Lesson 1 PCO Introduction PART 2-PRELIM

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Perform Computer Operations (PCO) Lesson 1- PART 2

Perform Computer Operation

Trainer: Mr. Beeneil A. Quitola

Qualification Title: N/A NC Level: N/A Total Training Hours: 20

Name of TVI: Angelita V. Del Mundo Foundation (AVM Foundation) Inc.
Competency/ies to be Achieved LEARNING OUTCOMES:
and Learning Outcomes At the end of this module you MUST be able to:
1. Plan and prepare for task to be undertake
2. Input data into computer
3. Access information using computer
4. Produce/output data using computer system
5. Maintain computer equipment and systems

Learning Activities/ Tasks 1. Read Information Sheet

2. Answer Self-Check
3. Perform Task Sheet
Training Period / Training Week 2
Training Method Blended Learning (Online & Modular - Print)
Method of Assessment Written test, Practical/ Performance Test & Interview
Learning/Training Resources CBLM
Learning Management System (LMS)

Elements of an Electronic Data Processing (EDP)

a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Peopleware

Hardware – the physical equipment that make up a computer system. It includes its peripherals and components.

Central Processing Unit (CPU) – heart and brain of the computer system. It is where data processing takes place.

Parts of CPU:

1. Main Memory (Primary Storage) – data and instructions are stored here. Sometimes known as the “internal” memory of the

2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) – accomplishes the arithmetical and logical operations.

3. Control Unit – supervises all the activities based on a set of instructions programs stored in the main memory. It selects interprets
and executes the instructions.

Perform Computer Operations (PCO) Lesson 1- PART 2

Input Devices – physical equipment which reads or translates data consisting of alphabets numbers or symbols into a form that can be
understand by the computer.

Examples: keyboard, graphics pad, scanner, mouse, bar code reader, joystick

Output Devices – physical equipments which translate the outcome of the computations and related activities carried out in the CPU. Its
objective is to convert data and information onto a form such as a printed report or visual display that can be understood by humans.

Examples: monitor, plotter, printer, desktop speaker

Types of Computer Memory:

1. Internal Memory – contained in the silicon chip and can hold instructions and data which the computer is currently working on
or information which the CPU needs to work very rapidly because the speed of the CPU is very high and acquires information to
be readily available.
A) Random Access Memory (RAM) – stores instructions which later can be erased or changed. All information stored here
are lost and erased when computer is turned off.
B) Read Only Memory (ROM) – contains permanently stored instructions that a computer is required to keep able to perform
its basic routine operations. Part of CPU.

2. External Memory – uses tapes and disk to store information. External memory is physically separated from CPU.

Examples: diskette, compact disk, tape backup, hard disk, flash disk

Software – the intangible element composed of programs that instruct the computer what to do.

Types of Software:
1. Systems Software – the programs or instructions which direct the internal operations of the computer. Also called operating software
and are normally contained in a disk pack or floppy diskette or already embedded on a chip.

a) Operating System – most important type. It is a group of related programs that supervise or monitors the execution of an application
program and provides services such as language translation input/output control and job scheduling.
Examples: Windows 98, Linux, MS DOS, Windows Vista, Windows 7

b) Language Translators – programs which convert human-readable form into a series of binary pattern of zeros and ones (0s and 1s).

Types of Language Translators:

1. Assembler – translates programs written in assembly language into machine language.

2. Compiler – translates programs written in high-level languages into machine language. Translates the entire program before it is
3. Interpreter – translates programs written in high-level language into machine language one line at a time.

Machine Assembly and High-level Language Compared:

Perform Computer Operations (PCO) Lesson 1- PART 2

Machine Language – the 1st generation of programming languages in which instructions and data are expressed as a series of 0s and 1s.

Assembly Language – the 2nd generation of programming languages in which instructions and data are expressed in short symbolic codes
(mnemonic codes).

High-level Language – the 3rd generation of programming languages in which programs are written using English-like words combines into
sentence-like statements.

Machine Language Assembly Language High-level Language

0001 1000 1100 1101 LOD X COMPUTE Z = X+Y

1001 1111 1010 0101 ADD Y
1000 0101 0001 0111 STO Z
O111 END

c) Utility or Service Programs – systems software that performs routine tasks and other important housekeeping functions.

Uses of Utility Programs:

• formatting disk
• copying files from disk to tape
• sorting files
• editing files

2. Application Software – provides a solution to a specific business scientific engineering or research problems or which perform specific
operations or applications. Used to predict weather conditions to keep track of an organization’s inventories can assist an individual in
balancing his checkbook or game program for entertainment.

Types of Application Software:

a) Customized – a program developed to solve a specific problem peculiar to a particular company or user.

b) Packaged – pre-written programs for common applications that can be used by a number of users with little or no changes.

Examples of Packaged Software for Microcomputers (personal computer):

1. Word Processing (e.g. MS Word) – a text editing program which allows the user to type compose and correct manuscripts without
the need to retype when errors or changes on such manuscript are made.

2. Spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) – allows the user to do “what if problems”. These are powerful business tools for budget reporting financial
projections and cost estimating.

3. Database (e.g. Access) – allows the user to create and store information based on his own requirements. Also called “electronic

Peopleware – this refers to the people who work with the computer so that it can be used to find solutions to problems. Also these refer to
persons who used the information generated by the computer.


Perform Computer Operations (PCO) Lesson 1- PART 2

1. System Analyst – primarily responsible for the analysis design development and implementation of systems for such applications as
payroll inventory control accounts receivable and sales analysis.

2. Database Administrator – designs creates and maintains the organization’s database.

3. Data Communication Specialist – designs and maintains computer networks that link computers and terminals for data

4. Computer Programmers – write programs or perform programming.

a) Application Programmers – translate specifications given by system analyst and prepare programs for applications.
b) System Programmers– develop and maintain system software.

5. Operations Personnel
a) Data Encoder – responsible for transferring data from the source document (e.g. timecards) into a form which the computer
can understand.
b) Data Controllers – verify and check whether the data prepared are accurate and complete.
c) Computer Operators – actually handle the machine; responsible to load and unload the programs mount the data tapes
disks or cards; prepare to receive the output data from printer.
d) Librarian – a person who catalog monitor and control the distribution of disks tapes system documentation and computer-
related literature.

6. Computer Instructor – conducts the training sessions.



Perform Computer Operations (PCO) Lesson 1- PART 2

Perform Computer Operations (PCO) Introduction PART 2 Assessment

Name: Date:
Section: Score:

IDENTIFICATION: Identify the word/term that is defined or described by the following statements/examples. (10 Points)
1. ____________________, The programs or instructions which direct the internal operations of the computer. Also called operating
software and are normally contained in a disk pack or floppy diskette or already embedded on a chip.
2. ____________________, The intangible element composed of programs that instruct the computer what to do.
3. ____________________, It provides a solution to a specific business scientific engineering or research problems or which perform
specific operations or applications. Used to predict weather conditions to keep track of an organization’s inventories can assist an
individual in balancing his checkbook or game program for entertainment.
4. ____________________, It contained in the silicon chip and can hold instructions and data which the computer is currently working on
or information which the CPU needs to work very rapidly because the speed of the CPU is very high and acquires information to be
readily available.
5. ____________________, It translates programs written in high-level languages into machine language. Translates the entire program
before it is executed.
6. ____________________, The most important type. It is a group of related programs that supervise or monitors the execution of an
application program and provides services such as language translation input/output control and job scheduling.
7. ____________________, The physical equipment that make up a computer system. It includes its peripherals and components.
8. ____________________, This refers to the people who work with the computer so that it can be used to find solutions to problems.
Also these refer to persons who used the information generated by the computer.
9. ____________________, It uses tapes and disk to store information and physically separated from CPU.
10. ____________________, A programs which convert human-readable form into a series of binary pattern of zeros and ones (0s and

ESSAY: Discuss briefly and give or enumerate examples. (15 Points).

 Parts of CPU



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