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Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Academic Performance among SHS Students

in ACLC College of Ormoc

A Research Proposal
Presented to the Faculty of the
Ormoc City, Philippines

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Practical Research 2



October, 2022

To Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, for giving wisdom, strength, support and
knowledge in exploring things, for guidance in helping surpass all the trials that we encountered
and for giving determination to pursue our study, and to make this study possible.

The researchers would like to extend their deepest sincerest gratitude to all people who
helped there in any manner, who have shared the effort and knowledge in order to make this
research a reality.

Whatever has been accomplished and whatever has been the product of every and
endeavor, there is a great source of all effort, striving, guidance and gracious blessings without
who this task would have been impossible.

The researchers would like to express our sincere gratitude to our research adviser, Mr.
Christian Miro, for the continuous support to our study and research, for his patience,
enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance helps us all the time with researching and
writing this research. We could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for our

To the researcher’s loving parents, for their moral encouragement, financial assistance as
well as their spiritual support in every path the researcher's take.

Thank you!


This humble piece of work is lovingly dedicated to researcher's parents who serve as their

inspiration, to our friends, and all our classmates who always make us happy and inspired all

throughout this research. To ALMIGHTY GOD who serves as guidance and the source of

strength and knowledge for without his guidance everything is futile.

Table of Contents Page

Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................5

Statement of the Problem .................................................................................6

Variables ..........................................................................................................6

Conceptual Framework ....................................................................................7

Significance of the Study .................................................................................8

Scope and Delimitations ..................................................................................9

Definition of Terms .........................................................................................9

Chapter 2: Research Methodology .................................................................................10

Research Design .............................................................................................10


Research Respondents.....................................................................................11

Research Environment.....................................................................................11

Research Interview..........................................................................................12

Chapter I



Sleep is very essential in our lives it allows us to regain more energy and process our

minds better. According to Gulia & Kumar (2020), Good sleep is important for the health and

well-being of people of all ages; however, given the current difficult circumstances, sleep, which

accounts for nearly one-third of our lives, should be prioritized in order to achieve better

community. It has a lot of great benefits for our bodies Not only does it put everyone in a

positive mood, but this also prevents us from gaining weight. Furthermore, it has great impact on

our emotions and mentality. Sleeping it just as important as eating, driving, and bathing. It’s like

a basic necessity in our lives. We must do it efficiently day after day.

According to (Shrof 1 2020), Teens 12 to 18 years old should sleep 8 to 9 hours per day.

But unfortunately, many of them seem to have a hard time meeting this standard. The author also

states that it turns out that many teenagers actually may need more sleep than in previous years.

However, for many teenagers, social pressures conspire against getting the proper amount and

quality of sleep (Johnson 2020), summarizes that the ideal time to sleep and wake up will differ

depending on the individual. In specific, people should try to sleep a few hours after dark and

start waking up with the first few hours of daylight. (Cherney 2019) states that the better the

quality of sleep you get, the less likely you are to experience significant daytime sleepiness.

According to (Carskadon et al., 2006 as cited by Dimitriou et al., 2015) habitual weeknight

sleep loss gets worse as individuals advance through their teenage years. As students get closer

to being adults, the greater the task will be. And since they're overloaded with schoolwork,

finding time to fall asleep becomes more and more difficult.

Sleep deprivation or lack of sleep makes a person susceptible to illness and other

implications. Aside from that, students who didn't get enough sleep will feel tired, drowsy, and

sleep during class hours. There is a lot of schoolwork nowadays, which prevents students from

sleeping. The fear of not finishing and submitting the tasks on time keeps them awake. As a

result, the researcher intends to conduct this study in order to determine how many students are

sleep deprived by learning about the perspectives and experiences of the chosen students.

Furthermore, to promote a balanced lifestyle in which students can improve their academic

performance without sleep deprivation. Finally, the researcher will offer solutions and

recommendations to help students avoid sleep deprivation. It may cause students to have

difficulties with comprehension and retention during their classes. According to (Lee et al.,

2015). The learning capacity and academic performance of adolescents may be affected by sleep

quality or quantity because sleep plays important role in attention and memory. As lack of sleep

at facts our lives, learning becomes challenging, and we become forgetful. Furthermore,

thousands of students around the globe are at risk of sleep deprivation which contributes to lower

academic outcomes and problems at the workplace (Merenheimo 2018).

Statement of the Problem

This study will focus on the academic performance of students who are sleep depriving

and the effects of sleep deprivation.

Specifically, this will seek to answer the following questions:

1.) How many students are sleep-deprived?

2.) What are the causes of sleep deprivation among students?

3.) How many hours do students usually sleep?

4.) What is the academic performance of students in school?

1.1 Written works

1.2 Performance tasks

1.3 Exam

Variables (Independent and Dependent)

In this research the Independent Variable is Sleep Deprivation because it is the main idea

and subject of this research. The dependent variable is the selected SHS students in ACLC

College of Ormoc, it is the item that the researcher is measuring for this study.

Conceptual Framework


Profile of the Data gathering The result of the study

respondents according
 Questionnaire  How students
 Survey are sleep
 Age
 Statistical deprived
 Gender
Treatment  The factors of
 Year level
 Average grade of deprivation
SHS students in
terms of:
1st Sem
2nd Sem

The researcher adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model. it includes all of the

materials and the information that are required in the process, the specific details of the process

itself. The concept model, as shown. It shows what is the process of determining the effects of

sleep deprivation.

For input, it consists of the respondent's profile as well as aspects related to the

educational research's dependent and independent variables. Usually, all the details specified in

the statement of the problems are stipulated here.

For process, it includes the questionnaires that were utilized, the observations that were

made, the data collection method.

For output this includes the action taken after interpreting the results of the study.

Significance of the Study

The students and future researchers particularly ACLC College of Ormoc will benefit

from the findings of this study since the study provides a basis for awareness and better

understanding of how sleep deprivation affected their academic performance. As the

study deals with the Sleep Deprivation: Its effects on Senior Highschool Students, the result

would be beneficial to the following:

Teachers. This study explains the effects of sleep deprivation, and one of them is home

works. This will be used as an eye-opening tool for the teachers to lessen activities at home and

in return do more activities inside the school.

Students. Students will be more knowledgeable on how sleep deprivation affects their

performance at school. This also brings out useful information in order to help them from sleep


Future Researchers. Future researchers may add more useful information and

information that is lacking from this study. This will also serve as a guide or reference for them

and give them information regarding their research topic.

Parents. This study will bring information about their child's academic performance and

how it’s being affected by factors such as sleep deprivation. By providing information parents

will be proactive regarding their child’s sleep and performance.

Scope and Delimitations

The researchers focuses only on the Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic

Performance of the selected SHS students of ACLC College of Ormoc. The researcher believed

that the SHS students were the most challenged in school because they would be ready for

college. The researcher also wants to conduct this study to highlight the importance and benefits

of sleeping to students. This study will also look at the consequences and main causes of sleep

deprivation in students. This study will be useful, interesting, and relevant for students and future


Definition of Terms

o Sleep Deprivation

is a general term to describe a state caused by inadequate quantity or quality of sleep,

including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

o Academic Performance

is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects.

Chapter II


This chapter contains the research methods that will be used. Methodologies include

research design, sample and participant selection, instrumentation, data collection procedures,

and data analysis.

Research Design

. The researcher will use quantitative research because it is relevant to the study. Aside

from that, this method will assist in determining whether or not there is a significant relationship

between the two variables of the study. Quantitative research collects numerical data, statistical

measures, and predicts the research's outcome. This will be required to present the study's

objective, which is the effect of sleep deprivation on SHS students' and into their academic



The participants of the study will be SHS students of ACLC College of Ormoc. The

participants were chosen because they are candidates in completion. So, they are most likely to

do a lot of activities just to obtain grades that will be acceptable in college universities. But since

the chosen respondents are not allowed to go outside, the researcher will conduct survey

questionnaires to 500+ students. The use of Google Forms will be distributed to collect

information from selected students. The questionnaire was used by the researcher to collect the

necessary information or data from the chosen respondents. To collect data, the researcher will

distribute survey questions to SHS students through the use of Google Forms. To ensure that the

survey runs smoothly, the researcher will be available for questions and clarifications. As a

result, obtaining the required data will be quick and simple.

Research Respondents

The respondents of the study are selected SHS Students, the study requires 500+

respondents. The researchers carried out the questionnaire on social media and look for

respondents to sight the statistics for the study. We have a total of __ respondent.

Research Environment

The researchers conducted this research through social media to follow the health

protocols due to covid-19 pandemic. The researchers personally gave the questionnaire to the

subjects/ respondents through social media due to pandemic. The people in social media were

approached to participate and cooperate in the research. They were assured that their

participation or non-participation to the study would not affect their care.

Research Interview

The researcher’s utilized a laptop to accumulate up and collect data of our research. We

find sources from Google Scholar, the researcher’s used Google form to make a survey for our

questionnaire for us to gather information’s and to know the perspectives of SHS students who

are sleep-deprived.

Appendix A


Dear Respondents,


We, are Grade 12 students of ACLC College of Ormoc, under HUMSS strand. We are humbly

asking for your permission to be tagged as one of our possible respondents for our research since

the conduct of our study will be held on the 4th quarter this semester. Your cooperation with this

matter is highly appreciated. Rest assured that the info will be bound within our school and will

remain confidential. Thank you and God speed!

Very truly yours,


Appendix B

Location Map

Appendix C


Appendix D

Research Timeline

Target Date Task and “To do list” Date Completed

Choosing the topic/title

“Sleep Deprivation”
Gathering 500+ respondents

Organizing Ideas about the

research topic and finding
Encoding the research data

Revising/Re-encoding the
research paper
Submitting the research

Appendix E

Ethical Issues

The ethical issues surrounding the topic may include further questions about the

perspectives of other members of the general population and may lead to further discussion

surrounding topics not covered in this study. The survey is limited to the data and purposes

collected. It is continuously monitored, calibrated, and revised to increase the credibility and

reliability of the study.


1. Gulia, K.K., Kumar, V.M. Importance of Sleep for Health and Wellbeing Amidst

COVID-19 Pandemic. Sleep Vigilance 4, 49–50 (2020). Retrieved from 00087-4

2. Shroff, A. (2020, July 08). Child sleep: Recommended hours for every age. Retrieved

April 15, 2021, from

3. Johnson, J. (2020, May 5). What are the best times to sleep and wake up? Medical

News Today. Retrieved from


4. Cherney, K. (2019, November 14). Best time to sleep for different age groups:

Benefits and side effects. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from

5. Dimitriou, D., Le Cornu Knight F., Milton P. (2015) The Role of Environmental

Factors on Sleep Patterns and School Performance in Adolescents. Retrieved from


Retrieved April 15, 2021, from


7. Lee YJ, Park J, Kim S, Cho SJ, Kim SJ. Academic performance among adolescents

with behaviorally induced insufficient sleep syndrome. J Clin Sleep Med

2015;11(1):61–68. Retrieved from


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