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=>>>How to close $3000 -$50000+ sale with one phone call without being sales or


*The more you put it,the more you get it..(With HTC)
*you will get it exactly what you put it..
**You have to participate with no excuses..

=>>>You need not to be observing(Just sitting and seeing)

you need to make implementation,apply it...

=>>>We see a story,CRABS in the BUCKET.

*One time,a man was walking along the beach,he saw another man fishing near the
beach with bucket ,
*He walks little bit closer,he saw the bucket with no lid and had live crabs
=>>He asked fishman,why don't you close the lid of bucket so that crabs won't
***you don't understand,if there is only one crab in bucket,it will sure crawl and
escape quickly..
but when you have mutiple crabs in the bucket ,you don't need to worry about it..
because as soon as one crab tries to get out of bucket,the other crab would pull
right back in bucket..
=>>How many of you have some crabs in life?
the minute you try to do something different or the minute you try to get out of
bucket you will be pulled right back to that level..

=>>We all hear /experience some of these CRAB MENTALITY.

*If i can't have it,neither can you.
*If I can't achieve more,neither can you.
*If I can't achieve success,neither can you.
*If i can't do it,neither can you.
*If I can't break free from Matrix,neither can you..

=>>>How many times have you been pulled back down,may be even some time from you
care you love.
=>>We told things like,hey,you shouldn't do that so you know how many people
failed,my cousin does that and he failed and lost so much of money,you crazy that
will never work...
so many crabs in life..

Q)Tell sifu,Why people drag you down or why they have crab mentality?
=>Fear,Afraid of failure,fear of success,selfish,jealous,low self esteem,..

=>>So,if you are in bucket,and you try to get to your goal,and you try to do
something different,you try to get different version,all these crabs drag you to
that level,then what do you do??
*you can push them away and keep moving,Move them from your life and move on..

=.>>Those who manage to "CLIMB out of the BUCKET"will again find the "BLUE OCEAN"
i.e freedom..
=>>The minute little crab get out of bucket it gets fucking freedom..

=>>*There is no traffic at the top,All the traffic is at the bottoms..

=>Most of them is trying to fight for scraps,leftovers..

=>>Any category you take,there will be less traffic..

let's say we go to airport,
Expensive lounge fewer people,Terminal lot of people.
Private jet airport even less people..

=>>Even air is also seen at the top..

=>>Moral of the story::

IGNORE the crabs you have in your life..

=>>Recognize who they are-even they are the one who you love most,ignore them..
=>>They may have best of intentions,thinking that they are doing good by helping
you,by trying to protect you from failure..
But,infact they don't know is they holding you back from success...

=>>Poor people don't know.

Failure is not the opposite of success.(Poor people believe failure opposite of
*The truth is Failure is always part of SUCCESS.
you cannot get to success without failure..

=>>Any one who tries to avoids failure,they would fail 100%,because they are
playing not to loose, not plaing to win.
=>>Most people are playing not to loose instead of playing to win..

=>>Imagine you are playing to basketball,you are playing not to loose,you donot
move forward,you hold on to ball,you don't pass,you don't want to miss any
shoot,how the fuck they will win?
You have to shoot some balls,than only you might win..

=>>when you taking action,or doing something new, are you gonna get that in hoop
100% of the time?
**No,you gonna miss some shots,you gonna make some mistakes,you gonna make some
failures is that O.k?does that bother you??

=>>Sifu knows us more than I know,because He was me,he was where i was,He
experienced all those mental,emotional struggles and more..
this is why SIFU is effective teacher,he knows what student needs..

=>>I felt so many times that i don't know that much about me,he knows..
You are like,how does sifu know??

=>>Sifu has taught so many students,he knows problems,there are ways to over come
that problems,..
=>>We thought our problem is unique,but our problem is not unique,other people
experienced same thing..
i am not the only one in this world to have this problem,there are many and they
overcome this..

=>>*We are not trying to avoid mistakes,we are trying to learn how to be
comfortable with mistakes,..
because if we avoids problems,we avoid success.
failure is part of success..

=>>Rescue the people who swim towards you..

Don't try to make people understand and convience who doesnot swim yo you,
you are swimming to themm..

=>>There are 2 kinds of people in this world.

1 Inside the matrix
2 outside the matrix.

=>>you are out of matrix (from two classes) I.e(you unplugged from matrix)..
=>>You are out of matrix,the people that you know they are still sleeping in the
matrix,you try to wake them up..
but,it will not work,not good,struggling,not working at have wasting the

Q)Why it's so hard to make people out of matrix>>

=>>Because,they are still in the matrix..
people inside the matrix,they are still sleeping..

=>>You are out of matrix now,you say to people ,you are in matrix man wake up..
they say what matrix man,i am fine,i am living my day to day,life is quite
desperation,misery ,struggles..
I have been living like this environment from long..

you say,wake up man ,you need to do something.

they are like you are crazy.....

=>>>Don't try to wake up peoplewhen they are not ready...

=>>They will hate you for because you destroy the fanatasy and illusion with the
people like i don't want the truth,i want my life back..
=>>people wrong you,don't wake up..even you are doing favour for them..
=>>who are you try to force your values on them??

=>>So,what should you do?????

Let them sleep,if they wanna wake up they will...
they will swim towards you,they will ask..

=>>Unless they donot show intiative,don't do anything..

This is always been SIFU's philosophy..

=>>I don't try to help everybody..because he know human nature too well,why waste
my time? that's why help people who towards you..even that itself gives busy
=>>I am not here for everybody,I am here for somebody..

=>>Don't keep students who use skill for negative purpose,kick them out..

=>>I wnat to be exceptional .Dan,and I want to respect you and remember i came

=>>"The closer you are to your breakthrough,the more negative people around you
will you react".
the more negative people around you will become more negative they will be,the more
shit they will give..
(No fucking logic involved in this)..

=>>People were like after money changes...

=>>people say danlok scaam and all,after course they are it's phenomenal,and i have
changed to my better version..
but after closing first sale they are like i am just lucky,after closing 5-10
sales,i will see how long it will,this is not job and i need career, i am like what
the fuck?
=>>Now,you are making more money,you work from the comfort of your home,you are
spending time with family,you are travelling,you in charge of your time,you work
when you want,where you want with whom you want,you have got financial
confidence,life is good right..why you are so arrogant??Dan asked.
=>they are like,it's never good,fuck you...get lost..
Sifu is like,crystal ball..

let's see different side of story..

let's say you try,and after you graduate ,3 months into HTC you have never made
single sale..
you go to your friends and say,they are like i know that ,it's not your fault,
i told you so,forget the shit,let's hangout and watch some tv.
=>>>i.e bucket crab
they are like oh man ,you back into the bucket..

=>>You can think of like this,,

**Some,you go right back into the bucket, and for some unfortunately you were in
the bucket,and for some we never try again,we don't want to get disappoint's called Life..

**for some the minute you think you know it all,is the minute you start to fail..
**for some the minute you get resistance you get some failures and you give up....
**for some nothing bad happened to you,you are making progress,you care so much
what people wrong you say,you don't want to make feel bad,you stop doing even it
you self sabotaging...with no good reason except people around you are

=>>Big Dan(Dan pania) key thing.."you guys are fucking poor because you have poor
gene,your poor tonatics in DNA"
your parents are poor,your grand parents are poor,your friends are poor,your
relatives are poor,the people you talk to they are poor,,tthis is why most people
can't make it..
=>>that's why Most people don't become first generation millionaries not because
they can't do it,because of poor genes..

=>It's hard to get rid of that..

=>>If Sifu only teaches skillset,you cannot be successful..
=>>If sifu could teach that only skill ,think of you don't have emotional
baggage,mindset,no lower self,poor mindset not holding back..if that's the case we
are going to generate 100% result..
But we are not dealing in perfect world,we are living in fucked up world..

=>>even you successful,people will try to pull you back,jealous,and talks

negative,..that's the problem we are living in that kind of world..

=>>that's the problem,poor genes,it's not eight week/three week's

lifetime thing..
therefore,SIFU reverse that in eight weeks,it's fucking hard
=>He's trying to overcome negative programming which you had from lifetime..
=>>it's easy to fallback to lowerself,but Htc students after few suddenly gets to

=>>>it's there for everyone..

if it's not there you would be already successful,you already living the life you
want,you are making the income you want..
=>>>How do you know when you don't have anymore?
when you are successful..
=>>when you are making money you want.
some it is 15000$ month,some 10000$ month,some 50000$month,some 100000$month..
=>>whatever the goal might be,you know when you get there..

=>>By the end of next few classes,you say this to SIFU..


=>>Sifu is downloading decades,years of experience on closing and persuation into

your brains,like a plug in back of your brain..

=>>You will feel overwhelmed,your head will spin..

=>>>you would be overwhelmed not by just knowledge,you would be overwhelmed by how

the fuck i am gonna do that,
you see that how we close,you see the way we do it,you would be like i would be
never be that good,you feel the gap..
In your mind you feel like i won't be good enough that in eight weeks,,you feel
overwhelmed by that..

=>>Remember what Sifu said,

do you need to be that good to make great income for high ticket closer,do you need
10/10 to make even 3000$-5000$ month?
why not?Why don't you need to be that good?
=>>Because others sucks,you don't need to be that good,you need to be good enough
to close that sale.

=>>you will make mistakes,you could stumble,word here and there,you don't need to
ask perfect question,.
No body cares,as long as you close that sale,it WORKS>>>

=>>when you close 10000$ sale,it doesnot go well as you hope,it wouldnot the
smoothest i hope,you close that sale..

=>>After that you ponder,and improve for next conversation and be better..

=>>>So,Give yourself permission for failure,Give yourself permission get

overwhelmed,give yourself permission to be imperfect..
=>you have led perfection,hold you back so long in your life..
you need that in HTC,you need to be perfect in HTC..

=>>Sifu himself claims i am not perfect closer.

=>>How could anyone claim to be perfect closer..?
*I am always learning all the time,I never say i know it all,
*Sifu is student of closing all the time..

**you need to be always improving,that what's makes person good..

**Improving:testing the things,enjoying the process of improving,are you trying new
things,are you trying new approach..

=>>High ticket sales secret#7

Make money on your own terms..
=>>High income skill is income on your own terms..
=>>It's not just how much money you make,it's how you make the money..

=>>Take person A,making 100,000$ year but struck at a in postion or job don't
like,they need to commute to hours work every single day,not liking the people and
environment that he works in.
=>>Take person B,making 100,000$ year work from home,4-5 hours week,having

=>>We joined the HTC,we don't like the way we may income..
with same amount of money i make with closing is fucking awsome..

=>>Build your carrer around your life..

it means knowing you want first...

=>>How many of you have wasted years of your life,wanting something working towards
something and finding at the end that's actually not what i want..??
=>>Sifu,Before even climb the ladder,promise SIFU,ladder is leading against the
right wall.
=>Most of the people climb the ladder where ladder is leading against the wrong
* after climbing you were like,it's not the place wall i want..
you climbed because of situations,media,family(Like you need to be engineer).
*Now you struck down,climb back down mans you need to climb another ladder,it's
tough,some it's impossible..

=>>Before climbing the ladder,figure out the wall you want.

that's where vision board comes,
and put ladder on to the wall there and elevate or climb...

=>>That's why build the carrer around your life..

ex:Sifu wants to wear coat ,he not likes tie.
but for others wearing tie is nice,
you need to wear,don't think likesifu doesnot wear,i need not to wear,if so you are
putting ladder on wrong wall..
=>>these little things make your life good..

=>>for some people you are not interested to live in your city,
go where you want to live,achieve dreams.
=>>Don't do copy,make the better version of yourself.
it's important to figure out what ticks you ..

*People say,you can't have cake at 82,

what kind of stupid saying that you can't have cake at 82,
the purpose is to eat it,that's it man..

=>>I don't have lot of things in my life to toletrate.

i enjoyed it doing i do it,if not i will not do it..
how many people in society live like this way..
the people say and to justify,..

=>>>In business,you experience

"Clients from hell".
=>>They are cheap,moaning,bitching,complaining,disrespectful,unsatisfied..
Q)How many of you have clients fom hell right now,if you are running business.?
Q)they are not intrested in dealing with clients,but why you havee them?
They pay the bills,
they need money..
*You tolerated that shit,for money.

=>>>You choose to accept those clients,noone pointed gun to you and take these
clients...because they pay little bit of money.
=>Most of the time they don't pay lot of money,it takes lot of energy and lot of
mental bandwidth,..

=>>"Just because someone gives you money,it doesnot make you their little bitch"..
*You are professional,you are a problem solver.
=>>clients have problem and you has solution and clients giving you money in
exchanging of you solving problem.
=>>It doesnot make you their little bitch,to solving problem for them..

=>>If they don't give you the money,they will keep their problem ,it's fair
=>Plenty people i can help,
Life is so short.
=>>understand this,you have got some money,So fucking what?

=>you paying million,so what ?it's just money..

=>>you need to approach your closing call with that mentality.

=>>You need to have this frame of mind..

=>>You wanna help them,but not attached..(SIFU TEACHS THAT)..

=>>"In life,you don't get what you need or desire"

you get what you tolerate and accept..

=>>it's you thinking and accepting it,and you will have it.
=>>Think of your life scenario where you are right now??
you tolerated so much,

=>>The reason your income is low,because the people around you accept low income is
=>In my dictionary 100k,200k,300k is low income..
=>>People who have over weight,they think it's ok.

=>>You might say it's not ok,but your actions ,behaviours speak differently..

=>>>you have debt problems 10 years ago,you still have debt problems today
also,because you accepted it's OK.Nothing has chaged.

=>>you were making enough money you were just geeting by 10 years ago,you still
getting by,after 10 years you still getting by..

=>>People doing the same shit,still encircles,still struggling,still bitching..

even after 10 were the same as you were it's unbelievable..

=>>HTC students,1 year later they were not recognize themselves.

they can't believe one year ago they were like.

=>>you need to be proud of your change...

=>>A person before the men it feels like stranger,like it can't be me..

=>>you need to change lot..

=>>You need to be careful ,how much you tolerate.
***you teaching people how to treat you..

=>>>you given them permission to do that.

you like giving udri,and not ask right you taught people how to treat you...
it's not their fault.

=>>"Life is too short to deal with asshole clients.

only deal with people who want to deal with you".

=>>How to get rid of clients from hell?

Get business cards from competitors,
you tell the client,You are working with us so many years,we are not fit for
you,please take this card i think he is best for you..

=>>then you out and eat the cake from over the fridge for celebration for rid froom
clients from hell,and we puzzzled them..
we gonna have lot of fun,don't take serious about life.

=.>>>I am wealthy(not just money,financial,mental,health) because I don't have many

things,many people in my life to tolerate.
=>>True wealth is living life on your terms....

=>>Think about people who suffer,who feel down,who feel unfulfilled, is that
relationship b/w you tolerating?
Because you are tolerating something,that's why you feel this way..
you are not like them but you tolerated them.

=>>The other side of equation is when you don't have lot of things to tolerate ,you
were pretty happier..

=>>I don't want people/things in life to tolerate i will kick them out..
=>>We need to transffer skill,who need it for life time and he need to appreciate..

=>>>>High ticket sales secret#8


=>>When you growing up you heard lot that,

Don't talk to strangers..

=>>That's why afrter becoming adult,we need to pickup phone and talk to strangers
we will be nervous.
=>>Even now,if i asked to call now for strangers,you will be nervous,we are
phone doesnot eat,bite..
you have physical reaction with phone.

=>>Where does it come from??

*In early age we have been told that,don't talk to strangers..

=>>Here is what SIFU learned,

*In a business,If you don't talk to strangers on regular basis,you were broke..
(Convert stranger into customer).
*In closing,If you don't talk to strangers ,you are not converting leads into sales
you were broke.

=>>pople struggle financially because in their life time they talk to people they
know,they never expands out of their circle.
that's why their income is capped,limited.

=>>""The amount of money you'll make is in direct proportation to how many

strangers you talk to everyday..""
The more strangers you were talk,you make more money..

=>>when our parents told don't talk to strangers.

they are not giving us formula for high income,they giving us formula for

=>>if you have children,give them chocolates,and go and knock neighbours and sell
if you want that toy,you talk to strangers..
That's better seed of programming for children at early age.

=>>The master key unlock making more sales..

"Turn strangers into friends,and friends into clients,and clients into raving
that's key to have more income as a closer..
more sales means more income,..

=>>At any given time,through technology and internet we can reach 100's of
organically(not paid)..

=>>reach in th sense just watched your video,it's the key..

=>>>you need to talk to more strangers now..

=>>Whatever you need /desire verything you want someone ,somewhere as already have
it. what you need t o do?
=>>You have to close them to giving it to you,you close them to helping you get
it ,you close them to provide resources to get need to close them to
introduce who have it.
that's the formula for success..
In life every fucking thing is closing..

=>>High ticket closing is funskill,it's transsferable.

=>>>Don't think of closing as only for comissions..

=>>It's life skilll.
SIFU taught of life skills,mindset..
=>By being better person,you will become better closer.
by being better closer,not necessarily mean you are better person.

=>>You wanna have long term sustainble success,be a better person first,closing
part is easy.
That's why you hear story of different version,emotion ,transferrable..and fucking
you werenot saying story of i used this technique and i got this much NOOO..

High ticket sales secret #9

your network creates your net worth.
=>>Your income will be the same as the more time we spend with..
=>>You need to meet new people,

=>>Are you lone wolf?

you need to interact with other,you cannot achieve things...
=>>Are you operating in silos?
You are just bserving in sidelines,
Not uploaded introductory video,not even posting in discord,not interacting with
If that's true than definately your network is your networth...

Are you still not interacting with HTC brothers and sisters.?

=>>"When the snows fall and the white winds blow,the lone wolf dies, but the pack
lone wolf dies because of no backup..
=>>Even Sifu needs backup..
he could count on 1000s of people,you need to back him,he will back you..
once he got problem.

=>>How could they connect you and help you without knowing you,
=>>It's not your job to they know you,it's your job to show them up..

=>>What's been holding you back from whole fucking life??

You always be an observer,not participating..

=>>>you sit on sideline beause,

*You afraid to commit,you don't wanna look bad,you don't wanna look
*You afraid that you get hurt..
*You alwayas be an observer.
=>you have made this story up in mind,
Because you have been alone for long time,
you forgot how to connect..

=>>if you couldnot connect with them on emotional level,forget about closing..

=>Why you have been observer?

you afraid of long time and that worked for you..
But does that bring you more success,does that bring you connections,does that
bring you communication,does that bring you more fulfilment ,more love..
=>>so,they didnot want to try anymore,and they came up with lame excuses..
=>>They came up with conclusion i can't connect..

=>>**If you think it's impossible,it's not.

***If you think you know everything,you donot.
***if you think you are alone,you are not..

=>>Sifu believes more in you than people around you..

you are capable of more.
you don't have to afraid to connect,you need to connect....

=>>You can't take on the world,if you avoid the world...

=>>>I call it HTC FAMILY for a reason..

=>It's not some's not some community,it's not forum,it's definately
not just FB group,It's FAMILY.
=>>And I donot take the word FAMILY lightly,Just like i don't take the word SIFU

=>>>Sifu will transffer skills,he will give every thing he got it.. BUT question is
what you do with that??

=>>why we are the HTC family..

*It's the only place where you FREE yourself from nonsense negativity if you're
opened to it.
*Your HTC family shares the same value,same goals as you.They are walking the same
path.In some cases,they understand you more than your actual family.(No crab
they are not trying to pull you down,they are push you up from outside of the
*They support with no motive,no agenda..

=>>They want to see you do well,

when you see they are doing better,ask brother can you share with me,how you have
done that..they will share with you..
No jealous,no negativity,no discrimination..
=>>HTC is place to be yourself,where your forging the version 2 of yours..

=>>>it's not the perfect version of you,it's the best version of you.
Only thing SIFU cares is you getting better daily,don't compare..

=>>It's not the amount,as you experience amount comes..

=>>You have access to HTC family for life.....(UNLESS you break the rules,being bad
otherwise,they would be ban for life.

=>>who are your friends right now?who do you talk to on regular basis?

"Show me your friends and i will show your future""

=>>After several weeks,you cannot want to be in friends circle you were there
already???you avoiding them,because they are BMW,and lower self...


Feed backs.
=>>1 when you are closing in the real world,will there be chances,prospect phone is
out of range,noise in the back ground..
**Woud your prospect always in the quite environment with no distraction???
**part of being high ticket closer ,when you are listening ,you can't hear them,
then pay attention.

=>>when ou closing you are on the phone,there is a lot of distraction,will you say
i can't hear you>>NO
that means you stop,and you don't close.No
you pick extra attention..

Is that the thing ,that you could only close in perfect environment..
All you have to do is Pay attention...

=>>you cannot change the fact that background voice we can't change,person
we cannot change that..
whenever we call prospect may in any condition,we cannot change that,
all we have to do is,how we handle the call.
pay attention..

==>2.As a closer,you are closing somebody,

it's critical to have good audio..
because you are using techniques,tonality,is nice but you don't have a good audio
means it's waste call..

One of the investments as a high ticket closer as you could do is bring good
that is more powerful ,because we use our voice to close the sales..

=>>When we are closing,

one of the things we sound like is we never want to be over enthusiastic..
=>The minute we are over enthusiastic,we sound like salesy..
Like hey desmond,how are you great it's great,it's lok like we want something from
them..he gonna teach us tonality..

=>>As desmond said,we do this and this.

right now it's first call,we need to qualify..
*we would not go to features and benefits what we do.
because how do i know he needs, what i's too early to tell..

*des says ,yeah sure tell more about it.,

you are like oh,i wil tell all about it..what we do...
it's way too early..
Because trust has not established and we have not qualified him properly...

=>>when prospect not listeningg,it's very tough..

=>>and you need to qualify him and we feel loosing control on you..

*The worst the before,the better after...*

=>>With techlogy,even you can use same techinques in whatsapp and gmail..
=>>text closing,leaving voice message,it's same technique..
=>>it's not that they need to be on phone....

=>>Not so smooth,you trying to get deep,you are running circles little bit..

=>>Sifu is going to help you integrate better...than we talk will be smooth..

=>>tonality is key..

=>>>Most people like watching few videos on sales ,i get it..when they not.
this is like reading two line of book,and they say i understand whole book.
=>>How could 10 minute video,replays 6 hour class for 8
weeks,assignments,roleplays,feedbacks,structure and implement what you learn..
it's no replacement.

=>>Sifu's youtube video is just information,,(scripts and all).,IN HTC is

=>>In HTC ,taking you throgh the process,and by the time you have done with
process,you have elevated your skill,you have confidence..
you will be differnt version..
Htc is completely different from youtube..

High ticket sales#10:

Pattern Interrupt your prospects..
=>>people have conceive ideas what salesperson looks like..
ex:if i pick i the word sales person,what descriptive word come to your mind?
*Lousy,time waster,scam,fake,dirty,annoying,slimy,rude,liers,not trustworthy,overly
These are not healthy association with sales,and salesman..

ex:;your son come up to you and said,daddy i wanna be a doctor..

they are like yes,good,you are gonna be successful,i will support you,it's

you son come up to you and say,daddy i wanna be sales man..

you are like,no,i didn't raise that way,no..

=>> most doctors no freedom,and lot of debt..

Instead i wanna have a skill,i wanna live life on my own terms,knowing highest
paying people in the society,i could start with know debt,i don't want no ceil on
my income..

=>>Going 10-12 years for school,having in debt,living the life i never want to
be,it's bad idea..

=>>Instead of your son come and say i wanna be sales person,you need to proud of
it,and ask them to learn skills from sifu's videos,i am gonna supplier,50-50 son,
and they get good,you can hire other kids in neighbourhood,and now he becomes sales

=>>the reason most people are not good at sales is,not because techniques are not
there,it's because pre conceive ideas with sales..
=>>Negative association with sales..
=>>with all those negative with sales,you don't want to be one..
=>>See,how the mind affects your ability,it shows through your language..

=>Sifu,is king of high ticket sales,

he is doing sales,whole fuking day..

=>>"Selling invisible""
=>>He talks about,
*in most of the professinal servises,you are not selling EXPERTISE.
professionl sevices:Doctor,lawyer,consulting,financial coach,etc....
because your expertise is assumed,
and becausee your prospect cannot intelligently evaluate your expertise any way..

=>>Think about it,

you hire a professional,you don't really know how good he or she is, until he or
she provided service..
=>>You go to dentist based on recommendation or google reviews,you don't really
know how good he is,until you go there..
Most of the time,expertise is assumed,..
=>>this is why most service professionals,they think i need to x amount of years of
experience,x amount of expertise before i could charge this much...
it's bull shit,because your expertise is assumed..

=>>nobody could tell,you cannot even tell,

there is no scale to out of 10 you are this good,that good.
=>>Your prospect doesnot have data and intelligence to evaluate your expertise any

=>>Sifu is not telling do a bad job.

=>>he is saying,don't let that hold back that you need to get perfect,you need to
have these years of experience,and you need to make this degreee and that,
it's not true...

=>>>The LAST thing you ever want to appear to your prospects as is another sales
*you don't need to sound like typical sales person to close high ticket
sales,infact you won't close any high ticket sales,if you sound like typical sales
*We don't need to be another salesperson..
*It's very distinct way for closing..

=>>How do you know you are good?

*By the time the conversation is done,after you close the sale ,prospect says thank
you,they thank you for closing..that's when you know you are good,
*because you provided solution,you solve problem for them.
*They know/feel that you are not here for dollar,commision you get..

=>>>"PEOPLE hate to SOLD but they LOVE to BUY."

*It means people want to know they make their decisions ,when buying,
*it's their decisions to buy.
*they don't like to be forced or pushed to make decision to buy...

*They are not like bombarding with lots of messages,they just pushing and
people didnot like to treat that way..

=>>if it makes sense,happy to buy..

=>>Pattern Interrupt:Not acting,looking like,resembling like a stereo typical self-

centered person..

=>> Lot of sales people believe closing happens at the end of the conversations.

=>>Closing happens in the beginning and throught the conversations.

infact if you close well in the beginning ,than at the end you don't need to
prospect will happy to give the order..

=>>How will you feel,you are so good on the phone,by the time you get to the close
you donot need to ask for sale,they give you the sale..
=>>You need to take the control of the conversation in the start of this

=.>>It will be easy as you practice..

Q)What do typical salesperson sound like??????????

=>>They talk fast,eager,
=>>Too enthusiastic.
=>>It's scripted,
=>>They sound like robot..

=>>***From now on,you act like sales person,means you look like green monster.
remember ,any time in roleplay if you sound like sales person,green monster..

=>>Closing is all about POWER..

Traditionally and logically prospect have the buyer..
=>>Just because they give little bitch money,you cannot have the power...
=>>i can always make another sale(Remember).
=>>If you don't want it,then next,then next..

=>>you have solution,they have problem,if they give money we give

solution,otherwise keep your problem,go next..

=>>For closing to be easy and price to be irrelevent (not so much),the CLOSER must
take all the power away from the buyer..

=>>A closer having price resistance,closer is loosing control why?

It's because you don't have the power over the conversation..
price objection coming means no control over conversation,because every price is
not big...

=>>How do we get the power???

Sifu gonna transffer to me.
*you get the power by doing the exact opposite of what every sales person does..
1)We DO NOT get overly excited or emotionally attached to a sale.
2)We DO NOT talk too much,we let the prospects do most of the talking..
As a high ticket closer,you need to do 20% of talking,let prospects talk 80% of the
*let them talk,and then they buy,ou closed the deal.
*Because,When you say something it means something,when they say something it means
meaning is when you can say it or don't say it ask questions have them say it..
=>>they need to talk,then only we know what has happened..
=>>it's not i tell you it's my idea,i need you to tell me it's your idea..
3)We DO NOT push for benefits and features ,weask questions.
people donot buy because of benefits and features,they buy for their own resons,and
don't guess what it is,because we don't have fucking clue..

4)We DO NOT justify our value.

5)We DO NOT use traditional and common sales and tricks,.

why?Because it makes you sound like GREEN MONSTER.....

=>>Traditional sales man like,green or red

everybody can see it,we are not like that..

*NO Sales Experience?


*HTC works especially well with people have zero sales experience,because i don't
have to correct your bad habbit,
you are like clean of paper..
because you will pick this up faster,you don't know other way..this is the only way
you know.
*HTC works even well with best sales person.

=>>The students takes longer to get HTC , is the one who are getting decent results
over the years,those are harder to crack,it takes little bit of time .
=>>But once they good at it,they will be unstoppable.
=>>They need to be unlearn some habbits..

=>>>when you give them something,giving them anything attach value to it..
Value capture..

High ticket sales secret#11..

Don't sell
Ask questions...

=>>If you can ask questions ,then you can close..

because closing is asking questions..


Psychologist(you do that by ask questions gathering information not
reading mind).
Actor/Actress(you apply acting skills,doesnot mean you need to be
fake,you need to utilize your acting skills to communicate certain emotions.)
Power posture and tonality
High ticket closer.

=>>Sifu,what if some one asks questions what do we do?

Typical sales person:when you ask question,they have all the answrer..
Closer:Answer question with a question..(redirecting) not sound like robot..

=>>***you must uncover your prospects needs and pains before you share any
information about what you sell..

=>>if you feel like typical sales person means,you look like green monster..

=>>***Your prospects think you are gathering information (it feels like asking
questions) but you are actually moving them towards a decision..

=>>"The less you talk,the more you close.".

=>>The more you talk ,it's like you are justifying more..the more you try to

=>>**the entire high ticket closer methodolgy is about turning prospects into
you are letting them to sellthemselves.
you are helping them to make decisions they want to make.
you are turning them into sales persons..

=>>High Ticket Closing is all ABOUT asking the Right questions at the Right
time,with the Right tonality.
what if you are asking wrong questions,what does that do?you gonna loose that
what if you ask at right questions,with right time with wrong tonality ?you loose

=>>Knowing the right questions tto ask,knowing the right time..

=>>How would you develop timing?

**The nly way i could develop timing is RolePlay..
**Role playing is the foundation of HTC..

**Once you get it,you don't need a script,what you need is right mindset..

=>>>Role play by our mentors..

*The key thing to pay attention is tonality.
and how it flows..
*You need to change the tone according to the person..
=>>You don't need to know about vegetables,still you can close...

=>>Building business is monetize..

anything can monetize..

=>>if you are charging 10k,

now charge 12k on 1k monthly basis,
10k for who pay in advance..

High ticket sales secret #12

Master your tonality..

When it's come to communication research showed that...

Body language::55%
Actualwords you spoken:7%.

=>>when we are communiccating with someone,only 7% what words you spoke..meaning

what you say..
communication is not what you say,it's how you say....

High Ticket Closing::

Tonality::85%(How you say it)
Actual words you spoke::15%(What you say it).

=>>Unless you use video conferencing you see face to face

because most of the time you are on the phone..there is no bodylanguage.

=>>The key is tonality..that is your instrument..

Your voice is instrument..

=>>How many of don't like your own voice?

That's why make video,call records so that you can listen to and get feed
back...and improve..

=>>To get most out of HTC make videos more..

You need to see your voice,you need your facial expression,see body language ,you
don't like the way on camera,you probably don't like the way on the phone..
=>>Everything is KUNG FU..
out side of class,it's all practice..

=>>As we finish something,we can finish the sentence with:

~Upward voice intonation
~Unchanged voice intonation.
~Downward/deeper voice intonation.

ex:Try with sifu..

You want to buy this..
by all three,upward,unchanged,downward.
same line with different tonality..

=>>1)Speak from throat.

2)Speak from chest.
3)speak from diaphragam..(deeper).
same words but different tonality..
Doesnot mean you always speak from diaphragam..
=>>When you are on the phone you speak from throat.we need to be softer.
=>>when you are in the class/teaching,you speak from chest.
sometimes diaphragam..

=>>Don't be too eager in speaking english,

we try too speak english fast to hide our mistakes.
when you slow down,people pay attention..
=>>It's nothing to do with accent,it's all about tonality..

High Ticket sales Secret#13.

=>>No pain,No sale..

=>>It builds financial confidence within me..

=>>When you have this skill,do you really need worry about money..
=>>You get 10% of what SIFU had you kick everybody's ass.
Money on demand..,just pick a phone..

=>>It's just learn about skill,not talent..

=>If you have one skill you will be millionarie,if you have copywriting you will be
millionarie,closing millionarie,public speaking millionarie.
you will be multi millionarie having those three skills..(not combining)
=>>if you combine them,you will be in SIFU 's position..

=>>you could learn it,if you are coachable..

=>>SIFU does not hold back,your success is my success what sifu thinks.

=>>>People buy things because they have a present or future need that is causing
them discomfort ,aggravation and more..
=>>Prospects who have NO PASSION ,usually,have a lack of interest.
=>>They have no emotional investment,their needs low or non existent..
=>>**People only buy things to escape existing or future agony!!,it's ONLY when
their needs become strong that they are willing to take action,be proactive and
buy your products and services..
=>>When needs are so strong price is no objection,.
=>>Price is only an issue absence of value.
=>>Price is only issue in lack of pain..when is no pain,no sale...
=>>"The most positive/excited prospect is most dangerous".
when you get them,you are like forget all what sifu thought steps,you are like Ok
fill the form then you feel resistance..
=>What's the only direction they could go?
down,because they come with 10/10..
if they come up with 3 or4/10 you can warm them upto 9 and close the sale..
when they come up with,you cannot do anything..
so,there is no pain ,no sale.
so build the pain first..

=>>"People Invest there they hurt the most,They need to feel pain in the area
they've identified as unsuccessful in their life."
*That could be relationship,health,business,finance,carrer,spirutality,and the

=>>Closing call shouldnot be a pleasant experience for your prospect..

you can hear they will be anxious,you hear some silence,you hear some struggles..

=>>The minute you get on a call,immediately put your prospects on grading scale..
(Most important tool in HTC).
that's help you save the time ,no guessing.

1-5 =low needs.
6-8=some need or intrest.
9 through 10=high needs ,passionate,urgency(They are ready to buy)..

when begining of a call prospect need is very less

it's our job as a closer to bring them up..(make more needy).

Sifu,how do you bring them up?

You do it by asking questions..

When the need is lower than 5 always use reverse psycology..

*Give your clients reasons to defend what you are selling by mentioning that they
seem to be more interested than you expected ,or that you are not sure weather a
product or service is right for them.
*By giving the reason to defend what you are selling,they'll craft their own
argument about why they close the sale.
*Essentially you turn them into salesperson..

Examples of reverse psycology??

=>>1)you wouldn't consider changing companies just to save 10% ,would you??Reverse
psycology they say i change.
If i could save you 10% you wanna change company right?They say No..

=>>2)It can't be that urgent,can it?yes,i will

instead if you say it should be very urgent,you have to do this to change your
life:::No result
You are convincing when their needs is low..

this project is not important you,is it?

=>>3)Even i could do _2times or more_,you don't get started now,do you?may be six
months from now?
you push them,there is less time,you have to do it..

=>>4)You wouldn't be interested in that ?do you?

even if i save 10% of operating cost,you would'nt be interested in that?do you?
even i could be make your sales team more effective you wouldn't be interested ?
would you?
if i don't have time to meet?would you?
you didn't want to come to the dealership,would you?i want to come
are you sure?

=>>5)you are not comfortable spending that kind of money?would you?

now they are defending it.

=>>i think you are so cute,you don't wanna go with me,would you?
=>>you don't know me,you probably not comfortable with giving me number,would you??
instead you ask,
give me a number of yours please....they say fuck off creeps.

=>>>Work ride over,eye contact ,tonality..

=>>I think you are beautiful,probably you have boyfriend,you wouldnot be

comfortable giving me your instagram,would you??and give them th phone,three
seconds close..

=>>It's no hard,human nature is human nature..

=>>They will be shocked,how direct you are,they will laugh,they will blush and you
exchange your information..

=>>You use your copywriting techniques from HIC to text,

because you can't use closing on text,
closing will be a person with tonality...

texting copy is different..



(Intellectual problem identified)
2))LEVEL 2:Business -Financial pain.
3))LEVEL 3:Personal pain.

Desmond's example yolo

=>>leve 1:surface pain:he spends all this domain name.10000$,although it's good
his developer is just get going.
=>level 2:cash flow,
followers on instagram but he needs more cashflow.
=>level 3:he is not fulfilled.
self identity,
he is pissed off that pretenders,he wants to prove to the world he is living the
he could help other people to live the same.

=>>when it's below 5,you need to bring them up use reverse psychology.
=>>When it's above 5,you ask positive questions to bring them up..
=>>More you want move the grading scale you need to go deeper..

=>>To bring them up ,you don't always go to level 3 problems inorder to close the
=>>sometimes you close sale at level 1 or level 2..
=>>HTC they always try to go level 3
=>>As in case vevian,selling vegetables level 2 is enough to close sale.because
it's not a huge transcation..

=>>you know three different ways to kick,you don't always need to use three
different forms of kick to knockout the guy to win,
sometimes one kick is enough..
so it's not about using all the techniques,i know it's fun when you learn this,you
wanna use all techniques ,don't use all techniques..
use what needed..
=>>same way use the levels to grade up the scale what needed.

Vivians example(selling vegetables)

level 1;time(Convinience)
level 2:cost(better foods for my kids,am i getting value to organic)
i wanna go deeper ,it's not needed.
level 3:better mom than samanta..
deeper pain..when you listen more/closely you hear different..

if she give resistance on price,i would go on level 3::

to close sale..

=>>it's lot of fun mannn...

=>>>**"The problem the prospect brings you is NEVER the problem...

*Peoblem is deeper,it's never quite what it is,
it may be level 1,level 2..

=>>What are the pain discovery quesions??

1)Tell me more about that? ex:Vivian,tell me more about that?
2)can you be more specific?give me an example.. ex:Vivian you buying from grocery
store,can you be more specific what would some vegetables you buying,give me some
3)How long has that been problem? ex:how long you are buying from grocery
store.,,how much time that has cost you?(time based) samanta had barbeque and
all,how do you feel to do that?
4)what have you tried to do that?and did that work? ex:have you tried other
delivery service and you are not satisfied with them,and have given up finding the
perfect provider?
5)How much do you think that has cost you?ex:you bought from grocery store,how much
it cost you?
6)How do you feel about that?ex:let's say you get vegetabls fresh,healthy,deliver
home,saves your time how do you feel that?
7)Have you given up trying to deal with the problem??

=>>Develop the biggest pain,what it is costing..

=>>Giive them comparision..
if you didn't give them comparision,they compare you with competetior..
they say,they charge x,you charge y ,you charge more,i gonna buy from
gonna help them to make decisions.

=>>I don't wanna them compare my organic veggie with supermarket..

=>>i want compare my organic veggie to something else..
=>>The problem they have,we save time for them..provide value.
=>>It's not apple to apple comparision,it's apple to orange comparison..

-->>What you want is to develop their biggest pain and what's costing them..
the minute you communicate,even selling vegetables i never compared 40,50$.
i compared either what they shopping now,or what if they don't take action what
gonna cost them..
==>you want them to realize what it's costing them to not do business with you..

=>>Then you want to do everything you can to talk them out of buying from you..
*Desmond yolo,i am talking out of it,he offer me can i give 10%,
he's not saying why do we charge 10k,give me discout 5k..
he is like i will do something ,how about first sale and with me man..

*what closing system in the world ,tells to talk like this.

that is talk out of buying from you....
talk people do out of things not into things..

=>>And if you can't do it,then they gonna buy and say thank you...

=>>>High ticket sales secret#14

Ask questions with Finesee..

**Realize that,when you revealing(again and again coming back and coming
back),donot need to go entire class,you can chunk it..
30 minutes here,20 minutes here.50 minutes there..
=>>remember you can time code it,don't need to feel like A-Z..
=>>you can infact just listen what you like(roleplay ex)multiple times,multiple
=>>so when you chunk it you don't get overwhelmed..
=>>if you watch 7 hours it will be over whelmed,but if you chunk it it will be like
2o minute thing,30 minute thing like that..

=>>Close the way SIFU do ,you need to understand how i think(mindset)..

=>>What you gives you super power in our world (HTC) is Asking questions.
it is ability to fly..

=>>>Not memorizing sales techniques and all,it's asking questions..

=>>I don't want to memorize these questions,it is you need to understand the
different form of questions available.

1.Discovery Questions..
=>What's your biggest challenge right now at the moment?
=>>what were you hoping to get from me today?
=>what was it that made ou decide to invest the time to talk to me today?
=>How do you know about our_____________?
(Software,organic vegetables,dashboard,Seo service).
=>There have been lot of changes in your industry over the last 5 years ...what's
been the biggest shift from your perspective?

*You need to gather information from these questions,,

*In the begining you might want to script them out,once you find out,get you don't
need them..

2.Close Ended Questions(yes or no).

"Do you like this feature that our product provides?
=>Were you satisfied with your last vendor?
=>Will you be making decision with anytime soon?
=>is this kind of thing you are looking for?

=>>>Sometimes you use close ended question for very strategic purpose..

3.Open Ended Questions..

(Openended means prospect will go on and on,
openended means helps, get them to open up),..
Ask openended questions more..

1)What you do like to see improve...(They name 10 things).

2)How did you get involved in?
3)what other issues are important to you.
4)what's changed since we last talked?
this is good,when the prospect calls back..
=>>Don't assume prospect call back means they are ready to buy,NOOO
they forgot the conversation three months ago,you need to start all over again,you
still need to go three levels of pain and you need to ask all critical questions..
this is best question to ask,
John,last time we talked you were'nt quite ready ,what's changed since we talked
last time?
=>>oh ,you know we improved,we closed some big deals,i want to do with business..
**It's still 2 or 3,so we need to do reverse psycology.
**Even i do remember client issues,i made him to say again..
5)what are your thoughts?

4>clarifying questions..
=>>i need more clarity on certain things,then ask..

1..could you pleaese give me some background on this.

2.How much is the problem costing you in time/money/resources/staff/energy..
3.Tell me more about it.
4.Why do you think this happening?
real reason they call you will come out..
5.How serious would you say the problem right now,today?
well it's pretty serious(4)
very serious(8)
This is a question ,you could get an idea where they are on grading scale..
Another way you could ask directly,
On a scale of 1-10,1 being not serious,10 being very serious ,how serious is your
problem now?
They will tell you,you need not to guess..

6.What kind of timeframe are you working in to fix it?

now we get an idea how urgent that is,
if they say,8 months than not much urgent..
if they say yesterday i gonna that it fix yesterday only,than 10/10 so urgent.

Hypothetical questions..
=>>This is Sifu's go to..(favourite)
when you ask these questions ,you are not making promise..
like we guarantee that,we do for you,..
but saying these questions,no commitment..
1.Just suppose---

2.Let's pretend for a moment ------------,then would you..

3.what if you could..

4.Let's say-----,then what's gonna happen next?

this is not just hypothetical question,it's closing line..
=>>let's say desmond we could help you with SEO,and get your website up and
running,get you to the 1.2million..
desmond like,let's do it..
you closed the sale..
(You are not guarntee ,you are just saying ,just pretend)..

5.If i could-------
let's pretend for a moment,i could solve a,b,c,d problems for you,than would yoou
wanna move forward with us...
you have close the sale.

There is no gimmic,tricks,it's very simple questin.

you don't need to ask for order,they give for order..

=>>That's why ,it's different from youtube...

=>>You could memorize tricks and tips,scripts you could do with any books,lot of
mentors out there..that's just downside
but HTC is different,it makes you healthy emotions,no lower self,lot of focus,very
strong frame..
=>>HTC feels as family..
=>>This is not memorize scripts and use that..

=>>If you close this way,communicate this way,not 10/10 just 3/10 it will change
your entire life,you will have higher financial confidence..
=>>It requires,you have to go deep...

=>>If you need to go level 3,you need to go level 3 with prospect to close he

=>>Through that you understand people very deeply,and it becomes lot of fun,and
then closing is just effortless..

=>>Roleplay and tonality is the key..

=>>**The three magic words E.S.P

It reveals the gap of where they are and where they want to go..

adding this one simple word,it gives more precise results..

We need to ask questions and ESP to get precise results..
ex:When vivian say,i am spending few hundred dollars,
if i ask question vivian in order to help you,Exactly how much are you spending on
groceries on monthly basis?
EXACTLY::Exactly What kind of results are you looking for?

Specifically: what specifically have you done in the past to generate more leads?
where specifically you shop right now?

Precisely what were you hoping to get from today?

yolo::When you think of launching website::may be in 2-3 months..

precisely when do think of launching your website::aug 15.
if you ask them in general as a closer you will not get correct answers,so use

#High ticket sales secret#15

Forget the Golden rule..

=>>Sifu believes in you,he gonna show that me..

Work with Sifu inch by inch...
=>>You don't need to worry about where i am at?
=>>Because those goals set you very sad,guarantee way to feel sad,Don't set those
=>I have been training desmond for 4 years,he is still learning..

Golden rule:"Do unto others and you would want done unto you.....(don't do that)

=>>Communicating with others in the WAY THEY they want to be communicated with..
*if you are talking with your friends,parents,partners,brothers,you have conflict
with them,and some times arguments with them,without your intention..
*Because if you are certain gem stone,be that gemstone,than no conflict..

=>>Closing sapphire..

*Keep it simple,don't get too technical..

ex:yolo desmon dan didnot talk with h1 tags,seo programss and no technical,only

*Keep things very positive,-if negatives come up,handle with a smile and tell more

*Don't tell them about all the details,paint the big picture..
yolo desmond,big picture is 5 million.

*Tell lots of stories.

*Keep the conversation light,and casual and nothing too formal..

*really create vision for them..

When desmond says 10 people,if he goes 10 people,how am i gonna charge 5k-10k
month,he will not make profit..
that's why I need to expand the world,that's what closers do.
Create vision for them,and they step into vision and now they become better
versions of themselves,because they are now seeing oportunities..
=>that's how they could justify what they investing in..

=>>>>***It's(closing) very noble profession..

We not just selling product and services,we actually truly selling new
possibilities in new vision for other people..
other people kills the vision,killing the dream...

=>>>Sifu,help them get out of their own way,not to listen to lowerself..

Closing pearl..
*tell them upfront that you will support them no matter what their decision is..
*Tell them,how it helps for their family..
vivian we telling them,it helps them for their family..
*Listen them..
*They appreciate the personal touch..
Vivian,at the end i included eggs,it's personal touch..
That's not part of package,we included it..
=>>Vivian gonna remeber that,2000 eggs that cost me nothing..
=>>they will tell to lot of people,i got it from this and that..
pearls love to share the stories..

=>>Even those eggs will be long gone after several weeks also,they even talk about
like 5 years ago..
Give them peronal touch..
Doesnot work for everybody,you need to be very careful(only pearl).

closing emeralds.
=>you gotta validate why it works,but don't over state it.
not say like trust me this need to validate.
when you overstate it ,they become skeptical.
=>>power ful words for emeralds is make sense,logical sense.
they don't wanna feel good,they are like make sense.
How this idea makes sense,
how this thing make sense,

=>>Talk about this how this saves money,and makes logical sense(love saving money).
for sapphires,they spend money..

=>If you don't know the answer to something,donot pretend you do..
if you make pretend you do,you lie,you loose credibility..

=>>instead of pretending you say,

=>>that's good qyestion..and i would like make sure i get you the most accurate
would you be willing to let me get back to you in 24 hours?
for emeralds you don't know,then say like this,for emeralds it's better answer,but
dtill there,but it's ok..

=>Even though person comes back with an answer,they just validates your answer
that's emerald..

=>>Let's say father is an emerald,son is sapphire you don't get communicate

well..and get you conflicts.
=>Sapphire you wanna talk to them they wanna talk to,not you wanna talk to..

Closing Ruby:
=>keep the process moving fast..
=>Be results oriented.
=>Keep it concise,Keep putting their goals infront of them..
for ruby,if i am talking,you need to be direct and use reverse psychology to close
like they need sales car,
you donot need to turn them,
just like this is sales car..
=>> remember,they love to be the first one in on something...
make sense,emerald two magical words..bottom line this they love it.
limited edition,ruby two magical words,bottom line this,they love it..

=>>They love giving opinions and ideas.

when you selling to ruby,donot try to give them ideas,you gotta make them to think
their ideas..
=>>Even you perfectly have idea,you need to think them on their own,..

if sapphire,i will say think hypothetically,it's ok.

you wouldnot do that if he is ruby,,..(i give an idea,NOO)
even you don't do,it's 12000 we give you 10000 for discount..
but for ruby,we can't do..

=>>Do like..
1000$ month,if they pay upfront 10000$..

*validate their ideas and opinions and build a bridge to yours...

=>>Don't tell ruby you should..

you should do this..

=>>You need to connect with all four,as a HTC student.

=>>communicate the way they wanna communicate..

=>>>it's just to ask questions...

=>>As a teacher you need to connet others..

=>>Live and breathe HTC.....

weekly Assignment 3:::

Step 1::Talk to strangers..
*Talk to atleast 3 strangers a day on the phone or face to face,Time to get
*ex::lining upin coffee shop,etc....
*If you are already talking to customers/strangers extend the lenght of the
conversation by asking questions..
*Practice figuring out their gems quickly..
by talking to someone ,you need to find out what 's their gem..
it needs practice,in the beginning ,it take time...

So,you can connect the way,the way they wanna get connected to...
you cannot go and say for pearl,hey what's up man,how are you wih hifi,but they
don't like it..

Ruby's like why i am standing with him ,wasting my life..

Step 2::Write a peronaal power statement..

step 3::Role play with each other (minimum one hour a day)..
=>>You could havee your own produt or services or try any other doesnot matter.
=>>As a role play we need to give them different challenges,act like different
why we do this changing gem?Because we need to understand how they behave/think,...
write down the different objections you don't know how to handle...
=>>watching other people swim,doesnot mean you know how swim..

Gem tracking form,it's powerful not just useful....

=>>A role play a day ,keeps poverty away......

step 4:Immerse yourself in sifu's teachings..

download dan lok show..

step 5:re program your mind..

step 6:connect with htc family..

=>>>when you share three biggest take aways in life,not share like summarize what
sifu doesnot useful
=>>.I want what you to do is,what does it mean for you..
how you are going to use it,if you already use it what take away you will take away
from it..

=>>Don't use you,use I..

Here is what i learnt,it means to me is this,..

=>>>For emerald,whenever they see some one does different things,they feel i also
need to do like that..
ex:Some one made gem tracking,they feel like i also do it for myself..
ex:if some one makes nft,you will feel like i also need to do it..
ex:Some one beccome closer,they also want to be a closer..

=>>For Ruby,if they see something they are like how could i make money from it..
ex:If they see gem tracker,they are like how could i make money from it..

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