Test Level

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Test level

1. Write the pronouns (subject, object, possessive adjective and possessive pronoun)

2. Write in english the next sentences using verb “to be”:

El carro es rojo ____________________________________________________________
Hace frio _________________________________________________________________
¿Estás en clases de inglés? _________________________________________________
Mis amigos son alegres ___________________________________________________
Ustedes son mi familia _____________________________________________________
Ella está caminando con sus amigos __________________________________________
¿Esta tu mamá en casa? ____________________________________________________

3. Translate the sentences to Spanish languaje:

You are old _______________________________________________________________
We were young ____________________________________________________________
They were in Alaska ________________________________________________________
She was fat _______________________________________________________________
I was cooking dinner _______________________________________________________
They were hungry __________________________________________________________
4. Describe your person with help of the questions that are here:
What´s your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What
´s your favorite color? What´s your hobbies?

5. Put the correct question word in the blank

Ask about person: _______________
Asking in or at what place or position: __________________
Asking about time, occasion, moment: __________________
Asking for a reason, explanation: _______________________
Asking for a specific thing, object: ______________________
Asking for a way, manner, form: ________________________
Asking about choice: _________________________________
Asking about quantify, used with countable nouns: ________________________
Asking about frequency: ___________________________

6. Write the days of week:

7. Change the sentences to continuos form (present and past):
I walk / ________________________________________________
She eats / ______________________________________________
They drink / _____________________________________________
She played tennis / _______________________________________
I bought a car / ___________________________________________
I didn´t go to the cinema / _________________________________
Did he drink a beer? /______________________________________
We study English / ________________________________________
It´s great / _______________________________________________
You break the rules / _______________________________________

8. Write the sentences that the teacher will dictate you (verb “to have”):

9. Write the dictate:


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