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BIOA01H3 Y Fall 2022 Formal Lab Report Information

In In BIOA01, you are expected to apply your knowledge, understanding, critical thinking
and inquiry skills while investigating the effect of the herbicide, DCMU, on the
photosynthetic rate of the aquatic plant, Elodea densa.  You collected data for your FLR
during Lab 3 and will use a Student t-test to analyze these data to determine if there is a
significant difference in photosynthetic rate between experimental and control groups.  
You will form conclusions using scientific evidence and you will justify and communicate
your results in a formal lab report (FLR).
You will be provided with an electronic template of the FLR, which will include specific
instructions for each section/component of the report. These sections/components

 Title
 Name of principal author (i.e., you)
 Lab practical number
 TA’s name
 Abstract
 Key words
 Introduction (including reference to primary sources)
 Materials and Methods
 Results (including a written component, Table and Figure)
 Discussion (including reference to primary sources)
 Acknowledgements (optional)
 References

Your report should be typed in the FLR template Download FLR templateprovided to
you through Quercus, double-spaced, with 10pt font. Headings often have larger font
(refer to template).
By Friday, October 7, 2022

 All FLR materials will be posted on Quercus, including:
 This FLR information page
 Complete data set to be analyzed consisted of two
practical's combined data
 Statistics worksheetDownload Statistics worksheet
 Guide to Reading/Interpreting t-tests
 FLR TemplateDownload FLR Template

By Monday, October 31, 2022 @ 11:59am (just before noon)

 FLRs must be submitted online through Quercus as either
MSWord of PDF files to avoid late penalties
 FLRs will be screened by Ouriginal for academic integrity
violations - it is your responsibility to ensure your FLR is
submitted in the correct file format and that a % similarity
report has been generated.  Your % similarity score will
be available when the assignment closes.

Late Penalty:
FLRs submitted after 11:59am on Monday, October 31, 2022 will have a late penalty
deduction of 10% per day.  This late penalty will be automatically calculated by
Quercus.  Please see table below for details of how late penalties are calculated.  The
last day to submit your FLR is Saturday, November 5, 2022 at 11:59am.

Late penalty
For lab reports submitted between:
12:00pm on October 31 - 11:59am on
November 1
12:00pm on November 1 - 11:59am
on November 2
12:00pm on November 2 - 11:59am
on November 3
12:00pm on November 3 - 11:59am
on November 4
12:00pm on November 4 - 11:59am
on November 5

BioHelp TA Help:
Marc Shenoda, your BioHelp TA, is available to help you with all your FLR questions! 
Please see Course Syllabus Download Course Syllabusfor Marc's contact information
and Course Announcements and BioHelp - Marc Shenouda for details of workshops and
office hours.
Research Help:
To help you find a minimum of three relevant primary journal articles to include
appropriately in your FLR, the UTSC library has prepared a video tutorial.  This video
tutorial can be found here Links to an external site..  More resources
Reference and citations:
All references and in-text citations included in your formal lab report must follow the

“Name- Year System” of the “CSE Style.”

Academic Integrity:
All violations of the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters ("The Code") will be dealt
with accordingly.  If you are unsure as to what constitutes a violation or offence, please
refer to "Academic Integrity: Perils and Pitfalls".  For information about what sanction
may be applied to your FLR if you are found to have violated "The Code", see "Academic
Integrity: Key Consequences" and for assistance as to how to avoid an offense, please
read "Academic Integrity: Smart Strategies".
REMINDER: Academic integrity is essential to the pursuit of learning and scholarship in a
University, and to ensuring that a degree from the University of Toronto is a strong
signal of each student’s individual academic achievement. As a result, the University
treats cases of cheating and plagiarism very seriously. The University of Toronto’s Code
of Behaviour on Academic Matters outlines the behaviours. If you have questions or
concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour, refer

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