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Journal of Physical Education and Recreation

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Modern Concepts of Physical Fitness

Harold B. Falls
Southwest Missouri State University , Springfield , MO , 65802 , USA
Published online: 17 Mar 2013.

To cite this article: Harold B. Falls (1980) Modern Concepts of Physical Fitness, Journal of Physical Education and Recreation, 51:4,

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Modern Concepts of Physical Fitness
By Harold B. Falls

uring its November 1979 meeting, stimulus for further research and study derstanding that the major thrust of this
D the AAHPERD Board of Gover-
nors gave final approval to the new
of the new test.
After publication, both test manuals
article is directed. It spells out the dis-
tinction between health related and per-
AAHPERD Health Related Physical Fit- will be available from AAHPERD Pub- formance related physical fitness and
ness Test. This act brought to fruition lication/Sales. The new health related presents a rationale for emphasis of health
the efforts of dozens of individuals who physical fitness test will not replace the related fitness in school physical edu-
have been involved in development of current AAHPERD Youth Fitness Test, cation programs.
the test-a process that has continued also available from AAHPERD Publi- There is probably little disagreement
for over five years. Approval does not cation/Sales. that U.S. citizens in general are low in
represent the culmination of acitivities fitness when compared with those in other
on the part of those individuals within Implementation of the New Test countries. The original development of
AAHPERD who are convinced of the One of the recommendations made the AAHPERD Youth Fitness Test was
importance of health related physical to the Alliance Board of Governors by stimulated in large part by just such com-
fitness. It merely represents a transition the Task Force on Youth Fitness was
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 13:51 12 April 2015

parisons between U.S. and European

of efforts from one phase to another. that the Physical Fitness Council of children in the 1950s. The situation hasn't
Immediately ahead is release of the ma- ARAPCS be charged with coordinating changed appreciably over the years, which
jor publications presenting the new test all efforts associated with implementing points out clearly the need for both im-
and its rationale to the profession along the new test. This recommendation was proved cardiovascular fitness programs
with the process of getting the test im- approved, and the Physical Fitness and health related fitness education.
plemented within the schools. Council is already well under way with
The Task Force on Youth Fitness has its work. This article is one part of that Health Related vs Performance
now completed its work on the two basic implementation process. Related Physical Fitness
manuals. The first is a well-illustrated In many instances the implementation Health related fitness refers to those
manual outlining the test items, pre- process will be easy. Many individuals aspects of physiological and psycholog-
senting brief rationale, and detailing in- were already using the new test even ical functioning which are believed to
structions for their administration. The before its approval by the Alliance. For offer the individual some protection
manual provides norm tables to be used various reasons, however, there has been against degenerative type diseases such
in evaluation of students' physical fit- resistance to the new test. In some cases as coronary heart disease, obesity. and
ness. An important feature is a chapter this has merely been the usual resistance various musculoskeletal disorders. These
presenting guidelines for the develop- to change in any form. Persons become afflictions have been referred to as "hy-
ment and maintenance of health related comfortable with something they've been pokinetic diseases" by Hans Kraus and
physical fitness. The chapter is intended doing for a long time, and they don't Wilhelm Raab because they are often
as an aid to the teacher and student in want to change because it means extra associated with low levels of energy ex-
setting up and conducting an individ- effort on their part. Others view the new penditure common to the sedentary per-
ualized physical fitness program. test as presenting greater administrative son. Surely this type of fitness should
A second publication provides tech- problems, especially the sum of skin- be of primary concern to every individ-
nical aspects of the test. This manual folds item (skinfold calipers must be ual within our society. Performance re-
will include detailed discussion of the purchased and teachers must learn how lated fitness, on the other hand, includes
rationale for the various test items, in- to use them.). Still others have a basic those qualities of function that provide
formation on validity and reliability, philosophical disagreement with the new the individual with the ability to partic-
details of the norming procedures, a his- test. They do not accept the concept of ipate in sport activities with greater power,
tory of youth fitness testing and of the health related physical fitness and prefer strength, endurance, skill. etc .• than
development of this test, and descriptive to view physical fitness as primarily per- would otherwise be the case. The ulti-
statistics associated with the test items. formance related, which is the approach mate example of a person with this type
The technical manual should provide a taken with the established AAHPERD of fitness would be the outstanding
Youth Fitness Test. professional or Olympic athlete.
Harold B. Falls is professor of health The Task Force on Youth Fitness Because of our responsibilities as edu-
and physical education. Southwest Mis- and the Physical Fitness Council of cators, a basic emphasis should be placed
souri State University. Springfield. MO ARAPCS believe that much of the above on health related fitness-fitness that is
65802. problem stems from a failure to under- important to everyone. However, the basic
He is chairman of the AAHPERD Task stand the basic differences between health components of health related fitness, the
Force on Youth Fitness. The article is related and performance related fitness, "essentials of fitness." are also impor-
based partly on a presentation by Dr. coupled with a lack of appreciation of tant components of performance related
Falls to the Alabama AHPERD Con- the fundamental importance of health fitness in many sports, and the funda-
vention, Birmingham, Alabama. Octo- related fitness to all children, youth, and mental principles of development and
ber /2, /979. adults. It is toward this area of misun- maintenance ofthe components are corn-
lOPER-April 1980 25
mon to the two areas. The major differ- The Four Basic Components of to another. Therefore, for any given
ences lie in the degree to which each Health Related Fitness amount of work, the energy expenditure
component must be developed. For ex- The basic components of health re- is increased in the obese. The greater
ample, the Olympic marathon champion lated fitness are cardiovascular function, demand for energy causes the circulation
must have a heart and circulatory system body composition, strength, and flexi- to work harder. Also, an obese person
functioning at an extremely high level bility. These are also among the basic usually consumes a diet high in saturated
in order to be able to deliver enough components in the performance related fats and cholesterol. The resulting greater
oxygen to the muscles to sustain the level fitness area. Again, it should be empha- level of circulating blood fats' increases
of energy metabolism demanded by the sized that the major differences lie in the the probability of developing athero-
sport. The average individual, on the degree to which each component must sclerosis-an important precursor to cor-
other hand, can have a system function- be developed within the two areas. The onary heart disease.
ing at 60-70% of the marathoner's ca- basic health related fitness components The problem of obesity in the United
pacity and still receive optimum levels are measured in the new AAHPERD test States is widespread. The American
of protection from the development of by the one-mile or nine-minute run, sum Medical Association has estimated that
circulatory disease. of subscapular and triceps skinfolds, one- over 50% of all adults can be considered
It should be noted that an individual minute timed sit-up, and sit and reach, overweight, and surveys among school
may be high in certain components of respectively. children indicate that a similar problem
performance related fitness but low in exists for at least 40% of that population.
health related fitness and vice versa. An Cardiovascular Function Retention of body fat at any age is a
example would be baseball players who Cardiovascular function is the most health problem of considerable concern,
train only for their sport. Although these important component in the health re- but it is especially significant in children
athletes are often very strong, usually lated fitness area. Although the evidence and adolescents because obese individ-
exhibit high levels of skill in throwing, accumulated thus far is not unequivocal, uals in those age ranges are much more
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 13:51 12 April 2015

catching, and batting, and may possess many cardiologists, physiologists, phys- likely to become fat adults than are their
exceptional sprinting speed, they are not ical educators, and other health profes- non-fat peers.
necessarily high in other components of sionals are convinced that physical ac- In addition to an increased incidence
fitness, such as maximal oxygen con- tivity at levels sufficiently high enough of coronary heart disease among obese
sumption and low percentage body fat. to promote improved cardiovascular persons, certain other health problems
both of which are important measures function is a potent factor in either pre- are prevalent. These include greater risk
of health related fitness. venting circulatory disease altogether or of developing and suffering from hy-
The reason for the relatively low reducing its effect if it does occur. pertension, diabetes mellitus, gall blad-
standing of baseball players on certain Another facet of cardiovascular func- der disease, degenerative arthritis, kid-
components of health related fitness is tion that should not be overlooked is its ney disease, adverse postural changes,
that their sport is one that does not de- impact on physical working capacity. delayed puberty in children, and de-
mand the kind of activity that would The oxygen delivered to working mus- creased endurance and work capacity.
develop cardiorespiratory fitness and low cles is critical to the energy transfor- It has been estimated that if all deaths
percentage of body fat. Baseball is a low mation that occurs within them, espe- from cancer were eliminated, two years
energy sport requiring only about 5 kilo- cially when they are called upon to work would be added to the life span, and if
calories per minute of energy expendi- for any significant length of time. A all the deaths related to obesity were re-
ture, less than half the energy cost of heart and circulatory system functioning moved, the life span would increase five
handball. The game does not place a very at a higher level (delivering more blood) years! Indeed, most medical authorities
high stress on the circulatory system, is also making more oxygen available recommend that one of the best personal
and it doesn't bum up many extra cal- to the muscles. This increases the indi- preventive and rehabilitative health prac-
ories. Baseball is a sport requiring speed, vidual's ability to work and/or exercise tices available to an individual is reduc-
skill, and strength. The longest contin- at a greater intensity and/or a longer pe- tion or prevention of excess body fat.
uous run a player would be expected to riod of time. The fatigue prevention as-
make is for an inside-the-park home run, Strength
pect of this quality is very important.
a distance of 120 yards! Football is an- The criterion for cardiovascular fit- A third important component of health
other popular sport that emphasizes ness and physical working capacity is related fitness is muscular strength.
strength, speed, and skill, and analyses the relative level of functioning within Strength is usually defined as a muscle.
of fitness components in football players the heart and circulatory system. In order or muscle group's relative capacity for
show them to be similar to nonathletes to evaluate cardiovascular function, it exerting force against some external re-
on tests of body composition and car- must be measured. Valid and reliable sistance. The importance of strength to
diorespiratory function. procedures are available, and as edu- high level performance in sport activities
The statements above should not be cators we must make use of them. is rather obvious to most persons. Every-
interpreted as an attempt to belittle base- thing else being equal, higher levels of
ball and football. These sports are merely Body Composition strength usually enable the possessor to
used as an example of how a person may Body composition is defined as the jump higher, throw farther, push harder,
be fit to perform in an athletic sense but relative percentages of fat and fat-free and resist the efforts of an opponent to
not fit in the health context. They are body mass. It is an important correlate a greater degree.
mentioned also because they are popular to cardiovascular function as far as health The importance of strength in general
spectator sports and because they are related fitness is concerned. Excess health is perhaps less readily apparent.
participated in by many young people, amounts of body fat take the form of However, stronger muscles better pro-
often to the neglect of other forms of "excess baggage" when it becomes nec- tect the joints which they cross. As a
physical activity. essary to move the body from one place result, the individual is less susceptible

26 JOPER-ApriI1980
to strains, sprains, and pulls that some- As health and physical educators, our
times occur when one participates in major claim to a position in the educa-
physical activity. In addition, better tone tional world is the contribution learnings
in the muscles of the trunk aids in pre- Girls and boys need to learn in our fields can make to an improved
venting some of the more common pos- about the importance ofhealth quality of life.
tural problems that plague us (e.g., sag- related physical fitness and to In many fields of education today there
ging abnormal abdominal organs, round become aware oftheir own is much agitation for a "return to the
shoulders, and low back pain.) basics." In physical fitness, the health
The strength of the abdominal mus- status. Valid and reliable related components outlined above are
culature is of critical importance in the procedures for measuring the the basics. As professionals we are der-
etiology of the low back syndrome, one components are available in the elict in carrying out our responsibilities
of the most prevalent health problems. if we do not provide each and every stu-
Medical reports indicate that low back
AAHPERD Health Related dent an opportunity to learn about some-
pain is experienced by approximately Physical Fitness Test bauery, thing that can have such a great impact
80% of the population at some point in on their lives, both now and in their fu-
their lifetimes. Physical fitness experts, ture years. In order to adequately learn
physical therapists, and orthopedic sur- ( I) the condition of round shoulders in about health related physical fitness, stu-
geons link the high incidence of low which shortened tendons and ligaments dents must learn how to measure the
back problems with a corresponding lack in the upper chest area allow the asso- components and become aware of their
of exercise. The general logic is that ciated muscles to draw the shoulders for- own status on each. Valid and reliable
muscles which are easily fatigued and/ ward and (2) the common adult problem procedures for this purpose are available
or strained can not support the spine in of an inability to bend forward and touch in the AAHPERD Health Related Phys-
proper alignment. Weak abdominals and the toes with the hands, while keeping ical Fitness Test battery.
Downloaded by [Rutgers University] at 13:51 12 April 2015

inflexible posterior thigh muscles, in the knees fully extended. A primary cause
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of motion may prevent the individual Kannel. W. B. Medical evaluation for physical
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The fourth important component of ciples in the execution of a skilled move- ercise and the Heart. Springfield. 111.: Charles
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33:564-567. 1972.
ibility problem. must form a base for all other compo- Wilmore. J. H. and Mcblamara, J. J. Prevalence
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adaptive shortening of connective tissue significantly related to health. Adequate
on one side of a joint concurrent with function in these components can have
a loss of tone in the muscles on the op- a positive effect on one's quality of life
posite side of the joint. Examples are throughout childhood and adult years.

lOPER-April 1980 27

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