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section ISMB-500 carries a working axial load of 1500
KN including self weight
S"4 Sitable slab base assuming E250 steel and grade of concrete M 20.
See Unit: Column Bases by L.S.M., Question No. 5 of Long Answer 1ype Questions

C k the safety of the Purlin Section ISMC 125 for (DL+LL) case only with the following

i) Spacing
of truss 6.0m
in) The purlins have effective
length 2.0 m about y-axis
ii) The pitch of truss 1:3
iv) Live load intensity 580N/m*
v) Spacing of Purlins 1.4 mar
vi) Purlins are two spans continuous
vi) Propety of ISMC-125, w =127N/m, A=1619 m, =l25mm, b,*ó5mm,.i,5.Imm,
t,=8.Imm, C, (distance of centroid from back) 19.5m, I, = 425x10' mm', I, = 61.1x10 mm

50.5 mm, r, = 19.1mm, Z = 68.1x10' mm', Z = 17.15x10 mm, Z, =13.0x10'mm

Z=15.0x10 mm
vii) The sheeting above has a unit weight of 175 N per Sq.m.
See Unit: Design of Flexural Members for BM and SF by LS.M., Question No. 7 of
Long Answer Type Questions.

Question Paper 2019 (June)

1 Answer the following questions (any twenty):

Fillin the blanks:
i) A laterally unsupported beam buckles in both (vertical & horizontal) direction.
i) Bending stress is maximum in extreme fibre of the beam.
ii) A column section comprising of two separate channel sections spaced apart are connected by
lacings &batlens to work as a composite section.
iv) The diameter of bolt hole is more than nominal diameter of bolt.
v) The Load factor under (DL +LL) combination is 1s
vi) The bolts which are connected to base plate to keep the base plate in contact with concrete base
is known as Anchor bol.
vii) The leg of an angle section which is not connected to the other connected member is known as

Unconnected leg.
viü) Sag Angle generally is a tension member.

Question Papers DSS.189

vhetherthe owingstatements are TRUE or FALSE
beam section
shear stress is maximum at the flanges. Falsel
For a
c ofa structure where wind strikes known as Leeward side.
x) The f False
beam with two span continuous. [Truel
purlin is designed
as a
xi) om chord member of a cantilever roof truss is essentially a compression member.
bottom cho
hracket connection the overall stress is minimum in a bolt which is at a maximum

from centroid of the

bolt system. [Falsel
In calculation of efiective area of an angle under tension equal weightage of connected and
of the angles are considered. Falsel
outstanding leg
and Lx may be different. Truel
v)For any column Ly
sections are stronger against Torsion.
xi) Open

Choosethe correct answer from the given
be designed for
xvi) Beam should
(a) flexural strength (b) stiffness
(c)local buckling (d) all the above

that it can in tension is classified


xviit) A column that can support same load in compression

(b) long column
(a)short column
(c) intermediate column (d) none of these

xix) The mode of failure of fillet weld is

(c) bearing (d) crushing
a) tension (b) shear
stress occurs
for tension member in which reversal of direct
) Ihe maxímium slenderness ratio a

Que to loads other than wind or seismic forces, is

(d) 300
(c) 250
(a) 150 (b) 180
tension in steel beams
to that of bending
in bending compression
e ratio of allowable stress
(c)> or = 1 (d)>1
(a)1 (b) or=1
member should not exceed
ximum pitch ofthe bolts for a
a 2.5 times the diameter of the bolts

4times the diameterofthe bolt hole

)12t or 200 mm whichever is lesS thickness of plate)
(d) 1 t is the minimum
Or 200 mm whichever is less (where,

ble is
xxii) A steel plate is 25 cm wide and 12 mm thick. If the diameter of the bolt hole is 220
mm, the
net sectional area of the plate is
(a) (c) 276 cm (d) 25 cm?
(b) 27.6 cm

XXIV) The shear strength of the bolt can be written as fsAn, where 1, Is given by

(a) , 3x1.25) (b) s,(V3 x1.10)

() U3 x125) (d) , 3 x1.10)

2. Two plates 10 mm x 60 mm are connected in a lap joint with 5 M 16 boits ofgrade 4.6 and 410
grade plates. The centre to centre distance of bolts (pitch) is 40 mm and edge distance on both
sides is 30 mm. Calculate the strength of the joint. Assume shear plane is through the threaded
See Unit Design of Connections and Detailing Questions No. 10 of Long Answer
Type Questions.

3. a) What is throat thickness of weld?

See Unit: Design of Connections and Detailing, Questions No. 12.a) of Long Answer

Type Questions
b) The tie member of a truss is made of ISA 75 x 75 x6 and it is subjected to a factored tensie
load of 100 kN. It is connected to 8 mm thick gusset plate. Design a welded connection (Sste
weld). The centroid of the section is 20.6 mm from the back of the table side of the angle. Drawa
sketch also.
See Unit Design of Connections and Detailing, Questions No. 12.b) of Long AnSwe
Type Questions.

4. A single unequal angle ISA 100* 75* 8 is connected to a 12

thick gusset plate at the

with 6 numbers of 20 mm diameter bolts to transfer the tension at pitch 50 mm and edge
30 mm. Determine the design tensile strength of the angle if the gusset plate is connected o the
100 mm leg. The yield strength and the ultimate strength of the steel used are 250 MPa anu1400
respectively. The gauge distance of bolts is at
l a b l e

MPa a distance 60 mm from the back of tne

side of the angle.
of Tension Members
n s w e r

See Unit Design by L.S.M., Questions No. 8 of Long A

Type Questions.

the allowable design
Question Papers
axial load
on the column section DSS.191
of the column is 4 m and it is pin ended. ISMB 450@ 710.3 N/m
E 2X
6 NImm; Sectional properties, An Assume that f, 250 N/mm: f-410N/ mm
9227 mm*; h=450
mm, t =9.4mm;rz181.5 mm;ry= 30.10 mm. mm; b= 150 mm; 17.4
See Unit: Design
Compression Members by L.S.M.,
Answer Type Questions. Questions No. 9 of

Desion the base plate for an IsHB S00 @ 618 N /m column to

me carry a factored load of 1000 kN.
Fe 410 grade steel and M25 grade concrete. For the section A 8025 = mm; h =300 mm
h=250mm; t= 10.6 mm; tw 94 mm; l 5 129.50 x 10 mm'; 127.0 mm; L- 22.46 x 10
mm; ry52.9 mm.
Cao IInit: Column Bases by L.S.M.,
Questions No. 9 of Long Answer Type Questions.
7.A simply supported steel joist of 5.0 m span has to support a load of 60 kN/m (inclusive of self
weight). The beam compression flange is restrained against buckling. Design an appropriate
section using steel of grade Fe 410. Available section ISWB 400 @ 654 N/m, with: Z, = 1.290 x
10 mm'; h= 400 mm; br= 200 mm; 4=13 mm; t,=8.6 mm; ri=13 mm;Z,=1.171x 10°mm
234.26 x 10° mm; E=2.0 x 10 N /mm.
See Unit: Design of Flexural Members for BM and SF by L.S.M, Questions No. 8 of

Long Answer Type Questions.

load of112.5 kN
8. A trussbottom chord member (tie member) is subjected to an axial tensile
a suitable section for the member.
under DL condition and 130.5 kN under LL condition. Design
thick gusset plate may be designed
A double back to back member on both sides of 10 mm
angled 100x 100x 8 and
wItn L3.125 m and L= 5.0 mn. Available sections are ISA 90 x90x 8, ISA
ISA 75x 75x6.
L.S.M., Questions No. 9 of
of Flexural Members for BM
and SF by

Long Answer Type Questions.

DL and axial
DL is 85% of maximum
rOr the same problem of number 8,
if the minimum load.
same bottom
chord member for compressive
Compre under WL is 225 kN, design gyration
Centre of Gravity |
ofinertia Radi of
Angle Section Sectional area
Section I y in mm T yy n mm

mm? Ca Gy in m m 23
45.7x 10
ISA 75x 75x6 20.6
866 104.2x 10 27.5
ISA90x 90x8 1379 145.1x 10" 30.7
ISA100x 100x8 1539

Channel Sectional area | Centre of Gravity Moment of inertia
Moment of inertia
Section mm Cy mm about major axis Izz about minor axis
mm mm
ISMC 100 1170 186.7x 10
15.3 25.9x 10
ISMC 125 1619 416.4x 10
ISMC 150
19.4 59.9x10
2088 22.2 779.4x 10 102.3x 10
See Unit:
Design of Compression Members by L.S.M., Questions No. 10 of
of Long
Answer Type Questions. Lon

Design a channel section purlin for an Industrial building roof for the
(a) Distance between c/c of truss is 6 m
following data:
(b) Distance between c/c of purlins is 1.35 m.
()Effective length of purlin about minor axis is one third that of major axis.
(d) Inclination of roof surface with the horizontal is 1V: 3H.
() Weight of sheets 175 N /m.
( Wind load normal to the roof= 1.5 KN/ m.
()Steel of grade Fe 410.
(h) Any other data may be suitably assumed.
See Unit: Design of Flexural Members for BM and SF by L.S.M., Questions No. 10 of
Long Answer Type Questions.

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