Avoid Operating Problem

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SS HEAT TRANSFER Avoid operating problems in air-cooled heat exchangers Use these guidelines to troubleshoot and evaluate performance R. Mukherjee, Engineers India Ltd. New Delhi, India A ir-cooled heat exchangers (ACHEs! have become the norm in the chemical process industries for pro: cess cooling after process-to-process heat exchange has been maximized. To evaluate and optimize ACHE performance, it is important to understand what type of problems can exist on the tubeside and shellside and how to solve them ACHES consist of banks of finned tubes across which air flows. driven by fans located above or below the unit (Fig, Li ‘Tubeside performance is exactly the same as for more com ‘mon shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Consequently, iden tical correlations are used to determine heat transfer evel ficients and pressure drops. However, airside performance is totally different since erossflow across finned tubes ix sed. Speciatl correlations have heen developed for airside wat transfer and pressure drop, Configuration. \CHEs aire configured in ane of three Horizontal. Maintenance is much easier tn this eon, figuration Fig. 2a “Acframe. This design is almost exclusively: used in passer plants for condensing turbine exhaust stem tFig. 2b), Tube bundles are mounted on a triangular frame with fans under neath, The inelination from the horizontal is usualy between 45° and 60 . A-frame configurations permit 30% reduction in plot area compared to a horizontal cont tion and facilitate condensate drainave Fan Fansing steat Eleetie Bolt stucture “motor Puley — Watkway Fig. 4. Aircooled heat exchanger. Vertical units are generally used for packaged units such as compressors with intercoolers (Fig. 2c. They are advantageous where floor space is expensive and are ide- ally suited to offshore platforms. They are prone to dete- rioration in performance due to crosswinds. Construction. The tube bundle Fig. 31 is the ACHE’S heart. It usually consists of four to six rows of finned tubes constructed of carbon steel. stainless steel or any ather commercially available material compatible with the ser- vice. Fins are invariably of aluminium sinee it has the most. favorable thermal conductivity-to-cost ratio as well as good cold-working properties, There are various types of finned tubes, depending on how the fins are attached to the tubes: L-footed. double L-footed. grooved or embedded. bimetallic and extruded 'Fig, 4), Selecting the type of finned tube depends on the process fluid design temperature and ambi- cent air quality. whether corrosive or not. Headers introduce process fluid into the tubes and col lect and return the same. Depending on the process fluid design pressure and fouling nature, a selection is made ders: plug. coversplate, mani hetween variow fold and bonnet ‘of one or more tube bundles served by complete with structure. plenum and ther aecesories, Thus, a section is the smallest inde pendent part of an ACHE gnit. Small ACHE wnits will overhead A seetion consis have only one section while large units, ue condensers, may wetions Awial fans blow air across the tube bundles, Fareed =) (Atrome Fig. 2. Configurations of ACHES. HYDROCARBON PROCESSING MANE? 69 Fig. 3. ACHE tube bundle, HAN | ‘Double Looted WL Exanuced Fig. 4, Various types of finned tubes. draft, fans are loeated below the tube bundles Fis. 6: sheress in induced draft, Eins are lacated above the tube jundles Fig, bly Severs design sidelines for fan selection, ire specified in APL G61," The underlying faetor is to ensure inifiorm and efficient air flows across the tube bundles, Fan noise is an important eriterion for fan scleetion andl is ust Ily limited to 85 €BiAvat 1m frem the fan, Fans are housed in plenum chambers which re rectangular ar eon. ical chambers that distribute the air ww the tube bundles Fans are commonly driven by electrie motors steam turbines sind yasoline enzines are used occasionally Direct drives may he used for small-diameter Ene <4 Te pp». belts are common with low power consumption dt treunsmit powwor frum the metur ty the Ean, Gear dis ave used firr power ratings in excess of 50 hp Fis, TUBESIDE OPERATING PROBLEMS Flow maldistribution. Since the process fluicl must be dis tributed fam the header to the various tubes in exeh row, shme mildistribution is inevitable, The degree of maldis snd eansoqpant rodierinn in ponfirmance Varies, depending on whether the service is single-phase or con- densings the latter being far more eritical Single-phase services. Due to pressure changes along he inlet and outlet headers’manifolds, varying process fluid flowrates may occur in multiple parallel tube bundles. Consequently, the process fluid outlet temperature ean vary from the different bundles, resulting in lower unit 70 WYDROCARHON PROCESSING osett 1 Fig. 5. Various types of headers. performance, The extent of this performance loss depends tn the degree of maldistribution as well as the temperature approach between the process fluid outlet and air inlet. Atlower temperature approaches. the performance reduc- tion for a given degree of maldistribution is greater. Usually the process fluid pressure drop in the manifold and headers is considerably less than that in the tube bun- dle. Consequently, flow maldistribution is generally not a serious problem in single-phase ACHEs: therefore, the pip- jing manifold in Fig, Sais normally used. Even when mald- istribution does occur, there are usually no serious adverse effects, The performance reduction is usually well within the overdesign margin that is normally incorporated However, when the process fluid has a high pour point. overcooling in some tubes die to maldistribution may lead to conzealins. This potential blockage leads to a further reduc tion in flowrate and a spiraling effet that may finally block the tubes, Airenoliny is generally not recommended for these iquids, [Pair-eooling = used, steam coils are usuaily included rem sts well ind Prevaingnotwing

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