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no doubt that
the fast-food
McDonalds’s is
really popular
and loved all
over the world.
They use the
strategy of standardization and adaption where in fact a two opposite strategy to perform.
They showed up and prepared dishes that would make them famous. McDonald’s made it a
branding that only they can make it taste good. The examples of these are McFlurry,
McNuggets, McChicken, or Happy Meal that will make you remember of them though you’re
in different side of the world. You could have it even on the country you’re not familiar with
to show how familiar these taste are. On the other hand, though they promote those same
menu all over the planet, they still have different option to choose from depending on the
country you will buy at. They get along with the preference of different people in the world
so that they will love this fast-food chain even if it is not from their country. They choose to
be flexible to compete on the local market they don’t originated from.

The laws and culture of different countries affect the business operation of
McDonald's. They integrate or adapt to the diversity of each country. They don't force
countries to like them, for all that they make themselves like the country they are going to
work in. they are sensitive and sincere on respecting cultural differences and different
countries own policy of developing menu items. Not only on the taste but also on the visual,
Mcdonald’s will not lose on that. They also adjust on the architecture of their places to
attract locals on going into them.

Overall, I could say that McDonalds really made a great job marketing their own
brand. They put a place on 117 countries that make them famous and loved by different
classes or nationality on the world. That is hard to achieve but Mcdonald’s made it possible
because of how sensitive they are in different culture around the planet. They knew how to
attract without leaving their original product they could show off.

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