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Awara Corporate Communication

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Awara Corporate Communication

Awara Mattress is a relatively new company committed and determined to take its share

in the mattress and bedding industry. The company consistently observes best communication

practices to convince customers and stakeholders to buy into its strategic vision. Awara is an

eco-friendly company that provides quality mattresses from naturally sourced materials. Through

its corporate communication strategies, the company has gained a massive brand reputation for

its wide selection of comfortable, durable, and environmentally friendly mattresses. Awara's

recent success can be attributed to its understanding of the needs of the millennial generation and

the purchasing trends – currently, most consumers are environmentally conscious, which greatly

influences their purchasing decision. Accordingly, Awara has applied internal and external

communication to effectively convince its employees, customers, and stakeholders to support its

strategic vision ("Awara," n.d.). The following section will give insight into the quality of

Awara's communication practices.

Awara understands that effective communication is crucial to what the company offers to

its stakeholders and customers. From an internal communication perspective, it's evident that

employees of Awara are happy and satisfied workers who enjoy a good working relationship

with the management. There are no evident cases of a group of Awara employees revealing any

toxic culture or mistrust within the company. As such, it's evident that there exists a bottom-up

and transparent communication approach within Awara. Further, Awara encourages a culture of

inclusivity and diversity in its workforce with clear internal reporting processes. Further, the

company always communicates with its employees wishing them nice holidays. In turn, Awara

employees also talk nicely to potential customers on YoutTube Videos explaining all the quality

features of the company products.


Awara has also applied several elements of corporate communication to boost the

company's visibility in the market and attract more customers, especially targeting the eco-

conscious segment. It's important to note that Awara launched its products under different brand

names, such as Awara Natural Hybrid Mattress, the premier Natural Hybrid Mattress, Latex

Pillows, and so forth. The idea behind having every brand under a different name is to allow the

brand to communicate its value proposition to the target market effectively. In other words, the

consumers are given a chance to choose a product that they desire based on comfortability and

ergonometric features. Unlike other brands operating traditional mattress stores, Awara only sells

its products online ("Awara," n.d.). Therefore, placing every product under its own category

makes it easier and more convenient for the company to serve its customers and establish an

effective line of communication where customers can make queries and give feedback on a

particular item.

Another key component of Awara's corporate communication is its focus on

sustainability. The company has effectively brought a breath of fresh air to many consumers who

are conscious and very sensitive about environmental issues. Awara is already certified by the

'Tree for the Future organization. Therefore, by communicating to the customers that every

mattress bought contributes to planting trees, it appeals to environmentally-conscious customers

who support climate protection. Further, Awara has gone ahead to explain through various

platforms, including its website, the importance of buying latex mattresses with superior

synthetic foam. However, it's important to note that the latex mattress is not fit for everybody. It's

only good for people who sleep on their backs. Otherwise, people who sleep on their side require

a softer mattress that allows them to 'sink' in and feel comfortable. Based on the customer

reviews, many of them feel that Awara's hybrid mattress offers comfort and relief, especially

those who sleep on their stomach or back (Dobric, 2021).

Accordingly, one can deduce that Awara's corporate communication strategy is effective.

As mentioned earlier, the company sells its products online and does not operate traditional retail

stores. Many people are currently purchasing their products online, and Awara is determined to

explore that avenue to acquire a sizable market share in the furniture and bedding industry.

However, reaching target consumers online is a daunting task, and Awara must develop a more

robust corporate communication strategy that targets environmentally-conscious consumers

globally. The following section provides an advisory pitch focusing on a single social media

element to help Awara improve its corporate communication strategy (Dobric, 2021).

First, Awara, an online business, hasn't fully utilized all the digital and social media

platforms. Awara's digital presence leaves a lot to be desired. The company has not fully utilized

its current social media platforms to reach its target market. Social media is an important element

of corporate communication and impacts business success. Research shows that most internet

users spend about 30% of their time daily browsing through social media sites like Facebook,

Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram, among others. This is enough time for Awara to

harness and establish meaningful connections with its target market segment.

Social media plays a significant role in corporate communication both internally and

externally. In the eyes of visionary leaders, social media will play a significant role in shaping

the future business direction. Modern organizations are already harnessing the capabilities of

social media and are using them to communicate or inform and educate their audience like never

before (Dobric, 2021). Whether Awara likes it or not, social media is a vital element of corporate

communication that will help the company communicate with its employees and reach its


However, Awara must understand that social media platforms should not just be used to

promote the company's products in a sales-oriented manner; rather, it should be used to align the

Awara brand with its target market. Most young people aged 18 to 34 often follow a specific

brand through social media networking. Unfortunately, many companies judge their social media

success based on the number of likes or impressions on their social media pages like Twitter.

However, the true value of social networking is illustrated by how the followers connect and

engage with the content that a company shares on these platforms (Ross, 2021). If Awara can

create content that connects with its target audience (mostly eco-conscious customers), it's

possible to identify whether social media is useful in reaching the target audience.

Social media and corporate communication are intertwined. In these social networking

platforms, customers and employees engage and keep up with recent market trends and

developments happening in the company. For a company that prides itself in eco-friendly

processes and products, surely, using social media platforms will be an efficient and more cost-

effective approach to engage customers and employees – that will help Awara to develop a

unique brand identity that resonates well with people who are conscious about climate change

(Winkler & Today, 2022).

Second, social media will allow Awara's target market to visualize the specific brands.

The proverbial phrase that a picture is worth more than a thousand words clearly describes the

importance of social media in visualizing different products. Customers absorb visual

information more effectively than spoken or written words. As such, Awara must translate the

information about its products and vision creatively and confidently. Social media will enable the

company to use imagery, online videos, and 'emojis' to communicate with the millennial

generation and help them identify and understand the important qualities and values of the

Awara brand more effectively. Visualizing the company's values, vision, and products is

arguably the most important role social media will play in corporate communication.

Further, Awara can also utilize social media to communicate with its employees as well

as the wider public. By using compelling content, Awara can also make its employees to be fans

of the Awara brand in the same way the company intends to attract and acquire new customers.

Involving employees in the business creates a sense of belonging, and they can be the best brad

ambassadors for Awara. Communicating to employees and allowing them to engage with

customers online effectively improves their motivation to deliver and achieve the organizational

goal. A key point to note here is that there must be transparent communication and the leadership

should ensure that is always upheld

However, Awara should also understand that social media is like a double-edged sword.

While the element of social media can effectively improve Awara's corporate communication

and even help the company create brand awareness on a global scale, it can also cause serious

damage to the company's reputation, especially when things are not handled appropriately. Every

internet user has their opinion and a voice, and sometimes such opinions might not always align

to the company's position. A single mistake in online campaigns or comments from the company

can spiral out of control and create a domino effect on the company's reputation. Therefore,

Awara should creatively integrate social listening tools in its corporate communication strategy

in order to maximize the benefits of social media in the overall corporate strategy.


Avocado vs Awara | Updated 2022. (n.d.). Slumber Search - 10,000+ Mattress Ratings &


Awara. (n.d.). Awara.

Dobric, M. (2021, October 21). Awara mattress reviews (Analyzed & compared).


Ross, M. (2021, June 7). Awara mattress review.


Winkler, J., & TODAY, U. (2022, March 13). Awara mattress bundles are up to $799 off right

now—save big during sleep week 2022.



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