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Agriculture sector:

Agriculture sector play a key role in each and every once life in the same way in
economy. The agriculture sector of India has occupied almost 47% of geographical area. Through
the help of the agriculture the other sectors will run effectively without it the other sector may not
effectively. Agriculture is a part of every once life without this they cannot live alive . At present
the agriculture sector growth is decreasing while compare with the past and also the quality of the
coming products also having a less quality. The gross crop area of food grains was 75.54% in 1970-91
and 63.52% in 2007-08 (Figure 4). The growth rate of food grains production was declined 1.78%
between 2000-01 and 2007-08. The food grains and the major crops area, production and
productivity are decreased due to overexploitation of fertilizer, improper advent of season or
monsoon, overexploitation of land. The metropolis people are shifting toward countryside for
livelihood and business that transforms agricultural land into infrastructure land. A man is bearer of
agricultural land but his present generation is not aim into agricultural profession. This will reduce an
experienced and skilled manpower into upcoming period. The farmer is receiving irregular benefit of
agricultural schemes and projects. The commercial bank and the cooperative bank are not passes
agriculture loan appropriate manner of Indian farmers. The government had disclosed 25-50%
subsidy to farm machine and tools in 2013-14 and 80% subsidy to farm machine and tools in 2014-15
(Figure 14). These benefits of subsidy are received by large farmers not by marginal and small
farmers due to shortage of mortgage. There was a clear upward price trend again on international
raw materials markets in 1987. The period of excess supply and pressure on prices, which had lasted
a number of years, thus came to an end. The more rapid expansion of industrial production in
western countries led to an increase in demand on markets for industrial raw materials. Non-ferrous
metals were particularly affected by the upward trend, since producers continued to limit the supply
in the light of their experiences during the preceding years of downward price trends.


Industrial sector refers to that sector of economy which is related with manufacturing and
production of different products. The industrial sector of the economy is one that make
finished products which can then be utilized viz. construction and manufacturing
industry. Industrial sector is also known as secondary sector. Industrial sector usually
accepts the primary sector end product and then applies them to construct completed
products that are then either purchased by the end user or sent for further processing or
fabrication. The industrial or secondary sector can be classified into two types: heavy
industry and light industry. Most industries transform raw materials into finished products.
Large quantities of energy are consumed to run the process. Manufacturing industries tend
to generate pollution and are the source of environmental problems. Manufacturing has
emerged as one of the high growth sectors in India. Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, launched
the ‘Make in India’ program to place India on the world map as a manufacturing hub and give global
recognition to the Indian economy. Government aims to create 100 million new jobs in the sector by 2022

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