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=>>How to master the art of high ticket sales...

Learning experience is passive and you don't take action.

=>>>HTC is not learning like passively i.e.watching videos,and learn something.
But HTC is learning and tking notes implementing and refining and again
It's all about taking action.

=psychology of high-ticket-sales...
*As a high ticket closer we drive BMW,we are not BMW...

=>>Theme of HTC,..
How you do anything is how you do everything..

=>>How Treating little people(Our chracter describes)..

=>as you go through this journey One thing will happen this ,as you develop
skill,as you get better,that you will have tendency want to help everybody around
*That you help people,you bent of backwards to help them,instead of that it's
become very draining for you,and it's become exhuasted...

=>Let me tell about something ,coast guard goes out in storming night to rescue
above that.
They bring helicopter,and they hover over top of boat,than they realize there are
more people in water than space available in helicopter. What they do?? who do
they save??
so,model is,
=>>>"We only save the one who swim towards us.."
that's why you need to save only who swim towards you..
Help people who help themselves..
=>>Most of the time you trying to help,they don't want your help..,we bent of
backwards to them,we get exhausted.
=>>They claim they want help,but they don't want your family...
sometimes they are closest to you..
The time you try to help they push you back,they push back...
=>>>Some time they swim towards you,and the helicopter is flying or you are not

=>>You focus on who push you back(BIG NO),you need to focus on who swim towards
=>>Saviour helps who doesnot need help,Leader helps the one who needs help..
=>>Stop trying to save the world,save yourself first..

=>>>Sometimes in life you have to be incredibly selfish ,so that you could
incredibly generous.
(Save yourself first than you can save others).....
=>>Most of the time you try to help they swim away from you..You are focusing on
but you need to focus on the one who swims towards you,they are the one needs

=>>You cannot give coming from place Scarcity,you can only give coming from place
(People helping the people when they are dying in sea and try to save other to goto
(you are drowning and you try to help other who doesnot need your help)
(So some time selfish)..
=>>>>>We gonna be leaders..

=>>3 laws of prosperity that you must understood..(Vision board making also)
One of these laws could easily save you months,years of hardwork,if you are not
been living and working consistent with these laws up to now..

*#1~Law of clarity..
=>>>>The clearer you are about your goals and objectives the more efficient and
effective you will be achieving them...
=>>Extreme clarity equals Extreme results..
**Your success in life will be largely determined by how crystal clear you are
about wht it is you really,really want..
=>>Take more/spend lot of time to think where i am today and where i need to go?
What the obstacles in between??
Then getting clear and getting more clearer you will achieve them very easily..

***What's my vision,who do i to be,what are thigs /skillsets i need to

it's the power of clarity.

**Most people in life they don't get what they want,because they don't know what
they want??
=>>ex:I wanted more money.(No clarity)[because all money are not equal]
How much?How soon?what service or product?what value you gonna bring to the market
place in exchange of money?
NO clarity,that's why they are all fucking BROKE...

==>>>>Most people do vision board ALL Wrong.

that's why they don't accomplish their goals..

=>>Because,most people teach vision board in wrong way,provides wrong guidelines...

=>>>Better way of doing vision boards..(Proper way).

*It should be very clear to you.(Not only for you,for who ever looks it).
*Your vision board is not your inspiration board.
Inspiration board:>The quotes that you like,pictures,visuals that inspires you,the
thing that inspires you..
=>Your vision board is your vision board that's what you want..
=>>Whenever someone sees it,it should be understood to anyone exactly what you

*#2~Law of Realism(This is important).

High ticket closers deal with the world as it is,not as they wish it should be..

=>>When you have put 250 million dollar home on your vision board(America's
expensive home) with it's pictures .
*The question is where you are now?
we need to be realistic here,how much are you making??
=>>Actually it's billion dollar lifestyle,not million dollar.A person who has
networth of 100 million cannot afford this,it can be afforded only you have
networth of 1billion ..
than does this person deal world as it is, or world he wish or he would be..?

=>>Most people put things on vision board ,they say it inspires me,that's where i
want to be,but where you are living in basement with your mom,How about to go get
little condo first,get out of that fucking home.
instead of worrying about 250 million dollar home..

=>>Every time you walk by vision board instead of inspires you,it reminds you how
much a fucking failure you are...*****

=>>>Sifu is not saying don't dream big,he wants us to dream big,but we need to get
that first step first....

=>>Do you really feel good looking that everyday reminds me how far you are from
that(250 million dollar home),that it's almost impossible to where you are to that.
=>How does that build your self confidence as a closer.?
=>How does that help you any shit way of form?

=>>Instead of empowering you it disempowers you..

so,every single time you walk by vision board ,you should convict ,i wanna do

=>>People put things on the vision board they are no fucking clue how much it
=>>All goals should be match up(Totally congruent).
You want 20 billion and you put you want truck(what the fucking it relates man)..
Billionarie will be driving pickup truck.
Every thing you want you must be very clear,how much would it cost,what would it
take to get that??
you put house that look nice,
do you know how much it cost?
do you know wh you need to take care of that house?
do you know how much electricity cost?
probability electrity cost of house may be more than that rent ,we are paying now

=>>>*Your ability and your willingness to be completely realistic in your life and
work are among the most important qualities of high ticket closer..
*High ticket closer we deal the world as it is,not we wish to be..
**When we go into closing call,we don't believe in the whole BS positive thinking.
when we attend the closing call,it's gonna be easy,prospects gonna love me,he is
gonna like wanted to buy,it's gonna be walk in the path,i am just gonna hand
agreement over ,probably he gonna finish the agreement and we get commision in 15
minutes...It's fucking fantasy land..
it's not sifu belives that power of positive thinking..

**Sifu doesnot believe that,Sifu believes in "Power of Negative preparation",

I go in any closing scenario knowing ,expecting prospect gonna be skeptical, he's
not gonna trust me,he probably doesn't wanna buy it,he probably has a lot of
and i want to go in knowing every single fucking objections he could possibly
have,i would have prepared myself mentally prepared,
going in i don't care what objection you throw at me,I know exactly what i need to
say,that's power of negative preparation.

=>You don't go in and i say nothing gets wrong,you need to say everything will go
fucking wrong,it will go bad.
you are well prepared,when they throw,i will cover..
when you go in,not the optimism,I go in with real confidence,because you are well
it's the power the negative preparation..
=>>NEVER trust to luck or hope that something unexpected will turn up to solve a
problem or save situation..
NO,that's not what i think.
We know is,you are in charge,Deal with your world as it is,not as you wish it would
it be.

=>>We don't buy lottery,because i don't trust luck or hope that something
unexpected will turn up..
=>>We might think,Sifu my friend does it,my family does it,it's few's
not about few dollars,you understand that how you do anything is how you do
yeah when you spend 5 dollars for lottery ticket,it's not about 5 dollars,
it's what you are saying to act buying that lottery ticket to your subconscious
mind than you believe luck or hope that something will happen or you need some
miracle to get fucking successful,then if that's your expectations
guess what, you are subconsciously self sabotaging yourself,and you will never be

=>>That's why you are hoping even 1 in 10million chance,you say there is a chance i
could win, i would buy the ticket,all my problems will go away..
=>The act of buying the lottery what are you saying to yourself? versus
=>>The act of NOT buying the lottery ticket ,what i am saying to myself is,i don't
need lottery,i don't need luck,i don't need hope,i don't need this shit...

=>>even if you don't have money don't believe in that..

=>>Now,what if lottery ticket 10million,20 million jackpot thing ,but what goes to
my mind is,
it's not fucking big money,i can make that,i can make 20 million,i can make my

=>>it's very very different outlooking life,you deal with the world as it is,not as
i wish to be..

#3~Law of focus,

=>>May be we are not thinking about it but now you are thinking about it.
for ex:Initially when you are not thinking about audi,but when you think about
it,you suddenly get aware everywhere,you could identify on streets and everywhere..
Initially they were there,but now they are seeing for you because you are focused
on it..
=>>They are always there,you weren't paying attention/focus on it so we cannot
see.NOw you are focusing and it expands..
=>WHat you focus on expands...

=>>Our minds are very powerful,our minds know we cannot handle so much
information,It filters outstuff for you,It says it's not important.
=>you don't see those cars,but suddenly you think of get one ,than you will see
those found it everywhere.

=>>It's the law of focus..

=>>If you focus on lack,if you focus on scarcity,if you focus on worrying about
money,if you focus on debt,if you focus on negative thinking,if you focus more on
paying bills(I need to pay thiss,i need to pay gas bill)..
Guess what you will get more of that+What you focus on expands..

=>>Your mind doesnot know the difference between positive and negative.
you need to put what you want in vision board,not what you don't want...

=>>Distraction is tthe only luxury of the poor..

=>Broke people dabble,rich people focus..(Dabble:They are trying some thing this
month,next month different thing,next day different thing after 3-5 years also they
are not made any progress,and they are in the same place and they are even in worst
But rich people focus...because they know what they focus on expands..

=>>Sifu is broke not poor.

broke will be temporary..we can fix that by some cashflow.
poor is state of mind.we cannot fix this because it is mindset..

=>>At first you are not thinking of i could be this successful and that(Like
millionarie and all..)
=>>You need think of making enough and get my parents life little bit easier...

=>>After developed first high income skill,then learn second high income skill.when
we are making 6 figures than think of millionarie..
=>>When i am working on my mindset,I want to get this,once i thinking differently i
could always see millionarie within me,way before actual money gets deposited into
bank account first..

=>it wasnot the money made me millionarie,it's the mindset and skill set..

Framing vision board..

=>>Your success rate of vision board should be more than 99%.
=>>your vision board changes after you get accomplished things on board.

=>>we have seen what not to put on vision board,let's see what to put on vision

=>>Let's imagine,genie or HTC genie or god asks you whatever goals you want or what
wishes need to come true put on vision board..
but there are three rules..
1.Genie is very busy and doesnot have time to hear your explantion.
=>>Genie helps other people,he doesn't have time to hear explanation.
it means if genie looks at your vision board of any items,if genie confused than
genie says you are out man..I am out of you.
=>>If genie looks you put inspiraton things like genie is like you need quote,you
need logo,you need pen,if you say i don't want that
than ok i don't have time your explanation and get lost.

2.Genie is not very smart,take things literally.

=>>If you remember picture of laptop with feet,genie looks at it,you want two feet
take this.
you have put debt free,if genie sees you want debt take it..
genie is dumb,genie is not very smart.
if you put some yoga post,genie is like you need yoga post take it..
=>>when you have so many damn things on vision board genie is like i am confused, i
am out of you,i will fly.
3.The Genie loves to make wishes come true for those always make their wishes come
=>Genie loves to make his job,but he can't do when he confused.
he doesnot get what you want than he will not help..

ex:If he looks at 250 million dollar home on vision board and you are making 2000$
month,than genie looks at this i am not making your goals come true..
=>>Every time geenie looks at your vision board,he feels like i am failure,i am not
doing that..

=>>So instead what should you do?

Help the genie win.
make the genie feels good.
When Genie feels good ,it comes more often and make more goals come true faster and
=>>Genie is like i love this,he makes it easy for me to do job.
i love this man,i love serving..

=>>Instead of putting 10 cars in vision board,put one..

=>>Let's not put Ferari first,let's get tesla,BMW,.
=>>Instead of putting 250 million dollar home,put half million condo..

=>>Genie doesnot judge ,Oh, this is small goal,it doesnot count..

because genie has no emotion attached with your goals,.(NO attachment).

=>Genie is like if it's accomplished your goal,than what's next what i need to

=>>Let's put about after graduate my goal is to close first sale.

i.e like closing 200$ first sale, than genie boom.
closing 500$ sale,boom.
closing 1000$ slae,boom.
closing 2000$,sale boom..
Now i wanna quit my job..boom
now i wanna close full time...boom.
Do like this,
=>>Success breeds success,failure breeds failure..
Help and help yourself to get success..

=>>you say,Sifu,i am gonna making 30000$ month as a closer.

That should be your goal.
=>>>Let's put on vision board how about closing first that first.
Get the initial step,then we can get the influencers which we learn in week 6..

=>>But,you are putting 250$ home,20k dollar per day,

When you see these type in vision board,you feel like lousy,oh my god When i am
gonna like that,i don't know i am get that or feel shitty.

=>>Instead of that putting small,little goals,we like i am close to it,i am very

close to it..

=>>We need to have goals.

1.I need to graduate from HTC first,I need to complete all homework,I need to
finish things with 80%.
is that doable goal?Yes
put that on vison board.genie is like boom boom.
=>>I wanna unlock class 8 ,to hit 80% attendance put that on vision board.genie is
like boom boom,Genie is like within weeks you accomplish it.
=>>when Genie sees,those type of vision boards(250 million dollar
home,30000$month),oh man,he is not havee success at 3years,5 years,this master
success, i don't want to help this man i am out..

=>>Don't depress Genie,YOu wanna make Genie to be happy..

=>>Put small things,those small things will add up..
and Genie will be happy..
=>>you can put small ,small things.
=>>You can put.
*Me and my wife will go to nice dinner with fancy resturant where i will spend 100$
Genie is like things are happening on this vision board,what else you want.
*I have taken my wife to fancy resturant,now next thing i want is close 500$
deal,Genie is like alright let's get to accomplished as well.
small ,small things..That's how you will accomplish more things.

=>>>then,as i accomplish more i started streching myself,i put some big stuff on
vision board,than i still get acomplished,.
because now this Genie is with me for many many years,and this is very strong
Genie,even if you puy pretty big things it will accomplish that..

=>>At any given time you need to have only 5-6 things only..not 50 things.
=>>as you succeed ,you get to have only 2 things..
You will not have materialistic things any more...
Genie asks big things as you go with genie.

=>>The goal should be very clear on vision board.

*RX-8 colour model and upgrade..

=>>>TO help GENIE,concept is smelling the leather.

**Instead of just having vision,I want make it real,I want to view the
ex::Go to different car dealership,and experience,and how it feels.i myself driven
the car,i could imagine all that,even car engine sound also.
How much downpayment?
what features and all the things..
=>You need to know exactly how much it cost,including interest with dollar and
=>>It's to know law of clarity,law of realism.

=>>When i took the car out from delarship,Sifu wasn't excited, he felt as if when
you put car in parking lot and go to mall,and coming back and take the car you feel
no right,that's how Sifu felt.
because he driven 100 times in his mind,he driven in real and all.
That's how you accomplish things on vision board..

=>>When you do this enough ,you will feel like you were already there..

=>>Most of the time,when you want luxury items,you are not even comfortable walking
in the store,you are not even comfortable trying them on,because you feel like
fraud,I am not gonna buy,I couldn't afford it,it tells subconscious mind you aree
not comfortble to idea of success,than how could you get success..

=>>That's why sifu says dress for success,than you will get success..
=>>Sifu is not saying go out and get expensive watch to feel smell leather,go and
wear and try to get comfortable with success..

=>>Great thing about Genie is,Genie doesnot need to sleep.

*Genie works 24*7,You can change that,you can accomplish it and you can add things
any time i want..
change that means if you making 3 closes,when you accomplish and then change it 5
closes and like that.
=>Don't think like if i don't put big things on my vision board,not get things
accomplished,NO, genie works for you,Genie wants to work for you,Genie happy to
make your wishes come true,
That's the genie's purpose,that's what Genie lives for,only if you know the rules..

=>>Every time you get success,you need to get reward your self(Like Desmond rewards
with 500$ pen,Dan rewards with business class)..
=>>Every one wants something different,just starts with one,one little thing.

=>>It's not about saving the money.(How you do anything is how you do everything.)
=>>Every action that you take it has reaction,
Every thing you do,it tells to subconscious mind,
=>>>When you try to save 100$,it is telling your subconscious mind that,that i
don't value my time,i am not important,i am not worth it,i am cannot afford it..
It's not about 100$,it's bout what you are saying to your subconscious mind,you
need to be very careful,.
even when you are broke you need to be aware of it,what it tells to my subconscious
my mind..
=>>Don't think of gas price and all,because i can't change it.
i never think of it,i never talk about it...

=>>People like gas pricing going above some cents,whatever it's ,what the fuck i
have to do,
It never enters my mind,because rich people never think of those things...
broke people will think of always that..

=>>Bonus tip for vision board,

**Your Genie will look at your vision board ,will know how serious you are about
your goals and dreams depends on how well your vision board put together.
if you are using lousy pictures,then genie will like guess you are not
serious,don't look you are serious i will come back to you...

=>>you need to put precise picture,and frame it and put in the middle.
i don't need to tell i am fucking serious about this,i will tell i am cherish about
this, i need many things i need really this now..
Genie is like your wish my command..
=>>You need to focus,on what fucking you want..


=>>You are not overwhelmed you just learn the same thing,but you feel
overwhelmed,busyness,confusion only when you learn new things..
=>>High-Ticket Sales,
let's see history lesson,
*How shopping was invented.
=>Back in the day,the ultra wealthy are the only one who have lot of
things(houses,horses,farms).and They didnot shop for them..
=>>Normal people had fewer things because they were difficult to manufacture and
produce.all are handmade so expensive .
=>There wasn't much to shop for because you couldn't produce any things at scale
=>>you have one coat,one pair of shoes,pants,gloves..
=>You were servant back then,you don't need nice dancing shoes,or noce suit,there
is no way to use them.
you had your servant outfit and causual outfit that's it.
you werenot doing anything besides working and sleeping...

=>>The notion of options(shopping options) for ordinary people was revolutionary.

=>There was no shopping around and no places to go..

=>If shopping,introduced the freedom of expression and freedom of choice in

=>>it was the first time in history where things get reserved for upperclass for
people,suddenly now accessible to everyone.
=>All of these things are norms in our lives today,but they werenot for most of
human history.
=>Technically,we don't need them for survival,but they made life easier and more
efficient.(like car,telephone).
=>These things made it so you are not concerned 24/7 with surviving,you would
consider yourself with thriving.

=>>consider you are woman who's worked as ladies maid for 25 years
=>You watched your masters live in luxury for 25 years,and they go to fancy parties
in fancy fabrics,you dreamed of putting on those outfits,but it's always been
=>>suddenly department stores come along,the dress you dreamed of is accessble,
do you want it?YES do you need that?NO

=>>Where are you going go in that kind of dress you are ladies maid?
=>>EXCEPT in your mind,you are not thinking about the use of a dress.Because you
NEVER buying "a dress."
=>You are buying a your PERMISSION SLIP into a life you never dreamed possible for
=>We never buy what we think we are buying.
=>We buy how things make us feel..

then what are we buying??


=>>Look at every single item on your vision board.

*Why do you want that car?Do you need that car?
=>you want that car because it goes faster,because it actually cost more in
=>You want that car because ,by driving that car it says something about you.It's
symbol,it's statement.
May be you want to prove someone.

=>>Why do you want to help your family?

Because that's how you value yourselves.
by helping my family i am better son.

=>That is your idea of betterself,better version ..

=>>As a HTC,you have to realize you are not selling product and services,you are
selling your prospect better version of themselves..
=>by having six packs,it means people tells man with discipline,and attracts
opposite sex.

=>>"Everything single thing we want ,it 's because it's boils down to this"
=>>"That's why people buy"
"That's what people actually buy"

=>>You think people buy product and services,No people want to buy different
versions of themselves..

=>>we are buying how things make us feel.

=>>Do you really need 5 cars?

If that's the end goal ,buy better version of myself,do i need those 50 things on
vision board to get better version of myself, or i just need to be better version
of myself.
=>>If i am the better version of myself ,wouldn't it be easier for me to create
attract those things in life.

=>>Lot of things you want,Do you want those things?

Do you want those things?or because you wanna prove to your mom ,dad,friends some
Do you want those things?or because you want validation..

Sifu is not saying don't buy those things.

SIFU likes those things(NICE),you need to like nice things,that's not wrong.

=>>What I am saying is,I am not buying nice things so that i could feel i am better
version of myself,I am constantly improving moulding,becoming better version of
myself,nothing to do with things..

=>>Those nice things don't define who I am,I define who I am?
I can wear 100,000$ watch,it doesnot define who i am?
I am who i am..I know who I am..

=>>The minute you get this,one piece,you will learn great lesson.
=>>>what does that means?
It means you are are not caged lion anymore.
=>>>It doesnot mean we don't seek success,doesnot mean we donot want more..
=>>"Start with freedom.."

=>>You don't need any of those things to better version of yourself..

=>>I am asking you be a better version,you don't need to wait unless those things
come,don't need to wait six weeks,six months..
Just be better today,be better everyday..

=>>You will buy those things,that's nothing to do with it.

=>>Instead of being blinded,i.e.If i get that then i will be better,
I wanted so badly,i wanted that car work hard to get that..
How long does that excitement last??
It disappears in weeks..

=>>and finally after you found this is not,then you work hard to get another car
and you get it after few months you loose excitement.and you say this is not.
you start from this place,of enough,of better,of freedom..and you go from there.
=>>Go for the house not because house defines who you are,it's just because simply
what I like..
=>>Don't buy for other people,social media.
=>>Simply buy it ,buy for your life.what you like.

=>>Do what makes you happy..

=>>What happens is ,it doesnot matter if you have it,it doesnot matter you don't
have it yet,you are happy,because everyday i start with what I am grateful for what
i have../grattitude.

=>>If you are not greatful what you have right now,do you think by having 10000
more things you will be greatful than,if you haven't grateful now?

""""""""Genie,I want to finish ,High ticket sale secrets 2,3,&4 taught by Dan Lok
in week 2 replay, within 7:00pm of 13-5-2022"""""""

=>>High ticket sales#2

Every type of Business has room for "High ticket everywhere".

=>>Premium is everywhere..
=>>If you look at almost any service industry out there,virtually every single one
offers a HIGH TICKET LEVEL of service.
=>ex:Airline Industry,Car Industry,Clothing Industry,Fitness club,Sporting
events,concerts,Online Services almost every other imaginable industry..

=>>>Most people are the same way.They buy high ticket when it's important to them!
(in any given time..)

=>>10-20% of the people in your marketplace /Audience want the BEST you could
provide, NOT the cheapest
**They don't want something basic or cheap,

=>>One of the biggest hurdle when it comes to High-ticket closing is we will not
get premium clients.=>>NOOO
premium is everywhere.
10-20%of the marketplace needs best..
ex::Heart surgeon will not come and tell,i am giving 30% discounts ...NO right
because people will not buy it..people will not go to it..
People want best when it's important to them...

=>>>>There's a beautiful opportunity for you to provide that level of service for
the people who want to sit in the front of plane and in most comfortable seat
possible in your area of expertise..
10-20% of your market place wants higher ticket to get expertise..

=>>Dan charges 10000$ hour for call,

q)Why people pay him 10000$ hour?
=>>>"I don't charge by the hour,I charge by the year".
*It's not the time,it's what i bring to the time..
**They are not buying for one hour of my time,they are paying for in one hour what
i could do for their business .
***They are not paying for one hour,they are paying for 5,10,15,20 years of my
experience,and i condense them in one hour of time..

=>>The best thing of about selling high ticket is this

"You only need small number of clients to make great living".===========(week 6 h
teaches us how to work for influencers and get them,if you even don't have product
and services).
=>>there are millions way to make million dollars.
$25 product * 40000 customers ==Million dollars
$50 product *20000 customers==Million dollars
$100 product*10000 customers==Million dollars
$500 product*2000 customers==Million dollars
$1000product*1000 customers==Million dollars
$10000product *100 customers==Million dollars.
=>>Is there a differnce b/w serving 40000 people vs 100 people.
If you have 40000 people you need more bigger team,bigger infrastructure,more
Both model works,but know the difference.
Serving 100 people is very different model.

=>>Having fewer clients means you can focus the ones you have.
It also means,they are paying more,there's deeper level of commitment.

=>>If you are selling service,the most valuable resource you have is your
time,because you only so many hours in a day.
you can work with so may clients.
=>By not charging enough,it's very difficult to make great living.
by just working with more people,there is no enough profit margin,we have got
problem and we cannot focus on more..

High ticket sales secret#3

Undercharging Seriously harms your business.

**5 big problems you run into when you are not charging enough..
1)Lousy customer experience(cause you can't afford to provide superior experience)
=>>Because you are not charging enough,ther's no enough profit margin
Even if you want to provide more value,you know if you provide,you know there is no
profit left..

2)Clients get minimum results(it takes time to get results).

=>it takes time to get significant/great results..
Even though you know They are not paying eenough you can't really work with long

3)Clients don't respect and don't value you(they don't show up,do the work etc..).
=>>The more money people pay,the more they attention.
=>>When you don't pay ,they don't implement shit..
=>>When you really want,spending time they respect (only few cases)
=>>But ,when people pay they pay more attention..

=>>If CEO spending 10K,to consulting.

do you think he would have all the questions prepared ahead of time?do you think he
has ready with book?do you think he has recorder on so that i could listen
=>>He takes it seriously,he respects in value in my expertise and implement it.

Q)Can you see that,why he will get better results?

Because he could not wait,the minute he finished consultation he forwaded the call
and say guys,we implementing it.
Implementation immediately.
=>>He is not searching for i paid 10000$,where is the value,i need to find the
value here,how to get maximum bonus here,..
it's totally different thing..

4)Need lot of clients(income from each clients is low).

5)You must grow slowly,(because when you don't have enough profit,you are forced to
spend bare minimum in attracting and acquiring ideal customers..)
=>>broke entreprenuers is the idea they have is ,how you can spend least amount of
money in marketing to get ideal clients.(scarcity mindset)
that's not how you scale a company..
=>>but when you don't have enough margin you cannot scale
=>Scale a company by investing in marketing.
=>>you need to see ,how could i outspend everybody else.(Abundance mindset).

=>>let's say you are selling 100$ product and your profit margin is 50%,It costs
you deliver the service and product is 50 dollars.
He is marketing in online ,FB,youtube ,etcc..whatever you do in online
=>what's the most he could spend to acquire customer(Assuming you don't even make
50 dollars that the most we could spend acquire each customer.

=>>let's pretend ,I am selling the exactly same product ,same amount of

customers,cost is 1000$,our product and service delivery cost up to is 100 dollars.
the profit i get is 900$.
=>>The advantage i could have.
=>>The most you could spend is 50$,the most i spend is 900$.
that's high advantage.(unfair)
i could marketing on many channels..
who's gonna penetrate market faster?who's gonna grow faster?

=>>Even i spend 400$ also you could hire very high skilled people..
=>>it comes to how you designed your business model..

=>>Back end offer.

I already have front end 1000$,
let's say my back end offer 5000$, the customers i got with 1000$ among them 50%
will buy my backend offer.because they liked the first.
=>>Second offer,i don't need to spend on marketing dollars with these ,because
these are all my customers already.
=>here my profit margin is 5000$,now i could spend 3000$ for marketing ,
50$ vs 3000$.
who's gonna win,who's gonna NO1 ?
that's how business works.

=>>That's how you need to design my business,to outspend everybody else.

the minute i outspend every body else,i have dominated the market.
Because their business model is to fail,they never compete.

That's how you win the game.

the speed you acquire to get customers is this way...

when you are everywhere in the market,you will grow fast..

=>>>If you are designed to lower the price,then you are out of the game.(It's not
how much hard you work to compete)..

=>>>you will not spend money to acquire customers ,you go broke,.

=>>Even knowing this secret also,you say i am persistent and hardworker then see
yourself in next five years,you are failed.

=>>Dan is like ,I have no emotions attached ,I am just telling you facts with his
He wants us to succeed,not to waste money and time..
=>>Where pepople encourage to bad decisions ,sometime family and friends it's ok we
support you,you just stick long enough i will be there.
if you don't know what they are talking ,please shit close your mouth.
=>>Instead of that ,if you don't know just tell them,i look i am not qualified to
tell you,i have not done business,just go and talk with expertise who has

=>>>>Research from stanford and MIT

A group of bodybuilders given an energy drink,one group told that it's discounted
price,the other group told that it's the premium price.
Those bodybuilders who given as discounted price is having less intensive, and
given premium price said effective workout.
=>>It's the same drink given to both,but in different prices..
It's high level high ticket psycology.

=>>****It's the customer satisfaction related to perceived results may b shaped by

price and their belief about the price..

**Sifu wanted haircut in hongkong,he asked his friend where do you recommend to
He said it's down town where celebrities go..
How much is haircut?100 dollars..
usually he spends 50$ for haircut..

=>>He wents ,he sees beautiful view,he noticed how clean the place,magazines
nice,high end magazines,receptionist asked do you need tea?
=>>Consultation took 5 minutes ,what type of haircut ,put gel or not and all..
Nice tv,masaaz 10 spa.
=>>The entire experience ,he was looking at just how nice it is...

=>>He always OVERTIPS,

when you overtips it gives abundance mindset.
when you pay them little bit more,you feel good and they fel very good,..
=>When you overtip,you saying i value your good service,there is always more to

=>>Most people say don't tip more or don't tip at all.

=>>Hidden Psycology of premium pricing.

1)The more money people pay,the better they appreiate what they have.
=>>When before i go salon what i am expecting?
=>>I was expecting celebrities come here,it is expensive it must be good,because in
my mind it's expensive it must be good.
the minute i enter the salon ,I was looking for what is right,i was looking for
what is good.
i was looking for ways /things to justify my purchase(you know you are spending

2)when your clients INVEST top dollars,they will help you MAKE SURE i has been
valuable investment.
that same thing happened with energy drink and wine scenario.
It's not about tricking here,it actually tastes better in their mind..

3)Positive expectations lead to positive outcome.

4)Your customers help you justify price,then they will refers others like them..
=>let me give a different example.
hey buddy i need haircut,
Hair cut like old ,crappy,and right next to it salon,it costs 8$,
Imagine if i go also there,what's the first thing go in my mind is,
they might suck,it's gonna bad,cockroaches running around,hairdresser is not
all things went my mind is negative.
The minute i enter looking for what's wrong,what could go wrong.
Negative expectations,lead to negative outcome.

5)It's never ending positive cycle..

=>>Let's think 8$ haircut and 100$ haircut both have same skills,
do you appretiate?No
what even notice it?probably not.
because they have won the price already..
i already felt that how the experience is this..

Genie,i want to finish High ticket sales secret 4 which taught by dan lok,by 11:59
pm 13-5-2022.

=>>High Ticket sales secret#4

Inner game of money
Outer game of money.

=>>You can't really look at a price without looking inward as well as outward.
*All closers,suddenly they post in chat like,i am not getting sales,i am getting
So,many times you are getting negative results,Not closing,you gotta look inside
yourself,when you change your inside,you will see results outside.
We have beliefs like,
=>>I wouldn't watch 90 minute webinar,so my prospects wouldnot watch 90 minute
=>>I wouldn't spend 10000$ on single phone call,my prospects will not.
=>>I wouldn't spend 15000$ on x or Y so my prospects wouldnot spend 15000$ with me.
=>I don't have $15000 to spend on ------------,so my prospects would not have that
much money to spend .

=>>You gotta be very careful with innerwords tapping you.

=>>If client is resistant,it;s because of you,
=>If client is objeting ,that's because of you.
=>If clients rejecting,that's because of you..

that means we are projecting our values(which we have in mind about money in past
future) to our prospects.
don't think like that..

=>>Money making is not serious business,it's game you first it may seem
that you play with forces outside of yourself-the economies of marketplace,so to
speak-but as you proceed you discover it's actually game that you play with
--Stuart Wilde.

=>>BIG price Mistake.

**We get in our own way by what we have in our own head and by what we will do with
money and what we are willing to spend.
**When it comes to price,people project their own past and present relationships
with money-and they will spend for things-onto their clients.
**Everybody has some stuff in the head about money which relates to prices,some of
it is really not healthy.
that are destructive to your success,that are preventing you go to next level.

=>>How much is cofee?

5$,6$ walmart
25$ starbucks ,but coffee is coffee
3000$ kopi luwak,(It's very difficult to buy,it's very limited).
=>why people spend 3000$ for fucking cofee?
is it Because of exclusive or is it because of it's premium.
let say 30$ coffee ,vs 3000$ cofee.
does it taste 100 times better,?
does it even taste 10 times better?
I could imagine taste cople times better(3 times).
I am fucking guarantee ,that it will not taste 100 times better.

***When it comes to high ticket sales

=>>Most people RARELY buy things based on function..
you must understand high ticket mindset.

I am just giving example,people already projeting like or reacting oh,people

already paying for this,stupid ..because that tells you don't have healthy
relationship with money.
That reaction is nothing to do with coffee,that has to do everything with you..
**when it comes to price,people project their values(past and present on money) on

Capasodi umbrella range from 300$ to 500$.
you might thinking who the fuck will buy that..
=>>Again don't project your values on other people.

what i am saying is...

1.Your value judgement is not matter.
Their value judgement is all that matters.

**The first thing you have to knw about price is,you have got to get out of your
own way,when you close high ticket sales..
=>>your value judgement doesnot matter,it doesnot matter you will buy it or
not,does not matter how you feel about it,it doesnot matter you feel it's
wasteful,it doesnot matter you feel doesnot worth it..

=>>Let's say you are closing for pursodi umbrella,

who do you wanna sell to ,do you wanna sell to who never bought pursodi umbrella ?
or do you wanna sell to who bought three pursodi umbrella?
=>>We sell to some one already bought three.
=>>we might thought they already have three,why one more??
***Because,Buyer is buyer,is buyer.

=>>it's difficult to convience who never bought it.

=>>Instead,talk to people who bought three,it's new one with different in
collection.they like oh i will buy it.
*Don't project your own stuff,they already had three,why one more like that?
hell no,that's wrong thinking.


It's not about selling,it's abundance mindset..

=>>ALL price Resistance is in the mind of closer,not in the client.

You created resistance with price,not your client,
because you are not comfortable with high ticket..

#Genie ,I want to finsh that High ticket sales secret #5 today 14-5-2022 before 6
#High ticket sales secret #5
Fix your thinking and remove money obstacles.

Wealth trigger:simply an object or artifact or something an environment that

triggers feeling of wealth.
=>Environment is wealth trigger.
=>Whatever means for you,that's wealth trigger.
you need to keep money in drawer,whenever you open my drawer it's cash.
what ever you focus,it expands,
it gets tell my subconscious mind,i got more money..

Instead if you kept credit cards,bills ,not paid and all .

every time you lok at it,you tell your subconscious that i don't have money.

=>>Somebody wallet's empty,every time i look at i have no money to subconscious

=>You may be thinking i don't wanna loose money,what if i loose wallet what
Than it's the case what you are saying is i don't trust myself.
that if i loose that money that will be the end of it,few hundred dollars.

=>>Some time you say,i cannot good at track of cash,if i have credit card i can see
the statements.
you are saying you don't trust yourself with money,you are not good money manager.
you afraid to loose money.

It's not good belief to have empty wallet..

Instead,when you put some cash in your wallet,every time you see your wallet,it is
so thick i cannot sit there,it's so thick i can't close..
it triggers you five to 10 times in your day..
It's lot better,it's too much abundance..
=>>you need to have it until you become it..
After you become you don't need,because you are the wealth trigger now.
But in the begining,you have to be play the game what you want it??
for some cash,for some it's pen,for some it's suit.

=>>You need to be feel as closer ,do it whatever you want it.

=>>You look good,you feel better,you work better..

=>>Anything that would give me slight edge(1% or 5%),i will do it to achieve my

because ,that 1% will adds up.

=>>watching video gives slight edge i will do it,wearing suit gives slight edge2%
better i will do it,vastushastra gives slight edge i will do it.(Anything)
=>>Broke people says,they think slight edge is too small.
=>>Suceessful people if it makes me 1% better,I will do it.

Principle of slight edge.

=>>Your inner world creates outer world.
your shoe gives slight edge,it will change you outside..

=>>A lot of people worry that if they make more money, or if they radically change
their economic state or if they charge lot what they do they will be judged..
lot of people will worry about it..
=>>How do people judge??
You are greedy,
you are selfish,
you are just in it for money,
you are just in it for help yourself.......

but you and only you truly know ,why do what you do..

=>>Money is an AMPLIFIER.
*Money and success don't change people;they simply amplify what is already there.
=>>you are greedy,more money will make more greedy.
=>You are generous,more money will make you more generous.
=>you are kind,more money will make you more kinder.
=>you are jerk,more money will make bigger jerk..
=>you are nice,more money will make more nicer.

=>>It is an amplifier of who you are,it doesn't change,it reveals who you truly
=>It gonna change who i am,NOOO
=>It reveals who you are,only you know who you are..

=>>>>>>>The more money I generate ,the more people i can care for.
=>I now get to take care of lots of mentees(Tens of thousands),
=>I get to take care of my team.
=>i get to care of many business relationships,and partnerships.
=>I also get to be cared for,lot more people in life too..

=>>>But Sifu,I don't want to people behind (that are close to me)or I don't want to
only serve with money.
*I hear from this pearl a lot who really wanna help people.
*I love it that you have this concern..
**You can choose to deeply help small number of people with high ticket closing
skill have an income that sustains you..
*Then you can devote rest of your time to helping other people with low cost or
free offerings.
*I combine all my skills and all my experiences and everything i love doing into an
offering that my students truly want,but more importantly,i love to deliver..

**I incorporate everything i love into what i do.

Teaching,moviemaking,travelling,learning,publicspeaking,superhero toys,interviewing
successful people...

=>>Everything i do is an extension of me,it talk about's just living


=>>I love seeing the transform,i love to see story.

=>>You are greatful everyday because when you fulfil on so many ways in life..

=>>Let's say you are walking down the street,you hear sound like
wrrrrrr,werrrrrrrrrrrrrr,wrnnnnnnn,wrrnnn,this sound is black lamborgini drove by??
What's the first thing comes to your mind?who do you think of that person?
=>Holy shit,bitch,cocky,spoilbrab,lotterywinner,abnoxious,show-off,gold
we think like that,but my question is How do you know??
=>>99% of people will think ,the first thing that comes to their mind is negative..
why it's negative??
=>>Because we are thought to believe like in certain way by
why couldn't that person is very successful entreprenuer,why that person who is
serving people for 20 years,that person who cares community may be..
you don't think in that way>>

that's why how do you know??

you don't, right..

=>>Imagine,you have enough money and closer worked hard to get that and provided
value to society,you like lamborgini and you drove down to the street and
subconsciously how do you think people are perciving??
even you work hard..
Knowing when you drive,people think bitch,probably gold digger,asshole son of
bitch,showoff...that only they think..
you are like you don't even fucking know me,what the fuck..
that's the biggest problem,that holds most people back to not move forward..

=>>Let's say you went to family party,you drove brand new lamborgini,what you think
your family would say..
do you think they will say congrasulations,NO..
They say like,do something illegal,what show off,what hell happen to you,
sometimes they may not say anything,they definately treat you different..
they make assumptions of you like money is gone to head,even though you were the
same person..

=>>you know that,because that's how you see people by the way..

=>>When you pitch financial successful(a person sitting lamborgini),in your mind
you are like i don't want to be that person,i don't want to people to judge me
that's one hand you wanna be financial successful,and the other hand if i am
financial successful if i sit in car people gonna say me bad things,they perceive
me different..
THat the same time you put EMERGENCY Brake ON..
*Negative association is that emergency brake...
*It does affect you.
*Most people they saw afraid to being judge,so you make sure no succed..

=>>Sifu i wanna be rich,successful but You working hard,but emergency brake on ,No
matter how hard you try or how many things you try,because deep down you are not
comfortable with money,deep down you are not comfortable with high ticket,deep down
you are afraid for asking money,deep down even you do make lot of money ,you afraid
of how people see you,family see you..they think you changed
=>>what hurts you the most is don't you know i am doing it for you,don't you know i
am doing it for my family.. they don't caree..
Q)why they see you this way??
=>>Because your success is remainder of what failure they are..
Because they see some people on social media,magazines,TV,that's like farway,that
person made it happen that person successful..
but when you do they are like,,,you ffuck we went highscholl together,i knew you
what you are like you are no smarter than me,how come you come out of matrix,how
come you,it's Unfair..
So,what could they do??they point fingers on you,you could be target for them..
Because it's the only way ours to be saying,
i coundnot look in the mirror and say to myself that,the guy who and i started from
same place, i knew him how fuck he would be successful,they are no different than
me,they are not people i see in magazine..
that's why they target you..

=>>what fucking excuse i have??

they are like,The only conclusion i have is,i fucked up,i pissed away 15 years of
life,i am fucking loser,you know what that's not the pill i want to swallow,
So much easier to find fault than what you do,you must be doing something
illegal,you must be doing soething wrong/bad,you are doing something,you must be
selling something shit..
No way what the fuck you are making money,hang around with good people,travel
lot,feeling grateful,helping people fuck youuu
where i am here havig job that fucking hate,having commute to work,living miserable
life,living pay check to pay check fuck you.....
That's what goes into their mind...

Q)Where do your thoughts and beliefs about money and wealth come from??
=>>They come primarily from the information or programming you received in the
past,especially as a young child...
Q)who were the some of the primary sources of this information or programming?
=>parents,siblings,authority figures,media,culture,more..

Very important lesson::

=>"IF you don't like and appreciate and respect and admire rich people,you can
forget EVER becoming one of US..
*you have one tiny little bit of negative association with rich people,affluent
people, you are never become one of us..
why because you don't want to become one of us..

ex:you say rich people are greedy,i don't want be greedy person,guess what you will
never be rich make sure you stay the same,you don't wanna be us you
will not becoe like us...

=>>So,when your you see successful people like person going with lamborgini,
You are like wow,so awsome,so proud,i bless you..
becuse when you do that you rewire your brain,there is nothing wrong..

=>>Eventhough there is a possibility of that person is an ass hole,doesnot

matter,is nothing to do with that person,it has everything to do with how you see
that person..

=>>If you are rich,you want to be appreciated,you want to everyone love,you want to
be respected,ou wanted to be like don't you?

=>>Media talks BS,they want your belief,and make look rich people in certain way..
Rich people are scandal,they always scandal and report like that.
**If any rich person donates just report for 30 seconds,if someone do wrong they
play 1-2 hour,..
Do you know what media does that??
=>>it makes poor people feel better about themselvess...
*Just like people cannot accept the truth,what you mean rich people are happy?They
cannot be happy..what you mean rich people are fulfilled?They are not
fulfilled,,..what do you mean rich people have good family?Rich people are not have
good family... what you mean they are generous?They are not generous I can justify
that..They justify by one story and say all rich are workholic,not happy..
People react in this way,when you talk good about rich people......

=>>If you actually met /have personal experience you see it.
*Do you know who are the ones are greedy,who are the ones fucked me over,ones who
always complain=>>>Guess who are they,they are poor people only..
*Do you know who are the ones generous,who always giving,who always helps=>>Guess
who they are,THE RICH...
=>>>>Don't listen to other people,find out for yourself...

=>>Filthy==>Rich by unethical/corrupt means.

=>>People say,Rich people are Filthy/stinking rich..
Sifu met lot of rich persons,he don't met any single person who are filthy rich..

=>>Sifu met lot of poor people,who are filthy stinking poor..

but you don't hear that term..

=>>when rich look pretty good,they smell pretty good..

=>>Money smells good..

=>>>You can't get rich by looking poor,you definately can't get rich feeling

=>>Sifu travels north america,when he picks cab it would cost me about 60$,one time
very bad experience with cab driver,seats were so dirty,smelly driver and
environment is bad..
Instead of get a cab,he picked limbo which costs 100$,only 40 bucks more,,Long
limbo not short..
=>>>When i am in limbo,the lot of people were looking into limbo even i stopped at
like who's in there,who's that guy..
=>>Then i got to airport and i flew to event ,and i observed that i performed
better as a speaker,i felt better,and i made more money..
How that hell happened??
But audience doesnot know before i got plane i came from limbo??
=>>>Who knows ,I KNOW....
only you know that.
MInd game...It's mental game..(Wealth trigger,do the thing which feels better)..
I got here by limbo man,so i performed better..

=>>Than on i never came on cab/never look on cab.. only LIMBO

=>>Einstein said:Once your mind stretched,you never retract to it's original state.
=>>Dan lok says:Once your wallet expands,you never retract to it's original state
=>>Once you get used to certain lifestyle,you do everything you could to keep
living that lifestyle..
That becomes your new comfort..
=>>>But now,Sifu doesnot care much,but back then it is,

=>>Selling high ticket is profoundly transformational experience that goes far

beyond your business.
=>>You will have different relationship with money and success.
=>>You will show up more powerfully and youwon't be afraid to offer your best work
to the world and be generously be compensated..
**this is not just sales,this is high ticket closing.
**You notice booms every day..
**You could realize it's transformation experience,it's very depth..
**You will see they are not charging more,they charge for what they worth..
*And now you closing sales and havee lot of confidence(previous season one).
*They went from uncertainity to certainity
*They went from shy to extrovert
*Went from scarcity to abundance.
*We get booms every damn day.....

=>>Sifu's teachings is skill,mindset you develop everything changes,

you are closing relationships,you are get off your with addictions..

High -ticket selling secret #4

Lower self Vs Higher self.

=>>This is one of the most foundatinal,imporatnt concept we teach in HTC..

It's heavy concept.
when i teach this they get very upset,some time cry,sometime speechless..

Q)What is lowerself??
LOWER SELF is the creative center of our negative attitudes and feelings towards
self and others ,arising of our egocentric separteness from the totality of life..
=>>It's our defense against pain,Our numbness to feeling,
Our disconnection of ourselves from other people,And it's the negativity we act out
as a result of this numbness..

Q)What does lower self sound like??

=>>As you go through recognize some of your lower self movements.
1.I can't.
some times we come conclusions very quickly without doing research,without doing
any fact checking that is out of maturity..
3.Lowerself feels:Pain,helplessness,rage,denial,withdrawl..
4.Lowerself wants things to be 100% perfect ,being perfectionist,Always wants it's
way.(In my way or high way)
always wants control,knowing there is no control..
5.Lowerself feels rejected,you can't win.(it's not gonna work,it's not happening to
6.Lower self likes to play victim,likes to blame..
Don't do this to me life..
7.Lower self likes to rationalize..
i.e.I should do that,I could do that.
Full of excuses..
8.Lower self likes to come up with false conclusions..
That doesnot work,that will not work,I am different,My business is different like
9.Lowerself also likes to set impossible standards..Perfectionstic.
when you see 250 million dollar home,that's not vision board,it'slowerself boards.
Q)why do people set impossible standards?
Because when they don't achieve those goals,they are something to blame,hey not
that i work hard,i set my goals too high...
It gives them way out,They set themselves for failures..
10.Lowerself also blocks pains,by freezing your feelings,..feeling Numb.
just the way it is..
Numbness feeling everyday,they need distractions,watch tv,smoke,drink, so they feel
11.Lowerself also thinks about wrong conclusions.
I am not enough,i don't matter,i am not worthy..

That's lowerself,
Closing is very very easy any body can learn it that's not the problem,Lowerself is

=>>>Lower self vicious circle:

you experience rejections,it turns to pain,and it turns to hate and so on...

=>>Do you see,why the lower self so destructive>>

=>>Do you know why you have problem ,why you have hesitation simply making
introduction video and posting that on facebook..
it's not about introduction video,it's lowerself talking..
lie:camera shy.
but what it says is,i don't wanna be judged,what people think of me,how they see
me,i don't know these people,
It's not about the video,it's not about being good at camera or's nothing
to do with that.

*Do you know why you are afraid to connect with people,Do you know why you set
sidelines,Do you know why you have been server all the life..
Server:Who doesnot participate,who is invisible.
*you don't know me,you can't hurt's true.
they don't know you,can't you help either..

=>>So,you sit on the side watching other people participating,and life goes by you
don't really participate.
=>>The thing you save,are you happy,is that what you want?Being alone?Don't matter
people don't know you exist?
is that how you see yourself?
=>>It's not about making the video,
*is to make learn something about yourself.
*to make you realize what's been holding you back..
*Why you were not there,where you want to be?

=>>It's nothing to do with car,vehicle,technology..

=>>It's your lowerself..
*You have been cotrolled by your self for too long,how you behave,how you think,how
you act.
*What's very sad is most people don't know is,
"They think it's them" but it's not them,it's your lowerself..
=>>You are not your lowerself,you are you..
=>>Your lowerself is your conditionself..
=>>It's programming from the past your parents,siblings,friends,media,relatives...
"You are not your LOWERSELF".

=>>No body knows,you don't need to make the video,you don't need to attend the
class live,you don't need to do assignments....Nobody really knows.
you could be server..
you could be server al your life,and you have been doing that all your life,you are
very good at it..
i know you are very good at it..
Just nobody pointed it out..

=>>what hurts me /what pains me the most is,

you are so good at it you forgot who you are,
you put on that mask for long time,you don't even know who you are anymore..

*you don't recognize..

*you look in the mirror,and you say is this who i am,is this me?
you have forgotten who you are...

=>>then for some ,you wear so many masks when face different people,
you wear one mask when you talking to family,you wear other mask when you talk to
clients,you wear other mask that works with them..
**YOU lost..
=>>You no longer no which one is me,who am I?
=>>We wear this mask when you are hiding,when you are upserving,when you
pretending,and you get so good at it..
but everyday you die little inside...and you wonder why you are depressed,you
wonder why you are not happy,you wonder why you are not fulfilled,you wonder wwhy
you are lost???

*****But you are not your lowerself,you also have higher self..
Higher self:
This is the self that is the highest expression of your personality,It is the self
that KNOWS you can create anything you want...
=>>have you ever noticed ,have you ever had those moments things just happen or
things just work..
your sense of time is lost,i was just gone by what was happened,you are excited,you
are happy,your life..
Those moments that's your higher self..

=>>Sifu has that too,,(lowerself,higher self)..

we all have that ...

=>>>The key is "WHO do you listen to most of the time".....

=>>you notice yourself getting

Ask yourself,
Is this my higher self that's talking or my lowerself??

=>>you are not your lower self,you simply bring awareness to it..

=>>When we think,it's my lowerself..

=>>So,good,you can choose not to listen to my lowerself..

=>>When you think of you are not good enough..

*You can choose not to listen to or
you could choose you are right ,i am not good enough....

=>>>>the trick we use is,or taught by mentor SIFU is,

*put your left hand out,and i want take out your right hand ,slap the hand hard as
you could.That's called bitch slap for lower self..
*You could bitch slap your lower self..
=>>>When you catch your self,,i heard thing you are not good with sales,
*You bitch slap it,fuck the shut up,I don't need to listen to you,you have no
control over me,over my life,over my decisions..
you can bitch slap that lowerself fucking all the time..

**When you bitch slap your lower self enough times,your lowerself shut the fuck
up,and it has less power over you..
=>>Now when lower self wants to say something,,youuuuu boom,you can't affordddd
boom,i can't say any more Dan,Good..

**when your lowerself says you can't make intro video,

=>>Now bitch slap it,shut the fuck up i will make right now..
=>>Don't give any power to your lowerself,
=>>Zero power...

**One of tools is HTC CREED..

=>>This is the very powerful way to bitch slap lower self,
in the morning you do attitude,gratitude which it rewires your brain to abundance..
=>>But this is something you could read every morning to bitch slap your lower
*To say hey,this is who I am,this is what i am capable of..No rejections.

=>>Everyday read it,live it..

=>>>Imagine you start the day with the creed,you shut down the lower self.
=>before going to close the call,you can read creed.

you are not your lowerself

=>>At given time you can choose who do you listen to..

=>>Do it for every day,make that part of morning rituals,and see how your life

=>>>I want you to imagine that,lowerself is cd,

when you play that lowerself CD,you feel like
rejection,embarssment,guilt,shame,self punishment,you don't like it.
=>>Damn thing is this,it keeps playing and playing for years,i am getting tired of
that lower self CD.
=>>You have that track in your mind,plays 24/7..

=>>if you want ,cd to not play..

Fact is you cannot change cd,lower self is always there,but the thing is who do you
listen to..
But if i want to shut the lowerself down is,we can use creed,bitch slap to shut
that up...

=>>Another thing we can do is ,scracth that cd.

because scratch Cd will not play,..
=>>>So make scratches on CD,every single time you read HTC creed in morning is one
if you want this not play,you need to scratch out of it..not couple scratchess..

=>>Mini creed is wallpaper for smartphone.

The more times you look cell phone everyday,read aloud mentally ,every time it's a
that cd won't fucking work if you scrath 100 times and more..
Even you want to work,it will not work.....

==>>>Important weekly assignments..

step 1:Personality selling mastery..

Submit your assignments::

1.When Dan spoke to your most dominant GEMS style,what resonated with you??
=>>Every single GEM is precious,not one superior or other..
one is not better than other..
=>>All four have weakness and strenghts..

2.What are three items,or areas that you want to improve on in your own GEM.
ex:Rubies,be a better listner
sappiers,work on your follow through skills.
pearl,say "no" more often.
emeralds ,be more sociable..

3.Guess the gems of the following people in your life.

father mother friends,children,spouse..

this helps so many family to the way we need to communicate with..

communicate the way people resonate with their personality..

4.From list above,when conflict arises ,which gems do you have the most conflicts

5.How could you handle these differently in the future based on what you have
learned so far about gems...

6.After learning this information about gems,what are the biggest insights you have

7.what things will you change??

Step 2:Examine your current money beliefs.

**Answer these questins multiple times,without thinking or editing,..
1.Money is....
2.Wealth is..
3.Wealthy people are .....
4.The reasons i can't or may not become wealthy are....
5.Some of the possible negatives about being wealthy or going through the process
of wanting to be wealthy are..........
6.My greatest worries and fears regarding money and wealth are.....
7.The worst thing about money is....

=>>>You answer each questio 10 times or more until no answers come out for that

*Write everything about money ,wealth and rich people you heard as child..

*Write down description of an early emotional experience with money that affects
you today..
May be i am 7 years old,if you ask can i buy icecream..
they say,No,we can't afford out...

*Write down the conclusion/story you created from that experience,how that story
has affected you up to this time...
*Write down your family situation,and each parents or adult guardians habits their
ways of thinking and being around money as you were growing up.
Also describe who you might me similar or opposite to you in what ways...

*What was your parents situation like?

what are the conversation about money like?
were you raised with the feeling of scarcity and not having enough,or in abundance
and wealth..
What did your parents teach you about money and making money..

=>>>Answer all those questions,when you lay it out all your current beliefs about
=>>You gonna find exactly,what is been exactly holding you back..
like n wonder i am struggling to make money or struggling to keep money..

Step 4::Get comfortable with money..

*Learn to feel comfortable around money.
*Get a lot of cash(you want atleast one big stack of money).you need lot of them..
*And then i want to play with them as a kid plays with the toys,balls,Throw
them,let them rain on you,swim in,smell it and feel it.
have some fun with this,be creative
*If you find it uncomfortable to do,don't be surprised..

Step 5:Immerse yourself with sifu teachings..

*Watch 10 videos minimum on closing,money

Danflix daily,it will feed/install new belief.

step 6:Program your mind for wealth.

morning :Attitude,gratitude.
mid day:Millionarie mindset
night:program subconsipus mind
Read HTC creed aloud atleast 1 time day
Scratch that CD every time you see on phone that mini creed..


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