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Review Article

Dan L. Longo, M.D., Editor

Hemorrhagic Shock
Jeremy W. Cannon, M.D.​​

From the Division of Traumatology, Sur- emorrhagic shock is a form of hypovolemic shock in which
gical Critical Care, and Emergency Sur- severe blood loss leads to inadequate oxygen delivery at the cellular level.
gery, Department of Surgery, Perelman
School of Medicine, University of Penn- If hemorrhage continues unchecked, death quickly follows. The causes of
sylvania, Philadelphia, and the F. Edward hemorrhage resulting in shock vary widely and include trauma, maternal hemor-
Hebert School of Medicine, Uniformed rhage, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, perioperative hemorrhage, and rupture of an
Services University, Bethesda, MD. Ad-
dress reprint requests to Dr. Cannon at aneurysm.1-4
the Division of Traumatology, Surgical Death from hemorrhage represents a substantial global problem, with more
Critical Care, and Emergency Surgery, than 60,000 deaths per year in the United States and an estimated 1.9 million
51 N. 39th St., Medical Office Bldg. 120,
Philadelphia, PA 19104, or at ­ jeremy​ deaths per year worldwide, 1.5 million of which result from physical trauma.5
.­cannon@​­uphs​.­upenn​.­edu. Because trauma affects a disproportionate number of young people, these 1.5 mil-
N Engl J Med 2018;378:370-9. lion deaths result in nearly 75 million years of life lost (Table 1). Furthermore,
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1705649 those who survive the initial hemorrhagic insult have poor functional outcomes
Copyright © 2018 Massachusetts Medical Society. and significantly increased long-term mortality.3,8 This article summarizes recent
advances in our knowledge of the pathobiology of hemorrhagic shock and details
new approaches to treatment for these critically ill patients.

Pathobiol o gy
Understanding the host response to severe hemorrhage has taken more than a
century.9 Early theories that hemorrhagic shock resulted from nervous system
dysfunction or a toxin released from ischemic tissues were ultimately disproved,
giving way to the accepted view that blood loss causes inadequate oxygen delivery
and activates a number of homeostatic mechanisms designed to preserve perfusion
to vital organs. Only now is the complexity of these events at the cellular, tissue,
and whole-organism levels becoming clear, along with the relative contributions
of hemorrhage-induced hypoperfusion and tissue injury from physical trauma
(Fig. 1).
At the cellular level, hemorrhagic shock results when oxygen delivery is insuf-
ficient to meet oxygen demand for aerobic metabolism.10 In this delivery-dependent
state, cells transition to anaerobic metabolism. Lactic acid, inorganic phosphates,
and oxygen radicals start to accumulate as a result of the mounting oxygen debt.11
Release of damage-associated molecular patterns (known as DAMPs or alarmins),
including mitochondrial DNA and formyl peptides, incites a systemic inflamma-
tory response.12 As ATP supplies dwindle, cellular homeostasis ultimately fails,
and cell death ensues through necrosis from membrane rupture, apoptosis, or
At the tissue level, hypovolemia and vasoconstriction cause hypoperfusion and
end-organ damage in the kidneys, liver, intestine, and skeletal muscle, which can
lead to multiorgan failure in survivors. In extreme hemorrhage with exsanguina-
tion, pulselessness results in hypoperfusion of the brain and myocardium, leading to
cerebral anoxia and fatal arrhythmias within minutes.13 Hemorrhage also induces

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Hemorrhagic Shock

Table 1. Estimated Hemorrhage-Related Deaths per Year and Years of Life Lost in the United States and Worldwide,
According to the Cause of Hemorrhage.

Deaths from
Cause of Hemorrhage Hemorrhage* U.S. Cases of Hemorrhage Global Cases of Hemorrhage

No. of Deaths Yr of Life No. of Deaths Yr of Life

per Yr Lost per Yr Lost

Abdominal aortic aneurysm 100 9,988† 65,273‡ 191,700§ 2,881,760¶
Maternal disorder  23§ 138‖ 7,572** 69,690‖ 4,298,240**
Peptic ulcer disease   60†† 1,860‖ 38,597** 141,000‖ 3,903,600**
Trauma   30‡‡ 49,440‖ 1,931,786** 1,481,700‖ 74,568,000**
Total 61,426 2,043,228 1,884,090 85,651,600

* This column lists the best estimates of deaths from hemorrhage as a percentage of all deaths from the given diagno-
sis (e.g., all deaths from abdominal aortic aneurysm are ultimately related to hemorrhage).
† Information is from Leading Causes of Death Reports, 1981–2015, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017
‡ Data are from Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL) Reports, 1999–2015, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017
§ Data are from Lozano et al.5
¶ Data are from Global Health Data Exchange, 2016 (http://ghdx​.­healthdata​.­org/​­gbd-results-tool).
‖ Data are from Global Health Estimates 2015: Global Deaths by Cause, Age, Sex, by Country and by Region, 2000–2015.
World Health Organization, 2016 (
** Data are from Global Health Estimates 2015: Disease Burden by Cause, Age, Sex, by Country and Region, 2000–2015.
World Health Organization, 2016 (
†† Information is from Christensen et al.6
‡‡ Information is from Kauvar et al.7

profound changes in the vascular endothelium agulopathy in patients with active bleeding.23
throughout the body.14 At the site of hemor- Overzealous resuscitation with crystalloid dilutes
rhage, the endothelium and blood act synergisti- the oxygen-carrying capacity and clotting factor
cally to promote thrombus formation. However, concentrations. Infusion of cold fluids exacer-
the mounting oxygen debt and the catechola­ bates the heat lost from hemorrhage, depleted
mine surge eventually induce a so-called endo- energy stores, and environmental exposure and
theliopathy through systemic shedding of the leads to decreased function of the enzymes in the
protective glycocalyx barrier.15 clotting cascade.24 Finally, overadministration of
With hemorrhage and shock, both adaptive acidic crystalloid solutions worsens the acidosis
and maladaptive changes occur in the blood. At caused by hypoperfusion and further impairs the
the site of hemorrhage, the clotting cascade and function of clotting factors, resulting in a “bloody
platelets are activated, forming a hemostatic vicious cycle” of coagulopathy, hypothermia, and
plug.16 Remote from the site of hemorrhage, fi- acidosis (Fig. 1).25
brinolytic activity increases, presumably to pre- New insights into the genetic response to
vent microvascular thrombosis.17 However, excess severe injury and hemorrhage have been gleaned
plasmin activity and autoheparinization from from the Inflammation and the Host Response
glycocalyx shedding can result in pathologic to Injury research program.26 Historically, the
hyperfibrinolysis and diffuse coagulopathy.14,17,18 prevailing view was that a patient’s initial re-
Conversely, nearly half of patients with trauma sponse to severe injury and shock was a robust,
have a hypercoagulable phenotype of fibrinolysis innate systemic inflammatory response syndrome
shutdown.18 Depleted platelet numbers, decreased (SIRS), which was followed by relative immuno-
platelet margination due to anemia, and reduced suppression, termed compensatory antiinflam-
platelet activity also contribute to coagulopathy matory response syndrome (CARS), and then
and increased mortality.19-22 eventual recovery. If there were any complica-
Iatrogenic factors can further exacerbate co- tions, the cycle would reset with another SIRS,

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Sites of Hemorrhage

laceration Chest-wall

GI tract

GI tract


Injured fracture

Coagulopathy Uterus Acidosis


Iatrogenic Factors Blood Loss

Cold crystalloid infusion Depletion of red cells, clotting factors, and platelets
Hemodilution Decreased platelet margination (anemia)
Decreased clotting-factor activity (heat loss and acidosis)
Non–anion gap acidosis
Environmental exposure

Sympathoadrenal Response Local Hemostasis

Endothelial Conversion
activation of fibrinogen
Glycocalyx to fibrin
Endothelial activation


Genetic Response Tissue Injury and Hypoperfusion

Up-regulated innate immunity Release of formyl peptides and
genes mitochondrial DNA (DAMPS or alarmins)
Down-regulated adaptive immunity Activated protein C
genes Inactivated factors V and VIII
Increased plasmin
Release of tPA
Increased soluble thrombomodulin

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Hemorrhagic Shock

Figure 1 (facing page). Pathobiology of Hemorrhagic Shock.

extremities saves lives without risking amputa-
The combined effects of intravascular volume depletion,
tion or extremity dysfunction, if the patient is
loss of red-cell mass and procoagulant elements, simul- rapidly transported to a hospital where definitive
taneous activation of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic care can be provided.29,30 On the basis of this
systems, compensatory mechanisms, and iatrogenic evidence, a public education program has been
factors contribute to the phenotype of coagulopathy, initiated by the American College of Surgeons
hypothermia, and progressive acidosis, which results
in further derangements, ultimately leading to death.
and several partner organizations to train by-
In patients with trauma, tissue injury exacerbates the standers on tourniquet application and other
coagulopathy. Shedding of the endothelial glycocalyx hemorrhage-control measures.31 Guidelines for
at sites remote from the hemorrhage leads to vascular providing first aid32 and prehospital care33 now
permeability and additional inflammatory and coagulo- endorse tourniquet application when direct pres-
pathic stimulation. DAMPs denotes damage-associated
molecular patterns, GI gastrointestinal, and tPA tissue
sure is ineffective or impractical. For large bleed-
plasminogen activator. ing wounds in junctional locations where a tour-
niquet cannot be applied (e.g., axilla or groin
[Fig. 2]), a number of new hemostatic dressings
followed by CARS. The Inflammation and the have shown some benefit.34
Host Response to Injury studies have revealed, Numerous studies have evaluated prehospital
however, that soon after injury, proinflamma- resuscitation, particularly in the case of patients
tory and antiinflammatory innate immunity genes with severe injuries from trauma. Delaying re-
are up-regulated while adaptive immunity genes suscitation (i.e., withholding intravenous fluid
are simultaneously down-regulated. In patients until the moment of definitive hemostasis), a
without complications, these responses quickly concept first espoused by Walter B. Cannon, im-
return to baseline levels during recovery, where- proves survival among patients with penetrating
as patients with complications have exaggerated trauma to the torso who receive care in an urban
responses that return to baseline more slowly. trauma center,35 probably because this approach
averts dilutional coagulopathy. The Resuscitation
Outcomes Consortium found no benefit of either
Di agnosis a nd M a nagemen t
hypertonic saline or hypertonic dextran as com-
Early recognition of hemorrhagic shock and pared with normal saline for prehospital resus-
prompt action to stop the bleeding are lifesaving, citation in a mixed population of patients with
since the median time from onset to death is blunt or penetrating trauma.36 Likewise, albumin
2 hours.27 Rapidly controlling the source of hem- offers no benefit over crystalloid solutions.37
orrhage and restoring the patient’s intravascular Prehospital transfusion of red cells, plasma, or
volume and oxygen-carrying capacity serve both both was shown to provide a significant sur-
to limit the depth and duration of the shock vival benefit in a recent retrospective analysis of
state and to repay the accumulated oxygen debt, matched cohorts of patients with combat-related
in the hope that the debt is repaid before shock trauma,38 and several ongoing clinical trials are
becomes irreversible.10 evaluating the usefulness of this approach in
civilians. Currently, however, most prehospital
Prehospital Care providers use a small volume of crystalloid as
As with other time-sensitive conditions, such as needed to maintain mentation and a palpable
myocardial infarction and stroke, the chain of radial pulse in patients with severe bleeding.39
survival for patients with severe bleeding starts Rapid transport to a hospital capable of pro-
in the prehospital setting (Fig. 2).28 With limited viding care for critically ill patients is essential
options for resuscitation and definitive hemosta- for ensuring definitive hemostasis before hemor-
sis, priorities for prehospital care include mini- rhagic shock becomes irreversible. Systems-level
mizing further blood loss, providing limited education and policy changes have recently short-
fluid resuscitation through large-bore peripheral ened transport times and improved survival for
vascular access, and rapidly transporting the pa- combat casualties.40 In some urban centers, the
tient to a facility that can provide definitive care. ultrarapid “scoop and run concept” has been
New evidence indicates that tourniquet appli- extended to allow police transport for patients
cation proximal to sites of hemorrhage in the with penetrating trauma,41 ideally with tourniquets

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Primary Prevention and Education

Rapid Identification of Hemorrhagic Shock
Community-based violence prevention
AAA surveillance Prehospital history of major blood loss and treatment with
Peripartum oxytocin anticoagulants or antiplatelets
Helicobacter pylori eradication Physical examination, radiographs, and ultrasonography of the torso
(FAST) to determine sources of bleeding
Education courses: Laboratory work (blood type, blood gas with lactate, CBC,
Bleeding Control Basic (B-Con Basic) Course electrolytes, coagulation studies, and TEG or TEM)
Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) Course Immediate resuscitation for patients in shock
Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC) with the use of rapid infuser and fluid warmer
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Student Course Early massive-transfusion-protocol activation for patients in shock

0 Bleeding Event 1 2 3 4

Prehospital Interventions Definitive Hemostasis

Hemorrhagic identification and control Rapidly control all sites of hemorrhage
Compressible sites Examples:
Use direct pressure or Surgical exploration
tourniquet proximal to Angiography with embolization
bleeding site
Endoscopic intervention
Junctional sites
Apply hemostatic

Noncompressible sites Posthemostasis

Signs may be obvious (e.g.,
in gastrointestinal bleeding) Reassess patient for ongoing bleeding, coagulopathy,
or occult (e.g., after trauma) and unpaid oxygen debt
Apply pelvic binder for Perform repeat laboratory tests (blood gas with lactate,
suspected pelvic fracture CBC, electrolytes, coagulation studies, and TEG or TEM)
Limited resuscitation Transfusions should be compatible with blood
Hypothermia prevention group if possible
Rapid transport to medical facility Avoid over- or under-resuscitation
Perform ultrasonography to assess intravascular volume
status and cardiac function

Figure 2. Chain of Survival for Patients with Severe Hemorrhage.

The chain starts with primary prevention and prehospital interventions. Once the patient arrives at the hospital, early recognition and
resuscitation, achievement of definitive hemostasis, and subsequent actions all factor into the outcome. AAA denotes abdominal aortic
aneurysm, CBC complete blood count, FAST focused assessment with sonography for trauma, TEG thromboelastography, and TEM

applied proximal to any bleeding wounds in the subtle. In most patients, robust compensatory
extremities. mechanisms render hypotension an insensitive
indicator of shock until more than 30% of the
Evaluation of Patients with Severe patient’s blood volume has been lost (Table 2).
Hemorrhage More subtle clinical cues indicative of shock in-
Signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic shock, es- clude anxiety, tachypnea, a weak peripheral pulse,
pecially from occult sources of bleeding, are often and cool extremities with pale or mottled skin.

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Hemorrhagic Shock

Table 2. Classification of Hemorrhagic Shock.*

Shock Blood Pulse Respiratory

Class Blood Loss† Heart Rate Pressure Pressure Rate Mental Status
ml (%) beats/min breaths/min
I <750 (15) <100 Normal Normal 14–20 Slightly anxious
II 750–1500 (15–30) 100–120 Normal Narrowed 20–30 Mildly anxious
III 1500–2000 (30–40) 120–140 Decreased Narrowed 30–40 Anxious, confused
IV >2000 (>40) >140 Decreased Narrowed >35 Confused, lethargic

* Data are from the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma.42

† Blood-loss volume and percentage of total blood volume are for a male patient with a body weight of 70 kg.

Promising technologies that may help clinicians tion, since they can fluctuate wildly.24,48 Finally,
more quickly identify patients in shock include coagulopathy should be identified and ongoing
the compensatory reserve index43 and portable blood-product resuscitation should be guided by
incident dark-field microscopy to assess micro- measuring clot-formation kinetics with the use of
vascular beds in real time.44 viscoelastic testing such as thromboelastography
During the initial evaluation, potential sources or rotational thromboelastometry.49 Taken togeth-
of hemorrhage should be identified. Examples er, these laboratory measures will indicate the
include hematemesis or hematochezia, copious severity of shock, the need for mobilizing blood
vaginal bleeding, and a known history of an bank resources, and the presence and type of
abdominal aortic aneurysm. In patients with coagulopathy.
trauma, bleeding from sources in the extremities Although computed tomographic (CT) imaging
is obvious before the onset of shock, but these is now ubiquitous in the emergency evaluation of
sites may no longer be bleeding after severe critically ill patients, it should be performed only
hemorrhage. Also, the proximal thighs and the if the source of bleeding remains uncertain and
retroperitoneum can hold a large volume of blood the patient’s condition has been stabilized with
that may not be readily apparent on the initial initial resuscitation. Often, in cases of severe
assessment. Intracavitary sources of bleeding in hemorrhage, the patient is better served by rapid
patients with trauma include the chest, abdomen, interventions that are both diagnostic and thera-
and pelvis. Rapid evaluation of these cavities peutic, such as operative exploration, angiography
with chest and pelvic radiographs and focused with embolization, or gastrointestinal endoscopy.
assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST)
can indicate potential sites of bleeding.45 Ultra- Resuscitation
sonography can also be used in patients without Successful resuscitation requires aggressive mea-
trauma to identify occult sources of bleeding sures to prevent the accumulation of further
such as a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, oxygen debt and to repay the existing oxygen
uterine bleeding, or a ruptured ectopic preg- debt by stanching all sources of hemorrhage and
nancy, and echocardiography can be used to restoring the intravascular volume as quickly as
assess cardiac filling and contractility.46 possible.10 In patients with trauma, the com-
Laboratory measures of cellular hypoperfusion panion concepts of damage-control surgery50
include base deficit and lactate values obtained and damage-control resuscitation51,52 achieve these
from blood gas analysis. Other useful laboratory objectives. Similarly, patients with severe hemor-
values in a patient with severe bleeding include rhage from causes other than trauma benefit
hemoglobin and the international normalized from rapid localization and control of hemor-
ratio, which can be used to predict the need for rhage paired with blood-product resuscitation.
a massive transfusion.47 The platelet count and When the patient arrives at the hospital, the
fibrinogen levels should be measured and nor- priorities for management of bleeding include
malized. Electrolytes, including potassium and restoration of intravascular volume and rapid
calcium, should be measured early and often control of hemorrhage as part of the damage-
during the course of blood-product resuscita- control resuscitation paradigm (Table 3). Strate-

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Table 3. Principles of Damage-Control Resuscitation.

1:2 reduced mortality in the first 48 hours, but
no benefit could be identified for a plasma-to-
Avoid or correct hypothermia red cells ratio of this magnitude.57
Apply direct pressure or a tourniquet proximal to sites of hemorrhage in the All these blood products contain the antico-
extremities; pack junctional wounds with hemostatic dressings agulant citrate, which the liver rapidly metabo-
Delay fluid administration until the time of definitive hemostasis in selected lizes in healthy persons. However, in patients
patients (those with penetrating trauma to the torso and short prehospital with hemorrhagic shock who are receiving a
transport times)
large volume of blood products, citrate may be-
Minimize crystalloid infusions (<3 liters in the first 6 hr)
come toxic, with life-threatening hypocalcemia
Use a massive-transfusion protocol to ensure that sufficient blood products and progressive coagulopathy.48,58 Thus, empiri-
are rapidly available
cal calcium dosing during large-volume transfu-
Avoid delays in definitive surgical, endoscopic, or angiographic hemostasis
sions (e.g., 1 g of intravenous calcium chloride
Minimize imbalances in plasma, platelet, and red-cell transfusions in order to after transfusion of the first 4 units of any blood
optimize hemostasis
product) should be paired with frequent mea-
Obtain functional laboratory measures of coagulation (e.g., by means of throm- surements of electrolyte levels.
boelastography or rotational thromboelastometry) to guide the transition
from empirical transfusions to targeted therapy Isotonic crystalloid resuscitation has been
Selectively administer pharmacologic adjuncts to reverse any anticoagulant
used for decades in the early management of
medications and to address persistent coagulopathy bleeding. However, these solutions have no in-
trinsic therapeutic benefit except to transiently
expand the intravascular volume. When isotonic
gies for intravascular volume restoration have crystalloid is administered in large volumes, the
come full circle over the past several decades, risk of complications, including respiratory fail-
returning to a resuscitation approach that em- ure, compartment syndromes (both abdominal
phasizes use of plasma, platelets, and red cells and extremity), and coagulopathy, increases.
or even whole blood.53 Thus, limiting crystalloid infusions to 3 liters in
Massive-transfusion protocols mobilize uni- the first 6 hours after arrival at the hospital is
versal donor blood products (e.g., packed red now recommended as part of a bundle of care
cells, plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate) to for patients with acute bleeding from trauma.59
the patient’s bedside in prespecified ratios, This limit does not include blood products. As
along with pharmaceutical adjuncts such as cal- with prehospital resuscitation, described above,
cium and tranexamic acid. These protocols pro- no benefit has been identified for the use of col-
vide a survival benefit for patients with acute loids, dextran, or hypertonic saline for the early
bleeding52; any delay in activating the protocol is in-hospital management of severe bleeding.
associated with an increase in mortality.54 Mul- Procoagulant hemostatic adjuncts can be
tiple scoring systems have been designed to as- used to promote clot formation in patients with
sist treatment teams in identifying patients who bleeding. Examples include activated recombi-
may need a massive transfusion (see Table S1 in nant factor VII, tranexamic acid, prothrombin
the Supplementary Appendix, available with the complex concentrate, and fibrinogen concen-
full text of this article at trate.60 Use of these agents is considered off-la-
The ratio of red cells, plasma, and platelets bel except in patients taking warfarin, for whom
that is clinically beneficial has not been conclu- prothrombin complex concentrate is indicated,
sively defined. However, two prospective stud- and patients with hemophilia, for whom acti-
ies55,56 and a systematic review52 indicate that a vated recombinant factor VII or tranexamic acid
ratio of plasma to platelets to red cells that is is indicated. Potential benefits include a reduced
close to 1:1:1 (i.e., 6 units of plasma and 1 unit need for massive transfusion and even reduced
of apheresis platelets [equivalent to approxi- mortality. However, these benefits must be bal-
mately 6 units of pooled platelets] for every 6 anced against the potential for thrombotic com-
units of red cells) is safe and reduces short-term plications, paradoxical hemorrhage, and multi-
mortality from hemorrhage due to trauma. For organ failure. Thus, use of these medications in
patients with hemorrhage from causes other patients with trauma should be based on careful
than trauma, a recent retrospective study showed interpretation of the original studies and current
that a ratio of platelets to red cells of more than guidelines.52 Ongoing studies should clarify the

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Hemorrhagic Shock

appropriate use of these medications in patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding, endoscopy
with acute bleeding. At present, my hemostatic should be performed within 24 hours after pre-
adjunct of choice is tranexamic acid, administered sentation; adherence to this recommendation
when the massive-transfusion protocol is activat- may, at least in part, explain the decreasing mor-
ed. Vasopressin supplementation is another ther- tality associated with gastrointestinal bleeding
apy that may reduce blood-product and fluid re- in recent years.70,71
quirements in patients with hemorrhagic shock.61
Resuscitation End Points
Achieving Definitive Hemostasis After the initial course of resuscitation and defini-
All patients with severe bleeding require timely, tive hemostasis, the patient should be assessed for
definitive hemostasis to ensure survival (Fig. 2). evidence of ongoing hemorrhage, unpaid oxygen
A prolonged time to hemostasis has been linked debt, anemia, coagulopathy, electrolyte derange-
to increased blood-transfusion requirements, in- ments, and other sequelae of over- or under-resus-
creased mortality, or both for patients with pelvic citation (Fig. 2).72 Bedside echocardiography can
fractures,62 ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm,63 be used by critical care physicians to assess intra-
or gastrointestinal bleeding.64 Patients with acute vascular volume and cardiac function. Thrombo-
torso hemorrhage due to trauma should remain elastography or rotational thromboelastography
in the emergency department less than 10 min- can be used to identify coagulation abnormali-
utes for initial diagnosis and resuscitation in ties that require further correction.49 Symptom-
order to mitigate the risk of death.65 Patients atic anemia should also be corrected to normalize
with hemorrhage in an extremity and a con- intravascular volume and to repay any residual
firmed need for tourniquet application should be oxygen debt. Values approaching the normal
quickly moved to the operating room for vascu- range for lactate and base excess indicate that
lar exploration. For patients with multicavity the patient is being resuscitated appropriately
torso hemorrhage, it is important to identify the and that ongoing bleeding is unlikely.
cavity with the most severe bleeding at the out-
set, since initial surgical exploration of a body F u t ur e Dir ec t ions
cavity with less severe bleeding increases the
risk of death.66 Diagnostic adjuncts such as tube A systematic and comprehensive focus on hem-
thoracostomy and FAST help ensure proper opera- orrhage and injury research by the Department
tive sequencing for such patients, whose condi- of Defense has led to many of the advances de-
tion is too unstable for CT. Patients with purely tailed above28,73; however, gaps in both knowl-
abdominal or pelvic bleeding from any source edge and capability remain.74 Efforts to reduce the
may benefit from endovascular occlusion of the number of potentially preventable deaths from
aorta as a temporizing measure to slow hemor- hemorrhage must combine preventive measures75
rhage.67 This approach, termed resuscitative endo- with an all-out, multidisciplinary focus on early
vascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA), control of hemorrhage33 and a reduced time to
lowers the perfusion pressure to distal sites of definitive hemostasis.76 New approaches to early
severe hemorrhage, increases afterload, and re- hemorrhage control are in development, includ-
distributes the remaining blood volume prefer- ing partial REBOA, which extends the safe oc-
entially to the heart and brain. REBOA reduces clusion time while reducing the risk of distal
intraoperative mortality among patients with ischemia.77 Both type O whole blood and freeze-
ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm68 and is dried plasma are also being investigated for early
being evaluated in two prospective studies for resuscitation of patients with bleeding from
patients with trauma (Aortic Occlusion for Re- trauma.78,79
suscitation in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
[ C onclusions
.aspx] and the Effectiveness and Cost-Effective-
ness of REBOA for Trauma [Current Controlled Hemorrhagic shock is a major cause of death
Trials number, ISRCTN16184981]).69 REBOA has and disability both in the United States and
also been used for severe gastrointestinal bleed- globally. Through an improved understanding of
ing and peripartum hemorrhage.67 For patients the pathobiology of hemorrhage and an emphasis

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on rapid achievement of definitive hemostasis, The opinions expressed in this document are solely those of
the author and do not represent an endorsement by or the views
starting with prehospital care, survival of pa- of the U.S. Air Force, the Department of Defense, or the U.S.
tients with massive bleeding and recovery from government.
hemorrhagic shock are now possible. However, Dr. Cannon reports receiving simulation equipment from
Prytime Medical. No other potential conflict of interest relevant
much work remains to be done in the areas of to this article was reported.
primary prevention, early recognition, resuscitation Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
options, and rapid hemostasis to increase the full text of this article at
I thank Colonel Kevin Chung, M.D., and Mark Seamon, M.D.,
likelihood of recovery and reduce the burden of for their insightful comments on an earlier version of the manu-
hemorrhagic shock to zero. script.

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