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Lab Name: JP Express Lab

Lab Contact: Lab Admin
Prolis Project Manager: Ehab Moniem

Dictionary Setup

Start Date:

Training Part 1: Setting up the dictionary. Setting up the default configurations including, but not limited to laboratory
general information, lab director information, tests and panels, clients, etc. Training will last as long as the laboratory
needs. Since the training handles the lab’s sensitive information, we will need to hold this training with someone who will
be the lab’s administrator and the creator of all user accounts and dictionary settings.

Requirements: Lab Director information (License #). Tests and panels that need to be set up. Clients that need to be set up.
Reference labs that need to be set up. Company Logo.

Who needs the training: Lab Administrator. Anyone who will be involved with the dictionary set up procedures outlined


1. Facility Management
a. Set up company information (Need CLIA and other relevant company information)
b. Set up the Logo
c. Set up Lab Director (Need Director ID)

2. Users – Create User IDs for lab personal and set their permission levels.
a. Create Administrator Account.
b. Create Users.

3. System Configurations Overview.

a. Accession Seeds
b. Accession Defaults

4. Test Set Up (Please have a list of the tests that need to be created as well as the cutoffs or
a. Learn how to Create/Edit individual tests
b. Learn how to Create Panels and Custom Profiles
c. Analysis Set Up Review.

5. Client Set Up
a. Set up dummy account for entity and individual provider.

6. Reference Lab Set Up

a. Set up a dummy Account.

7. Payer Set Up
a. Set up dummy Account.


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