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A Chronicle about Jean Piaget

By: Juan Diego Agudelo Restrepo

Jean Piaget was a Swiss developmental

psychologist and philosopher known for his
work on child development. He was born in
Neuchâtel, Switzerland in 1896 and died in
Geneva in 1980. Piaget's theory of cognitive
development and epistemological view are
together called "genetic epistemology."

Piaget's theory of cognitive development

suggests that children actively construct their
understanding of the world through
experiences and interactions. He proposed
four stages of cognitive development:
sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete
operational, and formal operational. These
stages describe how children's ways of
thinking and understanding change as they
grow and mature. Piaget's work has had a
significant impact on the field of psychology and education, and his ideas continue to be
widely studied and applied today.

Throughout his life, Piaget also made significant contributions to the fields of biology, logic,
and epistemology. He wrote over 50 books and more than 100 articles on his research and
theories. He was also a professor and director of the International Centre for Genetic
Epistemology in Geneva. His work continues to influence the field of psychology and has
been applied in many different areas such as education, sociology, and artificial intelligence.

Finally I would like to talk about my personal perceptions of this autor. As an arts teacher,
pedagogy and linguistics are vital areas for the development of my work, I am always looking
to improve my working methods and concepts about education. The life of this author has
always been a great inspiration for me, Mr Piaget is one of those pillars that ultimately
constitute all my training as an educator.


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