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Fishing Village Comprehensive National High School

Fishing Village, Malita, Davao Occidental

Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 9 TLE – Aquaculture

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. define the two main sources of water for fishpond;
b. illustrate the different kinds of fishponds according to the water
source; and
c. show interest on the importance of sources of water.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic : Sources of Water for Aquaculture Facility
Materials : Visual aids, pictures and bond paper
b. References : Summerfelt, R. (n.d). Water Quality Considerations
for Aquaculture.
c. Skills : self-expressing, understanding, reading and
d. Value Integration :

III. Procedure

Teachers Activity Students Activity

 Preliminary
a. Prayer
Everybody stand up, Cristhele kindly lead us a -in the name of the Father,
prayer. The Son and The Holy Spirit,
Amen. Our Father ………….
b. Greetings
Good morning, Class! -Good morning, Ma’am Delos
Sabtos! Good morning
Before you take your seats, kindly pick up all
the pieces of paper under your chairs and (Students picking up and
arrange it properly. arranging their chairs)
-done teacher!
Good, you may now take your seats. -Thank you, Ma’am!
c. Checking of attendance
Requesting the class secretary to check the (Checking the attendance)
Who is absent today? -No one is absent Ma’am!
Very good! Perfect attendance.
d. Motivation
Before we start our discussion, let’s have this
activity first. Its just a warm up activity to give
you a glimpse of what will be our topic for

As you can see, there are four pictures posted

here with words that have missing letters.
Based on the direction, figure out what letters
are missing and guess what word will be
constructed by the image shown. Pick the (Students raise their right
letters the missing letters here inside the box. If hand)
you want to answer just raise your right hand. - Me ma’am.

Okay. Who will answer picture number 1? - Me ma’am.

Yes Mr. Combista, answer picture number 1.
How about picture number 2, who wants to
answer? - Me ma’am.
Yes Ms. Formentera, answer picture number 2.
For the third picture? - Me ma’am.
Yes Mr. Eslana, answer picture number 3.
And for the last picture, who wants to answer?
Yes Mr. Marquez, answer the fourth picture.

Okay very good students! So, we have the word

spring for the first picture, rainfall for the
second picture, lake for the third picture and
well for the last picture.

As you can see the pictures contain of water

particularly sources of water. When we say
sources of water, these are the locations of our (Students raise their hand)
water supply.

Aside from spring, rainfall, lake and well; give

me another example where we could get a -Another example ma’am is
supply of water. the sea or ocean.

Yes Mr. Besabella.

Yes, very good. Thank you Mr. Besabella.

Sea or ocean is considered as the largest source (Students raise their hand)
of water.
-The river ma’am.
Another example of sources of water?

Yes Ms. Brida.

Okay very good, river is an example of source (Students raise their hand)
of water.
-I think our topic for today
Now, what do you think will be our topic for
ma’am based on the activity is
today based on this activity?
about the sources of water.
Yes Mr. Fiel.
(Students raise their hands)
Yes, very good! Thank you, Mr. Fiel.

But before we actual jump into our final

discussion, let us have this diagram which
presents the two main sources of water. The
sources of water are classified into two, we
have groundwater and surface water. First, let
us define what is groundwater.
-Yes Ma’am.
The water that is found deep inside the ground
called groundwater. These are water that are
located beneath the ground. Do you believe that
there are water below the ground?

So, why do we have groundwater? Where do

you think they come from? It is because when it
rains, some of the water goes or sips deep
inside the ground or below the soil and collects
there. -None so far ma’am.

Now, how can we get a supply of groundwater?

Some of the sources of groundwater are wells,
tube well, hand pump and tap. Again,
groundwater is water below the surface.
Questions about groundwater?

Okay, now let’s proceed to surface water. The

water that is found on top of the ground is
called surface water. These are water that can
-None so far ma’am.
be seen on top of the ground, where could
automatically get a supply of water. Unlike
groundwater, getting a supply of surface water
do not require using wells, tube wells, hand
pump and tap. All the natural sources of water
have surface water such as rivers lakes, seas
and oceans. Now, any questions about surface

Okay. So, we already know the differences -None so far ma’am.

between the two main sources of water. Now,
let us identify their similarities. All sources of
water are filled either with groundwater or
surface water. Both the groundwater and
surface water are filled by rain. Therefore,
rain is the main source of both groundwater and
surface water.

Any questions?
Okay, if none I will remove this diagram.
-Yes ma’am.
 Lesson Proper
Get ¼ sheet of paper, I will read five
statements and you will answer True if the
statement is correct and False if the statement
is incorrect. These statements are all taken
from the diagram about the groundwater and
surface water. I will only read the statement
twice, so listened carefully.


1. The water that is found deep inside the

ground is called surface water.
2. Wells, tube well, hand pump and tap are
some sources of groundwater.
3. The water that is found on top of the
ground is called surface water. -Yes ma’am!
4. All the natural sources of water have surface
water such as rivers lakes, seas and oceans.
5. Rain is not the main source of both
groundwater and surface water. (Students raised their hands)

Papers up! Exchange paper with your seatmate.

Do not change the answer of your seatmate.
Once I caught you cheating, both of you and -False ma’am.
your seatmate will get minus 1 point.
(Students raised their hands)
Am I clear?

-True ma’am.
Number 1, is the statement “The water that is
found deep inside the ground is called surface (Students raised their hands)
water”, true or false?

Yes Mr. Humang, stand up. -True ma’am.

Correct! Number 2, is the statement “Wells,

tube well, hand pump and tap are some sources (Students raised their hands)
of groundwater”, true or false?

Yes, Mr. Paabay. -True ma’am.

Correct! Number 3, is the statement “The water

that is found on top of the ground is called (Students raised their hands)
surface water”, true or false?

Yes, Ms. Bastida. -False ma’am.

Correct! Number 4, is the statement “All the

natural sources of water have surface water
such as rivers lakes, seas and oceans”, true or

Yes, Mr. Almanon.

Correct! Last number, is the statement “Rain is

not the main source of both groundwater and
surface water”, true or false?

Yes, Mr. Canete.

Correct! Very good. Pass your paper to the

Let us proceed to our main topic which is the

sources of water for aquaculture facility
specifically for fishpond. Water source is
considered the most important factor when
choosing a site for an aquaculture facility. When
choosing a good water source. It will be helpful
to know what characteristics of an “ideal” source
and how the source may be affected in the

There are two characteristics of an ideal water

source. First. the source must be
uncontaminated from excessive nutrients,
chemicals or heavy metals. Second, is the
availability of the large volumes of water
necessary for commercial fish farms.

There are two main sources of water for

fishpond, groundwater and surface water which
we already discussed. But to have a deeper
knowledge about groundwater and surface
water let us tackle these following definitions.
Please read the definition of groundwater.

Groundwater is the water found underground in

the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rock. It
is stored in and moves slowly through geologic
formations of soil, sand and rocks called
aquifers. Groundwater can be found almost

Surface water is any body of water found on

the Earth’s surface, including both the saltwater
in the ocean and the freshwater in rivers,
streams, and lakes. A body of surface water can
persist all year long or for only part of the year.

There are different kinds of fishponds according

to the water source.
1. Ponds can be fed by groundwater.
1.1 Spring-water ponds are supplied
from a spring either in the pond or very
close to it. The water supply may vary
throughout the year but the quality of
the water is usually constant.
1.2 Seepage ponds are supplied from the
water-table by seepage into the pond.
The water level in the pond will vary with
the level of the water-table.
2. Rain-fed ponds are supplied from rainfall and
surface runoff. No water is supplied during the
dry season. These ponds are often small
depressions in impermeable soil, with a dike
built at the lower side to retain more water. -Yes ma’am.
3. Ponds can be fed from a water body such as
a stream, a lake, a reservoir or an irrigation - The different kinds of
canal.  fishponds according to the
3.1 Fed directly (e.g. barrage ponds), by water water source are spring-water
running straight out from the water body to the ponds, seepage ponds, rain-fed
ponds. ponds, barrage ponds,
3.2 Indirectly (e.g. diversion ponds), by water diversion ponds and pump-fed
entering a channel from which controlled ponds.
amounts can be fed to the ponds.
4. Pump-fed ponds are normally higher than the
water level and can be supplied from a well,
spring, lake, reservoir or irrigation canal, by
pumping.   (Students raised their hands)
Now, let’s have an oral recitation to assess if
you really listened and understand my entire -Ponds that can be fed directly
discussion. Once I call your name, you will means that the source of
stand up. water directly provides a
supply of water to the pond.
Understand? They built a wall in order to
stop the water flow. An
Mr. Jusay, what are the different kinds of
example of ponds that can be
fishponds according to the water source? fed directly is barrage pond.
Fed indirectly are ponds that
utilize canal as a channel to be
able for the source of water
fed the pond. The advantage
Very good Mr. Jusay, Thank you. of fed indirectly is you can
control the flow and level of
Who can give me a brief explanation about the water needed for your
difference between ponds that can be fed fishpond. An example of fed
indirectly is diversion pond.
directly and fed indirectly?

Yes Mr. Manisan, stand up.

(Students raised their hands)

-Ponds can be fed from a

water body belongs to surface
water because water body
includes lakes and stream.

-No ma’am.
Very well said Mr. Manisan!

Next question is, which among the two main (Students raised their hands)
sources of water does “ponds can be fed from a
water body” belong? Why? -For me ma’am, water source
is important factor when
choosing a site for a fishpond
Yes Joey, stand up. because if the fishpond site
does not have a near water
source, then we cannot get a
water supply which is needed
for our fishpond in order for
Thank you, Joey. Please sit down. Any the fish to live.
questions regarding the two main sources of
water for fishpond?

 Generalization (Students raised their hands)

Now, let’s integrate our experiences to this

topic. In your own understanding, why does - First, the source must be
water source considered as the most important uncontaminated from excessive
factor when choosing a site for a fishpond? nutrients, chemicals or heavy
metals. Second, is the
availability of the large volumes
Yes, Er John. Stand up. of water necessary for
commercial fish farms.

-yes Ma’am!

Very good Er John.

In line with that answer, what are the

characteristics of an ideal source of water for a -Yes ma’am!

Yes Mr. Dura, stand up.

Thank you, Mr. Dura.

-No Ma’am!
(Students start answering the
 Application activity sheet)

Now, let’s have this activity! People in the first

row please distribute this activity sheet.

Does everyone already have their activity

(Girls raised their hands)
As you can see in your activity sheet, you will (Alexandra presents her
choose and illustrate (draw) inside the box one output to the class)
source of water for a fishpond. Below the
illustration, write your explanation about the
importance of water in our daily lives. You will
(Students clapping)
only have 15 minutes to do the activity. Once I
do a peace sign that will serve as a signal that (Boys raised their hands)
means “times up”. (Vincent presents her output
to the class)
Any question about this activity?
Okay if none, you may start now.
(Students clapping)
(After 15 minutes)

Times up! Now, I need two volunteers 1 girl

and 1 boy to present their output to the class.
Girls, who wants to volunteer?

Yes Alexandra, please be here in front and -I think ma’am the impact of
present your output. studying or learning about the
sources of water in our daily
Very good Alexandra! Let us give a round of living is that it helps in our
applause for Alexandra. household chores like washing
the dishes or our laundry.
For Boys, who wants to volunteer? Also, without water we will be
thirsty and dehydrated which
Carl Vincent, please be here in front and is not good for our health.
present your output.
(Students clapping)
Very good Carl Vincent! Let us give a round of
applause for Carl Vincent.

Based on your activity, what is the impact of

studying/learning about the sources of water in
our daily living? Why?
Mr. Humang-it, stand up.

(Students read the direction)

Very good Mr. Humang-it! Let us give a round

of applause for Mr. Humang-it.

Okay, pass your activity sheet to the front.

 Evaluation
Now, I want you to get ½ sheet of paper
crosswise. Put name, date for today and
subject. Are you done?

Before you start answering. Kindly read the


Directions: Read the statements carefully then,

on your paper, encircle the letter of the correct
1. The following are the different types of
surface water EXCEPT one.
a. well c. ocean
b. lakes d. rivers
2. Which of the following is a kind of pond
that can be fed by groundwater?
a. Seepage pond c. Barrage pond
b. Rain-fed pond d. Diversion pond

3. All the statement are true about surface

water EXCEPT one.
a. The water that is found on top of the
b. Rain water is unavailable as surface
c. Both surface water and ground water
are filled by rain.
d. We get surface water from rivers, lakes,
ponds, seas and oceans.

4. Vanny’s father starts his own fishpond

that can be fed by bodies of water.
Among the two main sources of water,
which one will her father probably get a
supply of water? -No ma’am.
a. well c. surface water
b. groundwater d. None of the
-Goodbye and thank you
5. These are normally higher than the water ma’am Delos Santos!
level and can be supplied from a well,
spring, lake, reservoir or irrigation canal,
by pumping. 
a. Spring-water ponds c. Rain-fed ponds
b. Seepage ponds d. Pump-fed ponds
At the count of ten (10) pass your paper to the
front, late papers will not be accepted. 10 9

 Assignment

For your assignment. Try to interview a

fishpond owner about the factors they
considered upon choosing the right water
quantity and water quality for their fishpond.
Write your answer in a form of essay. Put your
answer on a one whole sheet of paper.

Understand? Any question about your


 Closure
Everybody stand up, goodbye class!

Prepared By:

Rhea May T. Delos Santos

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