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Week 4;;;

=>>The art of high ticket closing,How Dan sold millions on the one,even english
will not be first language...

=>>How time flies,it's just feels like few days but we are in week 4..

=>>I want to be successful closer..

=>>>Imp;;When you don't close the sale,you are not gonna loose money..
you will not get it until you do it...

=>>when you actually go in the dogo,(Role play), you feel awkward over,
like,am i not saying the right thing,am i doing it i not asking the right
that's perfectly fine,
but you will not learn HTC without doing it..this makes htc different.

=>>You can listen to sifu,desmond and listen to us roleplay,you won't get until you
do it..
It's one thing you hear us do it,is a whole other thing you can do it..

=>>Let's SIFU tell you something here,

=>>Your first roleplays is gonna be 100% correct..??
The first few rolreplays you gonna are going to suck ,I guarantee you..
you will not know what to say,you will freeze,you sound awkward,you would look like
green monster..
If you listen to first few rolepays your self,you want to throw up.

=>>After 2,3,5,10 roleplays ,you gonna suck less..

=>>after even more roleplays in the dojo,you don't suck that much ..
=>>You actually gonna pretty good..
=>>you gotta get first couple roleplays in.,that's most important step..

=>>don't tell that you don't have one hour time in a day,that's BS..
=>>what you telling sifu is,it's not the time issue,i guess high income skill is
not important to me..

=>>It's never the time issue,it's the priority issue..

=>>Sleep half an hour less,do role play,don't watch TV do role play..No video game
do role play..
=>>if you listening in,listen 100 roleplays..when you have free time..

=>>you watch can rain boxing,you watch boxing all day,that does mean you can
=>>you gotta hit the heavy bag in boxing,you have to do it..then only we can have

=>>With closing,the only way you get good is,by doing it...

=>>How many of you promise to yourself,promise sifu by the time next week you will
do one hour roleplay for each day..

I will promise,i will do more roleplays, i do more than hour a roleply..

I committed to do roleplay..

=>>You will get so much more out of the class,because after you done it,you would
know you have learned what you struggle with..,then when you come back,you will get
solutions for fast..
=>>>Q)Do you want to earn money faster,soonerwith your HTC skill or you wanna do it
later and wait??
*If you want it sooner,then how soon you do roleplays..
How much roleplays you do?
=>>At one hand you say,i wanna learn this sifu,other hand you don't wanna do
=>than you don't wanna learn this,you pretend you wanna learn this..

=>>Rich people do what is hard,that's why their life is easy.

poor people do what is easy,that's why their life is hard..
Easy:not having to learn,not having to do roleplay,not having to get out of your
comfort zone,not having to develop new skill set,not having to hang around with
better people...
it's easy to stay in comfort zone,easy to not set goals,easy to not get
rejected,easy to waste time,easy to watch three hours of tv..,not having to hang
around with better people,.
**This is why most people don't grow...

=>>Do what is hard,do what makes you uncomfortable,..

you have been comfortable,you have been way too comfortable.
do what makes you uncomfortable..

=>With being comfortable,what does that get you??

*Does that bring you happiness,does that bring you security,does that bring you
success,does that bring you peace of mind,does that bring you joy,,
it's very dangerous..

=>>Freedom is not "FREE"

*freedom comes with very hepty price,
Freedom requires sacrifice,
freedom is very expensive..

=>>Live life on your own terms,it's very expensive..

*why it's expensive?
because almost everybody else do not live their life on their terms in the world..
=>Most people getup go to the job,they don't want to do..
=>>they stay in relationship they don't want to stay in..
=>>they can't go any where,where they want to go..,when they want..because it's
very expensive.
=>>doing something they donot want to do..
=>>when you travel,you want to stay in five star hotel,but you can't ,you have to
stay in fucking hotel-6..
that's not living the life on your own terms..
=>>you want to stay in hotel you want to stay in ,not because you afford,but what
you actually want to,because it's expensive..

=>>Freedom is very expensive,it costs tons of money,and if you want to sustain you
need lots of moneyy....(even more money)
=>>you need money to do all these things...

=>>Money is definately not everything..

=>>But money gives you comfort,
=>money you gives you more choices in life..
=>Money allows you to help the people you want,when they need your help..

=>>some one you loves ,cares,they need help from financially..

but you because couldnot help them,you just couldnot,because you not meet up with
you gets lot of regret...

=>>i am not talking of big money(100000 dolars),i am just talking about few
thousand dollars...
you couldnot do it,not because you don't want ,it's because you can't..
=>>Sifu gives us tough love..

=>>if you are 35 and above,you don't have some kind of savings in your account,and
you still living monthly,than something is wrong..
you got nothing to show far,you leave nothing behind..,you leving nothing to your
kids...,you shouldnot feel good about yourself..
q)When it's the time to change this??

=>>If you are above 50,you gotta nothing to show far,than god damn..
not talking about 1,000,000,just 100,000 in savings..

=>>it's not easy,

you need to acknowledge the problem ,and say i need to change it..
regardless of where you aree,you don't have lot of time...

=>>those who are 50 and above..

you have done lot of things in your life,you have certain beliefs hold to your
How you believe the world works...
the only question you could ask for?
How does that working so far???

=>if it doesnot working,make it work for you..

=>>we want to make it early,money loves speed,we need to change lot..

=>>There's big difference between hardwork and smart work..

*We are talking about making more money in one phone call,where most people earn in
month by flapping mouths..

=>>we are talking dailing the number,and ask questions,don't tell me it's hard,it's
hard emotionally when you have low self esteem..but it's not hard work..
=>>What ever you doing is not hard work,,::hard work is,construction work,waiter
and waitress,move furniture,do hamali..

=>>you have the opportunity to learn how to work smart..

=>>we are making money using intellctual ,your communication skills versus brute
=>>we are using our mind to make money,not muscle..
=>>Muscle work is limited..
=>>when you use mind,your creativity,your languaging,your questions,your tonality
that's great..
=>>do you think sifu get paid 10000$,paid for just to clean garbage, or doing for
lifting 50 blocks of wood..
Use mind to make money not muscles..

=>>I have to commit my self and i will be most highly paid HTC..

=>>all of HTC,let's appreciate and cherish the opportunities we have ,we can make
actual money and live the life on my terms..,
we are doing this kind of work,mind,tonality..
because most people didnot have this opportunity,and even they don't know
opportunity exist...

=>>It's skillset ,it will impact the most part of your life..

=>>we have lot of conflicts,now you get communicate them better,and you listen

=>>What sifu is teaching you is ,life skill..

that's why it's we see tranformational effect..

=>>life rule,no excuse,no bmw,(no victims),no opinions.

High ticket sales secret#16

*Don't try to do high ticket closing..

=>>Sifu doing this for lotss of seasons,

he noticed something very strange.
same program,
same family,
same sifu,
what's the difference?

=>>how could one,with same program,family,same sifu,how do they sky rocket their
success,closing the big deals,pay off debts,making more money,making all the items
in the vision board come true...

=>>but sometimes,with same program,same mentor,same class and some will not make?
some people get to success, and some are not..

whats the difference..?why such big difference?

=>>If some one is speaker,try to quit smoking.

and it's very easy to fall back to bad habbits..
they are like,i was smoking three packs a day,i will smoke one pack,
if i was smoking pack day,i will smoke half a pack..
they are on and off,and continuees..try to quit and again come back..

=>>The reason is you smoke,because you are smoker..

=>>for non smokers,question is

do you wake up in the morning,a man i can't wait to have little puff?NOOOOO
non smokers doesnot think about it..
=>>Why not?
because you are non smokers..,you smoke because you are smokers..

=>>You have a problem quitting/smoking,because you see yourself as a smoker..

=>>as a smoker trying to quit,it's always a struggle.
because it goes against,how you see yourself,who you are..

=>>As a non smoker,it's not problem to quitting.

because there is nothing to quit.
you didnot even want it to start off.
even you cant even stand to smell of cigeratte....

=>>Are you chef trying to learn some high ticket closing techniques?
=>>Are you student,closing as side hustle?
=>Are you High school teacher trying to figure out new carrer?
=>>Are you military soldier trying to figure out something out,you could fall back
on after you got out?
=>Are you software engineer,doctor,accountant,trying to see how high ticket closing
=>>Are you stay at home mom,trying to make some side income?
=>>you can add what professionals you want..

=>>THis is why,some people succed and some people fails.

=>>If that's your identity,that's how you see yourself,you are trying to do
something,that's not you..
=>>You will always being up in battle?that's why smokers try to quit always ends up
in battle..
=>>Non smokers effortless,no need battle..

which one are you?(software engineer,doctor and many more)..

who do you want to be??

=>>If you say i am high ticket closer..

=>>That's one thing to say it,it's different thing to be it..
=>>that is ,you need to be high ticket closer,in your life,live it..
In every parts of the life...

=>>""You will never outperform your internal self image""..

you see yourself as smoker,you will alwayss be smoker..

=>>do you know,you have done lots of things to make money online..?
ecommerce,affiliat,stock trader.dropshipping,email marketing,forex..
put aside techniques,mechanics all of those ,
the reason it doesnot work for you well,,because you never see yourself as that 's
your identity..
=>>you never saw yourself as ecommerce entreprenuer.
=>you never saw yourself as stock trader.
you never saw yourself as affiliate marketer..

=>>One of things human nature,Given time you always fall back on to your old self
=>consciously or subconsciously most of the time...

=>>Doesnot matter how hard you try,how hard you learn...

it's like smoker,i try to quit,i try to quit doesnot matter how hard you try..

=>>that's is your identity,when you look in the mirror..

eventhough it's killing you....

=>>you wanna make six figure earner as a closer..

but you don't see ,yourself as a six figure earner..
you want to be six figure earner,you working hard to be six figure earner,you
putting vision board to become six figure earner,but deep down you are not seeing
yourself as six figure earner..
I am not talking about confidence,i am not talking about belief,i am talking way
deeper than that..

***because if you truly see yourself as six figure earner,chances are you are
already six figure earner..
because that would be your identity...

=>>>****The reason why won't become who you want is because you are so too attached
to whoyou have been...

=>>when you see yourself as high ticket closer,you wouldnot say i don't have time,i
am too shy ,i am camera shy,
fuck your lower self..

=>>at one hand you say i want to master this,and the other hand your identity is
stucked to who you havee been in the past for 20 years,30 years,..50
can't get yourself change that behaviour....
=>>>But if you are high ticket closer,how many roleplays you do??

=>>THE biggest myth in life is ,you think when i get there,i will behave that way..
life doesnot works that way,you gotta be there first than you get there.

=>>Sifu was a millionarie,way before i had million dollars in his account..whn i

had no money..
=.>>it took me more years to manifest that reality..

=>>he doesnot even care abou gas prices,and all..

he saw himself as millionarie..

""Don't try to use closing techniques,BE A HIGH TICKET CLOSER..

=>>In the begining you need scripts and techniques sifu willl provide that,,but if
you just going to do with techniques your progress will be very limited..
just like smoking,he tries to quit smoking ,he quit for few months but he can fall
back to old habits.

=>>The minute you make decision to say,

This is not what i do,THIS IS WHO I AM.
you are not what you do,YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE..

=>you are a student,because you see yourself as a student,you do what student

=>this is why,you need to take the identity of who you want to be...
=>>you don't wear that identity,you will never unleash the potential,..
even though you have that potential..

=>>In life this formula to get to succeed in any thing..

you have to "BE" high ticket closer first,then you will "DO" what high ticket
closer does,before you can expect to "HAVE" lifestyle of high ticket closer has..

This is why some students ,some graduates succed and some fail..
it's the same sifu,it's same process,it's the same instruction,it's the same
assignments ...

=>>this is why danny lin made 2.3 milion dollars in profits in 2 years,some took
what i though them like 200,000 500,000 1,000,000 and some average 60,000 low end
and some means nothing..
they know why,tthey don't admit it..
=>>It's not like hey danny,i wanna give some secrets no one else gets..only you
have it..
=>>it's the same class,same instruction,
=>>infact,she didnot have much time to do role play,because she was out there
closing deals,..

=>>not an easy life,i agree..

=>>Now,she is working on 9 figure deals,100 million deals..

=>>It's not about who you become on a closing call,it's about WHO YOU ARE in all
question is sifu, how do you be?
you looking at how,how do i do something,how do i do something?

=>>Nonsmoker,how do you quit smoking? No smoke..,don't smoke..

=>>smokers like,how do you do not touch cigerate?
like give me fifty ways you couldnot touch cigeratte,tell me the secret man ,to not
Because he is non smoker,that simple..
It's not how...

=>>Human beings like so easy to how do you do that?How do you do that??

=>>Sifu,tell me how?give me the script..

if you donot have identity,the best script in the world you will fuck it up,you
cannot even say cannot say without stuttering,you cannot say without wrong
=>>When you havee identity of closer,you fucking not even need scripts...

=>>Close any time ,any where,any person...

=>>Sifu like,i could be shitting and closing the same time,no difference to hit the
mute flush and continue to the converastion,mute wash the hands and i will send you doesnot matter...

=>>in the begininng you need to wear that cape..

dress for success,even no one is boost your confidence.
=>>what you wear?
if you are on closing calls,wear suit..even no is seeing it makes difference..
when you look good,you feel good,when you feel good,you close better..

=>>But once you get it,you donot need to do wear dress and all...
When it becomes your identity...
becomes your financial confidence will be very strong..

=>>HTC is not a course..

It's a philsophy,a new way of thinking,a new way of being for the new world..
==>>You don't need techniques and gimmics this is why it works...

=>>Flowing from every word,lesson and process from SIFU is new world of sales..

=>>"HTC is a key foundation to providing you with a lifestyle,income you have

always dreamed of,the ideal clients you always imagined,and the client relationship
that make for fulfilling and purposeful life.."
that's right...No machine can replace that,no AI can replace that not in a life
time any way.

=>>Human beings always want to connect,donot matter how introvert you are..
=>>The more people using the device,the less they will improve communication...
=>>The next generation of kids,when they grow,
do you think they would be very articulate speaker,do you think they would be very
articulate communicator on the phone,do you think they have tough time expressing
yes ,they will have tough time..
=>>We have an edge..
=>>This is why you should be so happy,you don't need to be that good,because
everyone else has no training..
everybody else can walk into any industry.
you could be the worst HTC student,you can walk into any industry you taking any
sales position,you kick everybody's ass...
it doesnot take that time...,it doesnot matter..

=>>sifu had,lots of realestate students..

i ask them compare you and other people in industry
=>>They are like open the door and show the shit?,here is bathroom,here is
kitchen,here is house and all,at last here is the price..
=>>they never ask the buyer,what are the fucking you looking for,when are you
looking to move??
they know nothing about the buyer..few simple questions??
even you need to be that better..

=>>Use wealth triggers to help you develop new self image..

=>>Wealth trigger:You playing little mind tricks with you..

It's very quick way to get into statee of mind..

High ticket sales secret#17.

Don't think in money.
Think in commissions..

=>>Average people think in terms of money,Closers think in terms of commissions..

=>>Most people they look at these things,(CAR,HOME,LIVING THE LIFE YOU WANT).they
will say,
I can't afford it.
It's too expensive.
It's not within my Budget..

=>>Even you too saying subconsciously,because you were looking at it from your
current identity..with how much you making now.

=>>If you are High ticket closer ,you wear the cape,with new identity. you don't
think interms of money,you don't even think of how much you are making now??
you look at,
let's say i am closing 5000$ sale ,i make 10%,i make 500$ for a sale..
how much make from a sale?
let's say i wanna a get a car..?
I want a pretty nice car..
how many of you agree 1000$ month ,as a least payment would you get you a pretty
good car..

=>>Car payment of 1000$=2 sales..

when you think of making 1000$ it looks big,
but when we think i need to make 2 sales i have to do get a car..

=>>I need to have to go dream vacation of 10000$ with family..

==20 sales ..
we can make 10 at month two months done..
It takes away the scarcity and fear of i can't afford..

=>>I wanna buy new pair of shoes?

1 sale
I could do that in morning and get those shoes in afternoon..

=>>You see how affordable it is,that's how you need to think...

=>>>Same way take out your goals on vision board,

when you take out you could make 3 sale,10 sale,2 sale for a month that's it...

=>>It looks like pretty small number..

=>>If you any good,you are roleplaying,

let's say you could be closing 1 out of 5..
=>>So,what you have on vision board of small thing you basically need 10 phonecalls
to get that..

=>>Is that suit?can you see how excited that would be?is not it motivating you to
get roleplay?..

Let's do it,have fun.,live life..

=>>>>it's not scary now..

just roleplay,ask questions and close sale make money and get that your goal..
Now you are like,
where is my goal,where is my money?

=>>Do you wanna hear something rediculous,

What if you areselling something for 10000$ with 10%
that means you are making 1000$ in less than 1 hour...
=>>How many of your friends,work their ass off and don't make 1000$ in a month??
But you gonna phone,let the prospects talk 80% of the time,you ask some question
with fineese,you walk away with 1000 bucks,you wonder why your friends hate?
=>>They are like fuck you,i work this hard don't make 1000 bucks a month,you son of
bitch ,you get in phone in your paijama,drinking honey green tea,looking over the
garden,you talk whatever,45minutes or hour you were making 1000 bucks..
you desevr to be hate..
They shoud hate our guts,they should be jealous of you,
ofcourse ,who could they should hate you..who else they could hate..

=>>you were like,i actually close 3 deals today,but i could not make it,i missed
3000$ ,,,

=>>It's smart work,if they are smart teach me some how you do this??
you were like,let me think you deserve it or not?

=>>>>You don't have an income problem,(if you think in commissions).

you have a skill problem...

*In entire time of life,you will never have income problem,you always have skill
*You have income problem ,you never talk the time,to develop your skill..
==>>we are talking about high income skills and have for some..
=>>you have to spend your time to learn high income skills..
=>>They have low income skills,how can you get high income spending the entire life
learning low income skill??
=>>They wanted the income without upgrading skill..

=>>>**Donot downgrade your dream to match reality.

Upgrade your SKILL to match your VISION.

=>>>your people,friends,family asking you don't be too ambitious,you get

disappointed,you should have realistic goals,you are not meant for that,no one has
accomplished in our family..NOOOOOOOO
**I am like,I am gonna upgrade that my skill, so that i could get that..
I know my skillset right now,i can't get to 6 figures,so i am gonna make sure i
upgrade skills,and get 100k,i will not stop here..
and after accomplishing 300k..goal and again upgrade my skills..

=>>don't downgrade your dream,to match reality../where i am now..

=>>I am where, most people will be love to there in their dreams already,but this
is like fraction of where i see my self..
=>>I am a student,i am baby,i m just getting started.
=>>I am not even 1% of where i see myself in vision..(it's sifu ).

Even SIFU's doing now also,now where the fuck i am,thinking like i know well,NO..
you are not 1% of ,where i see my self(my identity),and i will improve raise
percentagee already..

=>>I am challenging my reality to catch up my vision.."***

i am already there in mind already,in my mind i am ceo of million dollar company,i
am challenging my reality to catch up my vision..

=>>No stop,always grow...

=>>Sifu didnot care,you are in debt,you are starting from zero,you have million
i will teach you a thing too.

=>>You haven't made the money,let's give you skill.

=>>you have made the money,teach you to invest and grow that money,...

=>>Sifu came from very humble begining,thriugh time upgrading my skill, and
becoming achieving,improving set new goals and upgrade skill continues...

when you have done may be one or two role play,but you are struggling with lot of
things,doesnot smooth,stutter more,doesnot sound natural,feel like scripted,you are
you are like lack of confidence..
=>>So improve with tips by SIFU..

Role play preparation..

=>>Don't do roleplay in while travelling,(connection lost).
=>>invest in some microphone.
=>>Learn from's great opportunity..

Accent does not important..

=>>It's not about you,they are not buying you,it's all about your prospect..
Unless you sell your own product and services,it doesnot matter.
Vikas investing in HTC,vikas not investing in grace.
grace is helping vikas to make inform decision..

=>>When you are closing other business accounts,they might have one offer or two
offer or three offer..
That's called DOWN SELL...
=>>>ex:if you gonna buy watch which is rolex 10000$,
if you can't affordable,watch dealer say we have same watch with same brand which
cosrts 2000$,that's first class.
it's called down sell.

Why we need to have down sell?

=>>We can still add value..(Help them in some way).
=>>we can give options..

=>>Listen to your own role play,

when agreeing some body,instead of saying hmm,just silence..
just listen..
like do you hear?do you hear?
it gives her more power,than hmm.

you could say yes..

=>>Rushing a little bit into it..

you need to listen more..

=>>As a HTC you have to pay attention to the temple of the call...
there is rhythm...
when you doo too fast,you seem to be greedy about commission..
If you do too slow,then you could drag on and on without going into the steps..

=>>>You donot need to make promise,you have to play down..

HTC under promise,to play it down...
It builds more trust..
donot exagurate,no hype..
when you closing donot exagurate
we need to be very upfront to the people..

you cannot say, you can clear debts,you can have 6 figures and alll that's
Vikas, most people it takes them while to make 6 figures,it gonna take some
work,and some may be never get to 6 figures,but they might make additional 20k,30k
year.. It builds trust..
now,vikas exgurate,
but i will work hard,to get to make 6 figures..

=>>you don't need to convience him,as sales person.

i am makes him to say it,helps him or hurts him..
We don't convience them,they need to convience themselves...

=>>>It's not how much hour practice as in roleplay,

because when they do again and again in wrong way this is hurts more..
so, whenever do your role paly just track of what mistakes you have done,and
improving them also in next roleplay..
also remember that it's quality of our roleplay,and always try to increase

=>>>Always don't listen what they say,you have to watch what they do..

=>>>With one thing you can see lot of other things they will do,
how you do anything is how you do everything...

High ticket sales secret#18

Closing is not that something that you do to prospect
Closing is that you do for a prospect.

It means,when you on the phone,you are talking to somebody,we selling high price
most of the time,who you are talking to it is never ever going to be a very simple
thing meaning ,it's not a stretch for them to invest in highlevel..
we get resistance and you would get price objection,because we are selling high
we are not selling low ticket like 2$..
=>>>When it comes to high ticket closing,we will see this everyday..

ex:you are talking to some one on the phone,he is like, 4000$ is lot of money ,
you might hear from prospect like this..
*I have to get in to debt to afford this..
*I have to borrow money to invest in this..
*I have to mortgage my home/entire saving money to buy this..

=>>Pearls,feel little bit uncomfortable...when closing.

knowing that thy have to stretch themselves invest whatever they closing to...
pearls think like,are we taking advantage of people,i don't want them to feel

=>>""One of the most valuable gift you could give someone is asking them profound
=>>Sifu changed many lives,by asking them profound questions..
=>>Not a gift ,a question makes them think in different way,they see things which
they never seen before...

difference b/w high ticket closer vs sales person..

=>>>A traditional salesperson sells products and services..
***A high ticket closer sales desires and vision..

=>>A traditional salesperon lives in his/her world..

**A high ticket closer lives in his /her clients world..

=>>A traditional salesperson changes life situation..

=>>High ticket salesperson changes lives..

=>>if you see some of the resistance ,then meaning you have not gone deeper...

=>>**If you wanna help someone,

A new question allows your client/prospect to see and imagine what their life could
=>>A sales pitch only allows them to see the life from their current frame work...
=>>**why they have scarcity /scare they can't afford it??
*Because they are seeing only their life from current frame work...
*If they looking at current frame work,ofcourse they can't afford anything.
*Because they have lowerself issues..
==>>They have pennies infront of them,we need to remove the pennies infront of
otherwise they can't see..

=>>here is the thing,closers will do for them,not to them,because to help them get
out of their own way..
=>>*If you don't close them,take a guess year from now,
*Those who have debt problem ,any thing would change?
*do you think debt problem would disappear..
*do you think they only have money problem this year,or always have money problem..

if you as a high ticket closer,you don't close them...

**How they gonna improve,how they gonna provide better future for family,how gonna
they pay off debt??
then you being selfish person,
why do you are not helping them to get out of their own way..
=>>Because you donot want to ask right questions..

=>>Why are you projecting your scarcity and your values on them,that one life that
is not being saved..

=>>How many of you,getting into HTC is stretch for you?

It's not easy,it takes lot of money..
sifu's question is,
=>>So you don't invest in HTC,you keep whatever that you have..
for some you have to get into debt..
you gotta to used to credit card to be resourceful..

=>>Let's say you don't use it,you are not in HTC,you save the money..
where you gonna be at 6 months from now,1 year from now,2 years from now...
you with no High Income skill..
=>>you keep the money,what's gonna change..?
Do you think things will magically just workout,?
you will solve the money problem,you will have no longer worried about
income ,Finally you can take care of your family.. does it just happen like that??

=>>This is why sifu could close with such conviction and confidence..
because sifu knows,you don't even know you needed that..
Sifu gonna sell you something,you don't even know you needed that,by the time he is
done,we gonna say THank you...

=>>Sifu have no problem,to promote ,sell,close what i have because he knows what
it would do for you..
closing is not something that i do to prospect,it 's something i do for them
because they don't know any better..

=>>Their lives not working,i could teach them how to make it work..

=>>Do you see the difference b/w sales person vs closer..

=>>If you are on the phone,some one is like it's a tretch,i probably want to use
all my savings to buy this..
do you wanna be selfish?
it's ok,may be in the future think about it...
Are you going to use right questions with right tonality to help them to remove
those pennies,..(Help them)
sometime you have to be tough,and some times you need to push them..

you;ok,i understand it's stretch,can i ask you a question then i don't want you to
push if you don't want do it..
prospect:that's fine..
you:you don't invest in this,what's gonna happen 3months,6 months,1 year from
now,what's gonna change?
prospect:I don't know,I guess hope things will work out...
you:Do you think hope is a strategy, what happen if you keep doing the same things
again and again,what could you expect?
prospect:i guess you are right..
you::What if,this program is what you have been looking for,forget everything that
you seen success stories,what if it just works 10% as good as you imagine,not even
100% just 10%..
will that be worth it?
prospect:It will definately be worth it..
you:What will you do?what do you wanna do?
prospect:Let's do it..

now,we are helping them to see and imagine the possibilities ,no limit vs current
frame work..

=>>Because every single person you get on the phone with they all have
problem,otherwise they wouldnot be on the phone..
doesnot matter it could be weight loss problem,it could be relationship
problem,debt problem,career problem,income problem, depends on what you are
They are on the phone for a reason,they are struck because they see life from
current frame work...

=>>>when our prospects are down and out and focused on meeting their safety need of
food and roof over their heads..
they are focusing on survival..
=>>When they are unfocused and looking for a variety in the wrong areas of their
like alchohol,cigerate..

=>>when they just want to be loved and connected with their relationships because
all else is failing..
because everything else is failing..
=>>When they only want to feel important for a moment because they want respect in
their lives,that they are not getting...

=>>>>***IT is our role as ahigh ticket closer-our previlage -to help them imagine
BIGGER FUTURE(Future they cannot see themselves rightnow);one filled with
promise,and purpose and growth and potential in contribution..
=>This is the life everyone wants to live..
who are we,how dare we have been so selfish?
we can give this to people and you don't..
Because you are afraid to get rejected,you afraid to ask tough questions,you afraid
to push..
Do you actually wanna help people,or you wanna pretend to help people?
if you wanna help people,isn't it time to get out of their own way,their own
feelings,their own self interest..

=>>They settle for less because they have to find way to "make living" or pay
that's why they settle,and you settle...

=>>We are not selfish,we help them..

=>>if you are selling something you believe in or you are selling somethingg
empowers people,you should not have a problem..
you love to do it..

=>>Sifu loves to sell,even he don't care he is selling 20$ t shirt,he knows you
would feel good wearing that t-shirt..
=>>May be you close more,you feel better,..

=>>we are not talking about hype,it's about conviction..

hype is this is great,this is awsome,you should get this ,it should change your
conviction is you know,they need it,they don't know it yet..

As a High-ticket closer,
~We must take responsibility for helping our prospects,imagine a life that they
never could imagined on their own...
~We must help our prospects,dream their way out of their current circumstances.
~We must envision with them (not for them)a new reality (not current reality) and a
new world of possibity..

(As a mentor it's our duty to adress resistance and fear,not neglect it.. )

=>>>When you could do that,you have become high ticket closer..

There's nothing more nobler on the planet..

=>>Our roles in society,in business,we make things move,products sell,service

sell,you talk about helping economy,measurable,...

=>>This is powerful.....

=>>***You helping nobody,if you don't sell them...

=>>if today's htc is 100 bucks,

do you work this much hard,do you wake up this night..

Investing in HTC.
=>>It needs to be small amount for Sifu,but sunstantial amount for you.
By the end of seven weeks,we say it's worth more what we expect..

=>>HTC is like 2% of what sifu knows about closing,that's enough for most people..

High ticket sales secret #19

Master the High-Ticket Closing Staircase...

=>>HTC Staircase..(imagine staircase is steps).

=>>when we are closing ,we wanna take it one step at a time..
This is very powerful framework,always gonna remember,..
=>>We asking questions,
Sifu,how do i know what questions to ask, and what are the steps??
=>>you could take prospect one step at a time..through this at entire staircase,all
the way to close..and you laugh all the way to bank..

=>>High ticket closing is NOT about jumping around ,being enthusiastic,memorizing

scripts,trying obivious embarrsing gimmicks and techniques..
is it ok to use scripts?
In the beginning it's ok to use scripts,memorize..
after few months,you don't need to use script,depends on how many hours,how many
roleplays and how many calls you have done..
the more you do,the faster you can forget about the script..
It's exactly like going into a playing chess game..
=>>What you would do,what you will move make very much depends on what your
opponent who playing with..
=>>AS a prospect,depends on what prospects does,
it is difficult to going with pre determined i am gonna do this ,you
gonna do this,i am gonna do do you know they can do with?
Do you know difference b/w master chess player/amateur chess player..
They only think 2 steps ahead amateur,master chess player thinks 15 steps ahead..
when i am asking questions i already know that prospect gonna say this and that..
my mind is already at a close..
=>>once you have done so much you gonna know that....
=>By the time they are there,it closes..
Through repetition we will be able to get that good..
I know the process to get you to the outcome..

=>>High ticket closing is a combination of science of human behaviour and finesee.

=>>High ticket closing connecting with your prospect on a very deep level..

=>>*Transperency sales,Authenticity sales..

=>>If you have lots of lower self issues ,how hell you help your client to overcome
their lowerself issues?
=>If you have lack of clarity on vision board,how hell you help your prospect to
have a clarity on vision board..

=>>HTC is transformational,because it kicks out all your negativity,insecurites,and

all that shit comes out.

=>>>There are three steps in staircaes to close..

1.Agenda step
2.Qualify step
3.Commitment step..

=>>Some one says let me teach you 107 ways to close,i hate it..
if it works,than why fucking 107 ways give me one way ,than also that works..

1.This step puts people at ease while putting you in control,It also sets you up
for a decision..
put people at ease,put us in control.

2.Most prospects come onto the call they are thinking they gonna get more
=>like,sometimes they got on the phone i just wanna want more information about
this,i just wanna learn little bit more about this..
what they donot know is,doing that agenda step you are not just getting information
here,you asking for decision,decision leads to sale.

3.But you know it's gonnna be one call close..

exception is if we are selling B2B(business to business) is ultra high ticket,then

it might require couple steps,few decision makers..

when we doing outbound,if we are setting appoint ment setting,

as appointment setter is one call,
another call with closing..
here one call close is second one..
IN HTC is we learn how to deal with inbound call,
in week 6 ,we can go to with outbound call,when you can outbound you not just
waiting for the call,we create opportunities,..
not like typical sales person.. want to knowif they are decisive ,or if they are just tirekickers..

=>>You have to do B2B,B2C,inbound call,outbound call...that's true financial


General Qualifying questions


1.How did you hear about us?

=>>this question is powerful beccause it teaches you
where they come from..
it helps you gather some information very quickly..

let's say you are closing for sifu /other..

2.How did you hear about------------?(when you closing for influencer).
don't call sifu,when they don;t know call dan lok
how did you hear about dan lok?

3.What attracted you to-----?(Name or brand)..

let's say if you are selling a software..

4.what are you hoping to accomplish on this call today??

we want to know they want to get out it..
it sets you authority..where salesman not done..
it get you information,so that you cannot revolve around..

I think you don't want to waste 30 minute call without accomplishing it right?
then ask what are you hoping to accomplish on this call today...

5.How long have been working there?

The more questions you ask you are in control...

Sample questions for the agenda step??

Do not answer questions..

=>>It doesnot mean 100% of the times,please

=>>Most of the time..

=>>How do i pay?
i donot answer questions,he is like i just wanna pay..

=>>General guideline
=>>THe reason we answer question with question is we get control..

**If the prospect is trying to take control of the conversations in the

beginning,redirect it...
=>>like,if they are drilling you,
hey john,why don't we wait till the end to ask questions,and by the way end of our
conversations most of our questions would aalready answered,if any remains i will
answer in the end..
How does that sound?
hey john why don't wait till end to answer your questions,by the way may be even do
your conversation most of your questions would already answered,i would be happy to
answer your question,wait till end..

Qualifying step:::
=>>Qualifying is a balancing act between leaving enough time to build rapport
without waiting so long that you have wasted everyone's time..
*lot of amaetuer salespersons they spend way too much time during this stage..
How's weather?what your kids doing?
*They spend way too much time without getting into the problem solving..
you are like just getting to main point..fucking time
*Does not mean we need not spend any time,
establishing rapportwithin little bit..
=>>Not too much,not too little..

*Remember ,the harder you qualify,the easier to close.

=>>This is sifu's style.
i love to ask hard questions in the begininng..

when you qualify hard,you don't need to close..

doesnot mean you are rude...

what do we Qualify them interms of what???

=>>We gonna qualify them interms of their 1)needs..
=>>We gonna use our scale
1 being not interested,
10 being very interested..

=>>2)We gonna qualify them interms of money..

*Does the prospect actually has money available to pay for the solutions..
*if not,Are they resourceful to find money,

*3)Decision makers: are they decision makers..

can he make decision or he needs talk to spouse,father,mother..
If it's B2B they have to talk to ceo,board..
*4)Time:Do they want now?
How urgent is this?
prospect wants solution in reasonable amount of time..

Role play
feed back.. like more aaaa,hmmm,

2.The biggest issue,

HTC students use some of the lines which taught in classs/dan use..
Is it question of value or price?
Are you willing to pay for that?

=>>When you use some techniques from HTC ,you need to get it almost perfectly

=>>Your Tonality is too sharp..(Not smooth)..

=>>You are loosing control,when lots of questions asked,

=>>even you are playing to ruby to ruby

It doesnot mean that we don't bottom line,not talking numbers,we're not
but when your tone is sharp,It comes across you don't give shit..
=>>that's why he is getting resistance...
looks like not caring prospect outcome..

=>>when you scale on his needs in the beginning,

if we got below 5 we need to use reverse psycology,(more on his pin points.)

=>>we don't talk about money,until he is 9 or 10..

=>>When he/prospect is drilling about the price,when you give the price,you loose
your control..
=>>because his needs are not there yet...

=>>when you say,it's not about me,it's about you...

when use this line,you are out of game...
because they want to have learn from you..

=>>when you say,my time is worth 10000$ hour,

and another time you say ,you said call me any time.
with no boundaries,
you loose credibility...
if you talking to business consultant,they are like this guy is bull shit..they

=>>Instead of that you say,

After the 5 hour session,if you still need my time,i will give preferral rate..
clients who need follow up call instead of 10000$/hour,it's 5000$/hour.
If you need email access,3000$ month 3 emails per month..
If you set the value ,there is no need of discounts..

=>>This is why you cannot do HTC bits and pieces..

you have to do it fully..
otherwise,you could look good at sometimes,
but you look green monster at certain areas,so you need to be fully perfect,,

=>>if you doing call with business owner,

you need to talk about structure,revenue..
*A client like looking for certainity in what you are saying,
it comes through the types of question ask..
Not from you by justifying you and telling me about you...
Client actually feel you know more about my business,by the types of questions ask

*When you are doing call with business owner,study and prepare,and do your
study the industry,he is gonna find out more information..
we can ask any questions related.
what business you are doing?
How much revenue are you making?
what is the biggest challenge you are facing..

=>>What prevents you from getting this faster is,too much of mask and EGO..
tonality we can see that..
Afraid to go deep,so you mask with your ego..

=>>if you don't know the answer to business owner,

you literally say,what do you mean that,we never handled that case like that,we
have handled some different cases,
let me ask you question,
have you ever encountered with these situations.,because this is something we good
at helping.This is redirect..
he doesnot bull shit that i know that,and i will do without knowing than any
business owner will find that...

=>>>**You will become at master at helping clients,clarify what they want and you
will gain revolutionary insights into the behind WHY clients buy..
*Why We need to have the idea of scale 1 to 10.?
because we need to know what we supposed to be talking about.
Within four steps,
needs,decision maker,money time..
=>>we donot talk about money unless it's 8 or 9 or 10.. before that you talk about
their needs,needs,needs, than we felt that it's 9 we can transitition about money..
ideally 9 or 10..

this is what i am talking about qualifying,interms of needs..

Most of the time you spent good chunk of time on phone talking about their needs...

=>>This is why,people watch youtube videos,copy my line,that's why it doesnot


=>>it's like you copy karate master the way he punch something,did that work>??No
because you have not gone20 years of punching bag and stone...
=>>It's very surface level, and they don't get it..
it's not deep..

=>>Unlike,it's HTC like this,it doesnot work...

=>>What SIFU teaching us is just 1% of what he knows...
=>>you need to think about how you could internalise it,or become it...

=>>what the fuck with one line,they close...

step 3::Commitment..
it's the shortest step of all 3..
=>>we never ask for the sale..because it's better to receive than beg...
don't ask for sale,they need to give sale..
three lines,use one of these..
1.What would you like to do next?

2.Where we should go from here?

3.what would you like to do?

they say yes,payment option and all

it'snot difficult...

=.>>* Prospects Lie..

Don't aleays believe what they say and take things literally..

*Meaning ,they will tell you here is problem but actually it doesnot problem.
they will tell you is urgent,but actually it's not urgent..
they will tell you i have lot of budget,but actually they diddnot..
they will tell you i have no budget,but actually they have lot of budget..

=>>Therefore,it's our job almost like an investigator and get to the truth.

when it's B2B,B2C,when prospect dancing around.. use clarifying questions..

clarifying questions...
Getting rid of smoke and mirrors...

=>>"What would it take for you i to do business with you today?

=>>"What information do you need from me inorder for us to move forward?
when vikas said grace should have used this,when vikas is i don't know,i need to
think about it..
you know vikas,what information do you need from me inorder for us to move

=>>let's bottom line this,Talking to ruby,

What has to happen inorder for us to do business today??
he wiill say i need 1,2,3..
If I give you 1,2,3,what will happen next?
he is like,although we do business..

you closed the sale..

=>>We asking the questions and the prospect is telling you what would it take to
close,we don't need to guess..

=>>Vadeem,we don't know what he is looking for,we don't know why he is here..we
don't know what is his urgent...
they gonna increase revenue,but there is something much deeper going we don't
=>>"people buy not because what you sell,they buy because they feel understood..
we have to understand them first,so they feel comfortable and move forward...

High Ticket sales secret#20.

Authoratative posture and presence
=>>Too much you are jerk..
=>>Too little you loose control..

=>>Tone it down...

=>>>we need to be 2 or 3 in authoratative and presence..

=>>Always redirect..

=>>Authority(walk away power)certainity . vs Everybody else..

*Specialist vs Genaralist.
*Ask questions VS sell
*Walk away power vs desperate for business..
vadeem when he says can i ask you one more thing and he was offering him
payment plan..
in that case it doesnot make any sense because at the end of the day 50k is 50k
=>>trait of any business owners Ruby and emerald..
because they have the ruby side to drive with business,emerald side to be
accurate with numbers...
=>>when you deal with ruby emerald they tend to ask you lot of questions,
if you donot know how to handle those questions,and redirect them and take control
back,if you cannot redirect them they will keep asking you lot of questions,drill
you the most,keep drilling..
when you expose yourself,you lost the sale...
*Inbound calling vs cold call.
*Speak with certainity vs uncertainity..

=>>Sometimes ,sifu do uncertainity(hmm,aaa) on purpose ,because i don't want to

sound too sharp..
when you too perfect,it is very easy to slick the sale..

=>>first thing eliminate the shit(umm,haa,hmmm)

if you thinking just silent..

=>>"When you call them you are sales person,when they call you ,you are expert..
we are still focusing on inbound
ideally (prospect to call us)..reason is they have distraction when you call them..

when they call us they have our attention,they are taking time to call us..

when you get little bit better,beyond bginner,you can call people and take
Out bound calling..

=>>>when a prospect emails you or PMs you,you can send them booking link..
we use hubspot,,calendly or google invite..

High Ticket sales secret#21..

The power f Reverse Psycology..

reverse psycology questions>>
*It can't be that urgent ,can it?
*it's not bad,is it?
*You don't want do this now,do you?
*(Describe their situation),what's wrong with that?
*But you are not comfortable with that,are you?
*Don't you sound excited about it,do you?
*you don't want to do this,do you?
*This may or may not be for you..
this line when we use,again lot of closers get it wrong..
this line you gotta say it like we mean it..
you cannot say it's trick,

tonality for this line is important .

This may ..may not be for you..

*We found that most people actually are not good fit,for this program although they
say they are.."
Tell me why you are different..

(When you say that line thir mind already going,why i am not fit,)..

*It's very possible that this program is not quite what you looking for?

*I don't see how this program will benefit you??

they are like i will tell you,i will show you how this program benefits me,
i will tell the reasons why this benefits for you..
you say,convience me...

=>>>"People don't buy the way into something,people buy their way out of

=>>"after bonding ,they must feel their pain or they won't way..
=>>Most of the time when you selling high ticket sales,closing conversation is not
pleasant conversation..
=>>sometimes,they are silent,sometimes they cut the phone..

=>>No pain,No sale...

=>>I don't know..

I don't know re-direct step will force the prospects to give you more information..
=>>Don't over will be aware of what you are saying..
when they ask ,do you take credit card,you say i don't's fucking

=>you act ignorant on the purpose rather than babble on aimlessly..

=>>use it as killer moves..

=>>Some times you don't use in entire conversation..
=>>Some times you use very little..

Role play..
Way to handle currency objections,,..
=>>vikas : dan ,i found this course is 3k us,but for my currency it's quite jump..
dan:you will also be making money in us dollars.
closers are making money in us you can get your BMW faster..
what should you do?
i am ready to go..

=>>Turning the advantage,

paying in US,earning in US..
you are paying once in US,but you are earning lifetime..

=>>Every dollar you make,you make 1.5 times in candian dollar..

=>>>Taking notes about mistakes from roleplay..

=>>Closing is learnable skill...

=>>Prcatice,follow the process,Trust the process,Sifu will get there...
=>>Better inch by inch...
=>>Think of yourself,you don't know what closing is,now you are known and you try
to close with questions,handling the objections...
=>>>You will get better inch by inch....

High ticket sales secret#22

Research your prospet ahead of time..

=>>If you closing bigger deals,you need to do research ahead of time..

=>>check their website..

=>>check their social media.
=>B2B linked in is your best friend..

Great Tip:You want to make the connection before the call,

go to social media and see photos,so mentally when you are talking you already have
how they look like in your mind..
=>>that reduces your fear,and you close them with connection...

=>>Every Battle is won before it's ever fought..

=>>if you prepare well,you roleplay well,you already know what's going to have,you
might also have somepin points which they didnot know,you could close them..

=>>"The bigger the deal,the more reserch you have to do'"..

=>>Sifu teach us,what he do..

High ticket sales secret#23

Take Great notes during the conversation..

=>>Don't use your keyboard to take notes..

because it sounds hurts when prospect talking...

Take notes from pen and paper..

what you have to take notes??

=>Need scale?
=>Pain points.
=>Hot buttons?
=>Possible objections..

Gem tracking form..

Pain points in vikas case..

*what if i go out of business..
*what if i cannot sustain overhead of my team..

Hot buttons(motivators)
*2 to 5 million
*Making sure it doesnot hurting harmony..

=>>Always do a value capture..

how much this sheet cost you??
1 million

=>>With this form integrates our teaching into it..

if you give normal person that form he doesnot see any value from it..

The fastest way to improve your high ticket closing skill is record your own call..

listen to it afterwards and take notes..

Dissect your own closing call..

(you won't like your own voice i guarantee it..)

when you are taking notes,

even you are taking notes,,
you need tell them,hold on,i will take my notes and my pen..

even in the middle,

you need to say,what you said can you repeat it,i need to take notes that..
it make them feel important,and it also feels you are sincere,so prospects i need
to be more attentive..

Weekly assignments
Step 1:Write a regret letter..
=>>Write a letter to your younger self..
=>>if you are 30 years old,you can write to 10 years old...
i want to tell your younger self about regrets you have in life s far.

=>>tell your younger self about the regrets you have in life so far,and apologize
for many mistakes you made and opportunities that you let pass by..
=>>your younger self doesnot have to be 10 years ago,20 years ago ,it could be 1
year ago also..
you like that's the year i want to talk to..
Have that one year you fucked up the most.
=>>Tell your younge self about the advice,lessons..

how long this should be?

the longer the ladder,the effective the ladder,and you have effective

=>>You need to go deep,when you are writing letter to your self..

=>>Knowing others is intelligence,knowing yourself is true wisdom,mastering other

is strength,mastering yourself is the true power,.if you realize that you have
enough,you are truly rich...

step 2:Re program your mind...

step 3:ask yourself these questionss every morning for 30 days..

it's need to be small small things also..
i commit to you that i drink 7 glass of water.
i commit to you that i will roleplay an hour..

=>>it builds your emotional bank account,it will help you reduces ego,it boost
confidence to closing..

step 4:Roleplay each other..

=>>The more you sweat in training,the less you bleed in combat..

=>>Doing roleplay is not loose anything,you just loose sale..

step 5:create a closing script..

=>>>Be a progressionist not perfectionist..(EMERALD)..

=>>If you want to be perfectionist,you could never be a progressionist..

=>>Don't be a procrastinator,if you want to be recognized with closer,than you

start work..
as you practice it,you will get better..

Step 6:connect with HTC family..

=>>Donot put down in any man's life,share and encourage..

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