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Arianna Wright

Matthew Harbron


22 January 2023

The Lasting Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Education, Mental Health, and the Global

Supply Chain

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant and lasting impact on various areas of

society, including education, mental health, and the global supply chain. These impacts have

exposed and exacerbated underlying issues, and it is imperative that we continue to work

towards recovery and address these issues in a meaningful and sustainable way. The Covid-19

pandemic has highlighted the need for improved resources and support in education, mental

health, and the global supply chain, as the sudden halt in daily life has resulted in academic

declines, increased mental health concerns, and disruptions in the global supply chain.

One significant area that the pandemic has impacted is education. When schools were

forced to shut down, students were suddenly thrust into a virtual learning environment with little

preparation. This sudden shift was incredibly challenging for students, as they had to adjust

quickly to new technology and unfamiliar learning methods. This lack of resources and support

was reflected in students' academic achievement. A study of over 1.6 million primary school

students in 40 states found that in 2021, test-takers scored ten points lower in math and nine

points lower in reading compared to previous years. (McKinsey, 2021) This decline in academic
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achievement can be attributed to various factors, including frequent timetable changes, Zoom

fatigue, and difficulty adjusting to the virtual learning environment. (McKinsey, 2021)

The pandemic has also taken a toll on students' mental health. Social isolation, loss of

family members, and financial insecurity have all contributed to an overall decline in mental

well-being. (FTI Consulting, 2022) A survey by the CDC found that one in five students have

been affected mentally by the pandemic and the way schools have approached turning virtual. In

addition, a recent study of 16,370 parents in all 50 states found that 35% expressed concern for

their child's mental health, and a similar percentage voiced concern for their child's social and

emotional well-being. (FTI Consulting, 2022) This highlights the need for increased support and

resources for students' mental health during and after the pandemic.

The pandemic has also had a significant impact on the global supply chain. With many

people losing their jobs and a sudden increase in demand for certain goods, retailers needed help

to keep up with stock. (National Academy of Social Insurance, 2020) This disruption in the

supply chain affected everything from toilet paper to farming activities such as planting and

harvesting. (National Academy of Social Insurance, 2020) The labor shortages caused by the

pandemic further exacerbated these issues.

In conclusion, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound and lasting impact on society,

as highlighted by the academic declines, mental health concerns, and disruptions in the global

supply chain. It is crucial that we address these issues by continuing to work towards recovery

and implementing meaningful and sustainable solutions. By doing so, we can mitigate the

negative effects of the pandemic and build a more resilient future.

Work Cited
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"COVID-19 and Education: The Lingering Effects of Unfinished Learning." McKinsey

& Company, 27 July 2021,


"Supply Chain Disruption – the Risk to Global Economic Recovery." FTI Consulting, 1

Sept. 2022,


"The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to Health Care." National Academy

of Social Insurance, July 2020,


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