August 19, 2014 Minutes

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Minutes of the 9th meeting of the

72nd Students’ Legislative Council

6:30 p.m., August 19, 2014 — MSC Council Chambers
Chair: B. Muenchrath, Official: M. Cosman

1. Roll Call
President............................................................................................................................. Jarett Henry
VP External ........................................................................................................................... Levi Nilson
VP Operations & Finance ................................................................................................. Adam Swertz
VP Student Life .................................................................................................................. Jonah Ardiel
Arts Representative ..................................................................................................... Kirsty McGowan
Cumming School of Medicine Representative ............................................................. Carsten Krueger
Haskayne School of Business Representative ............................................................... Tyler Hodgson
Kinesiology Representative .........................................................................................Stephan Guscott
Nursing Representative .............................................................................................. Nilufer Hasanova
Schulich School of Engineering Representative ........................................................ Brayden Kooistra
Schulich School of Engineering Representative ...........................................................Parsa Samavati
Science Representative .............................................................................................................. Amy Li
Veterinary Medicine Representative .................................................................................... Blythe Sola
Werklund School of Education Representative ........................................................ Sherin Mohammed

VP Academic ....................................................................................................................... Hana Kadri
Arts Representative ............................................................................................................Sarah Amiry
Arts Representative ......................................................................................................... Lexi Narowski
Arts Representative ................................................................................................. Kalista Sherbaniuk
Haskayne School of Business Representative .......................................................... Jasmine Chitroda
Law Representative ........................................................................................................ George Huang
Science Representative .................................................................................................... Keean Bexte
Science Representative ....................................................................................................... Taylor Woo
Social Work Representative................................................................... Rebecca Delaney-McGlinchey

Excused Absence:


2. Agenda Approval

Motion: To add an in camera session in the Discussion and Information Session. Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the agenda.

Motion Carried

3. Conflict Check
4. Approval of the Minutes

a) Minutes for the August 5, 2014 meeting of SLC

Motion: To approve the minutes for the August 5, 2014 meeting of SLC.
Motion Carried
5. Presentations

6. Executive Reports

a) President Jarett Henry gave an update and provided an overview of his activities:
• Met with the Executive to come up with criteria for the SU catering rebate that goes back into
student initiatives within each faculty.
• Continued to attend annual planning sessions, where we have completed a draft version of our
goals and tactics that will eventually come to SLC for approval.
• Attended a CAUS meeting where we discussed advocacy campaign plans for the year.
• Met with NUTV to plan out our script for the Orientation Week video.
• Met with A. Baecker, RSA President.
• Worked with H. Rosvick, to begin the coding process for Club Matchmaker.
• Met with S. Barker to have a catch-up meeting.
• Participated in a working group on determining the policies regarding youth employment that the
Canadian Alliance of Student Associations will be pushing this year
• Met with J. Cuevas and M. Hoskin from MacEwan Conference & Events to discuss the plans for
the SU catering rebate program.
• Spent two days filming the Orientation Week video with NUTV.
• Met with T. Woo to discuss the Science Mentoring program and potential funding for the program.
• Attended a Tuition and Fees Consultation Committee meeting regarding tuition plans for the year
and instructional fees.
• Held a Mac Hall Operating Agreement meeting with members of the Administration.
• Had an interview with the Calgary Herald about open textbooks.
• Attended a Planning & Development Committee meeting for the West Campus Development

b) Vice President Hana Kadri gave an update and provided an overview of her activities:
• Nothing to Report.

c) Vice President External Levi Nilson gave an update and provided an overview of his activities:
• Participated in a Council of Alberta University Students meeting.
• Worked on the Orientation Week video with the other executives.
• Attended a Canadian Alliance of Student Associations policy group meeting.
• Had a meeting regarding mental health initiatives.
• Met with the Tuition and Fees Consultation Committee.
• Met with the C. Carlile about their priorities.
• Interviewed with the Calgary Herald about student debt.
d) Vice President Operations and Adam Swertz gave an update and provided an overview of his
• Had a meeting with J. Morel regarding Halal food updates on campus.
• Attended the Gauntlet Board Meeting.
• The SU Website will be live within the next few days.
• Attended the second Mac Hall Working Group meeting.

e) Vice President Student Life Jonah Ardiel gave an update and provided an overview of his
• Attended an Office 365 meeting.
• Attended two planning session for the Mental Health Summit that is occurring in October. This is a
joint venture between the Wellness Centre and the Students’ Union.
• Participated in the Mental Health Advisory Board meeting.
• Filmed the Orientation Week video.
• Spoke with a student regarding a program called Peers for Mental Health.
• Sat on the Wellness Centre Hiring Committee.

7. Committee Chair Reports

A. Swertz gave an overview of the Operations and Finance Committee:

The committee had an emergency meeting for a hardship application that was approved.

A. Swertz gave an overview of the Nominations Committee:

The committee appointed the chair and first student member of the Haskayne Students’ Levy Committee.

J. Ardiel gave an overview of the Clubs Committee:

The committee funded a last minute event as well as a charity grant. The committee then discussed the
funding applications for the fall semester.

L. Nilson gave an overview of the Advocacy Task Force:

The committee met and discussed the strategy around the secondary suites campaign.

8. Elected Official Reports

Arts Representative Sarah Amiry:

- Nothing to Report.

Arts Representative Kirsty McGowan:

- Met with G. Rogers regarding the Faculty Orientation.
- Ordered catered food from Conference and Events for Orientation Week.
- Organized the Students’ Union and Faculty items to give to students.
- Contacted Campus Printing regarding the faculty class banner for 2019.
- Received approval from the departments for all the alumni potentials.
- Attended Clubs Committee.

Arts Representative Lexi Narowski:

- Nothing to Report.
Arts Representative Kalista Sherbaniuk:
- Nothing to Report.

Cumming School of Medicine Representative Carsten Krueger:

- Organized the main campus tour and after social for the medicine students.
- Attended the Health Science Students’ Association executive meeting, and helped with their
- Met with an Advocacy Symposium Planning Group.
- Attended a number of medical school orientation events.
- Participated in Clubs Committee.
- Contacted a Masters student about peer counselling on Foothills campus.
- There is a biotechnology conference on the Foothills campus that has contacted C. Krueger.
C. Krueger noted that they originally wanted Masters students however undergraduates will also be

Haskayne School of Business Representative Jasmine Chitroda:

- Spoke with Associate Dean Sherry Weaver.
- Met with T. Hodgson to discuss goals and plans for this year.
- Attended the Haskayne Presidents Circle.
- Attended the Haskayne Students’ Association meeting.
- Spoke with W. Hunter regarding the Haskayne Students’ Levy Committee.

Haskayne School of Business Representative Tyler Hodgson:

- Spoke with Associate Dean Sherry Weaver.
- Met with J. Chitroda to discuss goals and plans for this year.
- Attended the Haskayne Presidents Circle.
- Attended the Haskayne Students’ Association meeting.
- Spoke with W. Hunter regarding the Haskayne Students’ Levy Committee.

Kinesiology Representative Stephan Guscott:

- Renewed his position on the Knowledge Advisory Council.
- Conducted the Students’ Union website review.
- Participated in Clubs Committee.
- Contacted the IT department.

Law Representative George Huang:

- Nothing to Report.

Nursing Representative Nilufer Hasanova:

- Working on having first year students become more involved in research.
- Spoke with Dr. Graham-McAfferty regarding research programs.
- Working on a mental health initiative.
- Promoting the Undergraduate Nursing Society CPR courses.
- Reviewed the Students’ Union website.
Schulich School of Engineering Representative Brayden Kooistra:
- Met with Vice President External of the Engineering Students’ Society.
- Had a meeting with P. Samavati and the Engineering Students’ Society President.
- Met with L. Nilson regarding advocacy issues.

Schulich School of Engineering Representative Parsa Samavati:

- Met with B. Kooistra and President of the Engineering Students’ Society.
- Worked with R. Dinnadge about the Bloody Affair advertising.
- Met with Dinos athletics regarding half time show presentations.
- Received responses from the Schulich internship office regarding student feedback opportunities.
- Met with the Associate Dean regarding having a Communications minor for engineering students.

Science Representative Keean Bexte:

- Nothing to Report.

Science Representative Amy Li:

- Meeting with C. Graham and T. Woo regarding Science events.
- Set up a meeting with the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning.
- Working on the Orientation Week presentation.

Science Representative Taylor Woo:

- Nothing to Report.

Social Work Representative Rebecca Delaney-McGlinchey:

- Nothing to Report.

Werklund School of Education Representative Sherin Mohammed:

- Working on the Orientation Week presentation.
- Currently dealing with facilities issues regarding the microwaves.
- Met with the Education Students’ Association President to speak about collaborative plans.

Veterinary Medicine Representative Blythe Sola:

- Had a phone call with L. Nilson regarding student loans.
- Met with A. Villavicencio.
- Working on the Faculty Orientation.
- Submitted documentation regarding the Veterinary Medicine BBQ.
- Received a draft of survey from J. Polivchuk.
- Received the class schedule from the faculty and there are protected student times.

9. Question Period

T. Hodgson asked A. Swertz who the chair of the Haskayne Student Levy Committee was. A. Swertz said
that it will be L. Ritz.
10. Discussion and Information

a) By-Election Report (J. Henry)

J. Henry reviewed some important dates. September 15th is when the nomination packages are available.
Nomination days are between September 29th and October 1st 2014, and the voting days are October 15th-

b) Tuition Fees Consultation Committee (L. Nilson/J. Henry)

Motion: To move in camera.

Motion Carried
Motion: To move ex camera.
Motion Carried

Motion: For a 15 Minute Recess

Motion Carried
11. Resolutions

a) Operation and Finance Committee Fall Appointments (A. Swertz)

Motion: To move to the Resolution 72.15, Operations and Finance Committee Fall Appointments.
Motion Carried

A. Swertz explained that Operations and Finance is split into three terms, so this term is September 1st to
December 31st. The committee is looking for three non-executive SLC members. Operations and Finance
Committee is the most regularly meeting committee, it meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30-11am.

S. Mohammed added that a lot of important things come through the committee and there are many things
that are talked about that do not make it to SLC.

K. McGowan nominated L. Narowski

P. Samavati nominated himself
S. Mohammed nominated herself.
SLC Resolution 72.16
Appointment of
Operations and Finance Committee Members
SLC 72.15 – 2014-08-19

WHEREAS the Operations and Finance Committee is established under Section 134(1)(f) of the Union
Bylaw as a Standing Committee of the Students’ Legislative Council;

AND WHEREAS the Operations and Finance Committee Terms of Reference state that committee
membership includes three non-Executive members of SLC;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 72nd Students’ Legislative Council appoints the following representatives to
serve on the Operations and Finance Committee for the Fall semester until December 31, 2014, effective
September 1, 2014:

 L. Narowski
 P. Samavati
 S. Mohammed

Moved: L. Nilson
Seconded: S. Guscott

Vote: To approve the Resolution 72.15, Operations and Finance Committee Fall Appointments.
Motion Carried
N. Hasanova abstained due to not being an elected official. P. Samavati and S. Mohammed abstained due
to conflicts of interest

b) Clubs Committee Fall Appointments (J. Ardiel)

Motion: To move to the Resolution 72.16, Clubs Committee Fall Appointments.

Motion Carried

J. Ardiel explained that Clubs Committee meets before SLC bi-weekly. However, there may be additional
meetings required.

L. Nilson asked what Clubs Committee does. J. Ardiel said that the Committee funds special events but
gives charity grants and they are determining the clubs strategic direction.

S. Guscott nominated K. McGowan.

K. McGowan nominated C. Krueger.
L. Nilson nominated T. Woo.
S. Mohammed nominated herself.
P. Samavati nominated himself.
B. Sola nominated herself.

SLC Resolution 72.17

Appointment of
Clubs Committee Members
SLC 72.16 – 2014-08-19

WHEREAS the Clubs Committee is established under Section 134(1)(a) of the Union Bylaw as a Standing
Committee of the Students’ Legislative Council;

AND WHEREAS a minimum of four and a maximum of six, non-Executive SLC members are required to
serve for the fall semester;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 72nd Students’ Legislative Council appoints the following representatives to
serve on the Clubs Committee for the Fall semester until December 31, 2014, effective September 1, 2014:

 K. McGowan
 C. Krueger
 S. Mohammed
 B. Sola
 P. Samavati
 T. Woo

Moved: J. Ardiel
Seconded: A. Li

Vote: To approve the Resolution 72.16, Clubs Committee Fall Appointments.

Motion Carried
N. Hasanova abstained due to not being an elected official. K. McGowan, C. Kreuger, S. Mohammed, P.
Samavati, B. Sola abstained due to conflicts of interest.

c) Quality Money Change of Scope- Accessibility in Residence (J. Henry)

Motion: To move to the Resolution 72.17, Quality Money Change of Scope- Accessibility in
Motion Carried

J. Henry explained that two years ago this application was submitted to help those with accessibility issues
in Residence. The Quality Money funded part of the project and the budget was required to change. This
change is to approve this change of budget to meet the funding allocation.
SLC Resolution 72.18
Quality Money – Accessibility in Residence
Request for a Change in Scope
SLC 72.17 – 2014-08-19

WHEREAS the 70th Students’ Union Quality Money Committee approved funding in the amount of
$139,000.00 for residence accessibility upgrades in Cascade and Yamnuska halls;

WHEREAS the Quality Money Project Administration Procedure states that project holders may apply for
changes to the scope of previously approved projects, including a change to the project budget;

WHEREAS Quality Money Committee, or SLC, approval is required for changes in scope involving
amounts greater than $5,000; and

WHEREAS the project holder must revise the project the budget to conform to the Quality Money
Committee’s funding decisions for this project;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the 72nd Students’ Legislative Council approves the change in scope for the
Accessibility in Residence project as requested.

Moved: A. Swertz
Seconded: J. Ardiel

Vote: To move to the Resolution 72.17, Quality Money Change of Scope- Accessibility in Residence.
Motion Carried
N. Hasanova abstained due to not being an elected official.

12. SU Announcements

J. Henry reminded the Elected Officials to sign up for the Orientation Week volunteer shifts.

L. Nilson said that the next Advocacy Task Force meeting is tentatively at 5:30 on August 27th.

A. Swertz noted that the official photos would be taken at the next SLC.

A. Swertz said that if the Elected Officials were interested in joining other committees they would have to fill
out the applications that are available on the Students’ Union webpage.

13. Question Period

S. Mohammed asked if there was an official Den after party for Kickoff. A. Swertz said he would look into it.
S. Guscott asked if he could partially volunteer for an event. J. Henry said that it would depend on the

14. Final Roll Call

President............................................................................................................................. Jarett Henry

VP External ........................................................................................................................... Levi Nilson
VP Operations & Finance ................................................................................................. Adam Swertz
VP Student Life .................................................................................................................. Jonah Ardiel
Arts Representative ..................................................................................................... Kirsty McGowan
Cumming School of Medicine Representative ............................................................. Carsten Krueger
Haskayne School of Business Representative ............................................................... Tyler Hodgson
Kinesiology Representative .........................................................................................Stephan Guscott
Nursing Representative .............................................................................................. Nilufer Hasanova
Schulich School of Engineering Representative ........................................................ Brayden Kooistra
Schulich School of Engineering Representative ...........................................................Parsa Samavati
Science Representative .............................................................................................................. Amy Li
Veterinary Medicine Representative .................................................................................... Blythe Sola
Werklund School of Education Representative ........................................................ Sherin Mohammed

VP Academic ....................................................................................................................... Hana Kadri
Arts Representative ............................................................................................................Sarah Amiry
Arts Representative ......................................................................................................... Lexi Narowski
Arts Representative ................................................................................................. Kalista Sherbaniuk
Haskayne School of Business Representative .......................................................... Jasmine Chitroda
Law Representative ........................................................................................................ George Huang
Science Representative .................................................................................................... Keean Bexte
Science Representative ....................................................................................................... Taylor Woo
Social Work Representative................................................................... Rebecca Delaney-McGlinchey

Excused Absence:


12. Notice of Next Meeting

The next meeting is on Tuesday September 9th 2014 at 6:30pm

Motion: To adjourn.
Motion Carried

The meeting adjourned at 7:46pm

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