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Compelling Questions

Compelling Questions Examples of Compelling Questions

Many of our most profound learning experiences come as a result  Was the American Revolution
of questions. Children ask, what happens if I throw the ball this really revolutionary?
way? What does this taste like? As we grow older, questions guide  How democratic is the US
us to mastery of complicated skills. What does a guitar do if I system of government?
strum it this way? What jokes make my friends laugh most?  What would the world be like if
Inventions and innovations come as a result of the inventor’s Germany and Japan had won
natural curiosity: what happens if I put 2 lenses together into a WWII?
tube? Compelling questions make learning fascinating and  Are race relations improving in
powerful for all human beings. the US?
 What is the point of studying
What is a compelling question? social studies?
Compelling questions spark curiosity, invite wonder, lead students  Is it better to be loved or feared?
towards their deepest understanding, and give purpose to learning.  How united is the United
Why do we ask compelling questions?  How much power do citizens
have to create political change?
Compelling questions light the spark of curiosity and wonder that
 What is the biggest dividing line
fuels a lifelong journey of understanding and learning.
in America today?

How do I make this work in my classroom?

Examples of Tired Questions
Inquiry learning begins with questions that spark curiosity. At our
 What were the three causes of
workshops, we’ll walk you through the steps of creating
the American Revolution?
compelling questions and you’ll leave with inquiry tools that will
 What are the three branches of
energize your classroom and engage your students.

 What are three consequences of
 What method has been used to
amend the US Constitution?
 What were three major Civil
War battles the South won?
 Why are there always three
answers to every question?

Compelling Questions 1

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