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Fahim Farhad Ahmed

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Islamic University of Technology

Abstract Encryption process : Multiply the matrix X by the known key matrix K . That is, Y = KX or Decryption :
Y =XK depending on the dimension of the matrices.Then convert that the resulting matrix Y We will consider a ciphertext to be decrypted: IODLZMNNPYMP According to
to mod 26 .The process of encryption of plaintext can be summarized as Y = KX(mod 26) the Hill Cipher alphabetical encoding scheme we get :
Cryptography is an interdisciplinary topic that adopts concepts from several dis- or Y = XK(mod 26) depending on the dimension of the matrices, where X is the plaintext
ciplines. In today’s environment, cryptography makes important use of computer LETTER I O D L Z M N P Y
message, Y is the resulting ciphertext message and K is the key matrix.
science and mathematics, especially discrete mathematics. This study aims to NUMBER 9 15 4 12 0 13 14 16 25
Decryption process : Multiply the matrix Y with the inverse of the key matrix. That is,
discuss the daily use of matrices in cryptography. Globally, secure text commu- K . Note that since K is an orthogonal matrix, K T = K −1 . Therefore, we will perform we perform decryption using X=YK −1. So the secret key
nication is critical while various cryptosystems exist to accomplish this security. the operation X = K −1Y or X = YK −1 depending on the dimension of the matrices.Then  
Hence, with regard to the cryptosystem, the key matrix from the plane’s equation convert the resulting matrix X to mod 26 .So the process of decryption of plaintext can be 9 18 −18
is considered by determining the orthogonal matrix that implements reflection. summarized as an operation X = K −1Y(mod 26) or X = YK −1(mod 26) depending on the K =  18 9 18 
This method boosts encryption security by making it more arduous to locate a dimension of the matrices, where X is the plaintext message, Y is the resulting ciphertext −18 18 9
secret key matrix. In order to produce encryptions, the approach uses the or- message and matrix. K −1 is the inverse of the key We will now break up the message lengthwise into rows of length 3 (the dimen-
thogonal matrix transform characteristics. The suggested encryption method’s
sion of K) which is matrix Y.
simplicity enables it to be adapted to other circumstances requiring secret com-
munication transmission
Overview of the Study and Discussion of Results 
9 15 4

  279

369 144

9 18 −18  −126
 12 0 13  
 450 −99 
 14 × 18 9 18 = 
Introduction 14 16   90 666 144 
The fundamental concept of cryptography is that information can be encoded via an −18 18 9
25 13 16 171 855 −72
encryption scheme and decoded only by the individuals privy to the scheme. Various kinds
The term "matrix" is simply a rectangular array of data (numbers, variables, sym- of encryption schemes exist. The majority of such schemes are mathematical in nature. In For every entity of X must be between 0 and 26 .So X=X mod 26.So the result
bols, and expressions) arranged in the form of rows and columns. The individual this particular study, the Hill Cipher is the encryption scheme, the encoder is a matrix, and is :  
the decoder is the inverse of the same matrix. 19 5 14
items contained in any matrix are called entries or elements of the matrix. One  4 8 5 
of the numerous applications of matrices is in the field of Cryptography. Cryptog- X=
 12
 mod 26
Encryption : 16 14 
raphy is the science of securing information by modifying it into an unintelligible
We will consider a message to be sent: SEND HELP NOW . According to the alphabetical 15 23 6
form known as ciphertext via a procedure known as encryption. Modern cryp-
tography encompasses the intersection of various fields of computer science, ap- encoding scheme, the letters in the message corresponding to the following numbers: So we can deduce that the actual message is SEND HELP NOW
LETTER S E N D H L P O W The use of the orthogonal matrix, gotten from the equation of the plane, has
plied mathematics, electrical engineering, physics and communication science.
NUMBER 19 5 14 4 8 12 16 15 23 made the encryption process relatively more secure. The orthogonal matrices
The most common areas of mathematics largely used in cryptography include al-
Suppose the secret key is are, in turn, used to create a key matrix of classical Hill cipher to improve the
gebra, number theory, and probability. Data/information encryption has become  
9 18 −18 security of communication text.
a thing of necessity with the rise of sensitive data being stored and transmitted
K =  18 9 18  The advancement of computers and technology rendered the Hill Cipher incred-
via computers. A matrix can be used as a cipher to encrypt a message [1]. Ma-
−18 18 9 ibly vulnerable. Figuring out the encryption key was no longer a cumbersome
trices provide a security advantage; that is, the embedding degree is tied to the
size of the matrix [2]. Matrices have been proven to have a particular distinctive . We will now break up the message lengthwise into rows of length 3 (the dimension of K) process as computers can iterate through thousands of keys in relatively short
substantial concept and are easy to comprehend. It is only logical that the idea of which is matrix X. periods, making it possible to find the correct key in minutes.
matrix algebra is utilized as an efficient technique of encrypting and storing infor-  
19 5 14
mation. The encryption system uses a matrix to keep the information inputted by  4 8 5  Conclusion and Remarks
the sender in the form of their positions, by using an algorithm to encrypt these X=
 12

16 14 
said values [3]. Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose a simple method
15 23 ? Data encryption and data decryption algorithm to secure information using a se-
for the encryption and decryption of information by generating encryption keys
In place of "?" we put a random integer 6 which represents F. So the matrix X becomes cret key passed between a sender and a receiver has been discussed in this
using matrix operation and Hill Ciphers; and use the generated encryption keys
paper. The following conclusions have been drawn based on the results ob-
for information encoding and decoding.
 
19 5 14 tained from this study:
 4 8 5 
X=  I. Modern Mathematical Cryptography has its foundation in many aspects of
Approaches and Results  12 16 14  Mathematics such as Number theory, Algebra, Probability, Statistics, and In-
15 23 6 formation theory, and as such, the role of Mathematics in Cryptography is a
Now we perform encryption using Y=XK. very crucial one because difficult mathematical problems form the foundation of
Basic matrix operation and applicability in the field of cryptography:
  asymmetric key cryptography.
1. Matrix Addition :  
  9 639 −126 II. The algorithm provides a method of sending messages securely and secretly
It can be done by simply adding 2 or more matrices of same dimension.  19 5 14 
 9 18 −18
  90 234 117  and is considered a good one because it uses mathematical techniques. The
2.Orthogonal Matrix :
 4
Y= 8 5  × 18 9 18
 = 
 144 612 198  encrypted message can only be decrypted if the sender and receiver know the
An n x n square matrix X with real entries/elements is said to be orthogonal if  12 16 14  −18 18 9
441 585 198 key matrix and congruence modulo.
and only if X T = X −1 . Since XX −1 = I = X −1X , it follows that an orthogonal 15 23 6 III. The simplicity and availability of the encryption and decryption algorithms.
matrix X satisfies the relation XX T = X T X = I . Where I is an identity matrix and
For every entity of Y must be between 0 and 26 .So Y=Y mod 26.So the result is : IV. Cryptography is necessary to secure digital communications, software, and
X T is the transpose of X .   other digital property. The security of communications and commerce in this
Hill Cipher Plaintext Characters : 9 15 4
digital age depends on the modern incorporation of the pre-historic technique of
A number modulo 26 is assigned to each letter. This simple scheme known as  12 0 13 
Y=  mod 26 codes and ciphers.
alphabetical encoding is often used, even though it is not a vital feature of the  14 14 16 
V. Reduction of the amount of storage space and computational overhead con-
cipher.The Alphabetical Encoding Scheme is: 25 13 16
sumed is possible with data encryption because the data owner can harness the
Now we use the Hill Cipher alphabetical encoding scheme to obtain the encoded data: advantage of message splitting into smaller words.
NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NUMBER 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
NUMBER 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 NUMBER 9 15 4 12 0 13 14 16 25 References
The basic process of encryption and decryption is highlighted below:
So we obtain according to alphabetical encoding we obtain the ciphertext IODLZMNNPYOP.
[1] David, M., Diego, P., Daniel, L. A. (n.d.). Cryptography and Linear Algebra.

[2] Ayan, M. (2013). Are Matrices Useful in Public-Key Cryptography? In-

ternational Mathematical Forum, 8(39), 1.

[3] Yamuna, M., Rohith, S. R., Pramodh, M., Avani, G. (2013, March).
Text Encryption Using Matrices. International Journal of Application or Innova-
tion in Engineering Management, 2(3), 1.
Figure : Encryption and Decryption process diagram

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