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Making a video based on Minecraft, a video with the “main character” being in all the events

listed below

Jesus turns water into a wedding John 2:1-11
Jesus Calms the storm Mathew 8:23-27
Jesus Walking on water Matthew 14:22-33
Jesus gets killed


Plot: Event Jesus turns water into wine at the wedding, the main character goes to the
wedding and watches Jesus perform the miracle.

Event: Jesus calming the storm, The other person was also on the boat, and watches Jesus
calming the storm

Event: Jesus walking on water, the main character was on another boat when he saw Jesus
walking on water and got shocked

Event: he was one of the people that watched Jesus die


The main character (Luna)


other NPCs


Scene: Jesus turning water into wine

Other people at the wedding

Scene: Jesus calming the storm

Scene: Jesus walking on water

Scene: Jesus gets crucified

Scene 1

Narrator: Here is steve, a normal medival men who is the friend of jesus,
Steve: Hey jesus, how have you been?

Jesus: Just normal, anyways what are you here for?

Steve: A bottle of wine but i got no money

Jesus: No worries i got u

(Steve gives wine to Jesus)

(Magical stuff)

Jesus: There you have it

Steve: That's crazy thx!

Scene 2

Steve: Seems lik there won't be a storm today, the weather looks good, with not a single


Steve: Oh no this is not good

Steve: jesus jesus jesus wake up!!, there's a storm

Jesus walkes up, looks at the storm, storm calms down

Steve: crazy, how did u do that?

Jesus: U believed in me, that's how it worked

Scene 3

Narrator: Not long after, jesus got killed on the cross

(back to the bar)

random: Hey! Steve! did you know that someone saw jesus alive again?
Steve: wat?? where?
Random: ill tell you follow me.

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