Case Study

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Dear Ahmar,

As part of our second interview, an evaluation of your abilities is required. This will take the form of an
open-format exercise in data collection and analysis. The purpose of this exercise is to gauge your ability
to quickly learn about new topic(s), then parse information into a structured format for ease of
information digestion. Mention the sources of the information collected in your presentation.
Required Software: Microsoft Excel for the quantitative and Microsoft Power Point for the qualitative
questions and overall presentation.
Topic: For this exercise, we would like you to study the energy sector of Germany & USA and present
your findings on the following tasks:
1. Summarize
This task will analyze your ability to gather information on several topics, compress (while keeping the
important information intact) and present the information in a palatable form.
• Create an overview of power grids of Germany and USA including Generation,
Transmission and Distribution. It should include:
o An overview of generation capacity (GW) Germany and USA are producing and its split by
the generation technology (Conventional, Wind, PV etc.)
o Number of TSOs/ISOs and DSOs in Germany and the USA. Share the names of TSOs of
both countries.
o Names and roles of relevant stakeholders/regulators in Germany and USA power grid.

1. Analyze
These tasks examine your capability to collect and analyze a set of data points. You should be able to
extract and present key trends from these datasets.
• Populate this table on generation sector of Germany & the USA in MS Excel with actual
installed capacity (GW) from 2016 to 2021
o Using graphical tools in MS Excel, present the splits of generation mix of Germany and
USA for year 2016 and 2021. Identify the trends and give reasons for different generation
landscape of both countries.
o Describe the possible driving force and reason why countries like Germany and USA are
changing their generation dynamics?
o In future, what will be the focus of both countries in terms of their preference among
solar and wind energy and why?
o What possible consequences this changing generation landscape might have on the grids
of Germany and US and what can be done to mitigate these impacts?

Technology Country 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Coal Germany
Coal USA
Hydro Germany
Hydro USA
Nuclear Germany
Nuclear USA
Solar Germany
Solar USA
Wind Germany
Wind USA
1. Research
These tasks will examine your secondary research skills for different quantitative and qualitative
• What kind of energy storage systems technologies (mechanical & electrochemical) are
installed in Germany? What kind of applications are being served by these systems? Discuss the
split of storage technologies and applications for year 2021 in Germany.
• What are the different types of shore to ship power systems? Briefly describe the
differences in terms of installation and voltage type.
• Identify the top 5 European countries which are leading in deployment of shore power
systems. Information must be backed by data points and information on market drivers.
Note: This exercise should be approached on a best-effort basis. Candidate selection will be
based on completeness of the data set, ability to problem-solve when information is not
readily available, and explain/document methodology taken. You have 24 hours for the case
study and the deadline for submission is Thursday 5th January 2023 at 9:00 PM.

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