Interview Questions

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Background of the Company:

1) Please state the background of the company. (includes Mission and Vision)
Refer website

2) What product or services that the company offers?

Refer website

3) Can you provide the company’s organizational chart?

Refer website


4) Please state organizational policy in terms of general and human resources

Refer website

5) Since when does the company starts evaluate their employees?

Companies start evaluating their employees when employees start reporting themselves
in the organization and will be evaluated by the head of the department or unit.

6) How many times does the company did employee’s evaluation?

Evaluation will be made once a year based on annual work targets.

7) Does the employee’s evaluation happened to both full-timers and part-timers?

Yes, because government statutory bodies are required to evaluate all employees
whether they are permanent employees or contract employees.

8) What software that the company use to evaluate their employees?

Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) - Annual Performance
Evaluation Report (APER)

9) What is the kind of method that the company used to evaluate their employees? Give
elaboration. (Self-assessment/Manager assessment/Peer assessment)
Things assessed in APER is Work Production, Knowledge and Skills, Personal
Qualities, Relationships and Cooperation and Activities and Donations

10) Does the company accept customers’ feedback? If yes, does it include into the
employees’ evaluation?
Yes, but customer feedback is only entered under the evaluation of the organization, not
the employee.
11) If the employee did not perform well, does he/she will be sending to a training program?
If yes, where it is located?
Yes, customer feedback is only entered under the evaluation of the organization, not the

12) If the employee performed very well, does he/she will be receiving any reward? If yes,
what types of reward? (Bonus/Allowance/Salary Increase/etc)
Usually under our government organization there is a "Monthly Exemplary Employee
Award" and an “Annual Exemplary Employee Award”. Award recipients will receive
RM1000.00 and a certificate.

13) Does the employees will receive same rewards although they have different level of
Yes to be fair.

14) What kind of benefits that the company offers their employees to make sure that
everyone is retain?
Among the benefits provide in our organization are private and government clinic panel

cards of RM300.00, housing loans with low rates, vehicle loans, annual leave of 20 - 30

days, maternity leave for husband and wife, death leave and many more.

15) What is the company’s Human Resource policy? Give elaboration.

Improve employee performance and motivation.
· Identify potential employees.
· Career advancement such as promotion, training, placement and officer development.
· Excellent service award/great star/appreciation letter.
· Determination of salary movements.

16) What kind of activities used to ensure performance management process are
Every year the organization will hold a face-to-face meeting with each employee to
discuss and listen to the expressions of each employee, monthly internal unit or
department meetings will be held to ensure that the work flow runs smoothly. In addition,
the organization rotates work in each unit to ensure that all employees are skilled and
know how each department and organization works.

17) If the company have employee’s performance evaluation form, can we get a copy? If no
or confidential, can you describe what are the elements that involved?
Government departments no longer use evaluation forms. we use the HRMIS system. all
employees have to fill in the annual work target and will be assessed by 2 officers, the
first assessor and the second assessor. only the score of the first assessor can be seen
by the employee in the system and the overall score after the second assessor will be
given in the form of overall percentage.
Refer PDF untuk tambahan cara penilaian.

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