As We Further Improve AI

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As we further improve AI’s capabilty and accuracy, many people stated that

at some point, artificial intelligence will be far more superior and will
surpass humna workforce. In my opinion, this statement not only
believable but also might be accurate with many reasons supporting it,
which I will explain in this essay with further details.
For a long time, machines have always been considered as the embodiment
of accurate and speed and this also applied to AI as well. These days,
artificial intelligence is known with ability to calculate a large amount of
equations with high accuracy in a short amount of time. Therefore, right in
the present, AI was used in many fields, from weather forecasting, celestial
objects caculation and even in preventing global warming. Not to mention,
humans are very sensitive to the surrounding environment but AI-operated
processers don’t need days off, holidays, overtime pays, sick days and so on
which make it far more superior and cost efficient than normal workers.
It’s said that AI are still machine-like, it don’t have emotion or empathy.
However, this is soon to be change, as more advance as AI are becoming,
AI-operated system can learn things by themselves which include things
that they are thought to be unable to. Recently, scientists have succed in
making an AI system that can tell whether you’re sad or not and tell you a
joke in respond to it. Though seem rather to be a minor progress but we can
believe in a future when even psycologists or other complex jobs that
required human interaction will all be replaced with AI-operating robot,
and at that point, AI will truly be able took over human workforce.
In conclusion, AI is be the future of techonology and I believe that at some
point, it will be impossible for our human workforce to compete with
artificial intelligence in many fields and aspects

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