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You’re listening to On the Fringe with DJK and Admirion on Babson College Radio

With live performances in the studio by Green Gay and Antonio the Whitest Spaniard
that ever lived. And now for your hosts DJK and Admirion
Yo Yo Yo I’d like to give a Shiite out to all my hoodies in the Park Manor North Project,
project, and other places from around the world. If you are a banana split yourself down
right now and listen up cuz we got a big BIZZI show for you all. And now to main man

Mairon- (say whatever you want)

And now a word from our sponsors

Give me a break
Give me a break
Break me off a piece of that BIG BAD BOY
Give me a break
Give me a break
Break me off a piece of that BIG BAD BOY
That white chocolate taste is gonna melt in your face
That’s why wherever you go you hear the PEOPLE Say
Give me a break
Give me a break
Break me off a piece of that BIG BAD BOY

And now back to the show. Right now we have on the show the guys from Green Gay. So
guys, why did you decide to call yourselves Green Gay?

Well we wanted to start a boy band and we were thinking of calling it Gringo since we
are ex-Mexicans in America but decided on calling it Green Gay due to our love of Green
Day and being proud of our gay heritage

How interesting, do you have a boy named Antonio in your band?

Well he asked to join, but he couldn’t stand the noise and ended up calling the cops on us
the skinny ass bastard.

Ok now will you play us a song or two.

Sure thing

Bumping Bed of Two Boy Teens

I have a horny bone

Not the only one to which I groan
Don’t know if it shows
But it’s always best when you start to moan

I sleep among the sheets

On the bumping bed of two boy teens
While the mother sleeps
Hope she won’t here us when you start to moan

I want to groan
I want to moan

I want to bone
I want to

My lovely's the only one that bumps beside me

My malleable part's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish that my mother just would find me
Till then I want to moan

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Aaah-ah,

Ah-ah, Ah-ah, Ah-ah

I’m fingering his spine

Then I put my hand on his behind
On the border line
Of the edge where we will bump and grind

Read between the lines

What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs
To know I'm still alive I want to moan

I want to groan
I want to moan

I want to bone
I want to

(Applause) Awesome Green Gay, just awesome, some ex-Mexicans after my own

And now for our weekly anecdote of PAAARRRKKKK MAAANNNOORRR NNNOORTTHH

Warning: Names have been changed and races switched and mixed to protect the
identities of the people you hear on this show. Please, do not be offended by our
show. The views held in this skit are not the views of the DJ hosts or the audience.
And remember, turn off your cell-phones during the show cuz remember, we listen.
Also, whereas last week’s skit was all truth, this one has taken many liberties with
the events that really happened.

Park Manor North

Once upon a time in a dorm a little while ago on Alumni Weekend it came to the
attention of everyone that the Babson Police, Babo for short, had been given donuts
to not crash any parties that weekend. Now, as most people know PMN is a
“substance free” dorm, where if you get caught with alcohol or drugs or anything in
its premises you lose your housing, but not that weekend. If this show “On the
Fringe” was representative of all Park Manor North, it’s name would have been
changed to “On the Binge” that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Large ass Indian
parties were being held up and down the halls and Mayonnaise just happened to be
having a little “Birthday celebration”, at least, that’s what he called it.
Mayonnaise liked getting spread eagle on the bread with ham honeys and
turkey mamas from New Delhi whenever he got the chance, but not this night.
Mayonnaise was so plastered from a night of heavy drinking that he couldn’t seem to
walk straight and was running into floors with the agility and speed of a child who
has permanent brain damage and is wandering out bemusedly into the middle of a
crowded intersection with a fucking AMP energy drink in his hand

“What’s up man” he said as he tried to slap hands like Adam Sandler in that movie
The Waterboy

“Man, I ain’t no man, man, I’m Jamaican” jammed a rather wasted Paisley.

“Let’s go streaking” said a rather flushed Grizzly the Jew

“Would all of you be quiet” screamed Antonio

“Dude you’re such a deutsche” spat Gaul

A:“I’m not a German”

Gaul:“Thank God man otherwise I’d have to disown my country you bash leider
vaggen hubber de golph gymer”

A:“What does that mean”

G:“It means you’re a fucking deutsche Antonio, now get the fuck out”

A: “But I have more to say”

G: “out, get the fuck out”

A: “I’ll call the police”

G: “What, what is Babo going to do, why don’t you run back to mommy, little
mommy’s boy”

P: “Yo, my Jerman brother, let’s just all have peace man, and love the world, ok”

G: “Dude, I haven’t had a lay in months and this deutsche is really pissing me. OK,
Antonio, if you don’t leave in the next 3 seconds I am going to rape the shit out of
you. One”

A: “Wait, wait a minute”

G: “Two”

A: “Can’t we just talk about it”

G: “I’m not kidding, I’m feeling really horny right now, you’ve pissed me off, and I’m
going to ram you so hard in the next second you’ll be feeling it all the way to

A: “Okay, I’m leaving, but I’ll be back with the police”

G: “Three”

And with that Gaul chased Antonio down the stairs and out into the bitter cold night
in his bathrobe.

Mayonnaise got up and started trying to walk again, laughing like a hyena on
steroids who thought he just got lucky.

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an advertisement-

Drink beer. Miller, Annheusier, Sam Adams, or Busch. Drink Beer. Making all
girls look good even if they are butch. Drink Beer. Helping men get laid for
many a year. Drink Beer. Besides, without a little vomit who could ever
profit. Drink Beer.

Dave, do you know that 15 beers can turn a macho man into the world of

--------And now back to the skit.

Slowly, Mark laid down his shiny body against the nakedness of Missus Adams.
“Wow, you’ve got a hot rod,” she said while her hands moved down to---- oh ---
sorry--- let’s get back to the skit.

Mayonnaise got up and started trying to walk again, laughing like a hyena on
steroids who thought he just got lucky.

“Let’s go streaking” said Grizzly the Jew

P: “Not me man, I want to soak up the sun rays and drift in the haze, blaze, daze,
I’m waaaaassssttteeeedddd maaaaannn. Haha ha.”

Deaf Gordon the Vegan then popped out and sang very endearingly:

“Cuz I am beerly bleary, and I can’t find my room. Don’t know where I’m going,
don’t know where my clothes are. And I could lay here waiting, to vomit another
day, I don’t suppose it’s worth the price, the price------BLLLAAAHHH”

Passed out in his own vomit, Deaf Gordon snored like a baby in multi-colored
pudding dreams where he danced with Puff the magic dragon and thought he was
spooning with his blowup doll “Little No Peep” because Gorgeous “ina” ain’t giving up
anything to the big guy.

Gaul then came back

G: “Bitches, I’m back”

And so the night went on with drinks and booze for everyone while Antonio called the
cops and all of North partied like it was Alumni Weekend. The end.

Now music and comedy

Japanese lesson or song

So now, we will take all serious and funny phone calls… Please, if you want to make
a funny phone call, make sure you bleep “stupidity” out of it. We warn our callers
that we know the difference between funny and stupid. Our number is: 781-239-

(Take Phone calls while Nazi song plays) (Little Tiny Moustache)

Before the thematic PMC song, here is our salute to:

Real American Heroes: Today we salute you, My Lesbian grandmother.
It takes strength to be a lesbian and grandma, well, you broke my arm, when I was

(PMC Song)


Now, here is our salute to:

Real People of Ignorance.

(Real People of Ignorance)

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Transgendered Species; we have a guest!

Here with us is Ali Jihad, the pacifist.

Mr. Ali Jihad the pacifist- I’d like to give a Shiite out to all of my homies underneath
the Afghan surface. Muhammed, if your out there hiding in a cave I just wanted to
let you know I miss you man

So, what did it feel like being bombarded by American troops in your own soil and
getting your ass kicked?


Has your faith towards Jihad changed, or shaped into a different perspective?


Ok then… There is an old saying in America that goes: “Life is like a box of
chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.” If you were to pick a chocolate
out of that box, what kind of chocolate would it be and why?

Ok. That was our guest speaker, Ali Jihad the Pacifist

(Dean Cook)

Freestylin Mike vs. Grand Master PriX

The name’s freestylin mike

Not Simon Says sike
Trickin out my bike
Got the most gangsta wheels when it speels onto the curve
Gold rims, honk a horn when I’m making a turn
Burnin up the grass when I’m makin a pass
Cuz I gotta gangsta’s ass, when I’m smoking my gangsta’s hash
Cashing in on my speed, taking out all the weed
Leadin the pack on the track with my ten speed

The name’s grand master prix

And I’m swimming in the sea
Of girls gone wild with laughter and glee
Cuz they see the tree of peace in the present will come to pass
When all war is over and we burn up all the cash

A shout out to DJK’s lesbian grandma

When she wets her pussy she screams in crescendo
I have a dream, I had a dream
That your grandma was having sex with midgets brought from Mexico
Representin all whities and the let goes…

Please please mother,

Tell me what to do,
While my buddy DJK and I run the fringe,
And pop ourselves a brew!
I’m god the taxi driver with about 5 minutes talking to him
Interview questions: What’s it like to be a god?
Why do you drive a taxicab if you are god?

The News Minute from WBSN (World Bullshitting Network)

Today in Babson

Not BCR, BSR, cause we’re bullshittin radio not to be confused with Bolshevik

Missy Affiliate with her hit song “Minutemaidman” The story behind the
Shake me up, Show me what you got, Because I want the minutemaidman”

Les Time, Like Miller Time, Except A Whole Lot Hotter

Les Miserables- a story about depressed French lesbians (improv it)

Micro M & Ms- in a shocking move the manufacturers have endorsed Triple M to fight
in the World Wrestling Federation. Mr. M what do you have to say for yourself.

They call him yellow fellow, that’s right, because he is an asian, of might.
The Mark Opinion


Melts in your mouth and in your hand

Dick’s it’s all in the mix

Nobody better lay a finger on my butterfinger

I want a HEshey’s kiss. I want a HEshey’s hug.

The priest padded your head,

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