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In Swami Vivekananda, everything is positive and nothing negative.

He espoused the idea of ‗focused

thought‘ and recommended us to ―Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it,
live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave
every other idea alone.‖

For Vivekananda, an uncontrolled mind leads to negativity in life and a controlled mind saves us and frees us
from such thoughts. He propagated the idea that ‗Self-awareness‘ is the best way to control one‘s mind. Will
power and determination can also stop mind from wandering. His advice comes with a warning: To keep the
mind under control one has to practice and repeat the same thought over and over again. Practice of
controlling one‘s mind should be done twice a day especially in the morning and evening as those are the
calmest times of the day. This, he believed, would decrease vagaries of the mind. When it comes to mind
control, Vivekananda observed that it is the control of the mind that separates men from animals and it is the
difference in concentration that makes one man different from another.

Meditation means the mind is turned back upon itself. The mind stops all the thought-waves and the world
stops. Our consciousness expands. Every time we meditate we will keep our growth. We have to seize this
unstable mind and drag it from its wanderings and fix it on one idea. Over and over again this must be done.
By power of will we must get hold of the mind and make it stop and reflect upon the glory of God.

All these senses, external and internal, must be under our control. We should be able to say to our mind, ―You
are mine; I order you, do not see or hear anything‖, and the mind will not see or hear anything — no form or
sound will react on the mind.

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