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Maratus Sholikha.Siti.“An Analysis of Beauty and the Beast short story by Samuel
and John Keys Through Intrinsic Elements.” Final Project College of
Languages and Communication Science, English Literature Department,
Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang. Advisor: Afina Murtiningrum,
S.S., M.A.
This study concerns on the analysis of setting, characters and characterization, plot, point
of view and theme in Beauty and the Beast short story. The beauty as the main character has
become a woman who is gentle among other brothers and lived with his brother and single
father. The purposes of the study are to identify what setting, characters and characterization,
plot, point of view and theme.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative method to analyze the story, supported by
primary data and secondary data. Short story of Beauty and the Beast and the description,
sentences, and dialogue of the short story are taken as the primary data of the study, whereas the
secondary data as supporting data are taken from the articles, essays, books and websites that
related with the study. The data are in the form of sentences in terms of narration, the statement,
quotation, and description.
The study explains that the intrinsic elements found in Beauty and the Beast is the setting,
character and characterization, plot, point of view and theme. The setting consists of
geographical setting, occupation setting, and setting of time. The character and characterization
takes Beauty as the daughter the merchant with her kindness and sincere. Plot in the Beauty and
the Beast is plot forward, whereas the point of view is the third person point of view. The last
intrinsic element is theme, in which the story Beauty and the Beast has sincerity and affection for
others as the theme.

Keywords: setting, plot, characters, theme, short story


Maratus Sholikha. Siti. Final project "An Analysis of Beauty and the Beast short story Through
Intrinsic Elements. Fakultas Ilmu Bahasa dan Komunikasi, Jurusan SastraInggris,
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang.DosenPembimbing: Afina Murtiningrum,
S.S., M.A.
Penelitian ini menganalisa tentang latar, karakter dan penokohan, alur, sudut pandang dan tema.
Beauty sebagai karakter utama tumbuh menjadi seorang wanita yang lembut di antara saudara
laki-laki lainnya dan tinggal bersama saudara laki-laki dan ayah tunggal. Tujuan dari penelitian
ini adalah untuk mengetahui definisi dari latar, karakter dan penokohan, plot, sudut pandang dan

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif untuk menganalisis cerita yang
didukung oleh data primer dan data sekunder. Cerita pendek Beauty and the Beast dan uraian,
kalimat, dan dialog cerita pendek sebagai data primer penelitian, sedangkan data sekunder data
penunjang dari artikel, esai, buku dan website yang berhubungan dengan penelitian. Data
tersebut berupa kalimat-kalimat dalam bentuk narasi, pernyataan, kutipan, dan deskripsi.

Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa unsur intrinsik yang terdapat dalam Beauty and the Beast
adalah latar, karakter dan penokohan, alur, sudut pandang dan tema. Setting terdiri dari setting
geografis, setting pekerjaan, dan setting waktu. Karakter dan penokohan dari cerita Beauty and
the Beast adalah Kecantikan sebagai putri pedagang. Plot Beauty and the Beast adalah plot
maju, sedangkan sudut pandangnya adalah sudut pandang orang ketiga. Unsur intrinsik yang
terakhir adalah tema, dimana cerita Kecantikan dan Binatang memiliki tema ketulusan dan kasih
sayang kepada sesama.

Katakunci : latar, alur, karakter, tema, cerpen Beauty and the Beast


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