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Armies and organizations in Rokugan

Lion Clan: Death Seekers: The Death seekers are not really a unit or an organization, that just a group of dishonored samourai looking for death in glorious battle to rehonor themselves. They are on the first rank of the Lions armies, charging fearlessly into the fray. Akodo Yojimbo: The leaders and the shugenja of the Lion clan need protections, and the Akodo family train better bodyguards than the Matsu. Ikoma O-Ban: A military unit of the Ikoma family. Ikoma spearmen The Lion clan is a clan of warrior, and even the Ikoma have soldiers. Their spearmen are a base of the samourai units, able to handle waves of enemies. Akodo Wardens An unit of elite cavalry mostly used at the origin to protect Otosan Uchi, and the borders with the Crane. They have also been used in an attempt to turn again the position of Protector of Otosan Uchi into an important political position instead of a dead one, but contrary to the Jade champion it didnt worked. Lion clan cavalry A strong military unit, who have grown really important under the efforts of Matsu Agetoki and his son Mori, to provide troops to counter the Unicorn. Matsu Beastmasters The Lion clan have an old tradition of training tigers and lions as warcats. The Beastmasters took them on the battlefield. Tsuko's Heart Created by Matsu Turi before he fall to the Shadowland, Tsukos heart is an elite unit of Lion clan formed mostly of Matsu who was created to hunt renegades spirits then now they are trained to learn to use the weaknesses of their enemies. Akodo Forward Sentry Akodos Leadership teaches that the use of scouts is a necessity in warfare. The Forward sentry are one of their scouts units. Lion scouts: The Akodo train most of the scouts of the Lion clan, but the Matsu and the Ikoma have some too.

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Ikoma Battle-Criers The Battle-criers are among the shoko-kambu, the help of the officers. They are here to help the communication between the units of an army and increase the moral. Matsu house Guard The elite warriors of the Matsu family who have been designed to protect the leaders. Lion's Pride The greatest warriors of the Matsu family, entirely formed of females. That an honor to be allowed to join it. Veterans and ferocious, the Matsu of the Lions pride are really one of the most powerful unit of the Lion clan. Ikoma Spymasters Trained at Honor's Sacrifice Dojo, they are a group of courtiers and spies that give information to the Lion clan generals. Akodo House Guard The Akodo house guard are formed of students of the tactical school and trained in the way of battle to support the commanders. Matsu Ragers A group that look like the berserkers. Formed of blood-thirsty warriors, they are the legacy for some of Matsu Gohei, nicknamed the butcher. Kensai: The sword saints are great warriors masters of the kata of the Lion clan. Like the Kenshizen of the Crane clan, they are devoted to mastering the sword. Lioness legion The Matsu have a group of elite units like the Lions pride, the house guard or Tsukos heart. But with the size of their family, they can feel many others positions in the Right Hands army. The legion is one unit like this, formed of only females who are veterans of many battles and awaiting to join the others more prestigious units. Lion Heavy Elite That the heavy troopers of the Lion clan, formed only of veterans of many campaigns. Unicorn clan: After the return of the desert Moto, the Unicorn clan armies have been divided into three great groups: the Khol who are the elite troops of the Khan itself, the Baraughar who is the smallest but having a lot of shugenjas leaded by Iuchi Lixue and the Junghar first lead by Moto Chen then Shinjo Shono who are the core of the troops. The White Guard

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The White guard was formed after the fall of Moto Tsume to the Shadowland as an elite unit to avenge the shame of the Shadowland Black Guard. Now that the Dark Moto are destroyed they form an elite units for the Unicorn clan. Shinjo's Thunder Heavy cavalry that mostly rely on their speed and charges to inflict heavy damage to their opponents. They dont have the strength of the Otaku Shiotome but they are still dangerous. Ide Lancers Light skirmishers who fight on foot, they are reinforcement to the Unicorns cavalry. Ki-Rin Wardogs Many clans have trained guard dogs, but only the Unicorn bring them to war. They are ferocious and able to bring down a samourai. Ashi-Kyu Archers Using those gaijin longbow, the archers are a powerful support unit. Steel Rain An infantry unit using slings to give support to the cavalry. Striders The younger rank of the Unicorn infantry school are trained to run fast to join the battle. Moto Fanatics Know for their high morale, somewhat like the deathseekers. They was the base of the Moto hunting their undead brethren. Iuchi Scouts The Unicorn clan have a lot of scouts, mostly among the Shinjo. But the few Iuchi who dont follow the shugenja tradition often join this unit. Shinjo Magistrates An organization devoted to hunt criminals. The tradition born with Shinjo herself and survived all the centuries. Utaku Shiotome The battle-maiden of the Unicorn ride the famous and rare Otaku steeds, the greatest horses in Rokugan. They are a skilled and fast heavy cavalry unit, know to charge without saying a word. Master Horse Archer The Unicorn have always trained many great archers, like Shinjo Hanari and his son Maku. They usually are leading the others horsebowmen units, but sometimes form their own unit.

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Shinjo house Guard The Shinjo have been during centuries the ruling family of the Unicorn clan and protected the Champion during all this time. They are now less and less used in battle and for protecting their leaders and drive to prove the honor of their house. Utaku house guard The Utaku have a long tradition of warriors that goes back the first Thunder of the Unicorn clan. Their best warriors join the house guard. Utaku Heavy Infantry The males of the Utaku family are forbidden to ride the great Otaku steed, and most of them dont join the Shinjo bushi school to learn to ride. Instead they join the Utaku infantry school to help the forces of their clan. Shinomen Forest Guard The Unicorn sworn to protect the sleeping nagas, and their warriors have been trained with the few remaining awake. The forest guard is an unit trained to fight in the wilderness and especially the forests. Shinjo explorer The Unicorn have always wandered around the continent, following their lady. The explorers are used in warfare as long-distance scouts. Vigilant The vigilants are a secret organization among the Unicorn clan hunting the remaining Kolats in hope to cleanse their shame. Scorpion clan: Shosuro Shinobi The so called ninjas of the Scorpion clan accomplish many different roles among the clan, including during battles. Black Cabal Heavy infantry who wears blood-drinking armor to scare their enemies during battles. Shadow Hunters The Scorpion born the Shadow among them during years before learning the Lying darknessplans. Now they have an organization of shinobi hunting them, but since the defeat of the Darkness at Oblivions gate the hunters now are more used as assassins and spies. Bayushi house Guard The Bayushi house guard is a mix of really different samourais. Each of them is trained to fight and use the weakness of a different bushi school.

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Legion of the Bitter Lies Bayushi Tangen once created the dark sword of the bitter lies technique before retiring. Bayushi Kwanchai came to him and learned his technique, before starting to teach it to a new generations of students. They are fearless and scaring madmen. Ichiba's Consortium Yogo Ichibas legacy of master merchants help the plans of the Scorpion by ruining some targets and giving resources to their leaders. Kuroiban The really secret organization of shugenjas created after the fall of Iuchiban to hunt the corrupted shugenjas. The Folding Leg A special unit trained to break the defensive positions of fortified units. Bayushi Deceivers The deceivers are a scouting and infiltration unit used to attack the opponents flanks and supply lines. Many are members of the saboteur school. Tejina Trained at Hidden Moons dojo, the Tejina are masters of the shadow magic. This is a really secret organization. Ninja Bowmen A specially trained group of Shinobi used to offer support to the armies. Shosuro House guard A stealthy unit used to protect the officers and covers a retreat. Crimson Legion A heavy and skilled infantry unit wearing red armors. Shosuro Bodyguard Specially trained to hide in the shadows to protect their charges. Bayushi ambushers The Scorpions are know for their dishonorable tactics, and the ambushers are trained just for that. Midnight blades Another stealth unit, the midnight blades are most often to attack and assassinate during nights. Scorpions claws

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An unit specialized in the use of poison weapons and others dishonorable techniques. Scorpion strike Those warriors are Bayushi bushi trained to use the maximum of speed and movement to strike opponents units. Bayushi elite spearmen A defensive unit with ranged attacks more used to defend fortifications. Phoenix clan: Inquisitors The famous inquisitors are mostly members of the Asako family. They are recognized by their eyes tattoo on their palms. Their function is to hunt the practice of Maho and misuse of magic, judging the criminals or bringing them to the Elemental masters in case of the ritual that cut all the magic. Henshin A really secret organization, even if some of their secrets have been revealed by Kuni Yori during the winter court at Kyuden Asako. They are following the path of man teached to Shiba by Shinsei and passed down to lady Asako. The elemental legions: Firestorm Legion for fire, Avalanche Legion for earth, Tsunami Legion for water, Hurricane Legion for air, and rumors speaks of the Void guard for the Void. The elemental legions are a powerful military forces of the Phoenix formed of battle-trained shugenjas specialized in one element. Shiba house Guard The Shiba are the warriors and the protectors of the Phoenix clan. The house guard are the protectors of the leaders of the Phoenix. Isawa House guard Even the Shiba have problems to protect Kyuden Isawa of everything that can threaten it. The Isawa house guard is a specially trained shugenja unit destined to protect their brethrens with their magic. Heaven's Wing The male-only brotherhood of the Heavens wing is formed only of bushis who have mastered the heavens wing kata. They are skilled and often demonstrate their skills by performing as a gift to others daimyos. Protectors of Uikku: This secret group of bushis have for mission to protect the prophecies of Uikku and a few others really important scrolls in Kyuden Isawa.

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Agasha inakeya Before members of the Dragon clan, the Agasha alchemists use now their skills are creating explosives and potions for the Phoenix clan. The Dragon still have more resources about the military application of it. The order of Chikai The order of Chikai is know for their duties as yojimbos for the Elemental council. They are also protectors of the family daimyos and dignitaries of other clans. They are the elite guards of the Phoenix clan. The voice of the masters is among them. Asako riders Every clan have a cavalry unit and the few bushis of the Asako are trained for that. Clay soldiers Created a long time ago as a cannon-fodder, they are still used sometimes by the Phoenix. The most powerful of the clay soldiers are Tadakas children but they are know under the control of the Jade champion Asahina Sekawa. Bent knee yojimbo This discreet order founded by Shiba Raigen are trained to protect the Isawa from their own social mistakes, protecting them from breach of etiquettes. Mantis clan: Storm Riders The secretive order of shugenja trained in the island of storms. They have a great control over the weather. The Storm Legion An elite unit of the Mantis clan, the membership is reduced to only descendants of the 12 originals followers of Kaimetsu-uo. Tsuruchi Bounty Hunters The main forces of the Tsuruchi family, the best archers in Rokugan. Used as scouts and skirmishers as much as support units for the main infantry of the Mantis clan. Kenkyaku Founded by Tsuruchi Yutaka, the Kenyaku are a group of young Tsuruchi who honor the blade instead of the tradition of the bow of the original Wasp clan. Gusai Assassins The name is somewhat misleading, but the last descendants of the Gusai family are trained with the members of the Storm wind families as ninjas, spies and assassins for the Mantis clan. Wakos

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Not really a military unit, but the members of the rolling waves family train the best wakos (pirates) in Rokugan and are unmatched warriors on the seas. Tsuruchi legion The elite archers of the Mantis clan are members of this unit. Mantis mercenaries The Mantis clan have a long tradition of offering mercenaries units to hire. They are really skilled and seasoned warriors. Moshi guardian of the sun The Moshi males are not welcome to become shugenjas, so they are trained to become yojimbos to their females brethren. Yoritomo House guard Named before the Mantis house guard when the Mantis was a minor clan, they are a recent addition to the clan. They are an heavy infantry unit of veterans. The Orochi Riders They are a special group of Mantis samurai (bushi or shugenja) that share a bond with an orochi. Yoritomo Saboteurs Members of the Storm Wind and Watanabe families trained to use kobune to goes cut opponents supply lines. Ivory isles mercenaries The Mantis clan have allies among the Ivory Kingdom and sometimes hire mercenaries to support their forces. Mantis Budoka Younger members of the Mantis clan train as budoka. Mantis marine troops All samourais working on the Mantis ships are skilled warriors who can board others ships or attack coastlines positions. Crane clan: Kenshinzen The master of the iaijutsu from the Crane clan get their places among this organization by defeating in an iaijutsu duel a member. Tsume Pikemen The vassal family of the Tsume have always trained a good number of the base soldiers of the Crane clan armies.

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Crane Elite Archers The Crane clan have always less soldiers than most others clans, and needed to rely on something else that the brute strength. That why they have a lot of archers units. Doji's Fan The cavalry of the Crane clan have the best steed available outside of the Unicorn clan and the imperial families, gift from the Unicorn often as a memory of the Fan that helped the Unicorn get recognition. Asahina Sohei The Asahina family is pacifist, but some dont share this philosophy. The sohei are a little group of war-like shugenja. Daidoji Heavy Regulars An heavy infantry unit. Daidoji Iron Warriors One of the base unit of the Crane armies, formed of professional soldiers. Daidoji Trading Council The Yasuki once ruled the finance of the Crane clan, but when they moved to the Crab clan, those who remained behind joined the Daidoji to keep their activities. Daidoji Harrier A secret organization leads by Daidoji Mihoko and trained in Shiro Giji. They are special units of skirmishers, saboteurs and spies using explosives and others traps to keep the enemies of the Crane out of their lands. Doji house Guard The elite guardsmen of the leaders of the Doji family. Hoturi's Blade A young group mixing the mastery of the iaijutsu with the art of the courtier, legacy of the second Crane Thunder. Kikaze's Iron Cavalry A newly formed unit, creation of Daidoji Kikaze the first harrier daimyo. This unit looks like to formed of the elite horsemen of the Daidoji. Asahina Archers The Asahina family is pacifist, but some dont share this philosophy or have no magical powers. They train themselves as support to protect their lands. Kakita house guard A group of skilled duelist working as yojimbo for the courtiers of the family.


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Rekais harriers Created by the legendary Daidoji Rekai, this unit have followed her during many battles during her time as a daimyo. It seems its a mix of Daidoji soldiers and harriers able to handle most situations. Dragon clan: Dragon Tattoo monk: Ise Zumi, Kikage Zumi, Tsurai Zumi The order of Togashi, of Lady Moon and of the Celestial wanderer sometimes join the armies of the Dragon clan using the mystical powers of their tatooes. They are also trained in the way of Kaze-do. Dragon Rocket Teams Also named Tamoris flame, this unit is formed of Rocket Artillery using the knowledge of artillery, explosives and alchemy inherited of the Agasha, Dragon Talons Infantry of the Dragon clan. Dragon's Storm Heavy infantry of the Dragon clan. Kitsuki Yojimbo The Kitsuki magistrates are often trained as yojimbos for their brethren of the Kitsuki courtier school. Mirumoto house Guard The Mirumoto have a long tradition of mastery of the Niten and to be the dignitaries of the Dragon clan, the house guard is here to protect their representatives and master the blades. Tamori Yamabushi The shugenja of the Tamori family have always show more trained in the arts of war and train shugenjas in all the way of battle. Hoshi House guard The Hoshi are a young family, with a strange history as an order of monk at first. Their house guard protect the heirlooms and sacred texts. Dragon's Flame Archer The archer and cavalry of the Dragon clan have grown more powerful under the rule of Mirumoto Sukune. Dragon clan mountaineers A group of warriors specially trained to fight in the homeland of the Dragon clan.


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Sword Masters The master of the Niten way of dueling. Nemuranai Hunters After the use of the last wish, the Mirumoto created this group to hunt evil nemuranai and destroy them in the volcano named the Wrath of the kami. Dragon Spirit-binders There is magical secrets to all clan, and the Dragons ones are to bind friendly kami to their own soul to use their power. Jotoman's Shinrai Kitsuki Jotomon is know to have trained samourais and peasants in her new way of mastering the sword. Warriors of the great climb A group of tattooed monks know to fight often. Hoshis claw The Hoshi have traditions as samourais, tattooed monks and shugenjas. The Claw seems to be an unit formed of a mix of all those traditions. Kitsuki Justicar This special organization among the magistrates of the Kitsuki family follow the famous Kitsuki Yasus example. They hunt criminals to eliminate them. Crab clan: The Damned A special unit of berserkers who have been tainted by the Shadowland. They are under the supervision of Kuni witch-hunters like Kuni Rihito to be sure they dont turn Lost. Berserkers Coming from both the Hiruma and Hida family, the berserkers are dangerous units who charge fiercely in the middle of the enemys lines to create as much destruction as possible. Kisada's Fist The honor guard of the returned Hida Kisada, they have been formed under the reign of his daughter as an elite heavy unit. Dead-Eyes Berserker A group of berserker trained to have more control on their rage. Hida house Guard


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The protectors of the daimyos of the Crab clan. Hiruma Stalker A stealth unit of scouts trained to kill the enemys leaders. Kuni Tsukai-sagasu The witch-hunters are charged to hunt the maho-tsukai and any others traces of the Shadowland in the Empire. The members of Tojaki's Might are also trained in the ways of Kuni Shugenja. Hiruma runner A special group of Hiruma bushi who are trained to carry messages from the differents Crabs strongholds. Hiruma House guard The elite archers and scouts of the Hiruma family. Toritaka Phantom Hunters Former members of the Falcon clan, they are trained to hunt spirits. Fallen legion After the race to Volturnum many samourais returned tainted and joined this unit to die. Kuni crystal binder The Kuni shugenja who have mastered the art of the creation of Kuni crystal. Kaiu siegemasters The numerous units of siege weapons used by the Crab clan. Crab Heavy Elite The backbone of the Crab armies. Crab Cavalry Also named Tsurus legionin memories of Kisadas famous brother, the Crab Cavalry use short but really strong and courageous ponies to support their heavily armored riders. Iron Legion An heavily armored and fortified unit. Yasuki light infantry A small unit to covers the flanks of the crab armies. The defenders of the wall A Hida unit trained in ranged attacks and melee to stay on the wall. Ronins on the wall


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A group of ronins trying to join the Crab clan. Minors clan: Ujina Infiltrators of the Hare clan A group of scouts and infiltrators specialized in stealth operations. Usagi rangers of the Hare clan Scouts and warriors trained to use the wilderness. Monkey magistrates During the reign of Toturi I the Empire needed magistrates and Toku stepped. The Monkey magistrates are well know for their devotion. Monkey house guard The elite members of the Toku bushi school are nearly all imperial magistrates. Ox house guard The elite riders of the Ox are trained in many yobanjins weapons. Suzume House guard of the Sparrow clan Trained as bushi, philosophers and many others things. Ichiro bodyguards of the Badger clan The Badger clan are know for protecting the west frontier of the Empire. They offer their members as Yojimbo. Ichiro mercenaries of the Badger clan The Badger clan need money to reconstruct their lands. Fox clan wanderers of the Kitsune house guard A group of bushi and shugenja protecting the forests of their clan. Imperial: Jade Magistrate and Emerald magistrate The two group of imperials magistrates leads by the Jade and Emerald champions. Satoshi's Legacy A group of Miya who have been trained by the traitor Miya Satoshi. The Otomo Infiltrators The Otomo have for mission to insure the clans doesnt unit in a new Gozoku against the emperor. The infiltrators looks for that. Imperial Honor Guard


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The elite warriors that follow the Emperor everywhere to insure his protection. Imperial palace Guard The protectors of the imperial palaces of Otosan uchi and then Toshi Rambo. Empress' Guard The empress'guard have always made of Crane because nearly all the empress was Crane, but they are imperials. They get reinstated during the spirits war when the Doji suddenly realize they was forgetting the reason of the existence of this unit. Seppun House Guard Among the best of the Miharu, they was protecting Kyuden Seppun and the four temples. Seppun hidden guard The best shugenja of the Seppun family join this special unit who have for only function to protect from evil magic the Emperor. The imperial legions: The Emperors legions are divided in a few groups. They are under direct command of the Emperor, who have delegated those powers to the Emerald champion, then later to the Shogun. The 1st Legion, also know as legion of the Sun especially since Toturi Tsudaos time as the leader of this legion. Its the best legion of all, elite of the elite. Their actual leader is Toturi Miyako of the Monkey clan. The Emerald legions: that the name given to the legions with the number 1 to 10. They are the honor guard of the Emperor, the legions that stand around the Imperial city. They are skilled and honorific positions who are shared by both worthy warriors and peoples who get it by political manipulations. The leader of the Emerald legions only was the Protector of Otosan uchi, a defunct function. The actual commanders of the legions are: o 2nd: Ikoma Hasaku makes seppuku during the war of the rich frog. o 3e: Kakita Totani, a duelist know to have problems with the Mantis officer Yoritomo Hotako. o 4e: Hida Tonoji, a berserker. o 5e: Agasha Tomioko, a shugenja trained in the way of water. o 6e: Shosuri Naname, a bushi and courtier. o 7e: Kitsu Dejiko, former follower of Tsudao. o 8e: Horiuchi Nobane, a bushi and keeper of the daisho of water. o 9e: Yoritomo Egumi, who show that bushido exist for the Mantis. o 10e: Hitomi Suguara, a tattooed monk. The other imperial legions: their number varies and they are dispatched through all Rokugan.


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Legion of the 2000 Answering only to the Emperor and the chosen members of his command group, the Legion works like an imperial legion in many ways. All the original members was designed by Toturi 1st itself, and lead by Kitsu Motso. The legion works is to work for the best interest of the Empire outside of the political influence. Ronins: Wolf Legion: The remnants of Toturis army renamed themselves the wolf legion, following the old general Saigorei who leads the Legion of the 2000. They are proud of their status as ronins and try to improve life in Rokugan. The twelve ronins They wasToturi's army elite unit, named like this in memories of the 12 originals ronins who joined the Black Lion. Like the Knights of the round table, that was 12 too, they were 12 at a time but many more was members. Sometimes they were members of the 12 and sometimes they wasn't, depending of the mission. Nagas: Naga slayers Each of them choose one type of enemy and train all his life in the goal of exterminating them. Naga vipers Asp bloodline elite warriors. Naga cavalry Trained with The Mara they are elite females warriors. Naga Pearl Guardians More common among the chameleons, they are naval warriors who stay to protect the undersea nest of the Naga. Naga Spearmen The backbone of the Naga army, who use the Akasha to move as one block. Naga Guards Elite bodyguards and protectors. Naga archers The Naga are know for their mastery of the bow and have a lot of scouts units with ranged attacks.


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Naga spies Elite infiltrators females. The Shahadet's Legion. The Shahadet is the general of the Asp and this unit is his personal guard.

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