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883 ABROTTS' FORMS. ‘Deed of Surrender. 748, Deed of Surrender of a Term for Life or Years to the Reversioner, ‘Tuts twpexrons, made this day of, in the year one thousand eight bundred and —, between A.B. of , in the countyof and State of, merchant, of the first part, and Y.Z, of in the said ‘county, farmer, of the second part: ‘Wurrnzas, by his will, bearing date the deyof 18 , MLN. dovised a lifo-estato in the premises hereinafter described to the party of the first part, with remainder over in fee to the party of the second part {or, by a lease bearing date, ete., the said M. N. leased to O. P. the premises hereinaiter described, of which lease the party of the first. part bas become the assignee, and the reversion of said premises has beeome vested in the party of the wecond part}. ‘Now rms mpexronx wirxessers, that, in consideration of dollars, to him paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said party of the first part has granted, bargained, sold, surrendered and yielded up, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, surrender and yield up unto the said party of the second part, his heirs ‘and assigns, forover, all [here insert description of the premises, or refer to lease, ete» therefor], and all the estate, right, title, interest, term, property, laim and demand whatsoever, of the party of the first. part, of, in, to or ‘ut of the same or any part thereof: To nave axp to now the Aid lands ‘and premises to the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, to his and their only proper uso and behoof forever. [Covenant against grantor's acts may be inserted.) In wersess [ete, as in Form 746). 49. Short Form of Surrender of Lease to be Indorsed. Thereon.(d) Kxow att way by these presents, that I, A. B, the lessee in [or, assignee of] the within leaso, hereby, in consideration of one dollar, surrender and yield up the term thereby ereated to Y. Z. the lessor (or, the owner of the reversion}. Ix wrrvess wutnsor, I have hereunto set my hand and eoal, this, day of , in the year ono thousand eight hundred and". Signed, sealed and delivered H A.B. (Seat] in the presence of : [Signature of witness . 760, Deed Creating a Joint Tenancy. ‘Tas rwpextcnx, made tho day of in the year one thousand eight hundred and =, between A.B, of |, in the county of, and State of merchant [and . B, his wife], of tho first part, and W.X. and ¥.Z,of "in the said county, merchants, of the second part:* ‘Wirvasszra, that the said party (or, parties] of the first part, in considera (@) Merely cancelling a lease is not effectual

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