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Một đoạn ᴠăn trong phần thân bài có thể ᴠiết ᴠới cấu trúc

(Linking ᴡord) Topic Sentence(Linking ᴡord 1) Supporting Idea 1 + Eхpanding +

Eхample(Linking ᴡord 2) Supporting Idea 2 + Eхpanding + Eхample(Linking ᴡord)
Concluding Sentence

Ở phần tiếp theo của bài ᴠiết, mình ѕẽ đi ᴠào trao đổi cụ thể cách ᴠiết từng câu trong đoạn
ᴠăn đầu tiên của thân bài ᴠà hướng ᴠiết cho đoạn 2 ᴠà đọan 3:

II. Đoạn ᴠăn thân bài 1:

1. Câu chủ đề (Topic Sentence):

Nên mở đầu câu topic ѕentence bằng mộtLinking ᴡord. Một ѕố ᴠí dụ:

Firѕt/ Firѕtlу/ Firѕt of all,…In the firѕt place,..

Firѕt and Foremoѕt,…To begin/ѕtart ᴡith,…

Sau đó, bạn bắt đầu ᴠiết phần chính của câu chủ đề đầu tiên. Một ѕố mẫu câu:

What iѕ of utmoѕt importance iѕ…What ѕhould be the prioritу iѕ…What holdѕ the moѕt
importance iѕ…

Sau các mẫu câu đó là một cụm danh từ (Noun Phraѕe)

Ví dụ:“Happineѕѕ iѕ conѕidered ᴠerу important in life. What are the beѕt ᴡaуѕ to be happу?”

Đoạn thân bài đầu tiên ѕẽ mở đầu bằng: “To begin ᴡith, ᴡhat holdѕ the moѕt importance iѕ
a poѕitiᴠe attitude to life”

III. Đoạn ᴠăn thân bài 2 ᴠà 3:

Về cơ bản tuân thủ nguуên tắc ᴠiết đoạn ᴠăn thân bài 1, chỉ khác ở phương tiện liên kết ở
đầu đoạn ᴠà cách ᴠiết topic ѕenctence:

1. Linking ᴡordѕ:

Đoạn 2: Các linking ᴡordѕ:Second of all/ Second/ Secondlу/ In the ѕecond place/…Đoạn
3:Các linking ᴡordѕ:Laѕtlу/ Finallу/ Laѕt but not leaѕt/…
2. Topic ѕentence:

… iѕ of equal importance/ iѕ equallу important/…… iѕ of paramount importance …… iѕ alѕo

ᴡhat ѕhould be taken into conѕideration.… iѕ another contributing factor to …… iѕ alѕo
noteᴡorthу…The ѕecond noteᴡorthу reaѕon/adᴠantage/… iѕ …
Now days smoking have become a fashionable & common practice among young boys and

girls. Smoking initially becomes a habit when young scholars try to experiment new things

at an early age.

Despite of the ill effects caused by smoking adults too continue to smoke.

Even cigarette packets display the warning mentioning the harmful effects caused due to

smoking. But nobody pays heed to it. Even educated people ignore it.

Smoking makes people addicted towards it. Those who want to get rid of it fail to refrain

themselves from picking up a cigarette or cigar & puffing it away. Youngsters smoke

because they think that smoking makes them appear broad minded and liberated. In the

beginning youngsters take few puffs from their friend’s cigarette & later these puffs

converts into a habit & it becomes a major part of their life.

After a period of time smoking start affecting its smoker’s health. Many people become

chain smokers. Nicotine present in the cigarette causes cancer, asthma, damages heart,

brain, liver and lungs.

However every smoker is aware about the ill effects caused by smoking then too he/ she do

not give it up. Tobacco companies are making huge profits every year all around the world.

Every year governments try to hike tobacco prices to discourage the smokers. Yet they

continue to be the slaves.

Smokers are ready to pay a large part of their earning to buy a packet of cigarette. The

family members of these people are also forced to inhale the smoke that they exhale.

Smoking causes a lot of problem in the digestive system of the body. Smokers generally

have bad breathe, smelly room, smelly hair and smelly clothes. Even if somebody quit

smoking it’s very difficult to get rid of this smell.

Smoking makes your teeth look brown or yellow. It is very difficult to remove cigarette

stain from the teeth. Even spending a lot of money does not help. Distinguished teeth depict

an unhygienic image & makes people look more than their actual age. Many people are not

aware of these facts when they start smoking.

Staying away from smoking can give you a new life. It can make you more energetic and can

also help you to save a lot of money. It can help you to perform better and make you look

better. Smoking is a habit but it one has to stop smoking it can be done by strong will


Heart and Blood Vessel Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that smoking increases the risk of
heart disease and stroke twofold to fourfold 12. Smoking causes blood vessel narrowing,
which leads to reduced blood delivery to body tissues. Smoking also increases the risk for
weakening and ballooning blood vessels, known as aneurysms. Rupture of an aneurysm
can lead to stroke or sudden death.

Lung Disease

A September 2003 report from CDC noted that 49 percent of current smokers have chronic
bronchitis and 24 percent have emphysema. Among former smokers, 24 percent have
emphysema and 26 percent have chronic bronchitis. The risk of dying from chronic
obstructive lung disease, or COPD, is 12 to 13 times higher among smokers compared to

Weak Bones

Women smokers have higher rates of osteoporosis and hip fractures after menopause.
According to a hallmark 1997 study published in "BMJ," 1 in 8 hip fractures among women
is due to smoking. At age 60, the risk of hip fractures in female smokers is 17 percent
higher than in nonsmokers and is 71 percent higher at age 80.


Cigarette smoke contains numerous chemicals, including more than 50 that are known to
cause cancer, reports the American Lung Association 345. Smokers have higher rates of
many kinds of cancer, including those of the lung, stomach, bladder, mouth and esophagus.
Cigarette smoking is responsible for approximately 90 percent of lung cancer cases. The
American Cancer Society reports that as of 2013, only about 16 percent of people with lung
cancer survive 5 years or longer 49.

Secondary Harm

Secondhand smoke causes cancer and other disease 9. The American Cancer Society notes
that secondhand smoke is responsible for more than 45,000 deaths due to heart disease
and about 3,400 deaths due to lung cancer in nonsmokers in the U.S. each year 479.
Children exposed to secondhand smoke have more ear infections and colds and an
increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome, explains the American Lung
Association 345.

10 Lines on Disadvantages of Internet

1) Hacking is the most common disadvantage of the internet.

2) Personal information in social media is very much vulnerable to hackers.

3) Virus threats on the internet can damage your data and information.

4) Too much addiction to internet leads to time wastage, affecting our productivity and

5) Children should use the internet only under parental guidance.

6) Addiction to online games affects health leading to obesity and serious health issues.

7) Phishing is the activity to obtain personal and sensitive information disguising as some
trustworthy source.

8) Internet acts as a distraction for the students who spend too much time surfing and
playing games.

9) There are many audio and video contents which are not suitable for certain age groups.

10) The pictures and videos posted on social media are always vulnerable.

17) The addiction of internet has made us restless.

18) We have now become completely dependent on the internet and don’t want to work

19) Online Gaming is trending among students, and it wastes their study time.

20) Cyber Bullying has become one of the major and most frequent problems for us.
The internet is the network of computers, which we use for communication, education,
office work, and other computer-related tasks.  We need the internet for our day to day
activities.  Although the internet has several advantages, we cannot turn a blind eye to its

The internet has a negative influence on minors.  Children waste their valuable time by
playing games and chatting with friends on the internet.  Continuous usage of the internet
leads to a lazy attitude.  We may suffer from illnesses, such as obesity, incorrect posture,
defect in eyes, etc.

The internet is also giving rise to cybercrimes, such as hacking, scamming, identity theft,
computer virus, fraud, pornography, violence, etc.  Trolling, stalking, and cyberbullying is
becoming a rage on the internet.

Thus, we should use the internet in moderation.  We should not let the internet dominate
our lives.  We should spend quality time with family, and indulge in playing outdoor
games.  Too much of anything is never good for a healthy mind and soul.

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