Tugas Bahasa Inggris Pak Ribek (Yulia)

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Nama : Ni Putu Yuliandari Eka Putri

NIM : P07120221091

No. Absen 42

Kelas : 2B STr. Keperawatan

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Om Swastiastu,

Hello, my name is Ni Putu Yuliandari Eka Pitri , you can call me Yulia. I am 19 years old. I’m
from Denpasar, Bali. I was born in denpasar, July 12, 2003.At this time i’m still studying at the
Denpasar Health Polytechnic diploma 4 nursing major. here I want to volunteer as a home care
nurse because I want to apply some of the things I have learned in college and practice at the
hospital. I also have several abilities to support my work later including being able to operate
Microsoft Word, being able to work under pressure and with a team, being able to check blood
pressure, being able to put infusions and many more . regarding my work experience I have
experience working at Karangasem Hospital and also I often carry out nursing actions for families
and the community around the house . I also have a responsible personality, high professionalism
towards work and also friendly in dealing with patients which will make patients comfortable. and
I also master two languages, namely Indonesian and English which will make it easier for me to
communicate with both local and international patients. I hope with this I can be accepted as a
home care nurse here and thank you.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

Please answer the following questions

1. Where does the nurse usually work?

Answer: Hospitals, community health centers and also practice on their own.

2. What are the conditions so that nurses work?

Answer: Diploma 3 nursing degree and has a competency test certificate.

3. What are the roles of nurses?

Answer: Nurses have a role as care giver nursing, managers, educators and field
researchers nursing.

4. What we must do if we want to be a nurse?

Answer: must have a nurse’s work permit, but if the nurse opens an independent practice,
must have a nurse practice permit (SIPP).

5. What is meant by SLPP?

Answer: SIPP is very usefull for future such as open independent practice.

6. Besides working in the hospital, what other activities the nurses can do?

Answer: Can be open at the community health center and practices as independent nurses.

7. Working as a nurse, can Mr Joni complete his secondary needs?

Answer: Although Mr. Joni work hard day and night day by opening his own practice, he
could not fulfil other than their dailu need.he cannot give gis child a new car or
motorcycle. The children never go abroad because their economic conditions. The
monthly salary is not enough fot the month.

8. Does a nurse open his own practice? How?

Answer: Nurses can oprn independent practice as long as nurses have their own Practice
License (SIPP). This SIPP very usefull for the future, such as oprn independent practice.
9. How to become a professional nurse?

Answer: Mastering communication skills,Controlling Emotions, have empathy, faithful

in work, Meticulous and Detailed, Work In Team, Have a Good Body Immunity, and
Work according to SOPs

10. What is the purpose of someone being a nurse?

Answer: The goal is to treat sick people until they recover and can carry out their
activities as before, will have the opportunity to help many people and not only take care
of other people who are sick, but also be able to take care of their families and also
someone has their own goals to become a nurse.

11. Does a nurse open independent practice?

Answer: Nurses can open independent practice as long as they have SIPP.

12. What is the duty of the nurse other than providing health services?

Answer: Another task is to provide education to patients and their families and their

13. What is the name of the permit used by nurse for independent practice?

Answer: Nurse Practice License (SIPP)

14. What is the SIPP function for a nurse?

Answer: Nurse Practice License hereinafter referred to as SIPP is written evidence given
to nurses to carry out individual/group nursing practice. Professional Standards are
guidelines that must be used as a guide in carrying out the profession properly

15. Why does Mr. joni house to work move by opening an independent practice?

Answer: Because her mountly salary is not enough for one month so he has to work more
by opening a nursing pratice.
Grammar Practice: Simple Present Tense

1. Rain......from the cloud

a). Falls

b). Fall

c). Falling

d). Fallen

e). Is fall

2. She always.....to bed early.

a). Going

b). Went

c). Goes

d). Go

e). Gone

3. The earth......the sun

a). Rotate

b). Rotating

c). Rotates

d). Do more

e). Are

4. He......to office by train daily

a). Goes

b). Go

c). Went

d). Gone

e). Going

5. You don’t work on Saturdays,......you ?

a). Can

b). Do

c). Have

d). Has

e). Does

6. He and she......out

a). Is

b). Am

c). Are

d). Do

e). Does

7. I think Helen.....always lucky

a). Were
b). Are

c). Is

d). Am

e). Was

8. One of the student ...

absent a). Are

b). Is

c). Am

d). Were

e). Was

9. I ... get up early on

Saturday a). Don’t need to

b). Needn’t to

c). Mustn’t

d). Couldn’t

e). Isn’t

10. My father usually.....a nap after luch

a). Is taking

b). Has taken

c). Takes

d). Is take

e). Are

11. She…… her dog

everyday a). to feed

b). feed

c). feeds

d). feeding

e). feeded

12. I…..always….. to the

dentist a). do not, go

b). does not, go

c). do not, went

d). does not, went

e). go, went

13. Children always............there parents

a). are loving

b). is loving

c). love

d). loves

e). loved

14. The man always...........the truth

a). tells

b). is

telling c).


d). are telling

e). this tell

15. The students usually …… fifteen minutes before the class

starts a). to come

b). come

c). came

d). are

coming e). the


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