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Early Mobility in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: Can We Move On?
“It means a great deal. . .to be put on their own feet in a short 10% of the 76 ICUs participating in the SCCM Collaborative
time, rather than be confined to bed, having their weak backs and were pediatric intensive care units (PICUs).
general debility increase rather than disappear after the opera- In this volume of The Journal, Cuello-Garcia et al report their
tion which was to cure them.”—Dr Emil Ries, systematic review of early mobilization in
JAMA 18991 See related article, p ••• critically ill children.14 After screening 1199

he concept of early mobilization is not abstracts, the authors identified 11 studies and
new—it was introduced more than a century ago. An 1 clinical practice guideline focused on early mobilization in
editorial in JAMA written 4 decades after Dr Ries’s first the PICU setting. The studies encompassed 2 pilot random-
report discussed the benefits of “early rising” after surgery, in- ized controlled trials, with the remaining studies encompass-
cluding the “a more rapid return to normal strength and ac- ing prospective studies, before–after studies, and retrospective
tivity and a better outlook and morale in the patient”.2 As early cohort studies. The authors divided the review into 3 catego-
as 1944, a controlled clinical trial to test the effectiveness of ries: (1) definition; (2) safety and feasibility; and (3) efficacy.
early mobilization after major surgery found less surgical and With regard to defining early mobility, they found there was
organ-specific complications in the group that sat in a chair marked variability in the definition of both the terms “early”
and walked on the day after surgery compared with bedrest and “mobilization.” Contraindications to mobilization across
for 10-15 days.3,4 Early rising after major surgery became a studies often included cardiorespiratory instability; however,
popular dialogue in the 1940s, with “the evil sequelae” and the threshold for what constituted “instability” was not con-
“abuse” of bedrest being commonly discussed and sistently defined. Eleven of the studies demonstrated the
documented,5,6 and even an entire conference dedicated to the common theme that early mobilization was safe with no in-
topic.7 crease in adverse events and was feasible when the appropri-
In the intensive care unit (ICU), however, a primary focus ate resources and support from the care team were available.
on resuscitation and maintaining physiologic stability propa- Across the board, the implementation of early-mobilization
gated the notion that bedrest could minimize metabolic demand programs led to an increase in the frequency of rehabilita-
and facilitate healing and recovery. That approach, com- tion consults and reduced time to mobilization. However, the
pounded by the use of continuous sedative infusions and neu- authors report that efficacy outcomes, including duration of
romuscular blockade to ensure patient safety and amnesia, led mechanical ventilation, length of stay, and morbidities, were
to an ICU culture of immobility. In 1998, Petty compared his most often chosen as secondary endpoints and that the cer-
rounds in the ICU with those at the start of his career in 1964 tainty of this evidence was low. The authors conclude that
and was troubled by the patients who were “sedated and lying current evidence suggests interdisciplinary collaboration to in-
without motion, appearing to be dead, except for the moni- crease mobilization is feasible. However, they state the chal-
tors that tell me otherwise.”8 lenges of ongoing patient, family, and resource barriers in
Fast-forward 20 years and the pendulum is still swinging. combination and a lack of efficacy outcomes as areas of needed
There is burgeoning research on the impact of early mobili- attention.
zation in critically ill adults, including strategies for decreas- Cuello-Garcia et al are to be congratulated for synthesiz-
ing the risk of postintensive care syndrome.9,10 Although ing the available data on an important and timely area in pe-
awareness about the benefits of early mobilization has in- diatric critical care. Particularly helpful is the comprehensive
creased, so too has the knowledge that optimizing mobility re- listing of excluded studies in the supplemental content, which
quires modifying our approach to other aspects of care, including provides the reader with an overview of the breadth of litera-
choice of sedation, sleep hygiene, and recognition of delirium.11,12 ture surrounding the topic of acute rehabilitation in chil-
As such, the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) has forged dren. The authors have included 4 abstracts in the 11 studies
an “ICU Liberation” Collaborative, of which the core is the discussed, which highlights the limited amount of evidence
“ABCDEF” bundle.13 This multifaceted approach to improv- available to meet the author’s criteria for inclusion. It is also
ing outcomes in survivors of critical illness incorporates these notable that 5 of the 11 included studies were conducted by
important elements into routine ICU care: “A,” Assessment of the senior author of the systematic review, suggesting that at
pain; “B,” Both spontaneous awakening and breathing trials; the present time, research in PICU early mobilization is still
“C,” Choice of sedation and analgesia; “D,” Delirium moni- in its infancy, with a small pool of engaged investigators.
toring and management; “E,” Early mobility and exercise; and However, that pool is growing, with new publications focused
“F,” Family engagement. Of specific interest to us in pediatrics,

ICU Intensive care unit The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

PICU Pediatric intensive care unit
SCCM Society of Critical Care Medicine 0022-3476/$ - see front matter. © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

EDI 5.5.0 DTD ■ YMPD10245_proof ■ September 27, 2018

THE JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS • Volume ■■ • ■■ 2018

on quality-improvement initiatives and establishment of Department of Pediatrics

medical criteria for PICU mobilization.15,16
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
It is important to point out that this is not the first system-
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
atic review conducted on pediatric acute rehabilitation—in fact,
Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center
it is the third in 4 years.17,18 The take-home from all of these
Baltimore, Maryland
reviews has been consistent—it’s time to study the out-
comes. Early mobilization in the PICU is safe and feasible when
approached systematically. However, we still don’t know how Reprint requests: Sapna R. Kudchadkar, MD, PhD, 1800 Orleans Street, Suite
6336, Baltimore, MD 21287. E-mail:
it changes the short- and long-term trajectory of pediatric sur-
vivors of critical illness. This aspect is critically important, given
the current landscape of pediatric critical care, where de-
creased mortality has been exchanged for increased short- and
long-term morbidities.19 We also have not determined the
1. Ries E. Some radical changes in the after-treatment of celiotomy cases. J
optimal timing, dose, or duration of rehabilitation interven- Am Med Assoc 1899;XXXIII:454-6.
tions in critically ill children. How much is too much? Or too 2. Ashkins J. Early rising after surgical operations. N Engl J Med 1945;233:33-
often? Is there a threshold where the risk–benefit actually weighs 7.
heavier toward risk? 3. Hashem MD, Nelliot A, Needham DM. Early mobilization and rehabili-
tation in the ICU: moving back to the future. Respir Care 2016;61:971-
There are few places in the hospital that rival the hetero-
geneity of the PICU, where the same nurse may be assigned 4. Powers JH. The abuse of rest as a therapeutic measure in surgery: early
to care for a 1-month-old cardiac surgery patient and a 17- postoperative activity and rehabilitation. J Am Med Assoc 1944;125:1079.
year-old patient with diabetic ketoacidosis during the same shift. 5. Dock W. The evil sequelae of complete bed rest. J Am Med Assoc
That same variability poses unique challenges for 1944;125:1083-5.
6. Ghormley RK. The abuse of rest in bed in orthopedic surgery. J Am Med
transdisciplinary rehabilitation research, including the need for
Assoc 1944;125:1085-7.
both age- and size-specific equipment and standard pediat- 7. Keys A. Introduction to the symposium on convalescence and rehabili-
ric tools for evaluating functional outcomes across the age and tation. Federation Proc 1944;3:189.
developmental spectrum. Indeed, a lack of efficacy data makes 8. Petty TL. Suspended life or extending death? Chest 1998;114:360-1.
it difficult to overcome the inertia of PICU immobility culture. 9. Needham DM, Davidson J, Cohen H, Hopkins RO, Weinert C, Wunsch
H, et al. Improving long-term outcomes after discharge from intensive
However, the promising effects of early mobilization in adults
care unit: report from a stakeholdersʼ conference. Crit Care Med
should be the impetus for large-scale pediatric studies evalu- 2012;40:502-9.
ating not only its efficacy but the mechanisms by which early 10. Tipping CJ, Harrold M, Holland A, Romero L, Nisbet T, Hodgson CL.
mobilization makes a difference. The opportunities for dis- The effects of active mobilisation and rehabilitation in ICU on mortality
covery as a pediatric critical care community are expansive. and function: a systematic review. Intensive Care Med 2017;43:171-83.
11. Hopkins RO, Choong K, Zebuhr CA, Kudchadkar SR. Transforming PICU
Data on the baseline acute rehabilitation practices in PICUs
culture to facilitate early rehabilitation. J Pediatr Intensive Care 2015;4:204-
internationally will likely illuminate specific areas for tar- 11.
geted research.20 Building on the ABCDEF bundle, we are learn- 12. Devlin JW, Skrobik Y, Gélinas C, Needham DM, Slooter AJC,
ing that optimizing sedation, integrating sleep promotion, and Pandharipande PP, et al. Clinical practice guidelines for the prevention
preventing delirium go hand in hand with creating healing en- and management of pain, agitation/sedation, delirium, immobility, and
vironments for infants and children too,21-23 and the SCCM sleep disruption in adult patients in the ICU. Crit Care Med 2018;46:e825-
Pediatric Collaborative data are forthcoming. We are investi- 13. Ely EW. The ABCDEF bundle: science and philosophy of how ICU lib-
gating ICU-acquired weakness in children and modalities for eration serves patients and families. Crit Care Med 2017;45:321-30.
monitoring and diagnosis,24-26 and have established the PICU 14. Cuello-Garcia CA, Chuen SH, Simpson R, Al-Harbi S, Choong K Early
framework for postintensive care syndrome.27 mobilization in the critically ill children: a systemic review. J Pediatr., in
It is crucial to establish the safety and feasibility of early mo- press.
15. Van Damme D, Flori H, Owens T. Development of medical criteria for
bilization in the PICU setting. Now we need to focus not on mobilizing a pediatric patient in the PICU. Crit Care Nurs Q 2018;41:323-
the “if” but instead sharpen our focus on the “how” and “why.” 9.
How should we approach it? Why does it work? Why should 16. Betters KA, Hebbar KB, Farthing D, Griego B, Easley T, Turman H, et al.
we do it? How does it improve outcomes? Development and implementation of an early mobility program for me-
chanically ventilated pediatric patients. J Crit Care 2017;41:303-8.
It’s time to move on. ■
17. Cameron S, Ball I, Cepinskas G, Choong K, Doherty TJ, Ellis CG, et al.
Early mobilization in the critical care unit: a review of adult and pedi-
Tracie Walker, MD atric literature. J Crit Care 2015;30:664-72.
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine 18. Wieczorek B, Burke C, Al-Harbi A, Kudchadkar SR. Early mobilization
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in the pediatric intensive care unit: a systematic review. J Pediatr Inten-
sive Care 2015;2015:129-70.
Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children’s Center
19. Heneghan JA, Pollack MM. Morbidity. Pediatr Clin North Am
Baltimore, Maryland 2017;64:1147-65.
20. PARK-PICU. Prevalence of Acute Rehabilitation for Kids in the PICU
Sapna R. Kudchadkar, MD, PhD (PARK-PICU) [Internet]. 2018. Accessed August
Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine 15, 2018.

EDI 5.5.0 DTD ■ YMPD10245_proof ■ September 27, 2018


21. Simone S, Edwards S, Lardieri A, Walker LK, Graciano AL, Kishk OA, et al. 24. Valla FV, Young DK, Rabilloud M, Periasami U, John M, Baudin F, et al.
Implementation of an ICU bundle: an interprofessional quality improve- Thigh ultrasound monitoring identifies decreases in quadriceps femoris
ment project to enhance delirium management and monitor delirium thickness as a frequent observation in critically ill children. Pediatr Crit
prevalence in a single PICU. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2017;18:531- Care Med 2017;18:e339-47.
40. 25. Glau CL, Conlon TW, Himebauch AS, Yehya N, Weiss SL, Berg RA, et al.
22. Kudchadkar SR, Shata N, Aljohani OA, Alharbi A, Jastaniah E, Nadkarni Progressive diaphragm atrophy in pediatric acute respiratory failure. Pediatr
A, et al. Day-night activity rhythms are disrupted in children admitted Crit Care Med 2018;19:406-11.
to the pediatric ICU after major surgery. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 26. Williams S, Horrocks IA, Ouvrier RA, Gillis J, Ryan MM. Critical illness
2016;193:A3096. polyneuropathy and myopathy in pediatric intensive care: a review. Pediatr
23. Kawai Y, Weatherhead JR, Traube C, Owens TA, Shaw BE, Fraser EJ, et al. Crit Care Med 2007;8:18-22.
Quality improvement initiative to reduce pediatric intensive care unit noise 27. Manning JC, Pinto NP, Rennick JE, Colville G, Curley MAQ. Concep-
pollution with the use of a pediatric delirium bundle. J Intensive Care tualizing post intensive care syndrome in children—the PICS-p frame-
Med, in press. work. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2018;19:298-300.

EDI 5.5.0 DTD ■ YMPD10245_proof ■ September 27, 2018

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