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University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA

Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines


Utilization of Library Resources in Sustaining Information-seeking Behavior of the

Students for Hyflex Learning

A Thesis

Presented To

The College of Education

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna

Sto Niño Biñan City, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Subject



Abrera, Annie May L.

Almendra, Grace Anne S

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines


The Problem and Its Setting


Attending school is one of the daily routines for a student who needs knowledge, to help

them grow more, learn more, and can use it in the future. There is a new generation in terms of

college academics; most universities here in our country have created a library that can provide

enough information and online resources can help them with their daily needs most especially

their activities that need factual information. The existence of a hybrid library during a pandemic

help with flexible learning for students who seek information. The term covers many terms such

as customers, clientele, users of information, information seekers, patrons, and readers, and

considers library patrons as all those who make the most of the services rendered in the academic

library. Therefore, information is crucial to the overall academic outgrowth of university

students. (Suleiman 2017)

The main goal of the university library is for users to attain access to its abundant wealth of

information resources. Information sources are efficient if they provide relevant, useful, and

valid information that can help users figure out their difficulties. As to the study by Açuceno

(2021), it can be distinguished as a hybrid library because they collect, organize, and make
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

functional physical and digital collections. For this, they aggregate distinct technologies, and

different references and guarantee the co-occurrence between the printed and the digital copy.

As the pandemic will nearly end, the question as of now is how the University library will

still cater to the demands of the information-seeking behavior of the student, and how can affect

the hybrid library through the use of the last pandemic. If they can be focused more on online

resources than on the physical library? What is more important? And how they can improve their

services this Academic Year 2022-2023. As the past progresses, studies of information behavior

(or the ways that individuals' perceives seek, understand and use information in various life

contexts) have increased (Case & Given, 2016).

Although there are existing local and foreign studies conducted that link the

information-seeking behavior of library users, there was no study conducted about the Utilization

of Resources in Sustaining the Information-seeking Behavior of Students for Hyflex Learning.

This study helps the students to know how they can sustain their information-seeking behavior

needs through the utilization of resources by exploiting the profile variable. It is also significant

to the library and its staff because it will drive them to keep on supporting the

information-seeking behavior of their users by constantly adopting the change that inevitably

happens and upgrading their materials to support the information needs of the users.
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

In this post-pandemic era, HyFlex learning is adopted by Higher institutions and

Universities in the country. HyFlex learning allows students to choose whether they are going to

school to personally participate in a class or to attend an online class to gain the knowledge that

they need for their learning. Since Higher institutions and Universities adopted the present

situation, libraries have no way but to also adjust to the change.

So this study is anchored on Schlossberg’s transitions theory, as cited by Rutledge (2021).

Schlossberg’s Transition Theory

Goodman et. al., (2017) stated that transition is a process that extends over time. The reason

why transition theory exists is to develop strategies on how to adapt to sudden change which not

just happened over time but also now that we are in a new normal of the post-pandemic era. For

the library to adjust to the change that the Covid-19 pandemic created, the transition should be a

requirement to persist because it changes not only the social routines of every individual but also

their way of learning. To understand the Transition Theory, Schlossberg recommended the 4'S

that give the variables: Situation, Self, Support, and Strategies. In terms of the Situation variable,

from the 4'S that Schlossberg recommended, the covid-19 pandemic serves as the present

situation or the reason for the transition. The second is the Self variable which is classified into

two categories, these are personal or demographic characteristics and psychological resources. In

library matters, the personal and demographic characteristics are the user's course and year level
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Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

while the Psychological resources are the printed and non-print materials that are needed by the

users to supply their information-seeking behavior needs. The third S that Schlossberg

recommended is the social support variable. We can relate this to the support staff of the library

which recommends or advise certain materials where the user can find specific information that

they need. Lastly, the strategy variable that is used for coping response will be executed to

survive the situation. The Strategies and coping responses are divided into three categories

namely modifying the situation, controlling the problem, and aiding in managing the stress from

the situation. In terms of modifying the situation, the librarians make their library accessible for

students online. The collaboration of the librarians used the combination of the principle of

HyFlex Learning and Schlossberg's transition model to establish the online library which is

present in the learning management system (lms) to support the information needs of the student.

The online library will offer accessible e-resources and soft copies of printed materials in each

course or field that the users will use in their information needs. In controlling the problem, in

terms of the library setting, the students can see the resources which are classified according to

their courses. The last category which is the aid in managing stress can be related to the library

staff which will provide advice or information needed by the users. The online library serves as

the extension of the school library because it provides information about the library email and

chat box to connect with the librarians when they have concerns about a specific collection or
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

they need information that they will use to have a deeper understanding of a specific field or


With this information, the study aims to determine the frequency of the utilization of

library resources and the level of the information-seeking behavior of the students of the

University of Perpetual Help System - Laguna, Biñan Campus in the school year 2022-2023.

Operational Framework

The operational framework of this study was anchored on the Transition Theory of

Schlossberg, as cited by Rutledge (2021). This theory gives the idea of how to adapt to the

sudden changes that might happen over time and the solution or modification that needs to be

done to solve the problem.

The dependent and independent variables of the study were specified. First, the age, gender,

course, and year level were defined. Second, the dependent/independent variable is - the

respondents’ frequency of utilization of the library resources in understanding the different

categories that help them in their study, the third is the dependent variable- is the respondents'

level of information-seeking behavior sustaining the process to be internally involved to lead

their insight and ability. Fourth the significant difference between the independent and dependent

variables will be specified by the researchers. Lastly, the researcher will define the significant
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

relationship between the frequency of utilization of library resources and sustaining

information-seeking by the respondents.

Operational Model

Level of Information- Seeking



Figure 1: The operational model showing the relationship among variables

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the student's frequency of utilization of the library resources

and the level of information-seeking behavior at the Main Library of the University of Perpetual

Help System - Laguna, Biñan Campus in the school year 2022-2023.

Specifically, it will seek answers to the following sub-problems:

1. What are the respondent's profile variables in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Course

1.4 Year Level

2. What is the respondents' frequency of utilization of library resources?

3. What is the respondents' level of information-seeking behavior?

4. Is there a significant difference in the respondents' frequency of library resources when

grouped according to profile variables?

5. Is there a significant difference in the respondents' level of information-seeking behavior

when grouped according to profile variable?

6. Is there a significant relationship between the frequency of utilization of library resources

and the level of the information-seeking behavior of the respondent?

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Statement of Hypothesis

To answer the stated problem, the researcher formulated the following null hypothesis:

HO¹ There is no significant difference in the frequency of utilization of library resources when

grouped according to profile variables.

HO² There is no significant difference in the respondents' level of information-seeking behavior

when grouped according to their profile variable. 

HO³ There is no significant relationship between the frequency of utilization of library resources

and sustaining information-seeking behavior of the respondents.

Assumption of the Study

The researchers assume the following;

1. Library resources provide a wide area of learning materials.

2. Information-seeking is anchored on inquiry learning.

3. The respondents will answer the questionnaire objectively.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Scope and Delimitation

This study is about the frequency of the utilization of resources and its relationship to

students' information-seeking behavior for flexible learning among the selected college students

at the University of Perpetual Help System Laguna SY. 2022-2023. This study will also look for

the significant relationship between the frequency of utilization of library resources when

grouped according to profile variables.

Significance of the Study

The significance of the study describes how this study flows and is acknowledged by the

students. Giving such fact information about how the students sustain their information-seeking

behavior through the utilization of resources by exploiting the profile variables. This study will

gain effective for the library and staff to continue supporting the information-seeking behavior of

a student, and for the institution that seeks knowledge of utilizing the resources.
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

The significance of the study describes how the UPHSL-Main library will help the flow

and admission by sustaining the information-seeking behavior of a student who supports hybrid

learning. This study will recognize by the library staff that will also be developed throughout the

entire library resources by utilizing proper and well proficient for future researchers and students.

Exploiting the profile variables as independent variables and gathering the possible result of the

study will conclude the respondent's information-seeking behavior.

UPSL (Main library) - This serves as the admission of interest to manage and will help to sustain

and develop the entire process of being offered by hybrid learning.

Library staff - It will help the study to sort and utilize according to their categorization, to meet

the materials that the students will need to sustain their information-seeking behavior.

Students - For this study, the student will gain more interest and to analyze and seek the right

information that they needed, because of hybrid learning.

Future researchers - This study intends to give them the facts information and data for them to

understand the topic and serve as a future reference.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of the discussion of this paper. the following terms are defined

both conceptually and operationally;

College student- refers to those students who are in an academic setup, it is whether they are

indifferent departments who are using the library resources as part of their school needs and


Hyflex learning- refers to a student who is engaged both online and face-to-face which can help

the class delivery of the study.

Frequency of utilization - how frequently the respondents will utilize the information they

needed in the library resources.

Information-seeking behavior- refers to how to interact and analyze to answer the query, the

searcher correlates to obtaining the knowledge they aimed for.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Chapter 2


The reviewed articles and studies that are pertinent to the current investigation are

presented in this chapter. A synthesis of the state of the art and gaps in the review are provided at

the end of this chapter.

State of the Art

The reviewed studies and literature were assessed to be pertinent to the current study.

They were used to conceptualize the research problem, research design, and research

methodology for the study.

Related Literature

Hyflex learning is very challenging on the part of the students, teachers, and also

institutions who need to adopt this new way of learning and teaching. In this mode of learning,

the students are allowed to choose in-person instruction or online instruction in real-time from a

remote location (Beatty, 2017). Now that the transition towards combining technology into

learning and teaching, particularly in online and blended learning aspects has been made, the
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

students have become more flexible, independent, and more technology literate to make

themselves learn on their own.

According to Green, n.d The edge of the 21st century in considering the growing trends

in the current ways to access information which emanates from the appearance and the effusion

of information and communication technologies into library operations, the librarians realized

the fears of irrelevance were greatly exaggerated. Nowadays, librarians carry on their work in a

HyFlex library environment. The revitalized part played by the librarians within the web

economy has constrained an examination of forms and capacities inside the libraries and


To be compelling, hyflex libraries in both electronic and print situations within the prior

advancement, Tiwari (2017) characterized a crossover library as "a library that uses the advances

accessible to bring assets together into the library, thereby reflecting the leading of both


Additionally, according to Tiwari (2017), the hyflex library is a coordinate demonstration

that renders data administrations to clients with both electronic and print media. The concept of

the Hyflex library, in the course of the project, referred to that hybridity found where the

traditional library could be run alongside electronics, and where the services and resources of

each were integrated (Da Silva, Oppenheim, & Caldas, 2021). It may be seen to respond to

the change that is happening in this post-pandemic era and this result in the widening use of
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

information as well as communication technologies in a circle of activities and the adaptation of

the concept of lifelong learning within the institutions of higher education. The combined nature

of the hyflex library indicates the necessary action to respond to the information needs of an

improving, diversified and challenging user community that is progressively likely to be located

away from the university (Banwell,, 2018).

The changes that happen in the combination of the electronic and paper resources in the

library are fast changing as well as the services in the library that need to be enhanced to be more

technologically advanced to easily supply the demand of the user and reach their expectations as


Moreover, Taylor & Fielder (2020) pointed out that HyFlex learning with asynchronous

options also allows librarians to create online learning materials that students can revisit at the

point of need. Librarians can also use HyFlex instruction principles to create live in-person and

live synchronous online instruction, as well as recordings of these instruction sessions that

students could revisit as needed.

McGettigan (2017) wrote the catalysts that drove the change in the World of Libraries.

These are changing library user's demands and expectations: the need for collaborative work to

meet the comprehensive result; the need to develop library buildings; an increasing quantity of

books and other print resources that are re-being digitized; the change where mobile technology
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Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

and web revolution in a way where users can access, and lastly the upgraded key role in learning

and capability.

Furthermore, the idea of libraries as physical places where a user can visit just to get

specific information has been exhilarating to change to a virtual space but still give coordinated

access to intellectual records. This shows that libraries extend their capabilities in meeting their

users' information-seeking behavior needs.

The 21st-century library mixture is forasmuch as the hyflex library which has a

combination of a virtual and traditional library. The hyflex library is created to make use of the

variety of technologies from different sources to scrutinize different incorporated systems and

services in either electronic or print environments. The combined library is the main mode of

unbiased existence of libraries in the 21st century even a long period in the future shape and

development, library construction and development direction (Nwosu, 2018).

Related Studies

Now that the traditional way of learning is a transition to HyFlex learning, an adjustment

has become the way of survival in the present situation. As Blended learning offers greater

flexibility and a more varied learner experience than either fully online or entirely face-to-face

instruction (Hrastinski, 2019; & Van Doorn 2018), and this allows the students to be involved in
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

ways that meet their diverse needs and provide teachers with a variety of ways to support


The transition from the traditional to HyFlex way of learning has become a challenge to

also develop the things that need to be upgraded to follow the trend which is learning in a

HyFlex mode. To cope with the Hyflex learning mode, teachers, students, and institutions should

adjust. In terms of library matters, librarians provide accessible resources which the teacher and

students can use to supply their needs of information. For their user to be aware of these

resources they are allowed to make an orientation to educate and help the teachers and also the

students to utilize the electronic library resources that they make so that they can use it properly

without any difficulties encountered.

The study that was conducted by (Velmurugan, 2019), (Sivakumaren et al., 2019); and

(Fubunmi, 2017), shows that awareness of the usage of library materials is essential for the

existence of a library. The outcome also shows that the users are familiar with the resources in

the library. Which is contradicted by another correlated study by (Haris et al., 1991) and (Nwogu

et al., 2017) they revealed the reason why users of the library are sometimes not aware of the

resources and services that a library offers is that they are not interested in acquiring knowledge

in the library but also they are not given the right to use enough information when it comes to the

resources and library services.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

The studies above show that awareness and proper usage of library materials can help

students who are interested in getting knowledge from the available library resources.

Another concern which Academic libraries is the borrowing of library materials because

it provides proof that the library reached its goals and that is to provide the information needs of

their users. Once the library users are aware of the utilization of materials or resources in the

library it will be one of the factors that make the library heads think about how they are going to

upgrade their library resources to enhance their library and also to meet the purpose or goal of

one's library and that is to serve the library users. Hence, user studies are considered an actual

tool for evaluating the library and the services offered in it. (Onifade et al., 2017).

In preventing any biases in terms of the result of the library evaluation, the user of the

library must be the one to evaluate the library and its resources because they are the one who

uses it and also the evaluated result that comes from the evaluation of the user will be used as a

proof that library maintains its purpose and goals.

Synthesis of the State of the Art

The researchers were able to corroborate the present investigation with the help of the

evaluated literature and studies.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Beatty (2017) stated that students are allowed to choose in-person instruction or online

instruction in real-time from a remote location in a hyflex mode of learning. In this way, the

students are becoming more flexible in terms of their chosen learning spaces and they can also

make themselves independent and more proficient in using gadgets or computers because they

are the ones to exert more effort just for them to learn without the supervision of their teachers.

According to Green, n,d The edge of the 21st century in considering the growing trends

in the current ways to access information which emanates from the appearance and the effusion

of information and communication technologies into library operations, the librarians realized

the fears of irrelevance were greatly exaggerated. Therefore, knowledge coming from different

sources should be evaluated and well-reviewed to prevent getting information that is extraneous

to the information needs of a certain user.

Moreover, Tiwari (2017) characterized a crossover library as "a library that uses the

advances accessible to bring resources together into the library, thereby reflecting the leading of

both worlds". Additionally, according to Tiwari (2017), the hyflex library is a coordinate

demonstration that renders information service to users with both electronic and print media.

Accessibility of different resources in the library makes the user experience more fulfilling and

easy because the information can be found not just in print material but also in electronic form.

The combined nature of the hyflex library indicates the necessary action to respond to the

information needs of an improving, diversified and challenging user community that is

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

progressively likely to be located away from the university (Banwell,, 2017). The

information-seeking behavior of the user in the library is fast changing so the library should

make their way on how they will follow the trend to supply the information needs of their user

and also to enhance the services offered in the library to have a smooth transaction with the user.

McGettigan (2017) wrote the catalysts that drove the change in the World of Libraries.

These are changing library user's demands and expectations, the need for collaborative work to

meet the comprehensive result, the need to develop library buildings, an increasing quantity of

books and other print resources that is being digitized, the change where mobile technology and

web revolution in a way where users can access, and lastly the upgraded key role in learning and

capability. For the library to be more competitive in terms of the information demands of their

user they should make some development not just in their collection management but also in the

services which the library offers to meet their expectations. A library should also collaborate

with other libraries to make a good relationship with them and to access some information,

specifically those that are not available in the library. Developing the library might be

challenging budget might use a lot of financial budgets to enhance the library but it can also

make a good result especially when the users' feedback is already evaluated.

According to the statement of Nwosu (2018), the combined library is the main mode of

unbiased existence of libraries in the 21st century, even for a long period in the future shape and

development, library construction, and development direction. Both traditional and virtual
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

libraries can make the information-seeking behavior of the user more challenging because the

available information is not just found in print material but also in electronic form. In this way,

the users can make use of the library resources more efficiently in doing their research work to

gather the information that they need.

Blended learning offers greater flexibility and a more varied learner experience than either

fully online or entirely face-to-face instruction (Hrastinski, 2019; & Van Doorn, 2018), and this

allows the students to be involved in ways that meet their diverse needs and provide teachers

with students.

The study that was conducted by (Velmurugan, 2019), (Sivakumaren et al., 2019); and

(Fubunmi, 2017), shows that awareness is the usage of library materials is essential for the

existence of a library. The outcome also shows that the users are familiar with the resources in

the library.

It was contrasted by another correlated study by (Haris et al., 2017) and (Nwogu et al.,

2017) they revealed the reason why users of the library are sometimes not aware of the resources

and hat's that a library offers is because they are not interested in acquiring knowledge in the

library but also they are not given the right to use enough information when it comes to the

resources and library services. Users become familiar with the utilization of library resources or

properly using the library. Although the library has many resources to supply them with the
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

information they need, if online students are not interested in what is inside it, then the library's

goal will be set aside.

As claimed by Onifade et al., user studies are considered an actual tool for evaluating the

library and the service offered in it. To get an unbiased evaluation in terms of the library

resources and services, users of the library should be the one to be evaluated because they are the

one that utilizes every material and resources inside the library.

Gap/s Bridged by the Present Study

The researchers identified the following gaps after taking into account the literature and

studies already mentioned:

1. There was limited literature related to the information-seeking behavior of the library


2. There were few local studies conducted in the Hyflex learning as well as hyflex libraries.

3. There were limited local studies concerning the relevance of the respondent’s frequency

of the utilization of library resources when grouped according to profile variables.

4. There were limited studies that looked at the substantial difference in the respondents’

level of information-seeking behavior when grouped according to their profile variables.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Given the identified gaps, this study determined the Library's Role in the

Utilization of Library Resources in Sustaining students' information-seeking behavior in

Hyflex learning.



This chapter refers to the research design and methodology of this study which will

show the process of the research problem.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive correlation method in accumulating the data since

this method is eligible to define the significant relationship between the respondent's utilization

of resources and the level of sustaining the information-seeking behavior. Descriptive

correlational design is used in research studies that aim to provide static pictures of situations as

well as establish the relationship between different variables (McBurney & White, 2009).
University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Sources of Data

The references of data that we will accumulate are based on the questionnaire of

respondents' feedback. Aside from that, we will base it on internet resources and other reading

materials such as journals or article that we will accumulate in the library that is related to the


The Population of the Study

This study involves a fifty (50) out of 3,920 in different programs who have enrolled in

the University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-College department for the Academic Year

2022-2023. The sample length will be calculated using Slovin’s formula with a 95% certainty

level and a 5% margin of error. The researchers will be using random sampling techniques in

choosing the sample size of the respondents.

According to Frankel & Wallen (2010), a sample of at least 50 is deemed necessary to

establish the existence of a relationship. However, a higher number can be used for better

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Instrumentation and Validation

The researcher will use a self-made questionnaire which is acquired based on the data

that we will compile through the use of studies and reading materials on the internet. The survey

questionnaire with a 4-point scale will formulate into three parts. Part 1 is based on the

respondent's frequency of utilization of resources, and part 2 is conveyed based on the

respondent's level of sustaining the information-seeking behavior, part 3 focused on the clear

correlation between the utilization of resources and sustaining the information-seeking behavior.

The self-made questionnaire will be presented by experts in the social sciences, research,

and statistics of validation. Critiques and indications of the study will be represented in the final

draft of the research instrument before we will present it to the respondents.

To test for the reliability of the instrument, it will also be subject to pilot testing using

respondents who were not part of the precise survey.

Cronbach’s alpha estimate of inner consistency will be utilized to measure the reliability

of the survey questionnaire. The reliability test results for the utilization of resources in terms of

analysis obtained from Cronbach's Alpha value of .835 indicate good internal consistency,

structuring argument with .796 indicating acceptable internal consistency, and decision-making

with .819 indicating good internal consistency.

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Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Evaluation and Scoring

To measure the respondents' level of Information Seeking Behavior and the frequency of

utilization of library resources, the following assigned points, numerical ranges, categorical

responses, and verbal interpretations were used:

Assigned Points Numerical Categorical Verbal

Range Response Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Very High

3 2.50-3.24 Agree High

2 1.75-2.49 Disagree Low

1 1.00-1.74 Strongly Very Low

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

Assigned Points Numerical Range Categorical Verbal

Response Interpretation

4 3.25-4.00 Always Very High

3 2.50-3.24 Often High

2 1.75-2.49 Sometimes Low

1 1.00-1.74 Never Very Low

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conduct the floating of the questionnaires with the use of google forms.

Preceding this, the researchers instructed the respondents about the content and purposes of the

study. They also assured them of their anonymity and the confidentiality of their provided

information. After the questionnaires are answered, the questionnaires were retrieved, tallied,

and subjected to statistical analysis with the guidance of the researcher's statistician.

The researchers conducted the study minding the ethical considerations, especially in terms

of informing and seeking permission from school administrators and respondents'. Beginning
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Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

with the permission pursued from the research adviser and head of the school to examine

potential harmful impacts and risks of the study to the respondents. The researchers sent a

request letter to the principal or head of the school to which the respondents belong as part of the

communication and understanding of the research. The respondents' identity and responses were

assured of strict confidentiality as they are informed that the information we gathered from them

will only be used for the research purpose.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools were used by the researchers:

1. Weighted mean was used to describe the respondents' a.) level of information-seeking

behavior and b.) Frequency of utilization of library resources.

2. Pearson r Moment Correlation Coefficient was utilized to determine the significant

relationship between the respondents' a.) level of information-seeking behavior and b.)

Frequency of utilization of resources.

University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines


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University of Perpetual Help System – JONELTA
Sto. Niño, City of Biñan, Laguna, Philippines

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