Cam's Interview

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Rebecca Tarabay

Lebanon- Beirut

Negotiation Fundamentals course

Peer-graded Assignment: Fabiessi and Cam's Design - Confidential Instruction

for Fabiessi's Human Ressources Director

First of all, since it’s an interview, it’s crucial to make a great impression by understanding key
information about the company which can help me go into this interview with confidence. Fortunately, I
already met the human resources manager so I basically know him and that makes me feel a little bit
more comfortable. And then, I should prepare myself for this interview and also prepare my elevator
speech and my answers to make a great impression. During the interview, I will likely be asked about
specific work I have completed in relation to the position so I will be preparing these answers as well.

Second of all, let’s get started with the main and initial idea of our assignment is that everything can be
negotiated and also that negotiation is everywhere, in this case its between a new person coming for a
new job opportunity and the HRD. As we studied previously in our MOOC, negotiation has 3 dimensions
(people dimension, problem dimension and process dimension) that I will be talking in details about

In the people dimension as we all know, it’s about personal relationships. To get back to the interview,
as I already mentioned below, I knew the HRD from before, and obviously I had had a good relation with
him. I have established rapport, we trust each other. And our relationship is one of respect. So we can
move to the next step or element safely. Also, it’s about the mandate or the decision maker, in this case
I am the decision maker, there is no someone below me or a boss. But even if, I should always
remember that the purpose is to reach a good deal that will be implemented. After this, come the
stakeholders or the outsiders. In this interview the stakeholders could be the people I already worked
with them in my previous job. A can add while interviewing some feedback done by them. Now for the
problem dimension, comes the negotiation first and her I am going to ask myself several questions
before interring and start with the interview. Why do I want this? What do I know about the motivations
of the HRD across the table? How far am I motivated to get this job? In fact, and in this case, I am
motivated because I needed this job and I am looking forward to get this opportunity specially that this
brand is known and famous worldwide. Even if I had a terrible experience and I am just moving out from
a bad past with no salary and the company that I created is now nothing with all the efforts I made to
make it shine and be successful…
The next step is to imagine which solutions could be traded at the table in order to satisfy these
motivations. In this step, it’s important for us both to know that there is no unique solution. And it’s
important also to have many variables and in this case we can negotiate about the salary, the bonus,
timeline, trial period, relocation package, which the person reports to, task sharing with the assistant,
resources, and projects… In my case the salary is a crucial variable to talk and negotiate about because I
needed it especially that the banks has stopped the facilities. My main objective is now to find a way to
improve my financial situation without jeopardizing my personal image as a designer. And then solutions
have to be invented at this time. So now, I am going to listen first to the HRD to what he will be saying.
He will tell me how much the salary will be. And in my case the problem is financially and I don’t want to
impact disastrously my professional reputation. So nobody will know about what happened, especially
that my work and my experience level will automatically impress a lot of people I m working with.

It is time to identify, on another item of the negotiation, a solution which they want, but which i do not
like. And then i agree on the trade off. Either I get the solution and he gets it, or we both say forget
about them. And he comes also the convincing part. I know that he will be convinced because i built a
demonstration. Thanks to objective points of reference which nobody can easily deny. Which are the
justifications. Like for examples, I have a previous experience in design factor and this is my CV and my
portfolio describing how much effort and time I give for my work. I will try to convince him not by yelling
at him or lying or even crying. I will let him met my great experience and let him know that I am the right
person for this job. That’s how he will forget about the details he be concentrating and interested by
knowing my potentials more and more. And that also by giving him some numbers and statistics that I
already prepared before the interview showing the success made in the time I was holding my company.

In the meantime, it is crucial to think about my SAFT which is in this case another job opportunity it
maybe for several months only to get my financial situation back on track again.

As for the process dimension and it comes first the organization because is I do not, the negotiation is
likely to be chaotic. And also the HRD should be organized so that both of us gain time and make things
clear. In that way, the interview will be fast, understandable and clear for both of us. And when I feel the
time is running I should stop open new subjects and be brief because it may impact on my impression
towards the HRD. Her comes also communication. It’s all related.

Logistics is also a very important aspect to consider, (equipment, material, environment ) if I am not
feeling comfortable in the room or in the place we are doing the interview I can interrupt the HRD and
ask him to find another room. Or if there was a sound affecting on my concentration I can ask him also
to change.

At the end, it’s important to know that to have a negotiation is not always having a deal. It’s crucial to
have a plan B(already listed above) in order to be comfortable while negotiating and in order to get the
best solutions. I will thank the HRD for meeting me and will wait to set another date or wait for hus
response. Wishing him a good luck and to see him next time sooner.

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