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The History of World Scouting

Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell

Chief Scout of the World
Feb. 22, 1857 – Jan. 8, 1941

Boy Scouts of the Philippines

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Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell

originally Robert Stephenson Smyth Powell (before 1869)

Birthdate : Sunday, 22 February 1857

Birthplace : 6 Stanhope Terrace Street, Paddington,
South Kensington, London, England, U.K.
-- the 8th child of 10 children
Nickname : “Stephe” to his family,
“BP” to the Scouts of the world
Father : Rev. Herbert George Baden Powell,
clergyman and math professor at Oxford U.
Mother : Henrietta Grace Smyth,
daughter of Admiral William Henry Smyth
Educated at : Charterhouse
Wife : Olave Saint Claire Soames,
Lady Baden-Powell (1889-1977)
Died : Wednesday, 8 January 1941;
buried in Nyeri, Kenya, Africa
Children : Three (Peter, Heather and Betty.)

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BP and His Family…

H. G. B. Powell + Eliza Rivas (died 1836) No children.

H. G. B. Powell + Charlotte Pope (died 1844)

1 - Charlotte Elizabeth Powell (1838-1917)
2 - Baden Henry Powell (1841-1901)
3 - Louisa Ann Powell (1843-1896)
4 - Leticia Mary Powell (1844-1865)

H. G B. Powell + Henrietta Grace Smyth (1824 – 1914)

1 - Henry Warrington Smyth Baden-Powell (1847-1921)

2 - Sir George Smyth Baden-Powell, K.C.M.G. (1847-1898)
3 - Augustus Smyth Powell * (1849-1863)
4 - Francis Smyth Baden-Powell (1850-1931)
5 - Henrietta Smyth Powell * (1851-1854)
6 - John Penrose Smyth Powell * (1852-1855)
7 - Jessie Smyth Powell * (1855-1856)
8 - Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (1857-1941)
9 - Agnes Smyth Baden-Powell (1858-1945)
10 - (Major) Baden Fletcher Smyth Baden-Powell (1860-1937)
* died before the family name “Powell” was changed to “Baden-
Powell” in 1869

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BP as a Boy…
• His father died when he was 3 years old.
• B.P. was the 8th of 10 children.
• At his early age 11, he went to Rosehill School at Tunbridge
Wells, and with his exemplary character he got a
scholarship grant.

• At the age of 13, he studied at a local school named Charterhouse,

through a foundation scholarship but BP admittedly revealed that he
never did very well in school, but he loves History the most.

• BP lived a glorious outdoor life with his four brothers, hiking

and camping in many parts of England.

• BP became famous with his ability as a goalkeeper on the Charterhouse

Soccer Team. He also loves theater, music and painting.

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• A Painter, Musician, Actor, and Mimic
• A Soldier, Scout, and Spy
• An Outdoorsman
• An Idol of the Youth & a Youth Leader
• A Family Man
• A Friend to All the World
• A Peace Advocate
• A Sportsman

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His teenage life…

• When he was fifteen, the
school was moved to
Goddalming Surrey with
its mysterious small
woods called the
• B.P. always spoke in admiration of his skill in dealing with boys. He
encouraged the development of creativity, innovation, and self-reliance
among his students

• He supplied the school papers with interesting articles, which he also

supplied with amusing illustrations.

• B. P. did not like being good at just one thing but enjoyed whatever the day
brought forth: football, shooting, debating, boating, and most of all acting.
He was a fine mimic, and had a delightful singing voice, and could draw
and write equally well with both hands.
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His teenage life… As a growing boy, Stephe spent many of

his happiest hours at Charterhouse in
“the Copse,” a stretch of woodland
outside the school grounds that was out-
of-bounds to the pupils.

Here he taught himself to snare rabbits

and cook them over a fire so small that
the smoke would not give him away. He
also learned to use an axe and to follow
the tracks of wild animals -- abilities
which would be of great use to him later
in life.

During his school vacations, he joined his four brothers in outdoor adventures,
paddling up the Thames River to its source, hiking in Wales and Scotland, and
boating along the English coast. His love for the outdoors and adventure
during his childhood served as his first guide in planning out the program for

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Boy Scouts of the Philippines City of Mandaluyong Council

At the age of 19, after passing the examinations for

commissioned officers given by the British Army, BP left
England to join the 13th Hussars Regiment in India, the
country he first served in as a soldier.
After eight years’ service in this Asian country, BP, now
a Captain, returned with his regiment to England. But,
on the way home, the ship was ordered to proceed to
South Africa. There was trouble in the colony of
Bechuanaland (now Botswana).
While his regiment remained in Port Natal, BP was sent
to the frontier region alone to survey the mountain
passes in case the regiment had to move inland. He
spent three weeks alone, journeying 600 miles on
horseback, to perform reconnaissance of the
Drakensberg mountains, displaying the great fortitude
with which he accomplished all his assignments.
Fortunately, the Boer trouble simmered down and the
regiment continued on to England.
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In 1887, BP returned to Africa, this time to the Gold Coast

(now Ghana) where the Ashanti king, Prempeh, was defying the
British. In spite of orders against slave trading, Prempeh had
been raiding neighboring tribes and had taken captives. BP
was placed in command of native scouts to go ahead of the
main army to cut a road through the jungle to Kumassi, the
Ashanti capital. When BP approached Prempeh’s “palace,” the
king quickly gave up to the British forces.

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The Founder’s bravery and
cunning were apparently
displayed when he was assigned
to help quell a rebellion in the
Matabeleland. The Matabeles did
not fight openly but attacked
enemies by surprise. BP knew
that it took a spy to catch a spy,
so he used his scouting skills to
the fullest advantage. He was so
good at it that the natives held
him in superstitious awe and
In the Matabele campaign, BP out-scouted the
called him “Impessa,” “Wolf-
Matabele scouts and tracked them among Who-Never-Sleeps.” He was
their native mountains, often alone and at always alert and cunning as a
night, trusting in his skill in springing from wolf.
rock to rock in his rubber-soled shoes to save
him from their pursuit.

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The Boer War or South African War

The Anglo-Boer War was fought between Britain and the two Boer
(Afrikaaner) republics –-the South African Republic (Transvaal) and
the Orange Free State-- from 1899 through 1902. It was caused by
the refusal of the pro-German Boer leader Stephanus Johannes Paulus
Kruger (1825-1904) to grant political rights to Uitlanders
(“foreigners,” mostly British) in the interior mining districts, and
by the aggressiveness of the British High Commissioner, Alfred
Milner (Viscount Milner of Cape Town, 1854-1925).

The Boers quickly gained the advantage in the early months of the
war. During the “Black Week” of 9-15 December 1899, the British
were defeated in six major battles.

The Boers, however, lacked a unified command. Also, their

generals, including Pieter Arnoldus Cronjé (1836-1911), made the
mistake of becoming involved in three sieges -- those of Ladysmith
in Natal, Kimberley in the Orange Free State, and Mafeking on the
border of the Cape Colony and the Transvaal. These sieges tied down
their forces, robbing them of the mobility which gave them their
initial advantage.

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 Boers besieging
the British-held
town of Mafeking.

This and two other

sieges undertaken
by the Boers were
strategic mistakes,
for the delay gave
the British time to

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The Siege of Mafeking – Boer War…

In 1899, Robert was reassigned back to Africa to
oversee a British controlled town called Mafeking.

On October 11, 1899, war broke out between the

British and the Dutch farmer colonialists known
as the Boers.

BP defended Mafeking for 217 days with just a handful of trained

soldiers and rapidly diminishing supplies until British reinforcements
were able to break through the Boer lines.

He spearheaded the organization of the South African Constabulary

and also become Inspector General of the British Cavalry.

After 217 days, the siege was over and B.P. became a popular hero.
He was promoted Major General at the age of 43.
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In Britain, the news of Mafeking’s relief made

the whole country go wild with joy. The
name Baden-Powell was on everyone’s lips.
Queen Victoria made the defender of
Mafeking, at age 43, the youngest Major-
General in the British Army.

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After the lifting of the siege of

Mafeking, the new Maj. Gen. Baden-
Powell was assigned to organize the
South African Constabulary, composed
of Britons, colonials, Asians, and Boers.
His brilliant and humane leadership contributed
hugely to the dissipation of the bitterness
resulting from the Boers’ defeat in the war.
BP regarded the organization of the 10,000-
strong S.A.C. as the greatest achievement in his
military career -- although the S.A.C. later
separated from the Army.

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1903 -- BP was invited by Sir William Alexander Smith

(1854-1914), founder of the Boy’s Brigade, to review a rally of
the quasi-military youth organization. It was attended by 7000
boys out of a membership of 50,000. BP congratulated Sir
William on the magnificent showing, but commented that he
ought to have ten times as many boys, and would have them,
if there was more variety and attraction to the program. “I
agree with you,” said Sir William, “Why don’t you give us such
a program? Why don’t you rewrite your Aids to Scouting into
a book for boys?”

So, for the next two years, BP started gathering ideas for an
educational life training scheme for boys. In 1906 he started
putting his notes together, incorporating his ideas and those
of Englishman Ernest Thompson Seton and American Daniel
Carter Beard.

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The Scout Movement was Born - 1907

Before working on his revised version of the book,
Robert invited a group of 21 boys to join a camp in
Poole Harbor Dorset Brownsea Island, off the
southern coast of England from July 31 to August
9, 1907.

The Brownsea Island Camp…

This camp will be the major deciding point
of whether or not his theories on Scouting
can be applied to young boys. As he did
with the British army soldiers, he divided
the boys into patrols – Wolves, Bulls,
Curlews, and Ravens – and had various
activities that taught the boys leadership,
team-play, resourcefulness, and more.

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The Brownsea Island Camp…

BP on Brownsea Island August 1907

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In January 1908, BP’s Scouting

for Boys began to appear in the
bookstores and on the
newsstands in England in
pamphlet form, one part every
two weeks.
It was published as a whole
book on 1 May 1908 and
became an instant bestseller.

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Scouting for Boys

was first published
in six fortnightly
installments from
15 January through
18 April 1908.

Above shown
are the covers
of the six
original parts of
Scouting for

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Many young boys all over England have placed his Scouting ideas into
practice. Others have formed their own patrols and in most cases a
number of patrols have banded together to form troops under the
leadership of adults.

It became evident to BP that he had created something

important that would require his complete attention.
In 1910, he retired from the British Army to devote
himself entirely to the Movement that was rapidly
circling the globe.

The First Boy Scout Rally …

This need for organization was realized in
1909 when Robert Baden-Powell invited all those
interested in Scouting to join him in Crystal Palace
to join him for the first ever Boy Scout Rally. To
their surprise however 11,000 boys showed up in
Crystal Palace. Thus the Boy Scout movement
officially started.

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Scouting Went to America…

One day in 1909 in London, England, an American visitor,
William Dickinson Boyce (1858-1929), lost his way in a dense
fog. He stopped under a street lamp and tried to figure out
where he was.

A boy approached him and asked if he could be of help. “You

certainly can,” said Boyce. He told the boy that he wanted to find
a certain business office in the center of the city.

“I’ll take you there,” said the boy. When they got to the
destination, Mr. Boyce reached into his pocket for a tip. But the
boy stopped him. “No thank you, sir, I am a Scout. I won’t take
anything for helping.”

“A Scout? And what might that be?” asked Boyce. The boy told
the American about himself and his brother Scouts. Boyce
became very interested. After finishing his errand, he had the
boy take him to the British Scouting office. At the office, Boyce
met national idol Robert Baden-Powell.

The Year Was 1910… BTC-TL – History of Scouting
Boy Scouts of the Philippines City of Mandaluyong Council

Boyce was so impressed with what he learned that he

decided to bring Scouting home with him.

On 8 February 1910, Boyce and a group of outstanding

leaders founded the Boy Scouts of America. Since then
February 8 has been celebrated as the birthday of the Boy
Scouts of America. One Good Turn to one man became a
Good Turn to millions of American –and Filipino!-- boys.

Read more about Boyce in the book Lone Scout: W.D.

Boyce and American Boy Scouting by Janice Petterchak.

1st Chief Scout CARTER BEARD 1st Chief Scout Executive
BSA 1st National Commissioner BSA

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BP as ambassador of the Scout

BP visited the
British territories
and other countries,
making friends and inspiring
people everywhere.

With the organization of Scout Units and

Associations in many countries, BP consolidated the
Movement for preservation of its standards.

He was able to effect this with the organization and

inauguration of the biennial International Boy
Scouts Conference (now the World Scout
Conference) at the close of the First World Jamboree
in London in 1920.
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On 19 July 1919, Gilwell Park, the new training

center for Scoutmasters, shown here in an early
illustration, opened in Epping Forest.
Today, Gilwell still holds sentimental value
for Scouters worldwide due to its association
with the Founder. The head of training in each
Scouting country is called the Deputy Gilwell
Camp Chief.


September , 1919
BP Conducted the
1st Wood Badge Course

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On 7 August 1920, as BP
mounted the days to close the
First World Jamboree at the
Olympia, a young voice
proclaimed, “We, the Scouts of
the World, salute you, Sir Robert
Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the


London, England, U.K.
30 July – 8 August 1920

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• BP got married at the age of 55 to a

young lady of 23 by the name Olave
Soames. They lived happily for 30
years with three children, Peter,
Heather and Betty.

BP and His Family…

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The Baden-Powells, left to right:

Lady BP, Heather, Peter, Lord BP,
and Betty.
BP was a loving husband and
father to his family. His pet name
for his wife was “Dindo,” while she
affectionately called him “Bin.”

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BP the Sportsman
BP the Actor
BP the Musician
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BP with Lord
his successor
as Chief Scout
of the Empire

BP says goodbye to the Scouts of

the world at his last World
Jamboree, the 5th World Jamboree
in Vogelenzang and Bloemendaal in
the Netherlands.

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At age 80, BP returned to Africa

to spend his remaining days in
the country he loved so well.
With his wife, Olave Lady
Baden-Powell, World Chief
Guide, he settled in Nyeri,

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Dear Scouts, Chief Scout’s Last Message
If you have ever seen the play Peter Pan you will remember how the pirate chief was always
making his dying speech because he was afraid that possibly when the time came for him to die
he might not have time to get it off his chest. It is much the same with me, and so, although I
am not at this moment dying, I shall be doing so one of these days and I want to send you a
parting word of good-bye.

Remember, it is the last you will ever hear from me, so think it over.

I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have as happy a life too. I believe
that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn’t come from
being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step
towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can
be useful and so can enjoy life when you are a man.

Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world
for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the
bright side of things instead of the gloomy one. But the real way to get happiness is by giving
out happiness to other people. Try to leave this world a little better than you found it and when
your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your
time but have done your best. Be prepared in this way, to live happy and to die happy – stick to
your Scout Promise always – even after you have ceased to be a boy -- and God help you to do

Your friend,
Robert Baden-Powell
Boy Scouts of the Philippines City of Mandaluyong Council

On 8 January 1941, he joined The Great Scoutmaster

of all times. Buried in a simple grave at Kenya, Nyeri,
Africa within sight of Mount Kenya.

On the
Headstone of
BP’s grave is
the Scout
trail sign for
“gone home.”

The final trail… BP’s Funeral March…

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BP on stamps

BP has been featured in

over 100 postage stamps
around the world, more than
any other person.

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1907 -- 2007
In 2007, the Movement celebrated the
centennial of BP’s 1907 Brownsea
Island camp and the birth of the
Movement, and BP’s 150th
anniversary, with the Centennial
World Jamboree in England.
From 1907, over 250 million
boys and girls of many nations
have been Scouts.

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