Ens 131 Material Science Bsce1

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College of Engineering and Architecturesssss

Civil Engineering Department

Brgy. Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City

ENS 131 BA– Engineering Orientation (CE)

TTH 9:00-10:00AM

Material Science
Nutrient Cycles
a. Carbon Cycle
b. Nitrogen Cycle
c. Phosphorous Cycle
d. Sulfur Cycle
Student Reporter
Hazel B. Abogada
Francis Kent B. Balbuena

Engr. Christopher B. Patrimonio MBA, MEngCE


October 2022

Abogada, Hazel B. Balbuena, Francis Kent B.

Table of Contents

A. Introduction - Abogada H ……………………………………………………………… 1

Abogada H.
A. Introductions
B. Discussion
Abogada H.
1. Material Science and Engineering
2. The Four Components of the Discipline
3. Classification of Materials
4. Why study Material Science and Engineering
Balbuena, Fk.

C. Learning Activities/Exercises/Essay questions/Assessment

D. Answers to Learning Activities/Exercises/Essay

questions/Assessment questions
E. References



PEXELS/chiachi chuang
A familiar item fabricated from three
different material types is the beverage
container. Beverages are marketed in
aluminum (metal) cans, glass (ceramic)
bottles, and plastic (polymer) bottles.


All the things around us are made of materials. As a result, the issues we
attempt to resolve are vast. A wide variety of materials, including metals,
polymers, ceramics, and composites, are used in our work. They are used
in a variety of fields, such as energy, transportation, tissue engineering,
drug delivery, construction, nanotechnology, and others. To create the
materials, we employ a variety of techniques, including additive
manufacturing, coating, evaporation, machine learning, and more.
The things we have seen, smelled, touched, or even
heard. Many of us probably don’t realize how Bronze Age Weapons and Tools
deeply embedded materials are in our culture. Almost every aspect of us of
our daily lives—including recreation, housing, clothing, communication
and even transportation and food production—is in some way influenced
by material. In the past, societies have grown and advanced in direct
proportion to their members’ capacity to produce and manipulate
materials to meet their needs. In actuality, the degree of early civilizations,
material development has been used to classify them (Stone Age, Bronze
Age, Iron Age).

Only a small selection of naturally occurring materials, such as stone,

wood, clay, skins, and so forth, were available to the earliest humans. With
time, they figured out how to make pottery and various metals, which
were new materials with properties that were superior to those of the
natural ones. It was also found that heat treatments and the addition of
other substances could change a material's properties. At this point, the
use of materials was entirely a selection process that involved selecting
from a given, rather constrained set of materials, the one most suitable for
a given application based on its properties. Scientists did not fully
comprehend the connections between the structural components of
anything until relatively recently. They have been able to greatly shape the
properties of materials thanks to the knowledge they have amassed over
the last 100 years or so. As a result, tens of thousands of different
materials, such as metals, plastics, glasses, and fibers, have evolved with
somewhat specialized properties to suit the demands of our contemporary
and complex society.

The availability of raw materials has been closely linked to the

development of many technologies that make life so comfortable. An
improvement in the understanding of a particular material type is
frequently the antecedent to a technology's stepwise development.

Material Science and Engineering
(Topic 1)

It is a syncretic discipline, hybridizing metallurgy, ceramics, solid-state physics

and chemistry. It is the first example of a new academic discipline emerging by
fusion rather than fission (Rustom Roy).

The study of solid material properties and how a material's composition and
structure affect those properties is known as materials science. Because of the
rich diversity of material properties, it emerged from a synthesis of solid-state
physics, metallurgy, and chemistry. This is because these properties cannot be
fully understood within the confines of any one classical discipline. Materials
can be chosen or designed for a huge variety of applications, ranging from
structural steel to computer microchips, with just a basic understanding of the
origins of properties. Engineering fields like electronics, aerospace,
telecommunications, information processing, nuclear power, and energy
conversion depend on materials science as a result.

It can be helpful at times to divide the field of materials science and

material engineering into different subdisciplines. Investigating the
connections between a material's structure and properties is the focus of
material science. Contrarily, materials engineering entails designing or
engineering a material's structure to produce a predetermined set of
properties based on structure-property correlations. From a functional
standpoint, a materials scientist's job is to develop or synthesize new
materials, whereas a materials engineer's job is to develop methods for
processing materials and/or new products or systems using existing

The Four Components of the Discipline

(Topic 2)

A substance that is intended to be used for a specific purpose is referred to as a

material. This substance is typically a solid, though other condensed phases
may also be included. We are surrounded by a wide variety of materials, which
are used in everything from spacecraft to automobiles and buildings. Materials
can be categorized into four main groups: metals, semiconductors, ceramics,
and polymers. Nanomaterials, biomaterials, and energy materials, to name a
few, are among the new and cutting-edge materials being developed.

The study of the interactions between a material's structure, its production

processes, and its properties forms the foundation of materials science. The
performance of a material in a particular application is the result of the intricate
interplay of these factors. The performance of a material is influenced by a
wide range of characteristics at various length scales, including its
microstructure, macroscopic processing characteristics, and chemical make-up.
Materials scientists work to comprehend and enhance materials using the laws
of thermodynamics and kinetics.

Figure 1. Materials paradigm represented in the

form of a tetrahedron.

Figure 1. Materials paradigm represented in the form of a tetrahedron.

The materials science tetrahedron defines the scope of

materials science and engineering. The tetrahedron emphasizes the
four interdependent, distinct aspects of materials science: processing,
structure, properties, and performance.

Processing Structure Properties Performance

Figure 2. The four components of the discipline of materials science and engineering and their interrelationship

1. Structure

Structure is one of the most important components of the field of materials

science. It refers to the way a material is arranged at different length
scales. This can be differences in atomic bonding, grains, precipitate
arrangement, or even macro-scale architecture. Materials science
examines the structure of materials from the atomic scale all the way up to
the macro scale.

The Atomic structure refers to the atoms of the materials and how they are
arranged to form molecules, crystals, and so forth. This level of structure is
where a large portion of a material's electrical, magnetic, and chemical
properties originate. Directly implicated length scales are measured in
angstroms. To understand the characteristics and behavior of any material, one
must first understand its chemical bonds and atomic configuration
(crystallography). It is crucial for material scientists to examine the different
arrangements and chemical bonds that different ions, atoms, and molecules
have with one another. The arrangement of atoms in crystalline solids is
another topic of study for material scientists.

shown) will self-assemble into the
structure visualized by atomic
Figure 3. Calcium Carbide CaC2, crystallization. force. .microscopy at right

It’s necessary for the nanostructure to differentiate between the number of

dimensions on the nanoscale. It deals with objects that are in the 1–100 nm
range. From the thickness of the surface of an object to its diameter and length, it
is a structure of an intermediate size between microscopic and molecular

Another level of structural that deals

with objects from 100 nm to a few cm is
the microstructure. At the microscopic
level, material structures are called
microstructures. They are specifically
the shapes of an object, organism, or
substance as seen through a microscope
at magnifications greater than 25 times. Figure 5. Microstructure of Ceramic
Defects, impurities, grains, and grain
boundaries are frequently mentioned when discussing the microstructure.
For instance, the cubic crystal form of sodium chloride is an example of an
external form of a structure that can be seen without magnification. An
etched metal's structure can be seen with the unaided eye or under
magnifications up to 10 diameters. It is called macrostructure.

2. Processing
Every method of altering the material is referred to as processing. This can
include purifying the material, forming the material, recycling, mining raw
ore, and more. Processing can be divided into two categories: primary
processing and secondary processing.

The entire process of turning raw materials into usable products is known
as "primary processing." In order to do this, raw materials must be dug up
from the ground, the useful parts must be chemically separated, the useful
parts must be purified, and then a mass of material must be produced that
someone else will purchase. All of the processing steps that come after you
have the "final" material are referred to as "secondary processing."
Forging, rolling, milling, cutting, extruding, polishing, heating, quenching,
and perhaps doping are included in this process.

3. Properties

Anything observable about a material is said to have properties. We

frequently concentrate on intrinsic or intensive properties in materials
science. No matter how much material is present, these are fundamental
characteristics of the material. Extrinsic or extensive properties, on the
other hand, depend on the amount of material you have. Intrinsic
characteristics include things like color, density, conductivity, strength,
and melting point. Extrinsic properties include things like volume, mass,
energy, and entropy.

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4. Performance

Performance is directly correlated with the combination of properties of

the material. It is how well a material performs the intended function.
Material selection is the area of materials science where material
performance is most frequently considered. When choosing materials,
scientists and engineers must weigh the trade-offs between various
material properties (usually weight, cost, and some additional criteria).
Performance is the degree to which a material satisfies a specific
application. Because it's where the money is, performance is crucial. Grant
recipients and business owners are primarily concerned with how a
material will function. Your chances of receiving funding are higher if you
can demonstrate how your work will increase revenue or benefit society.

Classifications of Materials
(Topic 3)

Metals, ceramics, and polymers are the three basic classifications that
have been conveniently used to classify solid materials. This system is
mainly produced by chemical composition and atomic structure. Most
materials can be divided into one of several categories. There are also
composites, which are created through the engineered fusion of two or
more different materials. The following section provides a brief
explanation of these material classifications and representative traits.
Advanced materials, which include semiconductors, biomaterials, smart
materials, and nanoengineered materials, are another group of materials
used in high-tech applications.

a) Metals


One or more metallic elements, as well as

frequently a small number of nonmetallic
elements, make up s. In contrast to ceramics
and polymers, metals and their alloys have
very ordered atomic arrangements and are
relatively dense materials. Their widespread
use in structural applications can be attributed
to their mechanical properties, which include ©PEXELS/pixabay

being ductile, strong, and relatively stiff. Large numbers

of nonlocalized electrons, or electrons that are not attached to specific
atoms, are present in metallic materials. These electrons are directly
responsible for several metal properties. For instance, metals have
lustrous surfaces and are excellent conductors of heat and electricity.
They are also opaque to visible light. In addition, some of the metals
have desirable magnetic properties.
b) Ceramics

Metallic and nonmetallic elements are combined to form ceramics,

which are most frequently oxides, nitrides, and carbides.
Aluminum oxide is a
typical ingredient in

ceramics. In addition, what

some refer to as the
traditional ceramics—
those made of clay
minerals as well as cement
© and glass—are also used.

These materials include


silicon dioxide, silicon

carbide, and silicon nitride.
Ceramic materials are
strong and relatively stiff in
terms of mechanical
behavior; their stiffnesses
and strengths are
comparable to those of
metals. Additionally, they are frequently very challenging. Ceramics
have a long history of being extremely brittle and prone to

c) Polymers
Polymers include well-known materials like plastic and rubber.
Many of them are organic substances with nonmetallic elements
like hydrogen, carbon,
and others serving as
their chemical
building blocks.
Additionally, they
frequently have a
backbone made of


carbon atoms and have
extraordinarily large molecular structures that resemble chains in
nature. Several well-known and popular polymers include
polyethylene (PE), nylon, poly (vinyl chloride), polycarbonate (PC),
polystyrene (PS), and silicone rubber. These materials typically
have low densities and, in contrast to metallic and ceramic
materials, don't share their counterparts' mechanical properties.
Additionally, they aren't as strong or stiff.

d) Composites

A composite is made up of two or more different materials from the

metals, ceramics, and polymer categories. A composite's design
objective is to combine properties that no single material can
display while also incorporating the best qualities of each of the
component materials.
Different arrangements of ©

metals, ceramics, and

polymers serve as
representations of a wide
variety of composite types. Additionally, some naturally occurring
materials, like wood and bone, are composites. However, the
majority of those that we take into account in our discussions are
artificial (or man-made) composites.

Advanced Materials

By high technology, we mean a device or product that operates or

functions using relatively intricate and sophisticated principles,
such as electronic equipment, computers, fiber-optic systems,
spacecraft, aircraft, and military rocketry. Materials used in high-
technology or the so called “high-tech” applications are sometimes
referred to as "advanced materials." Both newly created high-
performance materials and conventional materials with improved
properties make up these advanced materials. They may also be
made of any type of material and are typically expensive.
Semiconductors, biomaterials, and what we might refer to as the
materials of the future are examples of advanced materials.

a. Semiconductors

Its electronic characteristics fall somewhere between those

of electrical insulators and conductors. These materials'
are highly
sensitive to
of impurity
atoms in
even the smallest concentrations, the concentrations of
which can be controlled over incredibly constrained spatial
regions. Over the past three decades, integrated circuitry,
which was made possible by semiconductors, has
completely revolutionized the electronics and computer

b. Biomaterials
It is used in parts that are implanted
into the body of a person to replace sick
or damaged body parts. All the
materials mentioned previously—
metals, ceramics, polymers, composites,
and semiconductors—can be used as
biomaterials. However, they must not produce toxic
substances and must be compatible with body tissues.

c. Smart Materials

A number of brand-new, cutting-edge materials are

currently being created that will have a big impact on many
of our technologies. The phrase "the adjective smart"
suggests that these materials have characteristics shared
with living organisms, such as the ability to sense changes in
their environment and then react to these changes in
predetermined ways.

d. Nanomaterials

The nano prefix indicates that the dimensions of these

structural entities are on the order of a nanometer (10-9 m)
—typically, less than 100 nanometers—rather than based
on their chemistry (nm; equivalent to the diameter of
approximately 500 atoms). Before the invention of
nanomaterials, the typical approach scientists took to
comprehend the chemistry and physics of materials was to
start by studying large, complex structures before looking
into the fundamental, smaller, simpler components of these

Why study material science and engineering?

(Topic 4)

A design problem involving materials is encountered by many applied

scientists and engineers, whether they are mechanical, civil, chemical, or
electrical, at some point. Examples of such designs include transmission
gears, building superstructures, oil refinery components, and integrated
circuit chips. Engineers and scientists who specialize in materials work
closely together to research and develop new materials. Selecting the best
material from among the thousands of options is frequently a material
problem. The final choice typically depends on several factors. To
determine the properties necessary for the material, it is first necessary to
characterize the in-service conditions. 

The traditional illustration involves ductility and strength; typically, a

material with high strength has only modest ductility. It might be
necessary to find a fair middle ground between two or more properties.
Any deterioration of the material's properties that might take place during
service operation is a second selection factor. The final factor that I believe
should take precedence is economics: how much will the final product
cost? The perfect material might be discovered, but it would be
prohibitively expensive. Again, a certain amount of compromise is
necessary. Any costs incurred during fabrication to create the desired
shape are also included in the price of a finished piece. An engineer or
scientist will be more skilled and self-assured in selecting materials wisely
based on these criteria, the more familiar they are with the various
characteristics, structure-property relationships, and processing
techniques of materials.

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