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ASR (Analytical Summary of Research) 

Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori 

Bacatá, city of everyone, city of nobody: The Muisca Cultural Tradition, a Scenic
Game from the Integral Approach of Artistic Education

Researchers: Anaya, B. Jenifer; Ardila, D. Wayner; Ramírez, M. María; Rico, M.

Jackson; Riveros, T. Diana
Publicación: Escuela Normal Superior Distrital María Montessori, Bogotá D.C, 2022,
NN pages; NN graphs; NN annexes.
Keywords: Scenic Play, Muisca Cultural Tradition, Integral Approach to Art Education.
Description: The school in the academic spaces where the student should approach the
cultural traditions, typical of the indigenous groups, specifically the Muisca, whose
settlements were and are still preserved in some places of Bogotá. Vestiges of the Muisca
Culture can be found nearby municipalities such as councils, music, dances, rituals,
gastronomy, etc., which can be lost in the collective memory because they are not taught in
school; This is how the research was proposed to recover the Muisca cultural tradition
through the scenic game and the comprehensive approach to artistic education in the third
grade students of the ENSDMM.
Contenido: Three chapters were developed; the first conceptualizes the scenic game and
the comprehensive approach to art education; the second deals with identifying the
problems regarding the Muisca culture and its traditional practices in the previous
knowledge of the children of grade 305 from the implementation of a series of instruments
and methodologies, and in the third the experience to through the address book where the
way in which the staging was carried out is reflected.
Fuente: The project is based on NN sources within which we find primary sources; NN;
Metodología: The research is qualitative and its design corresponds to an action
research, in which a diagnostic phase was carried out, the relationship between theory and
practice was narrowed, in order to build the proposal that will guarantee the achievement of
the objective.


 It was evidenced that the 305th grade students were able to interpret and recognize
the existence and importance of the Muisca Culture such as its traditions, costumes,
rites and origin.
 Joint work was achieved in the students through the Integral Approach to artistic
education through aptitudes and skills in each artistic field.

 As a result of the construction of the address book, it was possible to direct and
build the staging, establishing a series of guidelines for the management of space,
costumes, dialogues and assignment of characters.

 During the scenic game, the students were able to give meaning to their character
individually and collectively through the knowledge that was internalized about the
Muisca Culture.

 The process carried out in this research project led us to consider the importance of
knowing about this culture throughout the formation of identity both in wannabe
teachers and students, therefore, it is utterly important to create spaces which
address the solution to this problem.

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