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1. Who do you live with?

I live with my fathers and my sister
2. Who is talking?
The teacher is talking.
3. Who is the love of your life?
The love of my life are my fathers.
4. Who were you with yesterday?
I was with my family.


1. What number is your house?

My house is number three.
2. What is your favorite country?
My favorite country is Argentina.
3. What size is your shoe?
My shoe size is number seven.


1. When you go to the mall?

I go to the mall on the next weekend.
2. when are you get married?
I get married in year 2022.

3. When does the show start?

The show start at 10 oclock


1. Where is your mother?

My mother is in the bedroom.
2. Where do i buy a shirt?
I buy a shirt in the mall.
3. Where is your pencil?
My pencil is on the desk.

1. How much do you exercise?

I exercise three times a week.
2. How much do you drink?
I drink a lot.
3. How big is your room?   
My room is medium


1. Which is your favorite month?

My favorite month is april.
2. Which do you prefer cold or hot?
I prefer cold.
3. Which do you prefer ice tea or coffee?
I prefer ice tea.


1. Whose cell phone is it?

The cell phone is my.
2. Whose notebook is it.
The notebook is my sister’s.
3. Whose computer is it.
The computer is my father’s.

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