Worms of Wonders.2022 Revise.

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“Inchi – Centi – Milli “

Page 1. On a mystical day, there appearded 3 small eggs sitting in the suns ray.

1 egg was Blue and Yellow with polka dots.

1 egg was Red and Yellow with stripes.
1 egg was Blue and Red with plaid prints

Page 2. It was strange that day. All weathers at the same time came out to play.
1 egg began to shake!
1 egg began to Rattle!
1 egg began to Roll!

Page 3. Oh, no! What's inside the eggs? What could it be!
Bang! Bang! Bang! 1 cracks open!
Bounce! Bounce! Bounce! 1 brakes open!
Boom! Boom! Boom! 1 burst open!

Page 4. Aaah, and what do we see! 3 little worms.

1 was born Green!
1 was born Orange!
1 was born Purple!

Page 5. They all had many,many legs.

Some big!
Some long!
Some short and strong!

Page 6. 3 new worms with busy feet, looking for places to run and leap!
1 worm named Milli,
1 worm named Centi,
1 worm named Inchi.
Page 7. All of the sudden they saw a great seat made of crystal far away
but getting there was 3 kinds of ways.

1 way was curvy, so Milli trialed.

1 way was hilly, so Centi hiked.
1 way was mountainy, so Inchi climbed.
Each worm had different feet for each path to complete.

Page 8. Inchi's path was high with angles,

so he climbed over great triangles.

Page 9. Centi's path was up and and down many Domes,

she hiked on half circled homes.

Page 10. Milli's path was tricky to get there,

she trailed around city building of rectangles and squares.

Page 11. 3 little worms, going as they go!

But wait! Colors appeared as they stopped and stared
at the beautiful shinny rainbow.

Page 12. Mysterious rays of color came into the worms as they joined together,
their busy feet swing to form golden wings.

Page 13. Sparking in the sky, as the crystal rose bud blossoms to ride.
As they enter no time or place, to journey within boundless space.

Page 14. Inside the crystal they all became mystical

and journeyed to a star very far.

Page 15. The path froze, the doorway closed and became a shinny bud.
Awaiting for those to open the rose filled with pure luv.

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