Emissions : The main sources of fugitive emissions are raw material unloading, raw material handling, crushers of coal, material transfer points, storage bins, etc. Dust generated from raw material unloading areas is controlled by providing dust suppression system. In other areas specified above dust extraction system with bag filters will be provided to control the particulate emission. The waste flue gases from kilns will be allowed to pass through a Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) and then after heat recovery the gases will pass through an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) to bring down the particulate matter to less than 50 mg/Nm3 and will be let out into the atmosphere through two nos. of combined stacks (each with twin flues) each of 60 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere. Fumes will b evacuated directly from both the Induction Furnaces through a swiveling e type of hoods with an air-cooled ducting. The duct carrying fumes from the Induction furnace and CCM will join a mixing chamber from where the gases will be led to the Bag House by means of an ID fan. Clean gases having less than 50 mg/Nm3 of particulates will be let out through two common stacks (with two flues) each of 30 m height. In Reheating Furnace the fuel proposed to be used is FO. Stack of 45 m height will be provided for effective dispersion of SO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The primary & secondary fugitive emissions from submerged Electric arc furnaces from Ferro alloys unit will be treated in Fume extraction & cleaning system comprising of
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Chapter 4

suction hoods, bag filters etc . The outlet dust emissions in the exhaust gases will be less than 50 mg/Nm3. The treated gases will be discharged into the atmosphere through stacks of 30 m height (2 nos). The waste flue gases from AFBC boiler will pass through an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) to bring down the particulate matter to less than 50 mg/Nm3 and will be let out into the atmosphere through a stack of 72 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere. The predicted max. incremental rise in SPM concentrations (24 hourly) will be 0.6g/m 3 at a distance of 1100 m from the origin stack in the down wind direction over the baseline concentrations. The predicted max. incremental rise in SO 2 concentrations (24 hourly) will be 8.9 g/m 3 at a distance of 1100 m from the origin stack in the down wind direction over the baseline concentrations. The predicted max. incremental rise in NOx concentrations (24 hourly) will be 4.7 g/m3 at a distance of 1100 m from the origin stack in the down wind direction over the baseline concentrations. The net resultant concentrations (Maximum baseline conc. + predicted incremental rise in conc.) of SPM, SO2 and NOX are shown in Table No. 4.1.4. The net resultant concentrations of SPM, SO 2 and NO X are well within the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) when the plant commences the operation. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on air environment due to the proposed expansion project.


S. No. Stack attached to Dia (m) Height (m) 60 (Combin ed stack with twin flues) 60 (Combin ed stack with twin flues) Temp. of flue gas (0C) Velocity of flue gas (m/sec) SPM (g/s) SO2 (g/s) NOx (g/s)


Kilns(2 x 100 TPD) with WHRB (Stack # 1 with twin flues)

1.16 per flue



0.6 (< 50 mg/Nm3) per flue

15.1 per flue

6.0 per flue


Kilns(2 x 100 TPD) with WHRB (Stack # 2 with twin flues)

1.16 per flue



0.6 (< 50 mg/Nm3) per flue

15.1 per flue

6.0 per flue

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Chapter 4


3. 4. 5. 6.

Induction Furnace & LRF (Common Stack) (Stack # 3 & 4) Reheating Furnace (Stack # 5) AFBC Boiler (Stack # 6) EAF (Stack # 7,8) DG Set (500 KVA) (Stack # 9)








1.0 3.0 1.0 0.25

45 72 30 7 (above building)

180 180 180 90

15.0 16.0 15.0 2.5

0.4 3.8 0.4 0.01

0.8 64.6 2.1

2.3 38 1.8


SPM (g/m 3) Maximum baseline conc. in the study area Maximum predicted incremental rise in concentration Incremental rise in Ground Level concentrations due to the proposed expansion of the other plants in the area Net resultant concentrations during operation of the plant National Ambient Air Quality Standards 141.4 0.6 3.1 SO 2 (g/m 3) 12.0 8.9 18.2 NOX (g/m 3) 14.2 4.7 8.9

145.1 200

39.1 80

27.8 80


The proposed expansion project requires about 3700 cum/day of water. The total water requirement after the expansion will be 3800 cum/day. This includes cooling water make up for DRI, SMS, Rolling Mill, SEAF and in Power Plant Make-up water for Cooling, make-up water for Boiler, DM Plant regeneration, service water and for domestic water. The water requirement for the proposed expansion will be met from Chhuikansa Nallah / Mahanadi River. The permission for withdrawal of water will be taken before operation of the expansion project. There will not be any waste water generation from process and cooling from the existing plant. The only waste water from the existing plant will be sanitary waste water of 8 cum/day. The total effluent quantity expected from the proposed expansion will be 383 cum/day and 391 cum/day inclusive of the existing plant. Closed
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Chapter 4

circuit cooling system will be implemented and this will result in lower water consumption and there will not be any effluent generation from the process & cooling in the steel plant. The details of total water consumption, it's breakup and total waste water generation and it's breakup are show in Table 4.2.1. & 4 .2.2. Characteristics of waste are shown in Tables 4.2.3 to 4.2.6. The sanitary waste water will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. Rain water Harvesting structures have been constructed in the existing plant and similarly it will be continued with the help of Central Ground Water Board.. The depth of ground water table will certainly increase. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on water environment due to the proposed expansion.

TABLE 4.2.1
WATER REQUIREMENT FOR EXPANSION S.No SOURCE Existing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. b. c. d. 6. Cooling water make -up for DRI Plant Cooling water make -up for SMS Cooling water make -up for Rolling mill
Cooling water make-up for Ferro alloys plant

QUANTITY (cum/day) Expansion 192 120 75 30 2880 320 15 48 20 3700 Total 282 120 75 30 2880 320 15 48 30 3800

90 -------10 100

For Power Plant Cooling Tower Make-up Boilers make-up D.M. plant regeneration water Service water Domestic Total

TABLE 4.2.2
WASTE WATER GENERATION FROM EXPANSION SOURCE QUANTITY (cum/day) Cooling tower blowdown Boilers blowdown DM plant regeneration Service water Sanitary waste water Total 280 24 15 48 24 391

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Chapter 4

TABLE 4.2.3

TABLE 4.2.4

TABLE 4.2.5

TABLE 4.2.6

4.3 PREDICTION OF IMPACTS DUE TO NOISE 4.3.1 PREDICTION OF IMPACT DUE TO THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY The sound pressure level generated by noise source decreases with increasing distance from the source due to wave divergence. An additional decrease in sound pressure level with distance from the source is expected, due to atmospheric effect or its interaction with objects in the path of transmission. For
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Chapter 4

hemispherical sound wave propagation through homogeneous loss free medium, one can estimate noise levels at various locations, due to different sources using model based on first principle, as per the following equation: Lp2 = Lp1 20 Log (r2/r1) - Ael.2 Where Lp1 and Lp2 are sound pressure levels at points located at distance r1 and r2 from the source and Ae1.2 is the excess attenuation due to environmental conditions. Combined affect of all the sources then can be determined at various locations by logarithmic addition. It is first approximation one can assume that for all general population in the villages, every noise source in the plane is a point source. The average equivalent sound power level of such a point source can be estimated for different distances and directions from hypothetical source by applying following equation: Lp = Lw - 20 Log r Ae 8 Where Lw is the sound power level of the source, Lp is sound pressure level at a distance r and Ae is environmental attenuation factor. A combined noise level Lp (total) of all the sources at a particular place is given by: Lp(total) = 10 Log (10Lp1/10) + 10(Lp2/10) + ---------) Major noise generating sources were identified from the proposed activity for prediction purposes. The major noise generating sources are STG, DG set & compressors. The predictions have been made to represent the worst case. The noise levels at various distances were calculated using wave divergence model. The model was run for ascertaining the areas where we could get the noise levels of 35, 45, 50,55,60,65, and considering the other noise generating sources from the plant. Silencers will be provided to the DG Sets. All machinery will be manufactured keeping in view of the MOEF/OSHA standards on Noise levels. The Ambient Noise levels will be within the standards prescribed by MOE&F, GOI vide Notification dated 14-02-2000 under the Noise pollution (regulation & control) Rules, 2000. 4.3.2. PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON COMMUNITY Day and Night sound pressure levels, Ldn is often used to describe the community noise exposure which include 10 dBA night time penalty. As the nearest human settlement is about 2.5 Km. from the plant, the impact of noise on general population would be insignificant.
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Chapter 4

As per the WHO recommendation, there is no identified risk and damage of hearing due to the noise levels (Leq = 8 hours) less than 75 dBA. Most of the international damage risk criteria for hearing loss permit (Leq = 12 hours) upto 87 dBA. Further, WHO recommendation on community noise annoyance, permits day time out door noise levels of 55 dBA. Leq and night time outdoor noise level of 45 dBA leq to meet sleep criteria i.e. Leq (24 hours) = 52.2. dBA and Ldn = 5.5 dBA. 4.3.3. PREDICTION OF IMPACT ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH The damage risk criteria as enforced by OSHA (Occupation Safety and Health Administration) to reduce hearing loss, stipulates that noise level upto 85 dBA are acceptable for 8 hour working shift per day. Plant authorities will provide ear plugs to the employees and will be enforced to be used by the employees.


90 acres of land is in the possession of the management. As there are no endangered species in the vicinity of the proposed activity, there should not be any concern for the loss of important germoplasm that needs conservation. The flue gases from the kilns will pass through Waste Heat Recovery Boiler & then through ESP to bring down the particulate emission to less than 50 mg/NM 3 and will be discharged through two nos. of combined stacks (each stack with twin flues) each of 60m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere. To control the fugitive emissions dust extraction system and dust suppression syste m will be installed at all the possible dust emanating areas. All required pollution control systems will be installed in the proposed expansion project. Hence it will not have any impact on nearby top soil. There will not be any process waste water & cooling water blowdown from the steel plant as closed circuit cooling system is proposed in the expansion. The boiler blowdown, DM plant regeneration water from the power plant will be treated in a neutralization tank and utilized for onland for irrigation within the premises. Zero effluent discharge will be maintained after expansion also. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the proposed expansion project. Solid waste generated from the plant will be disposed / utilized as per the norms. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the proposed expansion project.
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The land use pattern of the study area will certainly improve due to the proposed activity. Land price in the area will increase and will benefit the local people. This industry may attract some ancillary works also which will also help in improving the land use pattern of the area. Greenbelt is considered essential for maintaining the stability of the environment of the area. 30 Acres of extensive greenbelt will be developed in the plant including existing Greenbelt.

All the trucks used for transportation of raw materials will be covered. Hence there will not be any fugitive dust generation during transportation of raw materials. Pucca road exist upto the site. The existing road is capable of absorbing this additional truck movement. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on vehicular traffic due to the proposed expansion project. 4.6 PREDICTION OF IMPACTS ON SOCIO ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT The local areas will be benefited by way of generation of employment opportunities, increased demand for local products and services. There will be an overall improvement in the income level of the local people. The project creates employment to about 250 persons once the plant is commissioned and for 500 persons during construction stage. Priority will be given to locals for Semi-Skilled and Unskilled jobs. With the implementation of the proposed expansion project, there will be lot of scope for more industrial investments which in turn will benefit the nation. The project authorities intend to provide welfare activities recreational facilities in the surrounding villages once the expansion plant commences production. The project authorities intend to conduct regular health checkups in the surrounding villages. Therefore there will be a certain enhancement of educational and medical standards of people in the study area. There will be generally positive and beneficial impacts by way of economic improvements, transportation, aesthetic environment and business generation. There will be an overall upliftment of socio-economic status of people in the area.

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Chapter 5

CHAPTER V Analysis of Alternatives (Technologies and Site)

5.1 ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGIES Production of sponge iron, Induction Furnace with Concast to produce Billets, Rolling Mill to produce TMT bars Ferro alloys by Submerged Electric Arc Furnace are well proven technologies all over the world. Hence no technological failures are anticipated. Hence no alternative technologies are considered.



M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited is an operating a 200 TPD sponge Iron plant in Taraimal Village, Gharghoda Tehsil, Raigarh District, Chhattisgarh. The existing plant site is in accordance with MOEF guidelines. There is no habitation within 2.5 km. radius of the plant. There are no National Parks/Sanctuaries within 10 Km. radius. There are no historical places/places of tourist importance within 10 Km. radius The proposed expansion will be taken- up in the existing plant premises only which is in accordance with MOEF guidelines. Hence no alternative sites are considered.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 6



6.1.1 METHODOLOGIES To know the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures post project environmental monitoring program will be strictly followed as per statutory requirement. Online monitors will be installed to rotary kilns to monitor particulate matter from the exhaust gases after treatment in Electro Static Precipitator (ESP). Always particulate matter in the exhaust gas will be maintained below 50 mg/Nm3 . In case if the stack emission is more than the stipulated standard, the interlocking system proposed will stop the feed to the kiln and eventually there will not be any production in the unit. Production in the unit will be restarted only when the Air pollution control systems are able to achieve the norms. Energy meters will be provided to all air pollution control systems to ensure effective operation of the control systems. The Fugitive emissions from the Induction furnaces will be sucked through hoods and will pass through a fume extraction system & cleaning system with bag filters and discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 30m height. The outlet dust emission will be less than 50 mg/NM3 . The emissions from each of the Submerged Electric Arc Furnaces will be controlled by providing a fume extraction system with bag filters and discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 30 m height. The outlet dust emission will be less than 50 mg/Nm3 .

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Energy meters will be provided to all air pollution control systems to ensure effective operation of the control systems. Fugitive emissions will be monitored and CPCB regulation in this regard will be followed. All air pollution control systems will be taken- up for maintenance as per prescribed dates and always ens ure compliance with norms. CECB will also carry out stack monitoring and ambient air quality at regular intervals. This will also help in cross checking the performance of Pollution control systems implemented in the plant.

6.1.2 FREQUENCY & LOCATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING A comprehensive monitoring programme is given under. This environmental monitoring will be entrusted to a third party.


S. No. 1. A. Frequency of Duration of Monitoring sampling Water & Waste water quality Once in a month Composite Water quality in the except for heavy sampling area metals which will be (24 hourly) monitored on quarterly


Parameters required to be monitored As per IS: 10500

2. A. B. C. 3.

Air Quality Stack Monitoring Ambient Air quality Fugitive emission monitoring Meteorological Data
Meteorological data to be monitored at the plant.
Online monitor (for major stacks) Once in a month SPM

SO2 & NOx

Twice a week Once in a month

24 hours continuously

RPM, SPM, SO2 & NO x Particulate matter.


Continuous monitoring

Temperature, RH, rainfall, wind direction & speed.

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6.1.3 DATA ANALYSIS All the parameters will be analysed as per IS procedures specified for those parameters. All water samples will be analysed for various parameters as per IS: 10500 with the specified procedures. The methodology adopted for monitoring & analysis of RPM & SPM is as per IS: 5182 Part IV SO2 & NOx as per IS: 5182 Part II & Part VI respectively. Samples were analysed for SO2 using improved West-Gaeke method for air samples using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 560 nm. Samples were analysed for NOx using Jacob and Hocheiser modified (Na-As) method, for Air samples using a spectrophotometer at wavelength of 540 nm. RPM & SPM in ambient air are found by using Respirable Dust Sampler (RDS).

6.1.4 REPORTING SCHEDULE After completion of analysis copies of all the analysis reports will be sent to the Ministry of Environment & Forests and CECB on monthly basis. A copy of the report will be maintained in the plant and will be made available to the concerned inspecting authorities. 6.1.5 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Whenever the Electro Static Precipitators fail to comply with the norms, then interlocking system will immediately cut-off the supply of raw materials. The production will be restarted after ensuring compliance with norms. 6.1.6 DETAILED BUDGET & PROCUREMENT SCHEDULES The budgetary allocation for Environmental monitoring is Rs. 20 Lakhs. Online monitors will be installed prior to commissioning of the kilns proposed. A third party will be engaged to monitor all the environmental parameters as per CPCB/CECB norms.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

7.1 RISK ASSESSMENT (TOR # 22) 7.1.1 INTRODUCTION to occur in the factory.


Risk analysis deals with the identification and quantification of risks, the plant equivalent and personnel are exposed to, due to accidents resulting from the hazards present in the factory. Hazard analysis involves the identification and quantification of the various hazards that likely

Both hazard and risk analysis very extensive studies, and require a very detailed design and engineering information. The various hazard analysis techniques that may be applied are Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies, Fault - Tree Analysis (FTA), event tree analysis, failure and effects mode analysis. Risk analysis follows an extensive hazard analysis. It involves the identification and assessment of risks the neighboring populations are exposed to as result of hazard present. This requires a through knowledge of failure probability, credible accident scenario, vulnerability of populations etc. Much of this information is difficult to get or generate. Consequently, the risk analysis is often confined to maximum creditable accident studies. 7.1.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of study includes the study of proposed operations, storage and handling of raw materials with respect to Hazard Identification. Risk Assessment and preparation of Disaster Management plan. Based on the Hazard Identification and analysis, the major disaster scenarios would be worked out to estimate the consequence of failure. A Disaster Management Plan (DMP) would also be evolved to meet the emergency situation including the occupational health and safety.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

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7.1.3 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM The following Fire Protection system will be provided in the plant. Hydrant system covering the entire plant including all important auxiliaries and buildings. The system will be complete with piping, valves instrumentation, hoses, nozzles and hydrants, valves etc. Sprinkler system for cable galleries / vaults / spreader room etc. Portable extinguisher such as pressurized water type, carbon dioxide type and foam type will be located at strategic locations through out the plant. Modular type carbon dioxide panel injection fire extinguishing system will be provided in control equipment room, cable space below control room and at other unmanned electrical and electronic equipment room. The following pumps will be provided in the fire protection system. Fire water pumps. (Fire water reservoir is part of the main water reservoir) a) AC motor driven fire water pumps for hydrant, medium velocity water spray system and foam system. b) AC motor driven fire water pumps for high velocity water spray system. c) Diesel engine driven pump as stand by for the above. d) Jackey pump 1 no. (AC motor driven) for maintaining pressure. 7.1.4 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM The fire alarm system proposed is given as following. Cable areas, control room will be provided with Ionization and photo electric smoke detectors. The above system will be designed as per the requirements of Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) of Insurance companies of India. Suitable number of electric motor driven and diesel engine operated hydrant and spray pumps with automatic starting will be provided for the above systems. The fire water pumps will take suction from the fire water reservoir to be created in the plant area.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

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The MCA Analysis involved ordering and ranking of various sections in terms of potential vulnerability. The following steps were involved in MCA Analysis. Preparation of an inventory of major storages and rank them on the basis of their hazard properties. Identification of potentially hazardous storage sections and representative failure cases from the vessels and the pipelines. Visualization of chemical release scenarios. Effect and damage calculation from the release cases through mathematical modeling. Inventory Analysis and Fire & Explosion and Toxicity Index (FETI) are the two techniques employed for hazard identification process. 7.1.6 FIRE & EXPLOSION AND TOXICITY INDEX

The role of Fire & Explosion Index (FEI) aids quantitative hazard identification. The FEI is calculated by evaluating the loss potential of all the units in the storage area and the hazardous areas were classified accordingly. The role of FEI is Identification of the equipment/areas that could likely contribute to the creation or escalation of incident and relatively rank the incidents. Quantification of the expected damage of potential fire and explosion incidents. Preparation of guidelines for mitigating fire hazards.

The loss potential which could actually be experienced under the most adverse operating conditions is quantitatively evaluated. The FEI is used for any operation in which a flammable, combustible or reactive material is stored, handled or processed. FEI = MF * GPH * SPH Where MF : Material factor GPH : General Process Hazard SPH : Special Process Hazard

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

TOXICITY INDEX The Toxicity Index is calculated using the Nh, Ts, GPH and SPH. TI is calculated by the following formula. (Nh + Ts) * (1 + GPH + SPH) TI = ------------------------------------------100 7.1.7 ASSESSMENT OF RISK AT M/s. BSPL Based on the storage inventory the following areas are identified as potential safety risk areas are shown in table 7.1 TABLE 7.1 POSSIBLE RISKS FROM THE PROPOSED STEEL PLANT S. No. 1. 2. 3. Area Coal handling plant Coal storage FO storage Capacity / quantity 20,000 tones 2 x 35 KL Hazards identified Fire and or dust explosion Fire, spontaneous combustion Fire COAL HANDLING PLANT - DUST EXPLOSION Coal dust when dispersed in air and ignited will explode. Crusher houses and conveyor systems are most susceptible to this hazard. The minimum of explosive concentration of coal dust (33% volatiles) is 50 grams/m3 . Failure of dust extraction & suppression systems may lead to abnormal conditions and increasing the concentration of coal dust to the explosive limits. The sources of ignition are incandescent bulbs, electric equipment & cables, friction & spontaneous combustion in accumulated dust. Dust explosion may occur without any warning with maximum explosion pressure upto 6.4 bars. Another dangerous characteristic of dust explosions is that it sets off secondary explosions after the occurrence of initial dust explosion. Stock pile area shall be provided with automatic garden type sprinklers for dust suppression as well as to reduce spontaneous ignition of coal stock piles, necessary water distribution net work will be provided for distributing water at all transfer points, crusher house, control room, etc. A centralized control room with microprocessor based control system has been envisaged for operation of the coal handling plant. Except locally controlled equipment like travelling tripper, dust extraction / dust suppression / ventilation equipment, sump pumps, water distribution
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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

system all other in line equipment will have provision for local control as well. All necessary inter local control panels will be provided for safe and reliable operation of the coal handling plant. Control measures for coal yard The entire quantity of coal will be stored in separate stack piles, with proper drains around to collect washouts during the monsoon. Water sprinkling system will be installed on stocks of pile to prevent spontaneous combustion and consequent fire hazards. The stack geometry will be adopted to maintain minimum exposure of stock pile areas towards predominant wind direction temperature will be monitored in the stock piles regularly to detect any at normal rise in temperature inside the stock pile to be enable to control the same. 7.1.8 RISK & CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS OF FIRE The principle objective of this study is to identify the potential hazards estimate the effects of hazards to people both with in and outside the plant premises. Identification of possible failure cases of the facilities which might affect the population and property within the plant boundary. Assessment of consequential effect on surrounding population, property etc., due to onset of such failures. Suggest recommendations based on consequence analysis relevant to the situations. METHODOLOGY The hazards expected from this plant include the pool fire situation due to the leakage of FO from the storage tank. There will be two nos. of FO storage tanks each of 35 KL capacity. The tank will be made of Mild steel and will be provided with dyke around the tanks. The most credible failure is due to the rupture of the pipe connecting the storage tank. The worst case can be assumed as when the entire contents leak out into the dyke forming a pool, which may catch fire on finding source of ignition.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

FO STORAGE TANK - POOL FIRE SCENARIO The m aximum quantity of FO stored at site will be 2 x 35 m3 capacity. In the event of tank spilling its contents through a small leakage or due to rupture of pipeline connecting the tank and on ignition fire will ensue. As the tanks are provided with dyke, the fire will be confined within the dyke. Threshold limit for first degree burns is 4.5 kw/m2 . Based on these results it may be concluded that the vulnerable zone in which the thermal fluxes above the threshold limit for first degree burns (4.5 kw/m2 ) is restricted to 17 m. The hazard distances for various radiation intensities are shown in table 6.4 TABLE 6.4 HAZARD DISTANCES (Two Tanks on fire - scenario) FO Quantity: 2 x 35 m3 Radiation intensity 37.5 kw/m2 25.0 kw/m2 12.5 kw/m2 4.5 kw/m2 (100% lethality) (50% lethality) (1% lethality) (1st degree burns) HAZARD DISTANCES 3m 6m 11 m 17m

The hazard distances for Thermal radiation are confined to the plant premises only. Hence there will not be any thermal radiation impact on outside the popula tion due to the pool fire scenario. The thick green belt to be developed will help to further mitigate the radiation intensity level outside plant boundary.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant



The potential hazardous operations and processes in the system are listed below. 1. Cable Galleries

For containment of fire and preventing it from spreading in the cable galleries, unit wise fire barriers with self - closing fire resistant doors with minimum fire rating of approximately 90 minutes are planned. The ventilation system provided in the cable galleries would be interlocked with the fire alarm system so that, in the event of a fire alarm, the ventilation system is automatically switched - off. Also to avoid spreading of fire, all cable entries / openings in cable galleries, channels, barriers etc. Will be sealed with non inflammable /fire resistant sealing material. Instrument cables will be fire Resistant low smoke type. EFFECTIVE CONTROLS Ignition sources in the vicinity. Pressurisation of buildings not having explosion - proof fittings, switching off power supply from a central place, blanket ban on smoking, proper maintenance of flame proof fittings. The thick green belt to be developed will help to mitigate the radiation intensity level outside plant boundary.


7.2.1 DISASTERS A disaster is catastrophic situation in which suddenly, people are plunged into helplessness and suffering and as a result, need protection, clothing, shelter, medical and social care and other necessities of life. Disasters can be divided into two main groups. In the first, are Disasters resulting from natural phenomena like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, tropical storms, floods, avalanches, landslides etc. The second group includes disastrous events occasioned by man, or by man's impact upon the environment. Examples are industrial accidents, radiation accidents, factory fires, explosions and escape of toxic gases or chemical substances, river pollution, mining or other structural collapses, air, sea, rail and road transport accidents and can reach catastrophic dimensions in terms of human loss.
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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

There can be no set criteria for assessing the gravity of a disaster in the abstract it depends to a large extent on the physical, economic and social environment in which it occurs. What would be considered a major disaster in developing country, will be equipped to cope with the problems involved, may not mean more than temporary emergency els ewhere. However all disasters bring in their wake similar consequences that call for immediate action, whether at the local, national or international level, for the rescue and relief of the victims. This includes the search for the dead and injured, medical and social care, removal of the debris, the provision of temporary shelter for the homeless food, clothing and medical supplies, and the rapid reestablishment of essential services. 7.2.2 OBJECTIVES OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT OF PLAN The disaster Management Plan is aimed to ensure safety of life, protection of environment, protection of installation, restoration of production and salvage operations in this same order of priorities. For effective implementation of Disaster Management Plan, it will be widely circulated and personnel training through rehearsals. The Disaster Management Plan would reflect the probable consequential severity of undesired event due to deteriorating conditions or through knock on effects. Further the management should be able to demonstrate that their assessment of the consequences uses good supporting evidence and based on currently available and reliable information, incident data from internal and external sources and if necessary the reports of out side agencies. To tackle the consequences of a major emergency inside the factory or immediate vicinity of the factory, a Disaster Management Plan has to be formulated and this planned emergency is called Disaster Management Plan. The objective of the Industrial Disaster Management Plan is to make use of the combined resources of the Plant and the outside services to achieve the following: Pool fire scenario due to FO storage Minimise damage to property and the environment. Effect the rescue and medical treatment of causalities. Provide for the needs of relatives. Provide authoritative information to news media.
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Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected areas. Safeguard other people. Initially contain and then ultimately bring the situation under the control. Preserve subsequent records and equipment for subsequent enquiry the cause and circumstances leading to emergency. 7.2.3 EMERGENCIES

The emergencies that could be envisaged in the Plant are as follows: Pool fire scenario at FO storage tank Contamination of food / water. Sabotage / social disorder. Structural failures. Slow isolated fires. SPECIFIC EMERGENCIES ANTICIPATED During the study of risk assessment, the probability of occurrence of hazards are worked out along with the nature of damage. This is the reason why one should study risk assessment in conjunction with DMP. 7.2.3. 3 EMERGENCY ORGANISATION It is recommended to setup an Emergency Organisation. A senior executive who has control over the affairs of the Plant would be heading the Emergency Organisation. He would be designated as Site Controller. In the case of stores, utilities, open areas which are the not under the control of production heads, executive responsible for maintenance of utilities would be designated as Incident Controller. All the Incident Controllers would be reporting to the site controller. Each Incident Controller, for himself, organises a team responsible for controlling the incident with the personnel under his control. Shift in-charge would be the reporting Officer, who would bring the incident to the notice of the Incident Controller and the Site Controller.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

Emergency Coordinators would be appointed who would undertake the responsibilities like fire fighting, rescue, rehabilitation, transport and support services. For this purposes, Security incharge, Personal Department, Essential services personnel would be engaged. All these personnel would be designated as key personnel. In each shift, electrical supervisor, electrical fitters, pump house incharge and other maintenance staff would be drafted for emergency operations. In the event of Power communication system failure, some of staff members in the office/ Plant offices would be drafted and their services would be utilised as messengers for quick passing of communications. All these personnel would be declared as essential personnel. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION Whoever notices an emergency situation such as fire, growth of fire, leakage etc. would inform his immediate superior and Emergency Control Center. The person on duty in the Emergency Control Centre, would appraise the site controller. Site controller verifies the situation from the Incident Controller of that area or the shift incharge and takes a decision about implementing on Site Emergency. This would be communicated to all the Incident Controllers, Emergency Coordinators. Simultaneously, the emergency warning system would be activated on the instructions of the Site Controller. EMERGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibilities of the key personnel are appended below SITE CONTROLLER On receiving information about emergency he would rush to Emergency Control Centre and take charge of ECC and the situation and assesses the magnitude of the situation on the advice of incident controller and decides. Whether affected area needs to be evacuated. Whether personnel who are at assembly points need to be evacuated. Declares Emergency and orders for operation of emergency siren. Organises announcement by public address system about location of emergency.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

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Assesses which areas are likely to be affected, or need to be evacuated or to be altered. Maintains a continuous review of possible development and assesses the situation in consultation with Incident Controller and other key personnel whether shutting down the Plant or any section of the Plant required and if evacuation of persons is required.

Directs personnel of rescue, rehabilitation, transport, fire brigade, medical and other designated mutual support systems locally available for meeting emergencies. Controls evacuation of affected areas, if the situation is likely to go out of control or effects are likely to go beyond the premises of the factory, informs to District Emergency Authority, Police, Hospital and seeks their intervention and help.

Informs Inspector of factories, Deputy Chief Inspector of factories, CECB and other statutory authorities. Gives public statement if necessary. Keeps record of chronological events and prepares an investigation report and preserves evidences.

On completion of on site Emergency and restoration of normalcy, declares all clear and orders for all clear signal. INCIDENT CONTROLLER Assembles the incident control team. Directs operations within the affected areas with the priorities for safety to personnel, minimise damage to the Plant, property and environment and minimise the loss of materials. Directs the shutting down and evacuation of Plant and areas likely to be adversely affected by the emergency. Ensures that all-key personnel help is sought. Provides advice and information to the Fire and Security officer and the local Fire Services as and when they arrive.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

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Ensures that all non-essential workers / staff of the effected areas evacuated to the appropriate assembly points and the areas are searched for causalities. Has regard to the need for preservation of evidence so as to facilitate any enquiry into the cause and circumstances, which caused or escalated the emergency. Coordination on with emergency services at the site. Provides tools and safety equipments to the team members. Keeps in touch with the team and advise them regarding the method of control to be used. Keep the site Controller of Emergency informed of the progress being made. EMERGENCY COORDINATO R - RESCUE, FIRE FIGHTING On knowing about emergency, rushes to Emergency Control Centre. Helps the incident controller in containment of the emergency. Ensure fire pumps in operating conditions and instructs pump house operator to be ready for any emergency. Guides the fire fighting crew i.e. Firemen trained Plant personnel and security staff. Organises shifting the fire fighting facilities to the emergency site, if required. Takes guidance of the Incident Controller for fire fighting as well as assesses the requirements of outside help. Arranges to control the traffic at the gate and the incident area / Directs the security staff to the incident site to take part in the emergency operations under his guidance and supervision. Evacuates the people in the Plant or in the near by areas as advised by site controller. Searches for casualties and arranges proper aid for them. Assembles search and evacuation team. Arranges for safety equipments for the members of his team. Decides which paths the evacuated workers should follow. Maintains law and order in the area, and if necessary seeks the help of police.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant



The event of failure of electric supply and there by internal telephone, sets up communication point and establishes contact with the Emergency Control Center (ECC). Organises medical treatment to the injured and if necessary will shift the injured to near by hospitals. Mobilises extra medical help from outside, if necessary Keeps a list of qualified first aiders of the factory and seek their assistance. Maintains first aid and medical emergency requirements. Makes sure that all safety equipment are made available to the emergency team. Assists Site Controller with necessary data and to coordinate the emergency activities. Assists Site Controller in updating emergency plan. Maintains liaison with Civil Administration. Ensure availability of canteen facilities and maintenance of rehabilitation centre. He will be in liaison with Site Controller / Incident Controller. Ensures availability of necessary cash for rescue / rehabilitation and emergency expenditure. Controls rehabilitation of affected areas on discontinuation of emergency. Makes available diesel petrol for transport vehicles engaged in emergency operation. EMERGENCY COORDINATOR ESSENTIAL SERVICES He would assist Site Controller and Incident Controller Maintains essential services like Diesel Generator, Water, Fire Water, Compressed Air / Instrument Air, Power Supply for lighting. He would plan alternate facilities in the event of Power failure, to maintain essential services such as lighting, etc. He would organize separate electrical connections for all utilities and during emergency be coordinates that the essential services and utilities are not effected.

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Gives necessary instructions regarding emergency electrical supply, isolation of certain sections etc to shift incharge and electricians. Ensure availability of adequate quantities of protective equipment and other emergency materials, spares etc. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES OF EMPLOYEES DURING AN EMERGENCY During an emergency, it becomes more enhanced and pronounced when an emergency warning is raised, the workers if they are incharge of process equipment, should adopt safe and emergency shut down and attend any prescribed duty as an essential employee. If no such responsibility is assigned, he should adopt a safe course to assembly point and await instructions. He should not resort to spread panic. On the other hand, he must assist emergency personnel towards objectives of DMP. 7.2. 3.6. EMERGENCY FACILITIES EMERGENCY CONTROL CENTRE For the time being office block is identified as Emergency control centre. It would have external Telephone, Fax, facility. All the Incident controller officers, senior personnel would be located here. The following information and equipment are to be provided at the Emergency control centre (ECC). Intercom, telephone P&T telephone Fire suit / gas tight goggles / gloves / helmets Factory layout, site plan Emergency lamp / torchlight Plan indicating locations of hazard inventories, Plant control room, sources of safety equipment, work road plan, assembly points, rescue location vulnerable zones, escape routes. Hazard chart Safe contained breathing apparatus Hand tools, wind direction, wind velocity indications
7-14 Environmental Impact Assessment Report

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Public Address Megaphone, Hand bell, Telephone directories (Internal, P&T).

Address with telephone numbers and key personnel, Emergency coordinator. Important addresses, telephone numbers such as experts from outside, government agencies neighboring industries etc. Emergency shut down procedures. Nominal roll of employees. EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY Plant facilities would be connected to Diesel Generator and would be placed in auto mode. FIRE FIGHTING FACILITIES First Aid Fire Fighting equipment suitable for emergency should be maintained as per statutory requirements per TAC Regulations. Fire hydrant line converting major areas would be laid. It would be maintained as 6 kg / pressure. LOCATION OF WIND SOCK On the top of production block and on the top of administrative block wind socks would be installed to indicate direction of wind during emergency period. EMERGENCY MEDICAL FACILITIES Gas masks and general first aid materials for dealing with chemical burns, fire burns etc. would be maintained in the medical centre as well as in the emergency control room. Private medical practitioners help would be sought. Government hospital would be approached for emergency help. Apart from Plant first aid facilities, external facilities would be augmented. Names of Medical Personnel, Medical facilities in Raigarh will be prepared and updated. Necessary specific

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medicines for emergency treatment of Burns patients, and for those affected by toxicity would be maintained. Breathing apparatus and other emergency medical equipment would be provided and maintained. The help of near by industrial managements in this regard would be taken on mutual support basis. EMERGENCY ACTIONS EMERGENCY WARNING Communication of emergency would be made familiar to the personnel inside the plant and people outside. An emergency warning system would be established. EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN There are number of facilities which can be provided to help in dealing with hazard conditions. The suggested arrangements are # Stop feed # Deluge contents # Remove heat # Transfer contents Methods of removing additional heat include removal the normal cooling arrangements or use of an emergency cooling system. Cooling facilities which is vaporising liquid may be particularly effective, since a large increase in vaporisation can be obtained by dropping pressure. EVACUATION OF PERSONNEL The area would have adequate number of exits and staircases. In the event of an emergency, unconnected personnel have to escape to assembly point. Operators have to take emergency shutdown procedure and escape. Time office maintains a copy of deployment of employees in each shift at Emergency Communication Centre. If necessary, persons can be evacuated by rescue teams.
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Chapter 7 ALL CLEAR SIGNAL At the end of emergency, after discussing with Incident Controllers and Emergency Coordinators, the site controller orders an all clear signal. 7.3 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE (TOR # 23) Large industries where multifarious activities are involved during construction, erection, testing, commissioning, operation and maintenance, the men, materials and machines are the basic inputs. Along with the booms, the industrialization generally brings several problems like occupational health and safety. 7.3.1 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Occupational health needs attention both during construction and operation phases. However the problem varies both in magnitude and variety in the above phases. 7.3.2 CONSTRUCTION & ERECTION The occupational health problems envisaged at this stage can mainly be due to constructional and noise. To overcome these hazards, in addition to arrangements required to reduce it within TLV'S, personnel protective equipments should also be supplied to workers.

7.3.3 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE The working personnel should be given the following appropriate personnel protective equipments. Industrial Safety helmets Crash helmets Face shield with replacement acrylic vision Zero power plain goggles with cut type filters on both ends Zero power goggles with cut type filters on both sides and blue colour glasses Welders equipment for eye and face protection
7-17 Environmental Impact Assessment Report

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Chapter 7

Cylindrical type earplug Ear plugs Canister gas masks Self contained breathing apparatus Leather apron Boiler suit Safety belt / line man's safety belt Leather hand gloves Asbestos hand gloves Canvas cum leather hand gloves with leather palm Industrial safety shoes with steel toe Electrical safety shoes without steel toe and gum boots

7.3.4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH Pre employment medical examination shall be conducted. Full fledged hospital facilities shall be made available round the clock for attending emergency arising out of accidents, if any. All workers shall be medically tested once in a year and at the end of his term of employment. Medical records of all employees will be maintained.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

7.4 SAFETY PLAN Safety of both men and materials during construction and operation phases is of concern. The preparedness of an industry for the occurrence of possible disasters is known as emergency plan. The disaster in Project is possible due to collapse of structures and fire / explosion etc. The details of fire fighting equipments to be installed are given below. Carbon dioxide Foam type DCP Soda acid type Fire buckets Fire hydrants Keeping in view the safety requirement during construction, operation and maintenance phases, M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited has formulated safety policy with the following regulations. To take steps to ensure that all known safety factors are taken into account in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of Plants, machinery and equipment. To allocate sufficient resources to maintain safe and healthy conditions of work. To ensure that adequate safety instructions are given to all employees. To provide where ever necessary protective equipment, safety appliances and clothing and to ensure their proper use. To inform employees about materials, equipments or processes used in the their work which are known to be potentially hazardous to health and safety. To keep all operations and methods of work under regular review for making necessary changes from the safety point of view in the light of experience and up to date knowledge. To provide appropriate facilities for first aid and prompt treatment of injuries and illness at work. To provide appropriate instructions, training and supervision to employees health and safety, first aid and to ensure that adequate publicity is given to these matters.
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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

To ensure proper implementation of fire preventive methods and an appropriate fire fighting service along with training facilities for personnel involved in this service. To publish / notify regulations, instructions and notices in the common language employees. To prepare separate safety rules for each type of process involved. To ensure regular safety inspection by a competent person at suitable intervals of all buildings, equipments, work places and operations. 7.4.1 SAFETY ORGANISATION CONSTRUCTION AND ERECTION PHASE A highly qualified and experienced safety officer will be appointed. The responsibilities of the safety officers include identification of the hazardous conditions and unsafe acts of workers and advise on corrective actions, conduct safety audit, organise training programmes and provide professional expert advice on various issues related to occupational safety and health. In addition to employment of safety officer, every contractor, who employees more than 250 workers, should also employ one safety officer to ensure safety of the workers in accordance with the conditions of the contract. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE PHASE When the construction is completed the posting of safety officers should be in accordance with the requirement of factories act and their duties and responsibilities should be as defined there of. SAFETY CIRCLE In order to fully develop the capabilities of the employees in identification of hazardous processes and improving safety and health, safety circles would be constituted in each area of work. The circle would consist of 5-6 employees from that area. The circle normally should meet for about an hour every week.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

7.4.2 SAFETY TRAINING A full fledged training centre will be established at M/s B.S. Sponge Private Limited. Safety training will be provided by the safety officers with the assistance of faculty members called from professional safety institutions and universities. In addition to regular employees, limited contractor labours will also given safety training. To create safety awareness safety films will be shown to workers and leaflets etc. will be distributed. Compartmentation of the cable galleries, use of proper sealing techniques of cable passages and crevices in all directions would help in localising and identifying the area of occurrence of fire as well as ensure effective automatic and manual fire fighting operations. Spread of fire in horizontal direction would be checked by providing fire stops for cable shafts. Reliable and dependable type of fire detection system with proper zoning and interlocks for alarms are effective protection methods for conveyor galleries. Housekeeping of high standard helps in eliminating the causes of fire and regular fire watching system strengthens fire prevention and fire fighting.

7.4.3 HEALTH AND SAFETY MONITORING PLAN All the potential occupational hazardous work places will be monitored regularly. The health of employees working in these areas will be monitored once in a year


The local areas will be benefited by way of generation of employment opportunities, increased demand for local products and services. There will be an overall improvement in the income level of the local people. The project creates employment to about 250 persons once the expansion project is commissioned and for 500 persons during construction stage of expansion project. Priority will

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 7

be given to locals for Semi-Skilled and Unskilled workers. With the development of this Plant there will be lot of scope for more industrial investments which in turn will benefit the nation. The project proponent intends to provide welfare activities recreational facilities in the surrounding villages once the plant commences production. The project proponent intends to conduct regular health checkups in the surrounding villages. Therefore there will be a certain enhancement of educational and medical standards of people in the study area. There will be generally positive and beneficial impacts by way of economic improvements, transportation, aesthetic environment and business generation. There will be an overall upliftment of socioeconomic status of people in the area.


The proposed expansion will be taken- up in the existing plant premises only. There is no habitation in the proposed site for the expansion activity. Henc e no Rehabilitation & Resettlement Action Plan has been envisaged in the proposed expansion project.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 8



Once the expansion activity is commissioned, the socio-economic status of the local people will improve and there by infrastructure facilities like communication systems will improve. There will be improvement in infrastructure due to the proposed expansion project.

With the implementation of the expansion project, the socio-economic status of the local people will improve substantially. The land rates in the area will improve in the nearby areas due to the proposed expansion activity. This will help in upliftment of the social status of the people in the area. Educational, medical facilities will certainly improve due to the proposed expansion project. 8.3 EMPLOYMENT POTENTIAL The proposed project creates employment to 500 people during construction and 250 people during operation of the expansion project. 8.3.1 SKILLED Total skilled employment in the proposed plant will be 35.

8.3.2 SEMI-SKILLED Total Semi-skilled employment in the proposed expansion project will be 65. Priority will be given to local people for semi-skilled jobs.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 8

8.3.3 UNSKILLED Total Unskilled employment in the proposed expansion project will be 150. Top priority will be given to local people for unskilled jobs. 8.4 OTHER TANGIBLE BENEFITS The following are the other benefits to the area due to the proposed expansion project. Educational status will improve in the area Periodic Medical check-up will be carried out. Overall economic upliftment of socio-economic status of people in the area. Ancillary developmental activities will be created due to the establishment of the proposed unit. SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITIES PROPOSED The following welfare measures have been proposed Supply of street lights Supply of furniture to school . Supply of free books to poor school children. Supply of computers to school Merit scholarships for school children.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 9


At scoping stage Environmental Cost Benefit analysis is not recommended. All required environmental protection measures will be implemented to comply with norms.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10



The major objective and benefit of utilizing Environmental Impact Assessment in project planning stage itself, is to prevent avoidable losses of environmental resources and values as a result of Environmental Management. Environmental Management includes protection / mitigation / enhancement measures as well as suggesting post project monitoring programme. Environmental management may suggest revision of project site or operation to avoid adverse impacts or more often additional project operations may have to be incorporated in the conventional operation. The industrial development in the study area needs to be intertwined with judicious utiliztion of non-renewable resources of the study area and with in the limits of permissible assimilative capacity. The assimilative capacity of the study area is the maximum amount of pollution load that can be discharged in the environment without affecting the designated use and is governed by dilution, dispersion, and removal due to physico-chemical and biological processes. The Environment Management Plant (EMP) is required to ensure sustainable development in the study area of the proposed plant site, hence it needs to be an all encompassive plan for which the proposed industry, Government, Regulating agencies like Pollution Control Board working in the region and more importantly the affected population of the study area need to extend their cooperation and contribution. It has been evaluated that the study area has not been affected adversely and is likely to get new economical fillip. The affected environmental attributes in the region are air quality, water quality, soil, land use, ecology and public health.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Imp act Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

The Mana gement Action Plan aims at controlling pollution at the source level to the possible extent with the available and affordable technology followed by treatment measures before they are discharged. Environmental Management aims at the preservation of ecosys tem by considering the pollution abatement facilities at the plant inception. In the upcoming modern steel plants, pollution abatement has become an integral part of planning and design along with Techno economic factors. 10.1 MANAGEMENT DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE Environmental pollution is inevitable during the construction phase. The project proponent should take appropriate steps to control pollution during construction phase. The following are the factors requiring control during construction phase. 10.1.1 SITE PREPARATION At the time of construction there will be some quantity of soil and debris and produce unstable material. The disturbed slopes shall be well stabilized before the on set of the monsoon. The leveling operation will also involve piling up of backfill materials. Use of dust suppressant spraying to minimize fugitive dust during construction activities is recommended. 10.1.2 WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION The employees at the plant shall be provided with water for their requirement and for the construction activities. The existing shall be provided with sufficient and suitable toilet facilities to allow proper standards of hygiene. These facilities would preferably be connected to a septic tank and shall be maintained properly to have least environmental impact. 10.1.3 NOISE Noise pollution is anticipated during the construction phase due to the usage of various construction equipment such as mechanical vibrator, mixers etc. The noise effect on the nearest inhabitations due to construction activity will be negligible. However, it is advisable that onsite
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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

workers working near the noise generating equipment shall be provided with noise protection devices like earplugs. 10.1.4 MAINTENANCE OF VEHICLES One should be very careful in selecting the site for vehicle maintenance, so as to prevent the ground water contamination due to the spillage of oil. Both diesel and petrol engine vehicles shall be maintained properly. Unauthorized dumping of waste oil should be prohibited. Wastes should be disposed off to the CECB approved vendors. 10.1.5 WASTE The solid waste shall be collected and disposed off as per norms. 10.1.6 STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL The following hazardous materials need to be stored at the site during construction. a. Gas for welding purpose b. LDO c. Painting materials All these materials would be stored as per international safety standards. 10.1.7 LAND ENVIRONMENT The proposed expansion will not create any major impact on land environment. As soon as the construction activity is over the surplus earth will be utilised to fill up low lying areas, the rubbish will be cleared and all in built surfaces will be reinstated. Appropriate vegetation will be planned and all such areas shall be landscaped. 30 acres of extensive greenbelt will be

developed (inclusive of existing greenbelt) within the premises. 10.2 POST CONSTRUCTION PHASE 10.2.1 AIR EMISSION MANAGEMENT The main sources of dust pollution are crushing operations of raw materials (such as, Iron ore/ Coal) and their transfer points. A separate dedusting system will be provided to control the dust from various material transfer points by means of suitable ducting connected to an Induced
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Chapter 10

Draught fan. The dust that is drawn from various points will be passed through bag filters. The following table shows the various control systems proposed in the expansion project and their outlet dust emissions. (TOR # 12) S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Particulate emission at the outlet < 50 mg/Nm3 < 50 mg/Nm3 < 50 mg/Nm3 < 50 mg/Nm3 < 50 mg/Nm3

Stack attached to Kilns(4 x 100 TPD) with WHRB Induction Furnace & LF (common Stack) AFBC Boiler Rolling Mill SEAF

Control Equipment Electro Static Precipitators Fume Extraction system with Bagfilters Electro Static Precipitator --Fume Extraction system with Bagfilters

The gases from the kiln will pass through Waste Heat Recovery Boiler (WHRB) and after heat recovery the gases will pass through state of the- art ESP. The particulate emission at the outlet of Electro Static Precipitator will be less than 50 mg/Nm3 . The flue gases after treatment in ESPs will be let out through a combined stack (Twin flues) of height of 60 m. DUST EXTRACTION SYSTEM Dust extraction system with Bag filters will be provided at the following locations.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Imp act Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant BAG FILTER SPECIFICATIONS SL. NO 1 Description Type Product House Draft Forced Filter Type 20000 Cu-M/hr Ambient Sponge Iron, Char, Dolomite 10-15 gms/Cm.Mtr. Polyester Needled Felt Having A weight of 550 GSM. Cooler Discharge Draft Forced Filter Type 20000 Cu-m/hr 100 Deg CelCius Sponge Iron, Char, Dolomite 12-30 gms/Cm.Mtr. Polyester Needled Felt Having A weight of 550 GSM. Intermediate Bin Draft Forced Filter Type 16000 Cu-m/hr 80Deg .CelCius Sponge Iron, Char Stock House Draft Forced Filter Type 12000 Cu-m/hr Ambient . Coal, Dolomite, Iron Ore Fines 10-15 gms/Cu.Mtr. Polyester Needled Felt Having A Weight of 550 SM. Coal Scr& Crusher House Draft Forced Filter Type 16000 Cu-m/hr Ambient Coal Dust Iron Ore Crushing Draft Forced Filter Type 16000 Cu-m/hr Ambient Iron ore Dust

Chapter 10

2 3 4

Gas Volume Gas Temperature Dust

5 6

Dust Load at Inlet Material of Bags

25-30 gms/Cm.Mtr. Polyester Needled Felt Having A weight of 550 GSM.

10-15 gms/Cu.Mtr. Polyester Needled Felt Having A Weight of 550 SM

10-15 gms/Cm.Mtr . Polyester Needled Felt Having A weight of 500 GSM

7 8

Max. Design Temp Treatment For Bag

130 Deg. Celsius Anti-adhesive Silicon Treatment

130 Deg. Celsius Anti-adhesive Silicon Treatment

130 Deg. Celsius Anti-adhesive Silicon Treatment 50 mg/Cu. Mtr. 164 Sq.m

130 Deg. Celsius Anti-adhesive Silicon Treatment 50 mg/Cu. Mtr. 123 Sq.m

130 Deg. Celsius Anti-adhesive Silicon Treatment 50 mg/Cu. Mtr. 164 Sq .m

130 Deg.Celcius Anti-adhesive Silicon Treatment

9 10

Stack Emission Filtration Area

50 mg/Cu. Mtr. 205 Sq.m

50 mg/Cu. Mtr 205 Sq.m

50 mg/Cu. Mtr. 164 Sq .m

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Imp act Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS

Chapter 10

APPLICATION: ESP FOR 100 TPD SPONGE IRON KILN (4 nos.) ESP MAKE Design volume Design Temperature Maximum Inlet dust Load Outlet Emission Moisture in gas Collection area Specific Collection Area No. of gas passages Velocity through ESP Residence Time Migration velocity M/S. THERMAX LIMITED 70,000 180 - 220 18 50 17(at Heat Exchanger) 36 to 40 (at ESP) 2600 69.1 11 0.73 21.04 7.08

Am3/hr Deg C Gm/Nm3 Mg/Nm3 %w/w m2 m2/m 3/s m/s sec cm/s

Note: An interlocking system will be provided to each of the ESPs in such a way that whenever the emission in the exhaust exceeds the standard, then the raw material feed to the kiln will be stopped. The unit will be restarted only when the pollution control systems are able to comply with Norms. CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM DRI PLANT



Measures adopted for control 1. All vibrating screens will be totally covered, to prevent the leakages of dust. 2.Through out the length, the conveyor is covered with G.I.Sheets to prevent the dust pollution 3. All the material handling systems will be connected with de dusting system. All the discharge points and feed points wherever the possibility of dust generation is there a de dusting suction point will be provided to collect the dust.



It is the most effective and successful system to prevent the fly-off of dust. Dust suppression system will be adopted to control the fugitive dust emanated during raw material unloading operations. 1. All conveyors will be covered with G.I.Sheets to control the dust. 2. All bins will be totally packed and covered, so that there will not be any chance of dust leakage.
10-6 Environmental Impact Assessment Report

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10






i) Weigh feeders will be kept below the hopper and used to feed the known quantity of raw material per hour ; it also seals the discharge area. ii) All discharge and feed points wherever the possibility of dust generation is there, will be provided with dust suppression system. iii) All material transfer points will be connected with dust suppression water nozzles to avoid the pollution. The raw material will be fed into the kiln through a double pendulum valve, which seals the false air entry into the rotary kiln and gas leakage from the kiln. The chute will be sealed with a double pendulum flap. Sealed system to avoid false air entry as well as exit. So that the desired quality can be produced. Hence there will not be any chance for pollution in this area. The transfer point between kiln to coolers is completely sealed to avoid the false air entry and gas leakages. 1. The water will be circulated again and again. Hence there will not be any water pollution problem 2. There will be slip seals at cooler inlet & cooler outlet.The seals are also being lubricated to avoid falls air entry and gas leakages. 3. Cooler discharge and feed points wherever the possibility of dust generation is there will be provided with de dusting system. AFTER BURNING CHAMBER Then the gas passes through the After Burning Chamber (ABC) in which the combustion of carbon monoxide and un burnt carbon takes place by supplying required air .The basic purpose of after burning chamber is to eliminate the carbon monoxide content in waste flue gases. WHRB & ELECTRO STATIC PRECIPITATOR The gases from the kiln will pass through Waste Heat Recovery Boiler and after heat recovery, the gases will pass through an Electro Static Precipitator and the outlet dust emission in the exhaust gases will be <50 mg/Nm3 . The clean gases will be emitted into the atmosphere through a combined stack of 60m for proposed Kilns. 1. All conveyors will be covered with G.I.Sheets, to control the dust emission. 2. All bins will be totally packed and covered. so that there will not be any chance for dust leakage. 3. Telescopic chutes will be provided below the hopper to
10-7 Environmental Impact Assessment Report






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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

discharge the product directly into the truck for dispatch to avoid the pollution. 4. All the above materia l handling systems will be connected with de-dusting system 5. All discharge points and feed points wherever the possibility of dust generation is there, a de-dusting system with Bag filter s will be provided . 6. The collected dust will be taken by pneumatic conveying system and stored in a dust storage bin. 7. Bag housing system In the bag house the dry dust will be collected in an enclosed housing containing fabric filter bags which are suspended inside the unit. The dust ladden air will be pushed or pulled through the filter bags, forming a dust cake to separate the particulate from the clean air. The collected dust will be taken by a pneumatic conveying system and stored in a dust storage bin. Good House keeping: Good house keeping practices will be maintained in all sections of the plant. FUGITIVE EMISSIONS (TOR # 13) Fugitive dust emissions are likely in the unloading areas, material transfer point, cooler discharge area, product separation area, etc. Fugitive emission in the material unloading area can be avoided by providing dust suppression system. More over the raw material will be stored in covered sheds. Fugitive emission from material unloading operations, material transfer points will be controlled fully with total enclosure and all the transfer emission will be connected with extractor inlet point and will pass through a high efficiency Bag Filter before discharging into the atmosphere. Fugitive emissions will be regularly monitored in the plant area and CPCB stipulations regarding fugitive emission control and monitoring will be strictly followed. STEEL MELTING SHOP (TOR # 13) 10.2.1. 2.1 CONTROL OF SECONDARY FUGITIVE EMISSIONS The secondary emissions from the Induction furnaces, laddle furnace continuous casting machine area will be extracted and treated in a fume extraction system.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Fumes will be evacuated directly from induction furnaces through hoods with swiveling mechanism and ducting. The fumes from LRF will be collected through a water cooled hood and duct work. The duct carrying fumes from Induction furnaces and LRF will join in a mixing chamber from where the gases will be led to the bag house by means of ID fan. Clean gases having less than 50 mg/Nm3 of dust content will be exhausted through a two common stacks (with 2 flues) each of 30 m height. A line diagram showing the fume extractio n system is enclosed as Fig.10.1. Whenever Air pollution control systems fail, production in that unit will be stopped till that air pollution control system is rectified.

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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Induction Furnace - I

Induction Furnace - II

Water Cooled Duct

F.D. Cooler

Bag House

Dust Chimney Laddle Refining

Furnaces 2 Nos

ID Fan

Pneumatic System

Dust Storage Bin


PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant SPECIFICATIONS OF FUME EXTRACTION SYSTEM FOR INDUCTION FURNACES

Chapter 10

Volumetric Flow rate Inlet dust load

: 42400 m3 /hr : 10 gms/Nm3

Guaranteed outlet dust emission : <50 mg/Nm3 Type of bag filters : Pulse jet

Pressure drop across bag filters : 25 mm wg CONTROL FUGITIVE EMISSION FROM FERRO ALOYS PLANT The emissions from each of the Submerged Electric Arc Furnaces will be controlled by providing a fume extraction & cleaning system with bag filters and then let out into the atmosphere through a stack of 30 m height. The out let dust emission will be less then 50 mg/Nm3 .

Specifications Of Bagfilters Description Application Gas Volume Gas Temperature Resistance Inlet Dust Load Outlet Dust load Dust Handled Bags size No. of Bags Control Unit Details Fume extraction system for furnace 42400 m3 / hr 160-180o C 350 mm WC 2.6 g / Nm3 < 50 mg/ Nm3 Fumes coming during the manufacturing process of ferro alloys 160 mm x 5625 mm 600 Solid state electric supply sequential

The primary & secondary fugitive emissions from each of submerged Arc Furnaces will be extracted through similar type of hoods and these gases will then pass through a bag house and after treatment these gases will be discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 30 m
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Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

height. 2 nos of stacks each of 30 m will be provided. The outlet dust emission from the exhaust flue gases will be <50 mg/Nm3 . A copy of the Fume extraction & cleaning system shown as Fig: 10.2 Fume Extraction System: Fig 10.2

Monitoring of Secondary fugitive emissions The fugitive emissions of suspended particulate matter (SPM) will not exceed 1000 ug/m3 at a distance of 10 m (approx.) from the sources mentioned below, where fugitive dust emissions are anticipated. The measurement will be done preferably on 8- hour basis with high volume sampler. S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Area Raw material handling area Crusher area Monitoring Location

Wagon tippler, Screen area, Transfer Points, Stock Bin area Crushing plant, vibrating screen, transfer points Raw material feed area Feeder area, Mixing area, transfer points Cooler discharge area Over size discharge area, Transfer Points Product processing area Intermediate stock bin area. Screening plant, Magnetic Separation unit, Transfer Points, Over size discharge area, Product separation area, Bagging area

10.2.1. 4 POWER PLANT The flue gases from the FBC boiler will be treated in a state-of-the-art ESP and the outlet dust emission will be less than 50 mg/Nm3 and after treatment the gases will be let out into the

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Chapter 10

atmosphere through a stack of 72 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphere. The specifications of ESP for the FBC Boiler will be as following TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF ESP (FBC BOILER) Gas flow rate, m3 /hr Flue gas temperature (0 C) Inlet dust concentration, gm/nm3 Guaranteed outlet dust Concentration, mg/nm3 Design pressure, mm wg Number of fields Pressure drop across the ESP, mm wg Collection efficiency : 25 (max) : 99.90% : 50 (at max. flow conditions) : 300 : Two : 559832 : 170 : 35 DUST SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Water sprinklers will be provided at the unloading areas of the raw materials for dust suppression. Dust suppression system with plain water - comprising piping network, valves pumps, instrumentation & control, water tank etc. will be provided. INTERNAL ROADS Internal roads will be asphalted to prevent the fugitive dust emission due to vehicular movement. COMPLIANCE ON CREP RECOMMENDATIONS (TOR # 17, 27) All the CREP recommendations will be implemented & followed strictly. The following will be the compliance of CREP recommendations. Continuous stack monitoring system is proposed for major stacks.
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Chapter 10

Energy meters will be installed for all the pollution control systems. Rain water harvesting pits are being constructed as per the guidelines issued by CGWB. Recommendations a) The proposed air pollution control equipment will be installed prior to commissioning the expansion plant. b) Continuous monitoring system for particulate matter in the stacks will be provid ed. c) Pressure drop measuring system will be installed to measure the pressure drop across the bag filters. d) All the internal roads shall be asphalted to reduce the fugitive dust due to truck movement. 10.2.2 WATER POLLUTION MANAGEMENT SMS, ROLLING MILL & FERRO ALLOYS Closed circuit cooling system will be provided in DRI plant, cooling of Billets, TMT bars & Ferro alloys. Hence there will not be any waste water generation from process and cooling in the steel plant. POWER PLANT

Total waste water generation from the proposed 12 MW WHRB based Power plant and 36 MW FBC based power plant is 367 cum/day (including sanitary waste water). The boiler blowdown & DM Plant regeneration water will be treated in a neutralization tank and after treatment it will be mixed with CT Blow down and treated service water. The treated effluent will be stored in a Central Monitoring Basin (CMB). The treated effluent will be used for onland for irrigation within the premises after ensuring compliance with CPCB/CECB standards. Total effluent generated (exc luding sanitary waste water) Effluent to be used for Ash Conditioning & dust suppression Effluent to be used for greenbelt development : 367 cum/day : 75 cum/day : 292 cum/day

Zero effluent discharge is being maintained in the existing plant and will be continued in the expansion also.

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Environmental Impact Assessment Report


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Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank by soak pit. ETP flow diagram is shown in fig 10.3

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Chapter 10

10.2.3 SOLID WASTE (TOR # 20) The solid wastes generated from the existing plant, expansion and after expansion are shown below. S. No Type of Solid waste Existing Quantity (in TPD) 60 Expansion Quantity (in TPD) 434 After expansion Quantity (in TPD) 494 Disposal Proposed



Cement plants/Fly ash product manufacturers/brick manufacturers. Used in Road construction Given to brick manufacturers Completely utilized in FBC Boiler as fuel Used as sub base material in road construction To be reused in manufacture of Silico Manganese as it contains high MnO2 and Silicon To be used in cast iron foundries. To be used for road construction.

2 3 4 5 6.

Slag (from SMS) Wet scraper sludge Char Accretion slag Ferro Manganese Ferro Silicon Silico Manganese

9.2 60 1.8 -

54 18.4 120 3.6 55

54 27.6 180 5.4 55

7. 8.

4.7 27.5

4.7 27.5

10.2.3 NOISE LEVEL MANAGEMENT The major noise generating sources in the plant are STG, Boilers , Rolling mill and DG set. The turbines will be of internationally reputed make and will be manufactured as per OSHA & other international guidelines. Acoustic enclosure will be provided to STG. The major noise levels will be confined to the working zones of the plant . The Leq of eight hours will be within the prescribed standards. Community noise levels are not likely to be effected due to the proposed thick green belt and attenuation due to the physical barriers. The ambient noise levels will be less than 75 dBA during day time & less than 70 dBA during night time. As the nearest habitation is about 2.5 Km. from the plant, there will not be any adverse impact on habitations due to the proposed expansion activities.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Recommendations a) Acoustic enclosures to Turbine b) The impact can reduced by adopting shock absorbing techniques. c) The Noise absorption will improve by using hollow concrete blocks in the construction of the proposed Plant. d) Ear plugs shall be provided to the workers and this shall be enforced strictly. e) Extensive greenbelt shall be developed for further attenuating the noise levels. 10.2.5 LAND ENVIRONMENT All the required Air pollution Control systems will be provided in the proposed expansion project. The treated effluent will confirm to the CECB standards for onland for irrigation. Hence there will not be any impact on land environment due to the proposed expansion project. The solid waste generated from the project will be utilized as per norms. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the solid waste generated from the proposed expansion activities. Extensive greenbelt

development will have positive impact on land environment. Land prices in the area will increase due to the proposed expansion project. Recommendations a) Land scaping can be done around the Administrative building, raw material storage sheds etc. This will help in preserving the ecological conditions. 10.2.6. MEASURES FOR IMPROVEMENT OF ECOLOGY There are no Wild life sanctuaries, Bird sanctuaries, National Parks within 10 Km. radius of the plant. No significant vegetation occurs in and around the project site. No significant fauna exists in the area. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on flora & fauna due to the proposed expansion project.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Recommendations Plantation programme should be undertaken at several areas. They should include plantation, along the internal and external roads and along the administrative buildings and the stacking yards. People should be educated and trained in social forestry activities by local governmental and non-governmental organizations. GREEN BELT DEVELOPMENT (TOR # 24)

Extensive greenbelt will be developed in addition to the existing greenbelt. The greenbelt shall be developed simultaneously with the plant construction. This will further mitigate the pollution impacts. 15 m wide greenbelt will be developed all around the plant. A detailed greenbelt plan will be developed in as per CPCB guidelines in consultation with local DFO. Greenbelt plantation Greenbelt will be developed in a set of rows of trees planted in such a way that they form an effective barrier between the plant and the surroundings. The main purpose of greenbelt development is to contribute to the following factors. To maintain the ecological homeostatus. To attenuate the air emissions from the kiln and the fugitive dust emissions. To prevent the soil erosion. To attenuate the noise levels.

.Plantation of grass, flowers, bushes and trees will be taken up to reduce the generation of dust from the bare earth and to enhance the aesthetic value. Plantation species Plantation species will be considered based on the following. Suitable to the Geo-climatic conditions of the area. Mix of round, spreading, oblong and conical canopies. Ever green trees. Different heights ranging from 4m to 20m.
10-18 Environmental Impact Assessment Report

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Plantation for Arresting dust Trees particularly having compact branching closely arranged leaves of simple elliptical and hairy structure, shiny or waxy leaves and hairy twigs are efficient filters of dust. The following species are suggested to arrest the dust Alstonia Scholaris Bauhinia purpurea Cassia siamea Peltoferrum ferrugineum Butea monosperma Tamarindus indica Azadirachta indica Plantation to absorb SO2 emissions The following plants are suggested for plantation to absorb SO2 in the air. Azadirachta indica Albizia lebbeck Alstonia scholaris Lagerstroemia flosregineae Melia azedarach Minusops elangi Poloyalthia longifloia Plantation to reduce noise pollution Trees having thick and flushy leaves with petioles are suitable. Heavier branches and trunks of trees also deflect the sound waves. The following plant species are suggested to reduce noise pollution. Alstonia scholaris Azadirachta indica Melia monosperma Grevillea peridifolia
PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd. 10-19 Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Tamarindus indica Greavillea robusta Plantation along the roads (Avenue plantation) Alstonia scholaris Cassia fistula Bauhinia purpurea Mimusops elangi Pongamia pinnata Polyalthia longifolia Poluferrum ferrugineum Lagerstroemia flosreginea Cassia siamea. Greenbelt development plan (TOR # 24) Local DFO will be consulted in developing the green belt. A greenbelt of 10 acres will be developed in the plant premises in addition to the existing 20 acres of greenbelt. Hence total greenbelt after expansion will be 30 acres. A 15 m wide greenbelt will be developed all around the plant after implementation of the expansion project. The tree species to be selected for the plantation are pollutant tolerant, fast growing, wind firm, deep rooted. A three tier plantation is proposed comprising of an outer most belt of taller trees which will act as barrier, middle core acting as air cleaner and the innermost core which may be termed as absorptive layer consisting of trees which are known to be particularly tolerant to pollutants. Greenbelt will be developed simultaneously with the construction of the plant as per CPCB guidelines. 600 plants will be planted per acre.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

10.2.7. RAINWATER HARVESTING (TOR # 24) Rainwater harvesting structures will be constructed to harvest the run-off water from roof tops by laying a separate storm water drainage system for recharging of ground water. 4 nos. of rain water harvesting structures each of size 10m x 5m x 1.5 m will be provided in the plant to recharge the precious ground water. Rain harvesting pits are being

constructed as per guidelines of State Ground Water Board.



The monitoring of various environmental parameters is necessary which is part of the environmental protection measures. Monitoring is an important feature because the efficiency of control measures can only be determined by monitoring. A comprehensive monitoring programme is given under. Locations and frequency of monitoring as per the guidelines of CECB and MOEF are tabulated below.


S. No. 1. A. Particulars Water & Waste water quality Water quality in the area Air Quality Stack Monitoring Frequency of Monitoring Duration of sampling Parameters required to be monitored

Once in a month except for heavy metals which will be monitored on quarterly basis.

Composite sampling (24 hourly)

As per IS: 10500

2. A.

Online monitors (major stacks) Once in a month


SO2 & NOx

B. C. 3.

Ambient Air quality Fugitive emissions Meteorological Data

Meteorological data to be monitored at the plant.

Twice a week Once in three months Daily

24 hours continuously 8 hourly

RSPM, SPM, SO2 & NO x Particulate matter

Continuous monitoring

Temperature, RH, rainfall, wind direction & speed.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 10

Infrastructure for Environmental Protection Man Power The project proponent shall provide a fully equipped laboratory to carry out the analysis. The following manpower shall be provided on regular basis. 1. Environmental Engineer / Safety Officer He should be a graduate engineer with adequate experience. He will be responsible for implementing and monitoring the environmental impacts and all the safety aspects. He should be a liasioning officer between the proposed plant and with regulatory agencies like CECB, CPCB etc. 2. Chemist He should be a qualified chemist to carry out the analysis of various samples. 3. Monitoring equipment and Consumables Environmental monitoring during the operation phase of the plant will be entrusted to a third party. Monitoring will be carried out as per CPCB/CECB norms. A budgetary allocation of Rs 20 Lakhs will be earmarked for Environmental monitoring. Noise levels A sound level meter shall be purchased to record noise levels in different scales like A, B and C with slow and fast response options at various generating source from D.G set which will be used only when there is an interruption in the power supply. 10.4 COSTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (TOR # 26) Capital Cost for Environment Protection for expansion project: Rs. 20 Crores Recurring Cost for Environmental protection: Rs. 1 Crore per annum

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 11

existing plant premises only.


1. This expansion project envisages setting up of 120,000 TPA Sponge Iron, 1,62,000 TPA Ingots/ Billets, 1,05,000 TPA Rolled products, Ferro alloys of 25000 TPA and 48 MW

electricity through WHRB & FBC routes. The proposed expansio n will be taken- up in the

2. The flue gases from the rotary kilns will be pass through Waste Heat Recovery Boiler and after heat recovery the flue gases will pass through state-of-the-art ESP to bring down the particulate matter in the exhaust gases to within 50 mg/Nm3 and will be discharged into the atmosphere through a combined stack (Twin flues) of 60 m height. The secondary fugitive emissions from the SMS will be treated in a fume extraction system and will be discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 30 m height. The gases from the FBC boiler will be treated in an ESP to achieve < 50 mg/Nm3 and will be discharged into the atmosphere through a stack of 72 m height for effective dispersion of emissions into the atmosphe re The resultant Ground Level Concentrations of SO2 , NOX & SPM in the post expansion project scenario are within the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Hence there will not be any adverse impact on air environment due to the proposed expansion project.

3. Interlocking system will be provided to ESP in such a way that , when the particulate matter in the exhaust gas exceeds the norms the feed to raw material will stop and thereby no production in the unit. The unit will restarted only when the air pollution control system is able to comply with the norms.

4. Energy meters will be provided to air pollution control systems to ensure continuous operation of the control systems.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report


Village: Taraimal, Tehsil: Gharghoda, District: Raigarh, (C.G.) REIA Report for the Proposed Mini Integrated Steel Plant

Chapter 11

5. Dust extraction system with bag filters will be provided at material trans fer points, crushers, junction towers, cooler discharge area, product separation area, etc. 6. Raw material unloading areas will be provided with water sprinklers to suppress the fugitive dust. 7. All internal roads will be asphalted. 8. As closed circuit cooling system is proposed, there will not be any waste water generation from process & cooling of steel plant activities. Boiler blowdown, DM plant regeneration water will be neutralized and mixed with CT blowdown to Sanitary waste will be treated in septic tank followed by soak pit. Hence there will not be any adverse impact on water environment due to the proposed expansion project. 9. Dolochar generated from existing and expansion will be completely utilized in the FBC based power plant in the same premises. Slag from SMS will be used sub base course material in road construction. Ash/Dust from Bagfilters will be given to near by brick manufacturers Hence there will not be any adverse impact on land environment due to the proposed project. 10. 30 acres of extensive greenbelt (inclusive of existing greenbelt) will be developed in consultation with local DFO. 11. Adequate fire protection & safety systems as per NFPA / TAC will be provided.

PIONEER ENVIRO Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Annexure - II


1. AIR EMISSIONS Analysis report of Stack issued by CECB is enclosed

2. WASTE WATER GENERATION Closed circuit system is being implemented in the existing plant hence there will not be any waste water generation from process and cooling Only source of waste water generation is sanitary waste water. This is treated by septic tank followed by soak pit. 3. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT The quantities of the solid waste generated are as follows S. No 1. 2 3 4 5 Ash Slag (from SMS) Wet scraper sludge Char Accretion slag Type of Solid waste Quantity (in TPD) 60 9.2 60 1.8

These solid wastes generated are being disposed as per the norms.

S.No 1. TERMS OF REFERENCE (ISSUED BY MoEF) Present land use should be prepared based on satellite imagery. Location of national parks / wildlife sanctuary / reserve forests within 10 km. radius should specifically be mentioned. Permission and recommendations of the State Forest Department regarding impact of proposed expansion on the Taraimal forest located at 1 km. Site-specific micro- meteorological data using temperature, relative humidity, hourly wind speed and direction and rainfall should be collected. A list of industries containing name and type in 25 km radius should be incorporated. List of raw material required, quantity and source should be included. Design details of all the plants with manufacturing process and capacity along with quantity of final product to be manufactured should be included. Ambient air quality at 8 locations within the study area of 10 km., aerial coverage from project site with one AAQMS in downwind direction should be carried out. Residential colony should be located in upwind direction. Pg. No 3-25


Annexure - I


3-1 to 3-2

4. 5. 6.

2-4 2-5 2-8 to2-18


3-5 to 3-9



10. 11.

12. 13.

14. 15 16

The suspended particulate matter present in the ambient air must be analyzed for the presence of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), i.e. Benzene soluble fraction. Chemical characterization of RSPM and incorporating of RSPM data. Impact of the transport of raw material and finished product on the transport system should be assessed and provided. Determination of atmospheric inversion level at the project site and assessment of ground level concentration of pollutants from the stack based on site-specific meteorological features. Plant-wise air pollution control measures proposed for the control of emissions from all the sources Control of fugitive emissions as per CPCB guidelines for DRI plants and secondary emissions from blast furnace, primary and secondary emissions from Sinter plant. One season data for gaseous emissions during winter season is necessary Data on air emissions, wastewater generation and solid waste management for the existing plant should be incorporated Point-wise compliance to the specific and general conditions stipulated in the environmental clearance for the existing plant.

Not applicable as Residential colony is not proposed 3-7 to 3-9

4-15 4-7

10-4 to 10-13 10-8 to 10-13

3-7 to 3-9 Annexure II Not applicable as existing plant was not under purview of MoEF.




Permission for the drawl of 3,800 m3 /day water from Mahanadi River/Chuinkansa nallah from the concerned department.and water balance data including quantity of effluent generated, recycled and reused and discharged is to be provided. Methods adopted/to be adopted for the water conservation. Surface water quality of nearby rivers (60 m upstream and downstream) and other surface drains at eight locations must be ascertained. Ground water monitoring minimum at 8 locations and near solid waste dump zone, Geological features and Geo-hydrological status of the study area are essential as also. Ecological status (Terrestrial and Aquatic) is vital. Action plan for solid/hazardous waste generation, storage, utilization and disposal particularly char, fly ash and ferro alloy slag. Assurance that 100 % char will be used in the FBC boiler and copies of MOU regarding utilization of ash should be included Generation and utilization of waste/fuel gases and their utilization in the CPP have to be set out. Risk assessment and damage control needs to be addressed Occupational health of the workers needs elaboration Green belt development plan in 33 % area and a scheme for rainwater harvesting have to be put in place. Socio-economic development activities need to be elaborated upon Total capital cost and recurring cost / annum for environmental pollution control measures. Plan for the implementation of the recommendations made for the Steel Plants in the CREP guidelines must be prepared

3-29, 10-13

3-13 to 3-15

3-18 to 3-26



21 22. 23 24 25 26 27

2-18 7-1 to 7-17 7-17 to 7-21 10-19 to 10-22 7-21 to 7-22 10-22 10-13

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