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Brandwajn 1

Mairon Brandwajn
Mrs. Morris
English 12 H – Orange
10 January 2005

Dialectical Journal for Hamlet

Act I, scenes i & ii.

“Peace, break thee off; look, The two sentinels feel scared with the sounds
where it comes again!” (40). they hear. When Marcellus and Horatio
arrive they take over the dialogue and
Marcellus asks Horatio to speak to the ghost.
The fact that Horatio is the expected
character of the four to speak to the ghost
represents the values of the monarchies of
the 1600s, where scholars and men of wealth
were respected the most and they were given
“At least, the whisper goes so. seniority.
Our last king, whose image After Horatio acknowledges that ghost is
even but now appear’d to us, indeed King Hamlet because it wears the
was, as you know, by same armor that King Hamlet wore when
Fortinbras of Norway, thereto fighting the Norwegians, he declares that the
prick’d on by a most emulate ghost is an omen of misfortunes.
pride, Dar’d to the combat”
“The memory be green, and
that it us befitted to bear our It seems like only minutes have passed
hearts in grief and our whole before old King Hamlet died and Claudius
kingdom to be contracted in takes over the throne. He begins his first
one brow of woe, yet so far speech as King with a requiem for his
hath discretion fought with brother’s death. This speech shows how
nature that we with wisest political and calculative Claudius is. He
sorrow think on him, together knows how to begin his rule with the right
with remembrance of foot by manipulating the people with a
ourselves” (1-7). bombastic speech. First, he speaks of his
brother’s death; then he introduces his
marriage to the queen; and finally, addresses
“O, that this too too sullied the altercation with Norway.
flesh would melt, thaw and The words flesh and melt carry the motif of
resolve itself into a dew!” sickness thats

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