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Macondray VS Benito 1935

This is an amended complaint by the plaintiff seeks to
recover over P 2,500 with interest at 12 percent per annum
from the sale at public auction of certain chattels mortgaged
to it as security for the payment of the above mentioned
sum. Defendant’s admits the allegations of the plaintiff. The
plaintiff elected to foreclose its mortgage after the
defendants failed to pay two or more installment on the
chattels sold to them by the plaintiff on the installment plan.

RTC ruled in favor of the defendants. Plaintiff appealed

because of unconstitutionality.

Whether or not the constitutionality of Article 1454-A
can be raised.

The Supreme Court ruled that the question of the
constitutionality of Article 1454-A was not raised in the trial
court. The general rule seems to be that if a question
affecting the constitutionality of an act is not raised by the
pleadings, ordinarily it may not be raised of the trial court,
and if not raised in the trial court, it will not be considered
on appeal.

In view of the above decision and the facts that te

plaintiff elected to foreclose its mortgage after the
defendants failed to pay two or more installment plan , this
court does not feel called upon in this case to inquire the
constitutionality of Article 1454-A.

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