Assessment Two - Essay Plan

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Faculty of Education and Humanities

Department of Language and Cultural Studies
Semester 1, 2022-2023
Coursework Assessment Two: Essay Plan 20%

CODE & NAME OF COURSE: ENG 1105 – Introduction to the Use of English
TEST FORMAT: Written Submission
DUE DATE: November 30, 2022
EXAMINERS: The Language Centre Team of Lecturers

In preparation for Assessment three (A Response Essay), select and carefully consider one of the
following writing prompts and write a one-page essay plan which includes
1. A statement (1-2 sentences) which contains your initial response to the question/your
working thesis.
2. A statement/topic sentence that responds to each question at ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’
3. An outline of 2-3 points (in complete sentences) you will cover in support of each
statement/ topic sentence and use of examples where applicable
4. Relevant supporting information to each response for ‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’. Information from
suitable secondary sources should be properly cited and concisely summarised,
paraphrased or quoted.
5. A reference list in APA 7th edition of the prescribed text and additional scholarly sources
being used.

Additional Guidelines
 3 pages only: 1 title page, 1 page essay plan and an APA style reference page, titled
 Use APA title page format
 Use Times New Roman Font. Size 12
 Work must be Double Spaced
 Work must be in Black font only
 Submissions are to be made via Moodle using the option provided.
 Late submissions will receive 1 mark off for each day that it is late unless otherwise
stated by tutor.

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